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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Did any of you not get paid by a trans. company?

Posted By: Hello on 2006-09-19
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This transcription company that I might work for says if you don't maintain 98% accuracy or higher for three consecutive work days, you won't get paid for those days that you don't maintain the 98% accuracy rate.

Has that ever happened to any of you?  Do you think it's a bad situation to get involved in?

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What harm is it to the company for another trans to know
what accounts they have? I know what account a lot of trans work on for other companies! I am another one who doesn't see what everyone is fussing about. It's not like hearing that hospital's name is going to send another transcription company after their work - everyone already knows that they have to have transcription so it's no big secret that SOMEONE is doing it???
Has anyone heard of the company Trans-Scribe out of New Jersey
If so, any pro's or con's
if mt paid 9, editor paid 4 or 5...how can company charge 14 and make it..sm

I know the going rate in our area is 14 cents per line.  As MTs most companies here pay us 8 or 9 cents a line.  Now add in the Editor rate at 4 or 5 per line..you are paying OUT more than you can charge a line.  How would companies stay in biz?

Unless all work is sent by the company overseas at pennies per line, this would not pay for a company.

just curious how this works out

Does the company get paid for the
templates? If they get paid for the lines, so should you. There are a few templates where I work and they pay for them. Why do them for nothing? Actually, you do them for less than nothing as you are losing money if they take away the lines.

To answer your question, if you are doing a lot of templates which take your time and then they subtract the templates, no, in my opinion, you don't make it up by typing for a company that only pays average, which generally means poor.

Not all QA is paid per line. My company pays
per hour and pays VERY well.
I work for a company that uses templates and we get paid for them. nm
you didn't ask me, but email me and i will tell you what company i get paid for doing logs with..
For QA consulting I'm paid per hour; QA instructing (college) paid salary, QA editing paid per li
I am an IC and work for two different MTSOs as well as instruct at a business college.
If you search the posts, I think the Company board, you will find that the monies paid to AAMT

for CMT/RMT cerifications are being used to offer "India" rates to workers in India to test for their CMT/RMT cerifications. I REFUSE TO BELONG TO SAID ORGANIZATION AND I WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE MY HARD-EARNED FUNDS TO HELPING INDIANS GET CREDENTIALED.

Re: AMA Trans
Hi. I also did their mentoring program, but after 7 months, I found my own part time IC job. They called me one time to offer me a hospital position, and asked if I was interested in it. I never heard anything more about it after that, and passed up a couple of good opportunities elswhere while waiting. I eventually gave up and found two part time IC jobs on my own. The only thing I got from them was experience, I suppose. I think alot of it depends on how well they like you. Also, with the $400 I spent, what was included was a digital voice player, etc. I ended up replacing it because when i wanted a foot pedal, nothing was compatible with their software. They are affiliated with Opportunity Software, who tends to charge more than anyone else for a similar product, just to be compatible with their products. Make your own determinations, I guess, about whether it is a scam or not, I just know that they didn't do a whole lot for me, other than give me some experience. Good Luck.
trans tec
thanks, sue
old trans
RU4 real USA?

79 Trans Am
e trans plus
Does anyone have any information or opinions on this company?  I am considering a position with them.  I searched the archives, but the postings are all old.
A. I strongly discouraged anyone I meet who has signed up for any kind of program at the community colleges or elsewhere who wants to learn transcription. It's really distressing to see people pay their hard earned money for training in a field that is virtually in the toilet. I find myself making 1/2 of what I was making 10 years ago as an MT with no benefits and 50% more grief.
Anybody do chiropractic trans?...
Have only done radiology before...was wondering if, with this background, would it be possible to break into working for local chiro's or if totally different type of work.  Anybody having done this type of transcription before with any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
chiro trans
Yes, I do several.  Not overly difficult.  You must absolutely know your anatomy, and there are several "maneuvers" and tests that you need to know.  If you have a Stedman's Ortho book, you should be fine. 
California trans
Yes, they are a great company.
med trans student
Please consider starting with something ultra-stodgy and respectable... like a large teaching hospital or a university. the larger, the better. You will need this kind of atmosphere for learing, and exchange of ideas. Once you've been there a few years, you will know your field better, and the +/- situations around you about other companies. You will know a WHOLE lot more about what you want to do with your time, and your career. Let them pay you, teach you, give you days off and benefits, and then from tht position of SECURITY, you make better decisions.
Med Trans Schools?
Hello!  Hoping that someone may be able to provide some guidance.  I am looking at starting school in about 1 month, but trying to determine if distance or class room learning would be best.  And how difficult is it to get started in the field?  Any assistance that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Med Trans Schools?
I did distance learning through a community college for all of my courses, it was the only way I could even go to college with a job and family to tend to. I got just as good an education as some one who sat in class three times a week. However, you must be self disiplined to be able to set aside your own time to work and study. You also have to have a Proctor site, somewhere to go take test. You local community college should be where you go through for that. I also heard some libraries and schools participate too.
psych Trans
I did psychiatric years ago at a psych hospital before there were line counts and we were paid by the line. However I do remember that even the ESLs were somewhat repetitive. I don't know a lot about Expanders as I didn't learn with them, but from what I understand, they may be instrumental in helping you all making this line count. I would think that you should get the same line count as the rest of the company and it is unfair for them to make you get 500 more. Psych is sometimes considered easier in terminology, but on the other hand I found the reports to be very much longer. An op could be done much quicker. They should treat you all the same. I don't do radiology so I don't know why they have so much more, but this whole thing seems a little unfair to me.
cambridge trans
I tested at cambridge transcription and realized very quickly I hated legal transcription. However, I think they are a good company you can find them on the web. I think they also do corporate transcription, not sure what that's about.
There's several different "Global Trans"...
do you mean Global Transcription Services out of Davie, FL?

If so...I'd highly recommend them. There always seems to be work and the owner always pays on time (sometimes early).
can you work for two different trans. companies?
Does anyone have a phone # for Trans Tech in TN?
Rad trans in central NC city - $16.40/hr
but with 16 years' experience in acute care and radiology
It doesn't have to do w/ medical trans - SM
That's why this is the general board. Smoking and dinner message don't have anything to do w/ trans either. You ARE allowed to skip over posts that you aren't interested in instead of being sarcastic. :)
Trans Tech Definitely the Best Choice
I cannot say enough good about this company. I previously had a horrible horrible job, dealing with the most hostile and unfriendly backstabbing managerial staff. Oh well, paycheck not there, well it must be your banks fault. Total lack of respect, incompetence to name a few, and could care less if your 6 feet under. Glad I made the change. I was miserable. So happy to be at a place where your happiness counts for something. Go for it!
Doctor office trans
Probably smaller companies is what you want to look for instead of large nationals.  Have you looked in your local newspaper?  How about approaching a few docs on your own?  I've done that before and did overflow for them. 
Global Trans in Florida

I posted this on the company forum, but no one replied.  I thought maybe it was overlooked.  Does any work for or know anything about Global Transcription in Florida?  Thanks a bunch

Are you sure you're not talking about e-Trans Plus? e-Tranz

e-Tranz does not offer benefits and have no employees, all ICs. 

The owner has a habit of not paying the NEW MTs whom she hires just to get back into TAT but then does not to pay them.  I was an MT for that company, and it was an awful and terribly stressful experience, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. When I would email her (at first) and practically plead with her to pay me, she shot back some very sadistic and unprofessional emails, sounding as if she was getting joy from what she was doing.  It was the worst experience I'd ever had with any MTSO.  She blocked my emails, and I couldn't ever reach her by phone. 

She ended up paying me eventually after 2 months had passed since that last invoice, but that was only after I informed her via a third party that I would definitely be paying her a visit in person for a little face-to-face, one-on-one "discussion" about our little problem.

Please, please don't ever work there, especially if you live paycheck to paycheck and need that money to survive each month.

Any info on CTS central trans. serv.??

Can't find anything in archives.  You have to reveal so much with these companies so would like to know about your experiences with them.


On job board "New World Trans" ...I am wondering
firstly what kind of company they are when they cannot spell the word "pedal"  correctly and also 7 cents CAD??? What is the CAD?  Something fishy about his ad.
Desperately seeking psych trans job from home
Does anyone know of any companies who are in need of transcriptionists for psych? I am available immediately. Please reply asap!
If insurance is your primary concern, then Trans Tech may not be an option for you.
The family insurance is horrid, over $1200 a month I believe, and the single coverage would have cost me $300 a month. I had to pass on the job due to this. I would be working just for the insurance.
Medical trans versus credit cards, what I had happen
I have a credit card for a department store who has a bank (a big famous band, by the way collect for them). I always pay online, but I have had trouble with this bank in the past. I couldn't get online to pay so my payment was late. They had someone call me from overseas, he would not tell me where but wanted to collect my payment over the phone (I had already by them paid through my bank bill payer). He wanted my address, telephohne #(which he had, he called me), my banking information to collect the payment). I said no way, how do I even know you work for this bank and I can hardly understand you and dohn't want my personal information overseas. He stated, "what do you care, I don't even live in the united States." Duh, what did that mean.

So, what I am saying is, he already had my information, he just wanted me to verify it and he probably did work for the bank but I really resented them sending my financial information overseas and have somebody in another country want to collect a payment out of my bank account. The bank did not have my account # though.

But.... what is happening is like with these kids taking guns to school, we get so desensitized by TV with so many cops and robbers, knowing creditors will be calling if we forget or don't make a payment, we just blurt it out. I don't anymore just because of knowing what can happen. This guy could have cleared out my bank account and what legal means would the bank have to prosecute someone overseas? Fire him? I won't even give this bank my account # because they want to charge 10.00 over the phone but it is free on line so I refuse to pay them over the phone, so they do this.

Big business can pay for the lobbyists on Capitol Hill, big, big bucks to get legislature for them to be able to do business overseas and save tons of money. Our president is one of the biggest helpers to this. I'll bet his records don't go overseas.
Couldn't open it but is this the one with music by the Trans-Siberian orchestra, the house? sm
If it is, it is totally awesome and I know I have saved it in my computer at home. I am not on my computer right now so can't view what you posted.
But how much are the US EDs gonna be paid? Typically this work is paid at 2-3 cpl. nm
You don't get paid an hourly rate you get paid by line - sm
so because of how you are paid (not an hourly rate) you don't get OT, especially if you are an IC.
I would move on. I think it is so unfair not to be paid for spaces! I think we should get paid

per keystroke, but that'll never happen.  I just think that these national companies are going to keep finding ways to cheat us.  I found a job working for a hospital as an employee, paid hourly plus incentive, and they let us expand everything!  Somebody's gonna have to kill me to make me give up this job.  I will never go back to the national's again.

I feel for you though.  I know that for us MTs those good jobs are few and far between and some have little choice but to work for the nationals.  I just happened to luck into the job I have now.  I just applied at the right time. 

Good luck to you whatever you decide.

If those companies paid a fair wage, and paid more
all came out equal, people wouldn't feel the need to try to make up the deficit by going for the good stuff. I actually prefer the harder, juicier reports. But I can't make a living doing only that, because the pay is not commensurate with the difficulty. So even though I prefer not to, sometimes I have to pick up some of the easier, more boring 'line-o-matic' reports just to make ends meet. Tell your MTSO to make it work their while, and MTs will stop taking all the easy work away that you obviously would prefer to keep for yourself.
You wont show UE being paid because it is employer paid -
the employee will never have to pay this.
If co is Trans*m stay away! Do search for co info before making a decision about unpaid training
What you "should" be paid and what you "are" paid

sadly are two very different things.  Good luck on demanding more..because someone else will just come along and take it for what they offer and they know it. 

10$ late if invoice is not paid within 10 days. At day 15 work stops until invoice is paid. Hardly
What Company is This? I have been hired by a company that is sending a foot pedal.. Don't want t
The company cutting cpl, the company stopping paying for headers
Good of the company? As IC, I am my own company. Not my problem if she has problems as long as I do
Accepted a job with a new company, gave two weeks notice to my old company..

Old company, let me go before two weeks was up.  New company, said they were having trouble getting me set up and my equipment ready, but they would pay me while I waited.  It's been a month, still no check from new company even though I was told it was "in the mail."  I have no income and am at a loss. 

I have a signed offer letter from the new company, contracts, etc.  I applied for unemployment, but old company is saying I quit and technically I am currently employed with the new company!  New company is not returning calls or answering email.

What should I do!?!?!?!

I started sending my resume out today, but the process of getting a new job will take at least two weeks and I need money now to catch up on what I'm behind!