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Dateline, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sopranos,

Posted By: and a few others...obviously I am not getting any on 2005-08-10
In Reply to: if you were to - here we go!!

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Anyone have 2 fake enthusiasm...
over a particular relative's gifts? I swear my big sister gives the cheesiest, cheapest gifts every year - last year she gave me deodorant samples and the year before that some tupperware (???!!!) she was about 2 throw away. It is soooo hard to act excited and I dread the moment when I have to open her gifts every year. I always save hers for last and give an Oscar winning performance. Do U have a really cheap relative and how do U act excited?
I applaud your enthusiasm, and.....
as much as some would poo poo your idea, lets remember, the AAMT had to start somewhere....nobody knew of such a thing until THEY made up the rules, made up the big ole fee, convinced everyone they knew what they were talking about and how to transcribe better than those of us who actually do it, and still, somehow, they managed to convince so many they were the association to belong to and sooo many fell for it, and look where they are today, sucking up to overseas......how sad is that?
I really admire your enthusiasm. sm
I suggest that you spend some time browsing this website. Check the Main and Company boards, going back a few pages. That will give you an idea of how things work. It is intimidating at first, but you'll learn to sift for the grain.

The average MT job WITH EXPERIENCE pays 8 cents per line. Some make 9-11 cents, but not too many. I think it would be a miracle for a newbie to get 9, but I might be wrong. I have seen some working for 6, the lucky ones for 7.

Check some back pages on this board before you do too much, to get a feel for what's available, what kind of work you might be interested in, which companies will hire new (fresh out of school) MTs. A lot of companies require 2 years working experience.

Good luck to you. Don't get discouraged if it takes awhile; it's not easy to break in.
Just kicked the 3 CPL to the curb!

3 cpl for editing VR is RIDICULOUS and I'm fed up.  I suddenly had an "epiphany" that this just was not worth my time and effort.  Sometimes, if the jobs are easy enough to edit, its not a problem, so I tried to keep an open mind going into this, just to see if one could actually break even or make more than straight typing.  HA!  No more 3 cpl for me.  Someone else can do it, but not me. 

Thank you. I agree. Lack of enthusiasm in my work is bound to show up
Unfortunately, he really blew it and she really needs to kick him to the curb.
I think you ought to kick the creep to the curb and be done with him.

Living life like that isn't living life at all.  You need to do what makes you happy.  Never, ever, stay together because of the kids.  Your kids are probably not the happiest children with the home situation the way it is, and you know that he already doesn't want the responsibility of taking care of your kids, so what's the use in having him hanging around your neck like an albatross? 

I was married to a jerk who was very similar to your husband and with 3 children it wasn't easy to manage on my own, but I sure did it and I'm glad I did.  It was difficult getting out of my "comfort" (discomfort) zone and make the change, but I knew it had to happen.  That was nearly 5 years ago now and I am happier and my children are happier.  Dear old dad comes around whenever he feels like it to see the kids and I have his paycheck garnished for child support.

Best of luck to you!

I didn't put up with it! I kicked my ex to the curb because I got tired of dealing with his SM

friends and incessant need to pretend he was a college boy, going to the bars, coming home drunk at 3 o'clock in the morning.  Let me tell, nothing goods from letting your man hang out in bars with his buddies.  NOTHING!  If he needs to have a drink and relax, he can do that at home and the drinks are cheaper!

I can understand that it's hard for you not to give your friend your opinion.  I can't hardly stand to see a woman letting a man treat her badly.  It drives me crazy!  Call me a feminist or a bra burner, but modern women need to get the message that we don't need men so badly we have to put up with all the garbage they hand out!

YOU gather up his belongings and throw them out your window onto the curb, or in the driveway, or
wherever.  Down to the last razor blade!  It is highly unlikely that your husband will gather all of Loser Dude's belongings and bring them back into your house.  Dude will gather up his Loser Belongings and find another place to be a hospitality sucking leach.  (leech?)  Good riddance.  Just DO it!  And if you have one molecule of sympathy in your brain for this Loser, then you need to go to therapy. You have gone above and beyond the call of duty, nice lady. 
The Sopranos..................sm

I cannot believe that Tony Soprano (looks like he) got whacked!!!  Looks like he's dead now.....I know they had to kill him off because it's their last season and a half, but so early into the season????  I will miss James Gandolfino greatly on this show, that is IF he is dead, but he looked really dead to me as he reached 911 and then couldn't speak to the 911 operator.

Yes, addicted to The Sopranos here.....

I would say Paulie is on his way to being whacked, along with Vito. Carmella is wise to both of them and we saw how Tony's BP and heart rate rose to stroke level when Paulie was in his hospital room talking to Tony while he was still in his coma. Apparently Aunt Dottie's deathbed confession pushed Paulie over the edge.

Don't you find it ironic that someone who has lied, cheated, stolen, crippled and killed other people for a living, was so outraged that these 2 sisters "deceived" him? You would think he would be grateful that they loved each other and him enough to give him a home and family.

I hope Tony doesn't go soft - because his "family" is falling apart - his business family that is. Even Bobby is doing his own business on the side - shooting the rapper who wanted publicity.

and soon new Sopranos...or how 'bout...sm

Extreme Home Makeover....that's my favorite show...

new Sopranos in March...new Deadwood soon, and new Carnivale soon and too bad they canceled SIX FEET UNDER but you can still catch the first 6 seasons in reruns.

I love that HBO....

Can't wait for the Sopranos (sm)
That's the only reason I keep my HBO.  Does anyone know when repeats of the entire Nip/Tuck will be on?  I missed a season, I think, and my daughter has never watched it at all.  With all my raving about what a good show it is, now she wants to see it.
Shhhhhh! Sopranos is on!!

Sopranos, 24, Nip Tuck nm
Sopranos . . . Has Tony found God?
Has Paulie lost it?
Very excited about the Sopranos coming back

Y&R, Big Love, Sopranos, Ghost Whisperer


Yes! Nip/Tuck, Sopranos, Big Love, and Ghosthunters.
and new episodes start soon. I also am really liking New Adventures of Old Christine. Funny! My kids and I like to watch the Nanny 911 and Supernanny shows, too. Normally, I'd include American Idol, but this year was kind of a dud for me.
Breaking news. Bush directs H. Rita to Texas in order to curb illegal Mexicans from entering border.
Any Sopranos fans out there waiting for the big return on Sunday?
Can't wait.