I've used a product called OdoBan....I buy it at Sams but it's available at the supermarkets too. It can be used for a whole lot of odor-causing problems. I use it for pet messes, and no more smells. Maybe this would help. Good luck...I couldn't stand to smell that all day.
My niece is a product of IVF (sm)
I remember only too well my sister-in-law's tears as she and my brother-in-law (husband's brother) struggled to have their first child. Finally, they tried IVF and had their first daughter, my niece and my Godchild. She just made her First Communion a couple of weeks ago. They had two more girls after her, both through IVF. (They are 7, 5, and 3). I know those 3 little girls are so adored. Mom and dad are going to be paying that debt down for quite a while, but I know that they, and I'm sure everyone who has gone through the same, will say that it was worth it.
I would try a product called Out
It is available in both the pet care and baby care sections of Wal-Mart. I use it for pet accidents (puppy not trained yet) by pouring it directly on the spot after soaking up the spot first, allow to soak a few minutes and then blot it up -- works great that way, but I also now add it in when using my Hoover steamcleaner, and gives a fresh scent to the whole room.
Yes. This is an excellent product.
Is there product that can get a stain off a
Look for a product in the store that...sm
the scout ants will carry back to their nest(?) and eradicate the entire colony. What I used was a product that was a small, enclosed tin thing with a hole in top. It held a poisonous gel. I think there were 3 in a box. Sorry, can't remember the name. Anyway, I never saw ants in the house since using these.
What's your favorite cleaning product....sm
for say the bathrooms and kitchen? I usually use whatever is on sale and that I have a coupon for as they all seem to work about the same to me - and if I see one more advertisement that claims that something will clean without your having to scrub and not see it come true I'm going to have a hissy fit!
Armstrong makes a product
If I remember right from my linoleum days (have tile now), Armstrong makes a product that will strip the floor completely and does a great job at getting rid of any of the imbedded dirt and such so it might work on the yellow stains. Then you apply the second part which reapplies the shine to the floor. I had used it to remove embedded dirt on mine and it made it look brand newDeb Soule has an amazing product - sm
called Flea-B-Gone. She is an herbalist up in Maine, and having had a beagle (and we all know how beagles can be), I back this product up 1000%.
Here is her website
Also, use a quarter cup of lemon juice in the bath water.
Another thing to keep in mind - if you purchase a dog shampoo from a store, read the bottle. If it says to "wear gloves," DO NOT BUY IT. Think about this ... if YOU HAVE TO WEAR gloves to apply this to your animal's skin, do you really think it's safe??? Hmmmmm
Oust is a great product!
No need to worry about buying a product that
With Instant Text, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out risk-free for one full month.
For more information regarding our return policy, please see the link below.
BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- Bausch & Lomb Inc. executives are at a loss to explain why some users of its ReNu contact-lens solution have reportedly developed serious eye infections, saying Wednesday that all tests run so far have shown the product is safe and effective.
46.96, +1.35, +3.0%) resumed their move lower, dropping 7% to close at $45.61.
In a conference call held with analysts, Bausch & Lomb's management defended ReNu with MoistureLoc, a popular eye-care product used to clean, disinfect and store contact lenses.
"Every additional test indicates the formulation is as safe and effective as anything else on the market," said Ronald Zarrella, chief executive of the Rochester, N.Y.-based company.
Bausch & Lomb rattled both investors and consumers late Monday, when it announced it was suspending U.S. shipments of ReNu with MoistureLoc due to reports that some users had developed a rare but serious eye infection called fungal keratitis.
The Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration are investigating 109 reports of fungal keratitis around the nation, but they've yet to conclude that the ReNu product is a cause. It was also unclear how many of the reported cases actually involved ReNu, according to the agencies.
While allowing that ReNu could be eventually be linked to the infections, Zarrella also emphasized that all testing to date has shown ReNu with MoistureLoc was safe and effective in combating microbes that can trigger fungal keratitis.
Bausch & Lomb also has been able to test bottles of ReNu solution retrieved from infected users, but found nothing out of the ordinary, he said.
"As far as theories, there's a lot of them, and we've run a lot of them to ground and come up with nothing," said Zarrella.
Fungal keratitis is a painful inflammation of the cornea that can, in some cases, lead to blindness. The infection, caused by a fungus found in the environment, can appear as a result of eye injury, improper use of contact lenses or contaminated contact-lens products.
Zarrella said that FDA officials were currently inspecting the company's Greenville, S.C., plant, where it produces all ReNu with MoistureLoc products for the U.S. market.
Zarrella also said that the company had no insight into how long the FDA and CDC investigations will take and whether it will eventually have to recall all of ReNu with MoistureLoc products from the U.S. market. At this point, Bausch intends only to stop shipping new product to retailers, not to reclaim bottles already on store shelves.
However, retail heavyweights Wal-Mart Stores (WMT :
43.27, +0.26, +0.6%) said earlier Wednesday that they were removing the product from their shelves, pending the outcome of the regulatory investigation.
According to the company, ReNu with MoistureLoc generated U.S. sales of about $45 million in 2005.
Analysts on the call voiced concern that the product alert could end up eroding sales of Bausch & Lomb's other eye-care products, which enjoy great popularity with consumers.
Zarrella responded that Bausch & Lomb intends to immediately embark on a new marketing campaign to promote the integrity of its products, adding: "We're going to convince consumers that our products are safe and effective."
The executive also announced that it was "unlikely" that the company will file its 2005 year-end financial report, or 10-K, with the Securities and Exchange Commission by April 30. Zarrella repeatedly declined to comment during the call as to why the company wouldn't meet that deadline.
What is the best product for removal upper lip hair? I have tried Sally Hansen but not much luck. I have not tried bleaching yet because I really would prefer to have it gone! Before I spend more money, can you tell me what works for you? Thanks much.
Instant Text is an inferior product
The features they promote are confusing, aren't available if you are doing on-the-fly medical transcription, contradict each other and then when you only use it for a PRD type program, you have overpaid for it, and could have used anything else. Remember the joke when PCs first came out: "A doctor can learn to use a Macintosh in the time it takes them to get frustrated on an IBM" -- well substitute ShortHand for Macintosh and InstantText for IBM. Could we get some input from Smartype users? If Stedmans is a great resource for books, how is their speedtyping program?
i dont blame you at all. If you buy a product you should be able to use it till at least the foot p
I wonder if you can copy it from one computer and burn it on a disk so you can have a backup. I will try that and see.
Everyone markets their product that way. Like loss-leaders at supermarket.
They get people into their stores by give-away prices on one item and hope you continue shopping at their store. It is a marketing ploy everyone uses.
As far as the GE microwave Walmart ploy, if the buyer doesn't research the market to see if they can get the same GE microwave cheaper, that would be the buyer's problem not Walmart. Stupid is as stupid does and to impulse buy something like a microwave is just plain stupid and/or lazy. Think this through. Been to a sale lately at say Kohls and then saw a full-price outfit you like better than the sale outfit. What do you do? Think Kohls is horrible for doing this? Or smart marketing?
I think anti-Walmart propaganda has too far and people get caught up in it without thinking every other successful retailer uses the same marketing strategy.
I would never voluntarily give them "my" normals, my work product. SM
The nerve of these people. I heard a doc that I transcribe for call it "the product of conception."
I didn't find an 800 number, but I did find this number...
1 650-253-0000 Speaking of rip-offs, anyone have any advise on how to get back money paid for a product you never
received? I needed a Dictaphone C-phone for my job (was using a loaner) and put a note on the equipment board pertaining to this back in May. A woman contacted me stating she had one for $100 (I only needed the phone, power supply and phone cord). She said she was going away for 3 weeks and to Western Union the money to her that night and she'd send it out the next day. I did not like the high pressure and was still shopping around anyway so I told her I'd wait the 3 weeks and contact her then. About a week later she emailed me stating she cut her trip short but was going away again that Friday (It was Tuesday), I had by this time decided to buy her phone. I mailed out that day via Priority mail a M.O. for $100. She was very anxious for the money, and thought I'd sent it Express Mail, which I of course informed her I did not. She stated that it should be there by Friday and if she did not see her mail that day that she'd have her mom check the mail and then mail the C-phone to me. After 2 weeks I emailed her as I had no phone as yet, no response. A week later still no phone, emailed again, no response. Then I called her (looked it up) and she claimed her email was "broken" and she had not received my emails but would email me back as she was on her way out the door to a baseball game. I asked her how can she email me back if it was broken??? So then she backpedaled and said she'd call me.... I held my breath at that point. So the next day by some miracle I get an email from her stating her mother had mailed it regular mail, no way to track it, etc. So supposedly it is lost. I emailed her back which it appeared she did not get as she did not respond to my questions but she did email me again saying she'd return my money.....again I am holding my breath. That was 8 days ago. She is in OK, I am in VA. If she sent me a refund promptly it would have been here by now. Now when I call her, she does not pick up, and no answering machine either. I am planning now to mail her a copy of her email and my response to getting my money back. I am assuming at this point that I was taken for a sucker and was obviously too trusting. Right now I don't have $100 to burn (who does?) with my drives to the hospital (60 miles round trip) for my daughter's chemo, doctor visits, etc, on top of only making about 1/2 what I used to make due to the changes in my life right now. In the meantime I got kicked off the account for which I needed the C-phone for (add insult to injury here) due to problems at the company I was working for, so that does not sweeten my disposition any. So does anyone have any idea how I can squeeze her and get my money back? Contact the police there for fraud? Small claims court in OK? I am a persistent pain in the butt and will keep at her until I get my money back, if it is fraud then she picked the wrong person to screw with, if it is on the up and up then it is unfortunate but she should have insured it to cover her own (and mine) butt, and sent in with a delivery confirmation too....but you know what they say about hindsight. Any ideas???5HTP is a natural product that helps the body to produce Seratonin sm
in a natural way. The chemical SSRIs do it differently. But 5HTP is the closest thing to a natural antidepressant agent you can find.
You can also download (free) a product called Cool Timer from CNet.
You can set it to act like a stopwatch or to countdown time. I use it all the time and it has helped me immensely. I just have it open all the time on my toolbar. http://www.download.com/Cool-Timer/3000-2350_4-10062255.html
Wants high quality finished product at 3 cpl editing and 6-8 cpl straight typing. Also rumored she
doesnt like to pay in a timely manner. I passed..
Looking for MQ number...sm
I went through training and am supposed to start soon. I got a phone call from someone named Elaine who said something about the CHW Mercy/Memorial account and gave me a 3658 extension. I called the MQ number I have and they said there is no one there by that name or extension.
Does anyone have a phone number for this person or know how I can reach her?
If you choose to block your call by either *67 or *69 (forget which one it is) and the nunmber your dialing does not accept blocked numbers and asks you to put your number in, you can put ANY number you choose in and the call will go through.
Did'nt know that one until one of my kids (figures) told me about it. So it could be the new wave tool of solicitors/bill collectors or just other teens pulling pranks.
Number 1 through 9
I was always told to spell out anything below 10 (even at Medquist). Prior to taking my second test, a recruiter actually told me that this is a recent change and to make sure to take note of it during the test??? It is so hard to keep things straight sometimes with all the changes and conflicts. Aiyeee!!! They want your ss number
in case you decide to skip on your bill; then they can send you to a collection agency. Are they just supposed to believe because you appear with a medical card that you are covered? NOT!
age is only a number
I am 43 and am trying to get into a CNA program through a local nursing home. I took care of my mother-in-law for 8 years before passing away in Januarey of this year. After doing this I have realized that I want to this instead of typing the reports. Go for it. I am. Good luck!!!
Telephone Number ...sm
The number you gave below for Detective Joe Rodriquez is not working...sounds like a fax line...please advise? TIA
What's the tech number?
What's the tech number?
Number pad.......try rebooting. nm
Sleep Number Bed
We've had the Select Comfort Sleep Number Bed for several years now and it definitely is the most comfortable bed. We had a water bed for years and years and love it too. The one down side to the Sleep Number bed after having a water bed is that when you crawl into it on a cold nite it is COLD. We don't have an electric blanket. The water bed was always like climbing into a nest! But I would HIGHLY recommend a Select Comfort bed. Paul Harvey and Rush Limbash both advertise them on their shows. After having the bed for a couple years our house took a lightning strike and it blew out the air pump. We called them and they send another pump at no charge. That was very nice.
What on earth is the 100 number
an no one ever answers?
Number vun, eet ees . . . peerrriod sm
Oh, gawd, I really hate the ones who barely speak English. All I can do is type the words and then go back and try to figure out what they're trying to say. Verbatim my #%@!
Number one producer
I have just put in 19,000 lines for 8.5 days on top of being team leader for two accounts. I am number one.
Her background? I cannot name the number of
Master-degreed nurses I have worked with and done transcription for who are not able to annunciate or spell terminology and medications, etc. When I would ask them about their dictation, they wouldn't even know what they were reading off on simple radiology and lab reports, etc. It was shocking.
Her "background" does not necessarily give her what she needs. Whether she needs to make haste on an MT school/course depends truly on how competent of a student she was in her nursing studies.
so please take a number...*lolol*...nm
I looked into it and our number is still
registered as do not call, has been since 2003, but (and I did not know this part) it expires in 2010. I am glad I saw that. Thanks again!!
luv my sleep number bed!!!
we have a king size, plenty of room and comfort for me, hubby, and our zoo of animals!
Does anyone own a sleep number bed and if so, do you like it? Thx
If you have a contact number, and you really
want the job, you may want to try that avenue. You can try to come off on the phone like you were just following up and being quite honest about it state that you intent is to be of bother, but you would love to join their team and help with the "new" account. Sometimes I think the companies looking get so involved with recruiting that they can get lost in that for a time. If it is clinic work, I have noticed that pretty much weekends do not really count, so I would try to stick to Monday-Friday as far as communications with them. Acute care accounts are a little different, I think, in that regard, as they are more apt to communicate on weekends since they usually require staffing as such. I hope this makes sense. Good luck in your endeavors.