Digital Voice Recorder
Posted By: EMTE on 2005-11-10
In Reply to: What digital voice recorder would you - recommend to your doctors? (nm) has a bunch of choices and they all come with the software to transfer the files. The software can also be configured to return the documents too.
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What digital voice recorder would you
Digital Recorder
If doc has a digital recorder what software does he need to download dictations via internet to my end? I am still trying to figure this out - Express Scribe did not work. The work I have received from him is through Media Player and I am unable to use my footpedal.
digital recorder
I have Gearplayer through That pretty much plays any voice file that comes through. It is great!
Digital Recorder
Is anyone using the Olympus DS-30 for physician transcription. I am looking to purchase one for a doctor and would like some feedback. Thanks!
digital recorder help.....please
I am in the process of setting up a large group of drs with digital recorders. They don't want to spend too much money on the units. I was looking into Sony or Olympus. I actually have a Sony (only cost 60.00), but it will only let you email the files. I need to find one that can upload to an FTP site because there are 15 drs, I know it will be too much for an email acct to handle. I have been researching and asking at stores and web sites, but people are totally clueless about their products.
Thanks for any help, I really appreciate it
Digital recorder
Can anyone recommend a good digital voice recorder with MP3 playback?
tell him to get a hand digital recorder.--sm
he can dictate into that as he makes his rounds and not have to have someone follow him around with a laptop (what does he want, a personal assistant?) and if he does not want to take the time to download the files to a PC, he can have one of his lackies do it for him. no big deal to push a button and least in my mind. but spoiled gets what spoiled wants...good luck.
Does anyone use the Olympus WS-100 digital recorder? sm
Have to buy this, and was wondering if there is some way for the voice files to automatically be transferred to a folder. It says it doesn't come with software that does this.
If there is a software that automatically does this or if I can set up system where it does this when it recognizes unit, please advise. Thanks.
Tapes and digital recorder
I courier for the tapes, the digital files I recieve by email, encrypted of course.
Could it be from the "source" (digital recorder) and not
related to a problem with Express Scribe? Just a thought.
Olympus Digital Recorder
Not sure about the DS-30, but we bought a DS-50 for one of my doctors. I believe it cost approx $250. Sound quality is excellent. I do not think it was too difficult of him to set it up on his end. I use the AS4000 Transcription Kit and it works very well.
Need help with choosing new digital recorder
My account is looking to buy new digital voice recorders. What they are currently using is discontinued.
They would prefer to buy one at a local office store where they can actually see it and try it. Price isn't too big of an issue, but ease of use definitely is and clarity a must for me. I will encourage them to buy online if needed, though.
If anyone has any recommendations, I would really appreciate it.
I still record but not onto tapes.. onto a digital recorder. sm
I use a skutch box hook up to the phone and recorder. Make sure you're muting out room noise, a speakerphone and mute button do the trick quite nicely.
Can you help me figure out this digital recorder for my friend?
Her doc wants her to transcribe and he records on an Olympus digital voice recorder. When I look up the specific model she said he has, it's this My questions are this? What does she need to be able to do this work? She has a .wav pedal. I don't do this type of stuff working with these particular types of voice files from a single recorder so I'm just trying to help here. Right now he's given her JUST his little recorder to transcribe from until his software comes in (had to reorder it). He thinks she should be able to load the software onto HER computer and be good to go. Is that so? So right now she either awaits the software or has to sit and transcribe from his recorder w/o any headphones or foot pedals (which will be painstaking, LOL). Am I right? Any thoughts are appreciated.
Hand-held digital recorder
No, you have it all wrong. I need the hand-held recorder in order to dictate passages for a novel to be transcribed at a later date/point in time. I have the player software, but need a hand-held recorder.
Hand-held digital recorder question
Thinking about purchasing a digital recorders to give my doctors the option of using. Which has the best quality of sound and easiest to use? Also, need an FTP site information.
Digital Recorder versus Call-in system
I have a friend from church who is a physical therapist and she still uses the tape recorders for dictation (about 10-15 therapists). I would like to try to obtain their transcription account and offer them a better way to dictate. I currently have 1 account of my own who uses an Olympus digital recorder and I also work for a company that uses a call-in system. Does anyone know anything about a call-in system, such as obtaining it for a business? Or do you think it would be cheaper in the long run to offer the digital recorders to each of the dictating therapists in return for their dictation? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Instead of a call-in system, why not use a handheld digital recorder?
The sound quality is much better, the recorders are very affordable and you can use FTP to transfer files both directions.
Is there a reasonably priced digital recorder with a memory card/stick out there
that works well for transcription? I've been trying to research them and find Olympus has some, but pricey. The Sony's are less expensive, but they have proprietary software where you have to convert all your files to a format you can use, and I'm not sue I'd know how to do that. I just need a decent digital recorder for one doc to use and I'd like a memory card/stick so I can just stop in and swap out the cards to get the dictation. Does anyone know of one that doesn't cost hundreds? Or have a better suggestion for how to do just one doctor's dictation digitally? I don't need one with all the mailboxes/authors, etc., since it's only one doctor. Thank you!
DVI stands for Digital Voice something, I
can't remember. I use this system. My company provided my foot pedal/software. I think the company has to provide the software, as I've never seen a single user software available. Foot pedal will be $60-$80 depending on where you get it, may be able to find on e-bay cheaper.
Do a Google search for DVI compatible foot pedal. I don't recommend
Digital Voice voicewave player
Is anyone familar with the digital voice voicewave player? Do you have any idea of the pricing for software and license? I got a quote and was blown away. Just wanted to check that it is correct.
Dictation Digital Voice question
I need some assistance, please. Could someone tell me which transcription units are compatible with Dictaphone Digital Voice? Thanks!
question about .dss and digital voice editor 2
I have digital voice Editor 2 and I have no problems using wav files or mp3 files on it. But I do not know how to get .dss files to work on it. Does anyone else use digital voice editor 2 for freelance work and if so, how do you get .dss files to work?
Or maybe just a general question, what program can I get to be able to use .dss files.
Thanks in advance
Digital Voice Editor & Vista
Me again! This time I installed the disk (Sony DVE v.2.4.04) and got an error message on my new computer with Vista. I need this to hear the sound on voice files for a client I work for.... I feel like a Pioneer with Vista and transcription! Anyone else have this and found a solution?
Update: I went ahead and bought Office 2007 as I need Word to transcribe and also use Excel to keep track of lines and my college son needs Powerpoint! Thanks for the help!
digital voice transcription info
I am looking for information on how to do something. I local doctor's office said that they use a handheld digital recorder and then the doctor downloads the file onto the computer and then emails it to the transcriptionist. HAs anybody done anything like this and what do I need to do this. What software, is there free software. Any information would be very helpful.
Thank you,
I have Start Stop digital voice player--sm
and Spyware Doctor, as well. I have never had any conflicts between the two, and I really do not see why one would interfere with the other. although, I do not leave Spyware Doctor on all the time. I leave it off while I am working, as it did tend to slow things down a bit, but I never had any problems with it. I do run a nightly scan with Spyware Doctor though. I would be careful of other Spyware programs. I have had others that claim to remove spyware from your computer but actually do absolutely nothing. I believe the one I am thinking of is Spyware Eliminator, but I am not sure right off the top of my head. Good luck.
My digital voice player converts files to be --sm
able to be played. it sounds like your voice player does not. Maybe either you or she needs to save the file as a wav file first, prior to playing. either that, or try downloading the express scribe player, which is free, and try to play it with that. If that plays, then it is your voice player which is not compatible with the files she is sending you. good luck.
Start n' Stop digital voice player...which is what i use..nm
digital phoneline with Lanier voice writer
I recently had my unlimited long distance suspended because of the time I was putting in on the lanier voice writer. I as going to switch to digital through the cable company with a data line added for access to dial tone. Does anyone have any suggestions good or bad on the digital phone line used with the LAnier voicewriter. Please let me know.
Thank, Lisa
Looking for Software to Organize Digital Voice Files
Anyone know of good software that can take my digital voice files and organize them so I can keep track of which worker is working on which doctor, keep an eye on turnaround time, etc. -- instead of making endless folders on the computer myself. Voice files are separate from the typed reports, which are done in Word. Thank you.
Lanier station w/Comcast digital voice
Will this work? A couple of years ago I tried a Lanier with Vonage and it didn't. I don't want to go through the setup trouble only to be disappointed again. I really need more minutes than my 5000 per month with Qwest. Has the technology changed to make the Lanier compatible with internet phone service? Thanks if you can help me.
Any way to transfer microcasettes to digital voice files? (sm)
I'll be using a subcontractor and rather than picking up and delivering tapes, is there a way for me to transfer dictation from tapes to voice files that she can transcribe using express scribe?
Do they make such a machine?
Digital Voice Editor or Express Scribe - question
I have been using my Sony Digital Voice Editor for transcription, and it is over 2 years old and the foot pedal is just clunking out. It seems that I cannot just reorder a new foot pedal, but I have to buy the whole kit at $149.00.
So my question is this - what are the benefits of transcribing with Express Scribe, other than cost is probably just the foot pedal and free download? Am I able to divide up long files on Express Scribe and perhaps "share" them with other transcriptionists? What are the downs to having Express Scribe?
I am looking for recommendations for a FTP site to retrieve digital voice files. sm
Can you tell me what site you use, how much it costs, etc.? Any info appreciated!
Converting voice files to digital files
I have a Voice Solutions dictation system that will happily convert DS4000 voice files to digital when they are downloaded (wave files). However, it will not recognize any other files for conversion. I had a physician download .WAM files from his DS-30 and my dictation system would not convert it. Anyone have any suggestions? I would greatly appreciate any input.
I do tapes and digital. And I was told if I'm not logged into the digital system, they assume I&
BUT she wants me logged into the system by 9:30 a.m. So I'm confused too. I've decided that I may come back to her and just say I'm not going to do the tapes anymore. I hate the tapes anyway. The voice quality is horrible, it fades in and out. It takes me twice as long to transcribe their tapes than the digital.
Should be voice to voice (talking), not transcribing. nm
Would be willing to pay for doc's recorder but sm
Don't know how to get this thing going. Do not know how you get their dictation to come through your computer. What if they do not dock it correctly and it gets lost forever? I don't understand how it gets from their office to your computer. I know it's a competitive world, but anyone willing to share? I know how the big companies do it, but the little docs with their hand held digital recorder, how do they do it and how do you get it without losing it? Once it leaves them can it get "lost" totally! SCARED!
I have over 20 docs using the Olympus DS-4000. A bit pricey at about $450 -- but ease/transition of use is minimal and voice quality is outstanding. Most started with the cheapies from Staples or Office Max, but so many recording errors, maxed out internal memory, lost files, etc, they eventually all converted to the Olympus. Good luck!
Olympus DM-1 recorder
Please email me and I'll send a detailed description.
The recorder will not do that for you automatically.
You will need a software program to do that. I am not sure but I thought that the very high-end Olympus recorders could be set up to do that but you'll have to check on that. Check the Olympus site link below.
Bytescribe has a package that uploads/downloads but it my be beyond your $$. Also check with some of the other vendors who advertise here like GearPlayer. Search this site for some other ideas as well.
Dictation recorder
Would any of you have an old dictation recorder (digital) or know where I could pick one up at a discount? It is needed for someone to record a book - load onto a PC and then have transcribed. It must work with Express Scribe player. Thanks!
Something is wrong with HIS
It is on HIS end most likely, he may need to change batteries or may be in need of a new recorder altogether.
Anyone using an Olympus recorder . . . see msg
The ending of each recording is cut off. Has this happened to anyone else, and what went wrong? TIA
ruled out source recorder as well...
I have used EP for .dvf files for quite some time now and even when I open previously transcribed .dvf voice files, which played at normal speed when I transcribed them months ago using the same version of EP, they now play too fast, just like the more recently dictated .dvf files I've received. So, it does not appear to be a problem with the source recorder. Keep in mind that all other files (.dss and .wav) still play correctly. I am only experiencing the problem with .dvf files.
These are all good thoughts, but believe me, I've tried everything I can think of, and I think it's something much more involved. There is a corrupt file or codec or something possibly, but I don't now how to identify the problem at this point.
I have gone through the Express Scribe user forum and have seen several posting made over the past couple of years regarding the same type of situation, but have not found a remedy for it in those postings. No tech support available for free version, so I'm out of luck there too.
I have an urgent question regarding Olympus DS2 recorder...SM please
I have a new account and the office manager called me because the doc is off who usually uploads their DSS files to my site. I'm not familiar with this process and am wondering if anyone can help. The office manager got directions from the doctor before he left, but I believe she is missing one step. These are the directions she has.
Plug in the recorder with the USB attachment, make sure the recorder is on, go to the Olympus program, highlight and drag over the DSS file to my site. Well, the problem is that she can find the voice file. It seems like the file is not uploading from the recorder to their computer.
Is this something that is done automatically or do you have to manually upload the voice file, name it, and save it to their computer? It doesn't seem right to me that you would just plug the recorder in and it automatically uploads, names the file, and saves it. Maybe I'm wrong.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Doc left recorder on...196 minutes grrrr
ah yes, the hand-held recorder is portable.
Need help with handheld recorder file transfer. sm
Doctor is using a unit that has a USB port. Need easy way for OM to copy files into a directory, preferably with the day's date. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Two questions: 1) What hand-held recorder do
voice files from their recorder to an FTP site or whatever to be transcribed? Does the doctor merely have to set his recorder on a docking station and the files are automatically transferred? I've only had doctors calling in by phone in the past, never using hand-helds.
I've seen hand-helds for $100 and also for $500. Just wanting a recommendation for a good recorder that is very easy for the doctor to use. If it's not easier than calling in, he won't go for it.
CHEAP recorder, awesome sound!
My doctor uses an Olympus ws110, which he paid less than $70.00 for. He dictates, it comes apart and has a USB connector inside. It plugs into his computer, he downloads the dictations, and he e-mails them to me. I type them, e-mail them back. You can get digital signatures in e-mail for around $20 each (one for you, one for her) and no one can open the e-mails but you two. I love the whole set up! Best of luck to you.