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Dell's support center

Posted By: MTness on 2005-11-05
In Reply to: Thanks for the sites. I have a question... - TM

Dell provides technical support from their American staff only to CORPORATE clients, all others, like you and me, we get INDIA.

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Dell support
I guess I've been lucky when I've had to call them. I always speak to an "Americanized" accent. Believe me, if I get someone I can't understand, I complain and gripe until someone comes on that I CAN understand, after all, I'M the customer :-)
Dell Tech Support
I was actually on the phone with them for about 2 hours today trying to get my internet going. I could barely understand the first lady who was "trying" to help me, and she ended up messing me up. I ended up calling back to see if I could get someone who knew what they were doing. This time a got a really nice guy, very helpful, straightened everything out for me. I guess it depends on who you get.
Dell offering support based in N. America

By Peter Whoriskey

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 11, 2008; Page D01

If you prefer a customer service agent who speaks "American," then computer maker Dell has a deal for you.

Catering to consumers put off by the accents of Bangalore, Manila and other call-center hubs around the globe, Dell will guarantee -- for a price -- that the person who picks up the phone on a support call will be, as company ads mention in bold text, "based in North America."

The Your Tech Team service, with agents in the United States, costs $12.95 a month for customers with a Dell account, or $99 a year for people who buy a new computer. It also promises that wait times will average two minutes or less. Without the upgrade, a customer is likely to get technical help from someone in India, the Philippines or the other places where Dell has operators.

By charging customers extra for a North American voice, Dell's program represents a novel strategy for easing the strains of globalization while maintaining profit, industry officials said.

Occasionally, "we've heard from customers that it's hard to understand a particular accent and that they couldn't understand the instructions they were getting," said Dell spokesman Bob Kaufman. "This illustrates Dell's commitment to customer choice."

for complete article:


I have both a Dell Latitude Laptop and a Dell Dimension desk top PC and bought both...
off of Ebay.  The laptop I paid $300 for had Windows XP and works great.  It wasn't wireless, but they sent me a PCI card with it and it works fine.  The desktop PC has XP on it as well and I paid $250 for it.  Both have Pentium IVs.  Both work great for work.  I have no complaints and I feel like I got a great deal both times out on Ebay.
Company provides a Dell for work, I have a Dell for personal use, too.
Dell customer service is overseas. I have had a Dell, a
Toshiba Satellite, and an HP.   The Dell was a piece of junk from day 1.  The HP hard drive crashed after 4 to 5 years, but otherwise no problems.   I bought a Toshiba about 6 months ago and it is okay, nothing special.  I was looking at the Sony Viao and the salesman said that some laptops are made to be portable, but that the Sony was not one of them, but the Toshiba was.   My keyboard also has a numerical pad on it, but it throws the other keys off a bit, so when I'm in a portable mode and don't have room for an external keyboard it really slows me down.  I have a Duo Core processor and notice no difference whatsoever in speed, the number of programs I can have open, etc.   I have also noticed that even when I am not on battery power that every so often the battery is charging.  I don't know if this is a defect or something that is supposed to happen, but I need to investigate it. 
I've had two dell laptops and 5 Dell PCs. Here's the thing...

Make sure you get the extended warranty, again, MAKE SURE YOU GET THE EXTENDED WARRANTY. And, here is why.

My first laptop went out on my, though it was a couple of years old.  Because I had the extended warranty, a service tech came to my house, replaced motherboard, hard drive, heat sink, and keyboard.  He was able to back up everything first and restored it once all the new stuff was in place. 

One of my PCs kept giving some weird blue screen error and I couldn't get to go even in safe mode. I called up Dell, told them the problem, they looked up my extended warranty and they sent someone out to repair it.

Overall, I have been happy with Dell products.  The only drag is that everything Dell sells regarding accessories is proprietary and you have to order it through Dell.  No generic accessories will work.  My suggestion is if you decide to buy a Dell laptop, make sure you get the car power supply and you might even get a 2nd regular power supply because I have been known to leave town and forget the power supply at the house.  Now, I have everything in my laptop bag for when I go out of town and can just throw my laptop in the bag and know everything is there.

Lastly, some Dell laptops require a special aircard to connect to the internet.  I ended up getting a 2 cabled USB air card and I'm glad I did because 2 USB plug ins give better reception than one.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. I'm happy to help.

I don't like Dell. I bought a Dell laptop and it

was a piece of junk, so I'm not the one to ask if you should buy a Dell.   I'd get at least double that processor speed.  My computer is about 10 months old and I have 5 times that, which means that there is probably something faster out now, or soon will be.  It is more than I need for work, but I also use computer to download music/pictures, and a bunch of other stuff.   The Dell I had had 650 mHz and it was slow and that was almost 6 years ago.   You may have to customize anyway to get XP unless you buy one previously owned, which you can also buy from Dell.   It is always a good idea to buy bigger than you need currently just to allow for updates to any software or new software you may add.    You need to also think about tech support.  I know Dell has tech support in India, which can be extremely frustrating.  I don't know that other computer companies don't offshore their tech support, but that would be a question I would ask and find out if there is a locally authorized dealer to handle warranty repairs or if you need to send off the computer.    I would not recommend a Gateway computer and I would not recommend any computer that has a Celeron processor.   They tend to be in all the lower end computers. 


Buy a Dell!! You can't go wrong with a Dell but
I bought an Emachines and had trouble with it from day one. I returned it, as the store I bought it from a six month return policy, so I returned it after about five months. I bought a Dell two years ago and have had no problems since!! Buy a Dell, you won't be sorry!! :)
I am not a Dell lover. My Dell has been
a lemon.  I just replaced mine with a Toshiba Satellite and I have seen a few others here recommend this.  Dell's customer service is in India.   The only thing I dislike about my Toshiba is that because it also has a number keypad the shift key is in a different position than I'm used to and I end up deleting and retyping when I use the laptop keyboard.  I normally use an external keyboard, but I travel a lot and try to work on the road and just don't have space for an external keyboard.    
Where did you hear that everything you buy for a Dell has to be from Dell?

I have LOTS of peripherals on both my laptop and desktop Dells and they certainly didn't come from Dell. You've been misinformed.

I love my Dells.

I think you're a little off center

Attitude has nothing whatsoever to do with "success" these days.  I personally know too many MTs,  working for different companies, with very legitimate complaints and they aren't the cry baby types.  I am a good MT also but what difference does that make if there's no work? I always asked the same question, "Do your MTs run out of work?"   I do not have time to sit around all day waiting to see if there might be some work to do...either I work or I don't.  Every recruiter assured me that there was plenty of work.  They lied.  I have worked now for 2 years for the same company and this time the recruiter told me there was plenty of work and obviously there is or I wouldn't still be there.  If and when I start running out of work with them, I am out of MT period.  So, I guess, I have to revise my first statement a little.  If anyone finds the right company for them, then attitude probably does have everything to do with success.  As for myself, I rarely hear anything from the company I work for other than regularly getting my pay stub that my pay has been direct deposited on time and for the correct amount.  I think some MTs put too much emphasis on line rates.  1500 lines per day at 8.5 cpl comes out to a whole lot more than  200 lines at 15 cpl.  As for my line rate, it isn't terribly impressive but I make as much as I want to make and don't have to kill myself doing it so these days that's about all one can expect IMO.

We have a bowling center
And our employees get free bowling, lol!!

How do I center something in Word?
document solution center
Jen: Is that the one in Gadsden? with Tina Parker as president? You can email me for more info, but I worked for them for 2 1/2 years and I would not recommend it to anyone.  Thanks, Beth
The medical center by my home is the same (sm)
The last time I was in there the receptionist said that all their dictation is done by EMR.  The doctor pulls up the patient file, dictates into a little black machine, and it is automatically put into the record.  The receptionist said this is done at THEIR medical center and ALL THEIR SATELLITES.  I was not at all happy to hear this.  They used to have transcriptionists.
It's probably a telemarketing call center
using a computerized sequential dialer program - I think they've been outlawed in most of the US states.  If you have caller ID, just don't answer unless you know who's calling.
Here are some more - Maine Medical Center, sm
Fairview Health System, Gwinnett Medical Center, Atlanta, Piedmont Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess, Charlston Medical Center, West Virginia, Pacific California Hospital, UMass hospital, Marin General Hospital, California, New England Baptist, and the list goes on and on and on.
No, it does not. The call center is probably overseas
Virtual Learning Center MT Course

Has anyone done this?  It looks good....but I need to know before I spend the money. 


I also know of a very large medical center which did
Eastern Maine Medical Center
I miss working with other people. I miss having a QA person or a supervisor I know and can go talk to. I miss the hospital gossip and hearing about people's grandkids. Sigh. I left them to work at home figuring it would be all that. But it's not. Sigh....
document solution center alabama


I was just wondering if anyone had any good/bad info on this company. I can't seem to find much information on them. Thanks.


Might try MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX. NM
No quota. Visalia Imaging Center. (nm)
Check free dowloads center.
Mobile Infimary Medical Center
It depends on what department you are going into. Are you Medical Records MT? or Radiolgy MT?
The surgery center personnel are just as guilty, IMO. sm
Doctors are not untouchable. Any nurse or tech or secretary who has direct knowledge of a doctor using illegal substances and going into surgery is contributing to the problem.
I do virtual call center work and was having sm
trouble with people knocking and calling me interrupting my work. They were always asking for dumb things! (I'm single and this is our only income.)
The more time for homeschooling was a surprise!
We have been to the park more too. He is getting to bed by 8:30 (before it was Always after 10 no matter what I did) and I'm getting more sleep too.

Thank you for the help and advice. :)
SIL says she went through Wellspan Community Health Center. sm
any idea how to call them? i am not finding that exact name info. i did find roseann freundel as a DO student in WV but just pictured and an article. no contact info.
Actually a surgery center is acute care.
But surgery is surgery.  Clinic work is not transcribing anything too invasive other than a Botox injection if you're lucky.  I would think about that rate for transcribing surgeries.  8.5 is low. 
Insect bites, center water blister.

For an entire month maybe once or twice a week, I have been bitten by some unknown sneaky bug that leaves a center water blister and a huge red swollen area around the blister, maybe  the size of a half dollar coin.  I have been putting neosporin on it but would love to know what is biting me.  I woke up this morning with 3 extra bites.  I knew about the one on my wrist which has already started to blister.  I am thinking of going to the doctor but don't want to look like a wacko going in for nothing.  However, I absolutely hate insects and they seem to love me with the bites.

The itching  seems to happen when I am in the backyard (lots of trees and bushes).  So, might be getting bit there first then the bites get worse as time goes by.  They leave scabby cicular scars.  The skin looks healed but very dark.

Anyone else with this experience or should I just head to the doctor.  Can't really afford it but tired of the bites and the scars they are leaving.  Thanks.

Question inside about Renting from Rent-A Center. sm

What was your expeience?  Is it very expensive?  I was thinking about renting a laptop computer to use for work on vacation for a couple of weeks and not ready to invest in purchasing a new laptop yet.  Can you rent things for about a month or do they require longer?

Thanks for any help you guys might give.');>


Does anyone know where to find a listing of the V.A. Medical Center physicians?
Thanks for the help.
America Online has a huge call center in India too.

No, not at all. Brand new Super Center, nice area. But have never seen the stickers.
Might want to scoop some into a Baggie and take them to the local nursery/garden center to ID. nm
Search The Deborah Heart and Lung Center, Mayo Clinic or other big institutions for research. nm
Check at a local nursery/garden center for varieties that are bred for your area, then check online
My Dell
My computer is an Inspiron 5150... it ran about $1200 and I have had it going on 3 years  now.  Probably more computer than I needed, but I figure if you can afford it  try to get the best, especially since I use it mainly for work and got a tax write off for it. Mine has a CD burner and other stuff which I probably could have done without, but I have been very happy with it.
You should have gone to Best Buy or somewhere and gotten an E-machine. Superior computer, best sound quality, fantastic amount of RAM, top of the line. Second one for me, have had nothing but success. First one still going strong after 6 years and 1 lightning strike. I think they're now merged with Gateway, but no matter, still the best.
I found it so ironic that when I called to order a laptop for my kid, they were all American good ol boys that spoke just like me...that is to secure the order and make sure it's on it's merry way to the customer.  Once delivered well, then all communication heads offshore and you can here all the little Dellites just  cracking up saying suckers! 
Dell -
I bought a Dell and then found that I had to purchase Microsoft word for it - and then some footpedals are not compatible, plus tech support is $99 a question or $260 a year - wished I would have bought a Compac or Emachine. Expensive lesson learned.
I have 2, a Dell and an HP. The

Dell has been a lemon, no problems with HP.  I do not have a docking station, not really needed unless you plan on moving the laptop a lot without using any of the peripherals such as foot pedal, external keyboard.

Just about any laptop you buy off the shelf will have 256 RAM, I would recommend more if available.  I have a 15" screen, which is pretty standard, although I have seen some with I think 17" screen.   I have a serial port, game port, and USB port.  These are pretty standard too, but you can get adapters for any of these if your computer doesn't have them.

I don't understand why laptops confuse people.  They perform all the same functions as a desktop, come with the same options, just in a smaller package. 

go to Dell.com but look under ...
Make sure you choose the small business section for the laptops and not the home use. I just ordered and received mine within the last 2 weeks with Windows XP and NOT Vista!!!!
Dell XPS
Dell customer service is US based when you are first ordering your computer. Then if you call back later with any issues your call will be handled from India. BUT If you buy one of the new Dell XPS series computers, you will get all US based customer service and technical support. All XPS computers come with "rapid-response support from XPS trained technitions" who are American.
My Dell ...
Is in my closet collecting dust!!!
I have a Dell and might have to
get some memory taken out to load on more ram. Mine is 2002 but everything loaded and darn if I don’t hate to have all that done again. Are you talking desktop when you talking about closeouts? Mine is 2002 XP model. I hear some of the newer models equipped with a program we cannot use in our platform- that is another reason I am not so anxious to buy another right away.
I would go for the Dell
Simply because they offer better warranty service options. I have a Toshiba, have had a couple of problems, and have had to mail it out for service.

I just did my first MTing trip about a month ago. It worked out wonderfully. I packed all my stuff up in a backpack and carried it on the plane so nothing would get lost or damaged. The hotel set up was comfortable. Check reviews for where you are staying to make sure the internet connection is a reliable one.

Where are you going? Mind sharing?
The Dell computer I have came with a printer.  (My mom gave it to me for my kids to use.  It is a couple years old, but works great.)  I tried to setup a network with the Dell, my 2 HPs, and the Dell printer.  I had problems because the Dell CD containing the Dell drivers would not run on anything but the Dell.  I did finally get it all worked out, just took me a lilttle longer.  When I buy print cartriges they have to be ordered through Dell either online or by phone.  Otherwise, all software is compatible. 
Dell (SM)
Better to order on-line.  A real live person will try to get you to purchase other stuff you don't necessarily need.  JMHO.