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Dishonest QA

Posted By: Typingforpennies on 2007-02-01
In Reply to: to be honest... - AzMT

I think you are correct in your thinking. I have only been at this type of work for a little over 2 years, but I have noticed the same thing. I don't mind being told I did wrong when I actually do wrong, but I cannot keep quiet when faulted for something I did right.

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    Dishonest, that is.
    Dishonest QA
    I have printed copies. I used my printed copy from my PC to compare with the "corrected" one that went through QA. The word I supposedly spelled incorrectly isn't spelled that way on my copy. I went above QA before and it did no good. I sort of think this person may be the "head" of QA and is on some ego trip.
    It is also dishonest and believe me, they DO know the difference--sm
    I know many doctors who have their staff basically QA the returned dictations and look for both errors and line count irregularities. I know two specifically in the accounts that I have that do this on a daily basis. I would no more *cheat* these doctors any more than I would try to *cheat* the IRS. Please do NOT take the advice from this person!!!
    Why do you assume she is the dishonest one???
    Tell me why you think she is the dishonest one -- unless you are posting for the present board. 
    If AAMT and its dishonest 'advocacy' had never existed,
    They've turned MT into nothing more than exploited, sweatshop labor.

    They shouldn't be allowed to do business in this country.

    But the climate in the US has definitely begun to change since all this economic crisis B.S. started coming to light, and very likely the healthcare industry is going to get a thorough shaking-out, as well. I believe the time was never better for MTs across the country to start talking, writing, and making their voices heard in Washington that we want these AHDI people investigated, and hopefully prosecuted.
    Technology has made it so much easier for dishonest people to
    take advantage of others. On the internet you can be Miss America, you can be a millionaire, you can be a movie star, you can be anything you want to tell people you are and these services are a breeding ground for people like this.

    No thanks.

    I'll size people up in person, at face value like anyone should who has nothing to hide.

    Normal people don't have to resort to hiding themselves behind a monitor.