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Did Qwest cut you off?

Posted By: Wondering on 2006-01-20
In Reply to: They will... - It's a matter of time!

Have you been cut off by Qwest?  Just got cut off by AT&T and need to switch.

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Qwest LD

I have news for you, they are monitoring all long distance accounts, even the small business acounts and if you go over 3000 minutes per month (fine print) they will sent you a nasty lette, attempt to recoup all the past charges that should have applied and then switch you to their large business acount and for around 6500-7000 a month it ends up over $400.00 a month.

I don't know about her, but Qwest
I was using about 7500 minutes a month.
If you have Qwest where you live, call them now. I have used them for unlimited (no limits!) LD for 8 years. It's a flat $39.99 a month. Before I found them, I did the AT&T/MCI run around, too. The cable LD is a great suggestion, too! Good luck!
Anyone using Qwest DSL?
Looks like DSL will finally be available to me in the near future (am using a pretty reliable satellite right now) - don't know the speeds available yet, 1.5 mbps will be minimum. Anyway, wondering if anybody can attest to reliability, speed, etc. They want a 2-year commitment, of course....  TIA!
I have Qwest DSL
I love it! I've never had downtime.  My husband, who has Mediacom cable internet/telephone/TV has had downtime, which is why, when I married him, I kept my DSL.  Its dependable, more so than a cable company through the digital Television companies.  When I moved in with him, I didn't do anything more than move a few houses down on the same block, and the Internet speed doubled for free.  I was thrown for a loop on how a few feet difference made the availability for even faster Internet connection possible, but I'm not complaining!  He loves it so much, that he will use my computer before he uses his.
Qwest never bothers me
I use Qwest - $25 a month. nm
Question about Qwest.
Do you happen to have the residential "Choice Unlimited" plan that actually has a limit of 5000 minutes per month? (That's less than 20 hours a week.) Have you ever gone over that limit and if so did they do anything about it?

Qwest kicked me off
Look at the fine print. Their "unlimited" is just like everyone else - only unlimited if you can prove you are using it for person-to-person calls. They kicked me off.
I checked into Qwest, but the fine print says if you use more than 5000 min per month, it will .. sm
be reviewed.  Their business rate is per line, and comes out to $500 monthly.  That's the problem with my current company. I figure I'll be using at least 10,000 mins per month.  Can't get Verizon here.  Any other suggestions?  TIA.