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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

DocShuttle does way more than just connect...sm

Posted By: Old MT on 2006-05-17
In Reply to: DocShuttle System - Pat

although you need to purchase all the components. DocShuttle Administrator will let you set up separate accounts for your dictators, and set privileges for which MT's work on which accounts and do they have QA privileges. Also allows you to upload templates to the FTP site for use by all transcribers. So you have to buy Administrator for sure. DocShuttle Client is for anyone who transcribes (including yourself), it lets you download files from the ftp site. When you click on the voice file, it brings up templates that you choose from. DocShuttle Dictator is for the docs. What I like about Dictator is you can set it to work with the Olympus recorder so that when the doc docks the recorder, it automatically imports to the Olympus program, and erases the file from the recorder. Then DocShuttle Dictator can be set up to automatically, say every 4 hours, import from the Olympus program and upload new files to the ftp site and download finished files. I have found that the front desk girls can sink your account by not being able to figure out how to upload or download files. I just did an install with DocShuttle and you should have seen the doc's eyes light up when he docked his recorder and it all went automatically. Also the files stay in the local box and get uploaded to the ftp site so there's always a copy at the doc's office for back up. It also marks the files with a coded number that includes the date, dictator, etc. And at the end of the month, you can run reports that will give you MSWord data such as characters or lines to you can do a line count without opening every single file. Files can be encrypted if you want.

This program is ideal if you have more than one MT working with you. If you are working alone, they just came out with an email program that would work for just an independent contractor working at home for a doc.

Scott and his crew have worked hard on making DS very user friendly, which as I said, is a must because of the front office ladies. Their support is excellent. Just get past the first lady because she usually doesn't know what she is talking about.

one more word - MAKE SURE you purchase the Dongle. You get unlimited installs with the dongle - otherwise three installs and they want you to buy another license. email me with any more questions - I've been using DS for a few years now and am very happy with it


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I also used to connect (sm)
to a company VPN.  Each time I would connect, my keylogger program would alert me that by connecting to the VPN my Keystrokes and possibly screenshots could be monitored.  As another poster said, it is possible that a company could monitor your activity, but they probably do not have time to sort through all of this information.  I think the best solution is to have your computer protected and possibly install keylogger protection.  It is nice to know when your keystrokes will be monitored, then you have the choice to accept or not accept.
how to connect two computers
I am starting with a new company next week and have received their computer.  How do I connect this to my internet (DSL)?  My DH suggested that I would need a router which would plug into the modem and then something would go into the new computer, or something like that??  I am not too knowledgable about this type of thing.  Know how to use a computer but not sure about all that wireless stuff!!  If I need a router does anyone know what kind to get? Or what I need to know to determine what kind to get?  If anyone can advise...Thanks!!
Internet connect is bad
I have cable and upgraded to higher speed for download and upload, and it seems for every hour it works, the next is cutting in and out - worse is when I stop working the TV doesn't want to - too bad it could not connect to air -
Connect to a system via satellite
Rather than satellite, which can have "weather related" problems and so on, have you thought about a wireless connection? I am out in the country and use a wireless internet card which I got through Spring with a laptop computer. There are also companies that can put a wireless tower on your roof if need be, however, that was not an option for me so I went with the laptop and wireless internet card. I would also check to make sure that the software supports satellite or wireless. Many techs will tell you that it either does or does not.

Hope this helps.
Some companies don't really care how you connect, it all
depends on their system.   If you are thinking of working from home and can't DSL you most likely can't get WiFi either.  If you have a wireless network setup already you can use WiFi that way, but most companies will not allow for using WiFi like at Panera Bread. 
How to connect laptop to desktop sm
My desktop will not connect to the internet, no internet explorer working yet my laptop connects so if I can connect to my desktop somehow could I start up the internet that way and download internet explorer to my desktop so I will not get an error message? Confusing, I know, but I did a disk compression and I think that's how it got messed up. A system restore will now be allowed on any old dates tried. It's very frustrating.
Just connect your external keyboard and you won't know the difference.

You may want to attach an external monitor (I don't) or use a box of some kind to elevate the computer.  They have boxes at the office supply store in the computer area that have trays for storage or a place to put your keyboard and that is about the right height.  I would also suggest an external mouse.   If you need a new keyboard/mouse I'd go wireless.  If you want to be somewhat mobile, like sitting in the backyard in the shade unhooking and hooking everything up gets to be a pain and if you just want to diddle and not work you can use the laptop keyboard and not have to take the other keyboard and mouse. 

If you are used to a large monitor that is probably your biggest adjustment, the rest is fairly easy and may take some trial and error to get everything worked out. 

NO, you're off. 0.03 x 60 = 1.80 that's without a direct onesuite connect sm

I used them for years. I didn't pay any attention to their rate, above -- but it doesn't matter how fast you type. You could sit there and NOT type, and you're still paying $1.80 for every hour you're hooked up.

And by the way, there are several dictators I'm 1:1 on. Not many though!

Unless there is a network to connect to, you're out of luck.

Basically, you need to have an available network (also called hot spot) that will allow you to connect to the Internet. The card is only hardware, not the actual network.

I was told that it would connect directly - no ID needed. nm

When I connect to my computer via camera or memory

stick I have a menu come up that asks what I want to do, view, copy to  a file, etc.    Once they are in a folder you can send pictures as an attachment or copy the picture to the e-mail.   If you send as attachment when you request attachment it will ask you to search for whatever it is you want to attach, if you want to include a picture in the e-mail  right click on the picture and one of the options that comes up is to e-mail picture.  Just follow the directions. 


I connect a larger screen - having two desktops is nice. sm
Just got my laptop cooler with its built-in USB hub, so I am adding other things.

Of course, the greatest thing you can do is take your job on impromptu vacations and not have to worry about approval from the boss.
tech help, new wireless router, now can't connect to clients

I am using a wired PC with a DSL connection.  Last night I set up a new wireless router and a laptop.  I had to have Linksys help me so I know we did it how they told me.  Both computers can connect to the internet, but now on my wired PC I cannot connect to my clients.  I have one I connect to with VPN and another over the internet through Citrix.  That one I can connect to initially, but it keeps disconnecting itself.  Help anyone?

Yes. It's called a phone. Connect, dial, and record. NM
Is there a setting on the computer that causes your internet connect to time out - I cannot stay
You need an air card to connect to the Internet. Once you're connected, you can do what you norma
do.  I have Sprint PCS and like their service.  There are different plans you can choose from.  Some give you the air card if you sign up for their better plans.  Hope this helps.
If the home you're visiting has a wireless network, you can connect to that.

When you're there, let the computer search for the network and when it is recognized, connect to it. You will need to enter a passcode if it is a secured network (which it should be). You can save that confirguration to your laptop for future visits. It's really the same process as with a wireless router at home.

Now, if neither router is wireless, you can get a cable from places like Staples that will connect directly into your laptop and the back of the router. You will still need to set up the laptop as described above but, again, that configuration can be saved.

I live in a small town and we don't have Starbucks, Panera, etc., close by but the public library has a wireless network that I can connect to for free; you might want to check into that option as well.

The biggest thing you should be concerned with is that you are operating on a secure network and that information going across the network is at the very least encrypted according to HIPAA standards.

Yes, I used DocShuttle and the
Bytescribe WavPlayer together and had no problems.
Need help with DocShuttle.  It keeps freezing up on me.  Any help would be greatly apprecaited. Thanks.
Does anyone know if Express Scribe can be used to play DocShuttle client?  Thanks!
Has anyone used DocShuttle or

eShuttle?  How about Gear Player/Dictate?  Was it easy to set up/use?  Were there any problems?  I had been planning to use Express Dictate until I saw the post from yesterday where someone had problems with it.  I am also curious about WebChartMD and Voice Scribe/Doc, but their sites do not show prices.  If anyone has used either of these I would be interested in hearing about them as well. 

TIA!  Any information would be very much appreciated.

I have used this in the past. Had my doctor purchase and change over from tapes since he worked out of town and had satellite offices. I had absolutely no problems with it. Purchased an FTP site, loaded software and jumped right on it. Very easy to load, or technically just download from site, as long as you have a license.

We purchased the Dictator, Client and Administrator as well as the Olympus digital recorders. That was probably the hardest to do was get the doctor trained on the recorders. But, as far as the transcription program it worked great for me. This was about 8 years ago and the prices are still the same.
You might try DocShuttle...
They offer a complete "end-to-end" solution.  It is pretty reasonably priced.  Really good things have been said on these boards about it.  You can find it at Bytescribe.com.  Hope this helps!
I am looking for any input, good or bad, help or suggestions about Docshuttle.  I have recently purchased this program, after the trial period went fairly well with just a few bumps in the road.  The bumps all happened at the physicians' office.  On my side, the administrator and the Transcriptionist programs seem to work great.  Starting Friday, and now today, though, the upload and download counts don't seem to match on the MD's side.  They like to keep track of all their uploads numbers and make sure they match the downloads...though not sure how that works when I am sending things back in different bunches.  Anyway, this morning they downloaded all the new completed reports but when they went to print new reports there was one less to print than the download indicated.  When we compared notes, they were missing one in their document/done directories that should have been there. Same thing happened Friday, but then it was 3 reports.  I found them easy enough, but if they hadn't been keeping track, wouldn't have even known they were missing.  Does anyone else have this problem? Any solutions? I have call into support, but curious as to how others have made this program work for them...Thanks for any help.

I have had this happen occasionally. I have been using DocShuttle now for 4 years. I only have this problem with one office. It occurs when the recorders are docked in the afternoon around 5 o'clock. This office has a wireless setup and sometimes the connection is dropped, specially if it is a large upload (30+ files). My IT person says it has to do with the signal strength on their end and they need to secure it.  We compensate by having them upload in batches to make sure that all of the files come through. So far, this has been working. I am pretty sure (in my case) it is not a DocShuttle problem because none of my other offices have this problem.

Also, you may want to check the intervals that you are having them conect to the FTP site.  If they are connecting too frequently (every 10 minutes) they may be connecting when the administrator is updating or your server is refreshing/timing out. I seem to remember being cautioned about this by Bytescribe early on. This occasionally happends to me also, (same office).  This office likes to get out at 5 o'clock and often rushes to get out.   

I have never had the numbering problem. You may want to check the versions to make sure everyone is using the same version of DocShuttle. Whenever I set up a new office, I always have all of my transcriptionists and offices update their versions so we are all using the same version.

When you get through to support at Bytescribe, ask for Scott. He is excellent!

Hope this helps.


Can anyone please explain what this is?  Is it just another platform like Emdat or Escription?  Do companies usually provide it or is it something an individual MT has to purchase themselves? 


I don't like Docshuttle, but I did not have to pay

DocShuttle is an FTP file transfer program, which is pretty easy to use.  There are "glitches" with the software on occasion, but the company has made some positive changes over the years.  One nice thing about the software is that you get all of the updates for free.

DocShuttle System
How user friendly in the DocShuttle System?  Any info. would be appreciated.  How would you compare DocShuttle to DocQScribe or Webcorrect??
DocShuttle is just for connecting to FTP

It's a program for connecting to an FTP server to download voice files.  It's not a program that you transcribe in or anything.

You sure are a cheerleader for Docshuttle. Are you a rep?
I don't care really, just curious. I think Docshuttle is OK, but it is limited. TASPs are pretty much next generation, getting away from the whole FTP thing. Just my opinion
I use DocShuttle but not the call in
and I definitely would not pay for a call in TASP when the Internet does basically the same thing for free. You can either use DocShuttle Dictator to get his hand held recorded dictation up to your FTP site, or... if the front desk is savvy enough, use something like FTPsurfer which is a free FTP transfer program...you can email me if you have any more specific questions. I use both.
DocShuttle. Does it really cost $269 to get it?
Or am I looking at the wrong thing?  I'd love to apply for a position that needs this but cannot afford that big a bite in my finances.  Any help is appreciated!
DocShuttle Client
Does use DocShuttle Client?  Can I use Express Scribe or do I have to use the Wav player by Bytescribe?  I really like Express Scribe.  Does not matter either way, just wondering . . . . Thanks!
DocShuttle Client
Thanks!  Good to know!
DocShuttle question.....sm
Do you use the template feature of DS Client? If not, how do you send your reports back? I hate that DS automatically adds the voice file name to the document name. Thanks.
DocShuttle question.

OK, when a company says you have to have Docshuttle, what exactly is this?  Does this mean you have to buy the $200 or so bytescribe software?  Is it worth it?  Isn't that like paying to work for someone?  Sorry, I'm new to this and find this confusing.  I can understand needing a specific pedal or such, but why certain software to play files? 

Thank you for any advice/insight.

DocShuttle Software
I am a small service that uses DocShuttle. If you are a MT who comes to work for me you have the option of purchasing the software which is $99 without the dongle after you use the 14-day free trial version. This means you can see if you like the work and if it will fit your needs. There are other options that are made available to you when helping with using the DocShuttle software. The more experience you have on different platforms and the more software programs you are familiar with the more jobs you can command.....just a thought. I trust this helps you in some small way and that it does not come across as "snippy." It is not intended to be interpreted as such!
Might try DocShuttle by Bytescribe...

This software will do what you what.  I use it and it sures makes life easier for me!! See link. 

DocShuttle has it's problems too
There is no software that is going to be perfect....I don't suppose. Should you want more info, please email. CLAMT

Is anyone familiar with DocShuttle or Bytescribe?


Is the program user friendly?  Reliable? 

DocShuttle Program

Does anyone know anything about a program called Doc Shuttle?  If so, good or bad?  Does it have a generous line count?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

DocShuttle and EMRs
I'm just trying to find out if anyone has used DocShuttle Word files to merge with clients EMRs?  If so, how does this work?  Who pays for the interface?  Who sets it up?  Thank you!
DocShuttle ease of use

I am looking for part time work and wonder what good and/or bad anybody has experienced with the DocShuttle Transcriptionist/Client software. I have an IN-BMG foot pedal. I don't want to put out money for software and not have it work with my pedal. Can I keep my macros and expanders, do I need a special adapter? My present pedal is in the 15-pin joystick port on my computer.

Any and all comments good or bad deeply appreciated.

DocShuttle Express help please!!
How do I import a voice file sent via e-mail in into Docshuttle and play with WavPlayer.  Have never used this and can't figure it out.  Thansk for any help at all.
Question for MTSO1 regarding docshuttle.

I was just wondering what part of docshuttle is free?  I went to their web site and their fee is .20/minute (under 1,000 minutes of dictation) for the use of a 1-800 number for dictating, and then there are also start-up costs for each dictator, transcriptionist, and transcription administrator.  Isn't this the same as a TASP?

I don't mean to be rude or sarcastic, but just need clarification on the "free" part of this service. 

Even with all the start-up fees and per minute charge, is this a better option than owning your own digital dictation system where you pay for the equipment and phone lines?  I am looking into the Bytescribe Orator Pro, but am still researching my options.

TIA for your response!!

DocShuttle - yea, I know, you're all sick of me saying it but
it is the best when it comes to working with clients who are not savvy with FTP sites, etc. You can configure it with the Olympus recorders so it is ALL done automatically. Dock the recorder, and it will take the files, erase the old ones, import to DocShuttle, post to the ftp site, take off finished work from ftp site and bring back to doc. All automatically. Also DocShuttle will allow you to set parameters so that each account can only access their own folders. It has reports that will give you the line counts of all the transcription done in a month. It tracks reports and assigns names. It shows status of account, if it is being worked on or ready for QA. Now you might not need this if you are working with a single offfice. In that case I think I might just use something like FTPSurfer to send files back and forth. Email me if you want. We can talk over some different options depending on your needs.
Anyone else get told to buy DocShuttle Client, that you had a job, and sm
as soon as you buy the stupid program, you never hear from her again? 
DocShuttle is 99, but that does not include waveplayer. sm
I just purchased DocShuttle and then had to purchase the Docshuttle waveplayer because it does not include the waveplayer, that is a separate purchase.
No..that is for the whole suite of DocShuttle programs
You just want to get the DocShuttle Client program. It is $99 but that only allows you to install it 3 times, I believe. Whether you are re-installing it on the same computer after a crash, or 3 different computers or whatever...it's 3 times only and that's it. The best deal, and what I have, it the DocShuttle Client with Dongle. That is $115, but it comes with a little dongle thingie (that sounds a little funny -smile-) that you plug into a USB port. It allows you to install the program an unlimited number of times...well worth the $16 extra. Plus, if you buy the $99 version and then need the dongle later, they won't sell it to you separately and will make you buy the whole thing over again.

So, look for DocShuttle Client with Dongle...$115...and that's all you need.