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Ctrl+Shift+A toggles all caps on and off

Posted By: nm on 2008-10-12
In Reply to: This happens to me in Word sometimes (see message) - justanmt


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You need to press shift key and caps lock. You may
need to do it a couple of times.  I transcribed for many years and never had a problem, but the last couple of years I have this happen about once a month.  It isn't a malfunction of the keyboard - it is user error :).
MediTech Spellchecker is Ctrl+F1, not Shift+F1

Do it so automatically hard to remember (also, not enough coffee yet!).  Sorry.

You're welcome. BTW, you hit Ctrl+Shift+E when you turned that on. Hit it again to turn off.
Try ctrl+shift+left arrow to highlight the last word
then Alt + J to open AutoCorrect, type your Replace word, and tab to OK and hit the Enter key.

Make sure you don't have any extra spaces when you highlight.

Press Ctrl+Shift+8 or click on the pilcrow on the toolbar (looks like a backwards P). nm
Hold down Ctrl and Shift and use right arrow to highlight one word at a time. sm
You can highlight noncontiguous words by holding down on Ctrl and selecting different words.
P.S. Also, possibly ctr/caps lock, or shift/capslock, or alt/capslock (nm)
Shorthand users: When I need to transcribe in all caps and use my caps lock key my abbreviations.sm
are only lower case.  Is there anyway I can use get my abbreviations to expand in upper case?  The only way I can do it now is by holding down my shift key.  Thanks for any help you can offer.
if can't copy/paste, highlight text, ctrl/x, go to shorthand, ctrl/V
Select text, Ctrl-C copies, Ctrl-V pastes...nm
Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 prompts to save and close documents
without closing Word. Ctrl + N opens a new document.
You're hitting Alt+Ctrl+S. Hit Alt+Ctrl+C to get back.
...functions should be there. Ctrl+N to send, Ctrl + I for line
Alt + F9 toggles fields on and off.
MedQuist? Ctrl+shift+F, period, space, tab, period, space, space, change all. nm
I think control+space bar toggles the audio play.
Try F11. This shortcut toggles full screen view on and off.
Instead of Ctrl+Ctrl+Insert, try
Ctrl+Insert+Insert. See if that works. Mark the word-phrase that you want to insert first. Let me know.
We're told that if the word replaces a person's name, such as the word Mom replaces the mom's actual name, then it should be capped. Wouldn't this then be true for a department name replacing a doctor's name? Or am I just confusing things more?
Caps after #
Mine hasn't done this for years in in word??? I've never found anything that corrects this.
all caps
After I have typed a word, is there a way to highlight it and convert it to all caps?
all caps
When I hit shift and F3, it capitalizes the first letter in the last word I typed.  Mine must be a different version.  However, I read an old thread that told how to change case in tools on the tool bar.
all caps
SUPER!!  Thanks.
all caps or not?
Forgot to ask how it should be typed (cva or CVA) in the sentence above....cva region.  Thanks
All caps, CVA. nm
I buy it and use it and it is all caps on the package. nm
Oh, get over it. The caps on -- that's what was funny!
Still is!

Of course your question was serious. I don't have any info on that company.

I was just trying to give you a little hint about "yelling"!

Per AAMT BOS, don't have to use all caps SM
or mixed case for brand names, just the beginning cap is enough.
Caps and Shorthand

If you type the abbreviation in all caps, it will expand in all caps.  If you just type the first letter of the abbreviation in caps, then it will expand with only the first letter of the first word in caps.



Always thought it was two caps also...nm
Two letter caps

Thanks guys. At least I feel better knowing that I have checked everything where I thought it should be. I actually went into autocorrect and typed in my own corrections so that if I accidently keep the shift key down (I dont know why I do it, but I seem to not be able to lift that finger up with the second letter) it will correct automatically.

I also feel like they should get input about thier program from typists so that we can give them feedback.

Thanks for all the suggestions. It helped alot.

If I was yelling, it would be all caps.
I'll be sure to tell my chronically ill child to stop being ill so we can obtain more of a financial cushion.
Caps Toggle?

Is there a caps toggle keyboard command?  In other words, is there a way to change mixed case to caps without typing it all over again?  TIA!

is your caps lock on?
If so, it won't let you do anything in your expander.

Or try doing a copy and paste into your expander.
CAPS all the time

In the middle of transcribing an ER report, my keyboard/computer (??? not sure which), caused a problem where no matter what I did it would only do upper case...my caps lock was not on (no light indicating it was on) and sticky key function didn't work to get rid of it.  I finally had to exit out of platform and then waited a few minutes and when I logged back on everything was fine.  Has anyone ever had this happen to them.  I am using ExText  If you have had this happen to you, what did you do to get out of it?

Thanks for your help.

Need help with punctuation and caps

I have MS Word 2003. This program has always capitalized the first letter after a colon (:) and for some reason today it stopped. I cannot figure this out for the life of me. I have been in Tools, etc, and see nothing that addresses this problem. If anyone has had this problem and knows how to correct it, please enlighten me. LOL



make sure your caps lock is not on...but..
Pry off the caps lock button.
set up a separate entry for that with all caps. that's what I do.
caps = you are yelling online *lol*

Anyone type their e-mails in all caps?

A co-worker sends the entire e-mail response in all caps regardless of the question.  I was always told it meant shouting.  If there is some other meaning please inform.





I agree that all caps=screaming .
I would try to politely let her know. That could save her from an embarassing situation in the future.
P.S. Caps above simply for emphasis ...
When I read over it again after the message posted the caps came off to me as being a little snotty, and that's not what I intended ...
Please don't type in all caps, hard

to read and is considered screaming on the net. 

Thanks all. I have to type diagnoses in all caps and the software does not allow me...sm
to block and capitalize so I have been looking for a way I can use my ShortHand abbreviations in all caps but from what I am understanding there probably is not a good way to do this other than holding down the Shift key while I transcribe which is what I have been doing or making separate entries as caps which is most likely too time consuming as I have thousands.  Thanks for your input.
typing online in caps is equivalent to
I hate reading email in all caps sm
and everyone who emails me knows it. This is probably the only thing I get really rude about. I've been known to send it back to the sender with a note stating to type it properly,then I will read it. I had one person who consistently did this and I finally blocked the sender. She got the point in a hurry.
It is the ESP Expander with Dictaphone ExText--If you can believe it, it won't allow caps if you
Yes, that's right, Dictaphone's Expander that comes with ExtText won't allow anything that you use as an expansion come into the document capitalized.

So, when you type your abbreviation for ANY WORD you have in ESP, it will NEVER be capitalized, unless like in, say, 1925, you type the Shift key with it.

I hate this profession. I hate all these programs. THey NEVER take into account the MT. Cars following voice instructions? No problem. MP3 player that respond to your voice? No problem. Get Word to do simple things that it should do, like cap after periods, God, too much trouble. Let the "little girls," just deal with all the software problems day after day. Dictaphone--what a laugh. I worked on ExtText FIVE YEARS AGO-- ANd it still has the SAME fricking clumbsy program? Also, you have to do "Shift ?" to find informaion in fields. LIke give me a break. Give us a key to hit, like, I don't know, Search, that't be good. No, make us type Shift ?. Where do these people get off. Do they ever even type on these programs? Or talk to the people who use them.

MT is so antiquated when it comes to programming, it is a big joke. Anyone work for a company that gets the demographics and has fast, easy programming, let me know. TX
Thanks! Maybe I'll remove the caps from Failure!! I do use all expanders
almost exactly as you have described!  Its my account that specifically wants verbatim and NO canned text.  They must "know" about that, and want to make sure they get their pennies worth out of the MTs!! 
Actually, Bartholin, urethral, and Skene glands.See caps. nm
When I use my CAPS LOCK only the first letter of my abbreviation is capitalized..sm
and not any other.  The only way I can get my entire abbreviation to be in capitals is by holding down my Shift key.  I thought maybe I have something set up incorrectly in Preferences, etc. but can find nothing that would be of help. Do you have any other suggestions?