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Could be Flonase, but that is usually 50 mcg for non-allergic symptoms

Posted By: MT50 on 2007-10-03
In Reply to: Drug s/l pronase 5 mcg - Jean Petree

Might get more of a response on Word Help board instead

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I wish I could - I have a fireplace but am allergic to...sm
fresh burning wood.  Wah!!!
Allergic to "cillins."
Is it acceptable to transcribe this as cillins, or is there an exceptable expansion I can use?
Yes, am allergic to their lipstick. Never tried anything else but that and
broke out with blisters on my lips. I am not prone to fever blisters or any of the sort. Dermatologist said I was allergic to whatever ingredients were in it. Never tried it again, use CoverGirl, and never had blisters again!
I'm allergic to my new earphones!!!

I know this sounds nuts (I'm nuts), but my noise-dampening earphones arrived a week ago and I put them on.  I should tell you that I have sensitivities to latex and adhesives, but this is not a problem I deal with very often.  Anyway, I donned and immediately began getting itchy.  I ignored it. Then my ears began to burn. I kept typing like a "good" MT.  Tee hee.  Then I started getting hives and my throat started to itch.  Yikes!!  Okay, that got my attention.  So I took them off and took a Benadryl.  I haven't touched them for this whole week, until today.  I tried them again, albeit foolishly, thinking it wouldn't happen again.  I was willing to think it was psychosomatic (allergy to work, ya know).  Ummm, nope.  It all happened again.  Oh well, at least Transcription Gear has a 30-day guarantee.  Wait until I give them my "reason for return".  Crazy.  I thought I'd give you all a 'Buyer Beware', 'FYI', and stuff like that...  See ya! 

possible allergic reaction to something--sm
You also sound like you think it may be psychosomatic, which is always a possibility, but don't think so. possibly mumps, which is going around again these days. Get to a doctor. soon. jmo
a coworker is allergic to the foam
covering as well. either way they make my ears hurt/red so i put just a tiny bit of cotton from a cotton ball inside each ear before putting on my headset and don't have any problems.
It does sound like an allergic reaction...
What did he eat or drink prior to breaking out?  As long as it doesn't get any worse, I would just ride it out.  But if it does, I would follow the advice of the other poster.
I'm allergic to the daggon things, but I STILL

No, but I knew someone allergic to the foam covering.
Might be something to ponder.
I used to use MK foundation, but they changed the formula and now I'm allergic to it.
It makes my eyes water and I can't wear it any longer.  I haven't found a foundation that I like as well as the previous MK formula.  I wish they hadn't changed it.
They are basically "sister" drugs. I am allergic
to naproxen, so cannot take ibuprofen now, as they are closely related. I would think if naproxen isn't helping, neither will ibuprofen. Try something unrelated like Tylenol?
his next allergic reaction will be quicker and worse.
get thee to an allergist.
It's not unusual for a patient listed as allergic to penicillin to be given it anyway.
Often it's the only drug that will work and the allergy was vague and from so long ago, they deliberately try it anyway. If that had been the case, you'd have more than likely gotten a very negative response.
I'd just keep your eye on him since he has no other symptoms.
Mine was doing that about a month ago and nothing ever came of it.  He must have just had a little cold or snuffed something up his nose.  When we first got him, he was a mess with mattery eyes, ear mites, and blowing snot all over when he sneezed.  Antibiotics and mitecide fixed him up, so we had to change his name from Snot to something else.
Have you had these symptoms before? sm
I could see a pinched nerve causing your arms and hands to tingle but not your face.  You might want to consider see a doc for this as it could be something serious.  I had these symptoms along with dizziness, headaches, and my muscles were twitching.  I was freaked out that I had some neurological problem or MS.  Turns out I had a "complicated migraine."  But it's better to be safe than sorry!
Same symptoms here, but I'm 36
I think my hormones are out of whack. I feel extremely moody before and after menses and then feel depressed along with it. Then I get the panic attacks to where it feels like you are choking, then can't breath normal and heart raising.
When I worked for a vet. guy had dog allergy tested and dog was allergic to human dander. No kidding
If allergic to nickel, then avoid green beans, broccoli, peas, etc.
I have that same allergy, had problems with the old metal zippers, snaps, etc.

This is a link for metal/nickel allergy


I have those same symptoms, but I'm in my early 30s.

Have you had a tubal or come off BC pills?  I was doing some research the other day and came up with hormonal imbalance, but not estrogen like they think.  One of the posters on the Ask the Dr. board recommend progesterone cream for the sore hoohas.  Read down the board and you'll see the posts.  She said the doctors are mistreating it with BC pills, which only makes it worse..  I'm making an appt w/my doctor and asking for an endocrine evaluation to see how out of whack everything is.  FWIW, my former doctor put me on BC pills with Prozac for my PMS.  The physical symptoms got worse, while the Prozac made me sleep 12 hours a day, have really wild dreams, and lose all motivation to clean the house or work.  I do not like that stuff.

There are there boys here, and believe me, males have their hormonal mood swings, too.

Been having those symptoms plus for 4 days now.

ears popping, congested, aching all over like the flu, headaches.

I did go to a hospital to visit a family member on Monday, so may have picked it up from there. I hate feeling miserable like this. I have 3 other family members who have had whatever it is, tho.

Your symptoms - my two cents
Hi - I want to try to put your mind at ease - I can't say for sure that you don't have MS but I can tell you that I had similar symptoms a few years ago, as did a friend of mine, both from extreme stress. You feel like you are dealing with the stress just fine, but your body still reacts. Try this - make sure you ae getting plenty of vitamin B-12, omega fatty acids (like flax oil), and take a supplement of the amino acid taurine. Also, are you sleeping well? Those can be symptoms of chronic sleep deprivation or lack of REM sleep. If so, you could try Valerian root capsules to help you relax and sleep better, or even Benadryl for sleep. I am not a doctor so of course I can't say for sure that this is the problem or that this will help, but it helped me - after I had two MRIs, tons of blood work, and a nerve conduction study - do yourself a favor and try the other route first! Especially the flax oil - especially if you are not a seafood eater!
I have had symptoms for over 30 years!
I take HRT because I have drenching night sweats and will have to get up and change clothing, bedding, etc., if I don't I do not sleep well at all if I am not on HRT. I had to have a medically necessary TAH/BSO at the age of 19 and have been on HRT since for the most part. I have tried weaning off and my symptoms always come back within a couple weeks, not to mention the emotional aspect. :( I would LOVE to not need them but it really messes with my quality of life. Those of you with mild symptoms or none after a few years are very lucky. :)

I am looking at having saliva testing done in hopes that it will work even better than the HRT I use but I have to wait until I can afford it.
I once saw your exact symptoms on a PBS
show about these families who were sent out west to live in cabins..."Pioneer House" I think was the name of it.  Anywhoo, one lady, a nurse, thought she had a blood clot in her arm because it was going numb and cold.  She was on the pill too and that worried her even more.  So, she saw the doctor and it turned out to be bursitis, although she didn't notice any pain!  Weird, huh?  But yeah, you should have someone check it out just to be on the safe side.  Hope it gets better soon!
Former CT warning symptoms SM
are totally completely gone with editing.

Maybe someone else will have a more specific answer for the keystrokes, but CONSIDERABLY fewer per minute. As the VR system gets better and better with a dictator, you may spend most of the time just sitting there reading along with squeakily speeded up dictation. Other dictators will have corrections on every line, though.

Part of reduced Keystrokes is expander, too. For instance, I do ".t" when I come on a lowercase "the" between what should be two sentences, which backs up, inserts a period, double spaces, deletes the small t and inserts a capital T, then jumps to the beginning of the next word for me.

When I started editing, though, my Expander wasn't nearly so well developed and I still made more money AND my worrisome carpal tunnel pains, which a number of times required me to take nonpaid leave while I rested my wrists, disappeared. So have the wrist braces I wore religiously every night to bed.
Could it be no HEENT symptoms?
I only say this because you say "no headache", etc.
not symptoms of bipolar disorder
actually, that just sounds like most of the spoiled kids I've met - society won't treat them the way mom did so they're trying to push the buttons they used to push w/mom. (Did she die or wise up?).
Yes, been sick for 2 weeks - same symptoms. nm
my girlfriend had those same symptoms and never made it out
of the emergency room! Many conditions have these symptoms so you did the right thing. You just can't risk it if it is cardiac. When my girlfriend went to the ER, she went in total arrest and they could not revive her. She was 50. On another note, it could be anything from gallbladder, gas, hiatal hernia (very common symptom for HH) or an esophageal spasm (I get those). You did the right thing and a full workup sounded like it was warranted.
I started getting symptoms after about 3-5 years. Nobody could believe it. sm
Fellow MTs told me it was too early, but nope. I had the tests, and had/have bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome. Think it's anatomical for some. I have very tiny wrists, and I've read that sometimes that can be related.

Some 15-20 years later, I had endoscopic surgery on the right side. I wouldn't recommend endoscopic. If you get surgery, go open. I learned later that it's usually more effective. I still have symptoms in both wrists, can tell no improvement in the right hand.

Best things: Physical therapy was the very best, but Worker's Comp obviously wouldn't pay for that forever. Cat's Paw (exerciser) is cheap and mimics a lot of the stuff I was doing in PT.

SmartGlove when I work. Helps a lot.

Trackball - huge difference.

Shorthand - I have made it my hobby to learn to work smarter instead of harder. I studied the productivity sites and am constantly working on building my ShortHand file. It's rare that something isn't in it. I have gotten to where it shows a savings of about 50% keystrokes, which is something to think about. It's like working half a day and getting paid for a full day.

Rest. Get up at least once an hour, go to your dining room table, put your palm flat on the table and press down. You should feel a really good stretch. And then I take at least 5-10 minutes to break. Maybe not the best thing for productivity, but the best for longevity.
Those symptoms you described sound like some of mine, SM
I get photophobic, have numbness and tingling, nausea, you name it.

Is it possible for carpal tunnel syndrome to cause a slight tingling feeling in the face as well as the arms and hands?  I have had just the slightest of tingling in my face for the last two weeks.  No other symptoms at all...just a slight tingling.  I have also had, for a longer period of time, pins and needles in both arms, more on the right.  I've been a steady MT for about 14 years, and I'm wondering if it's catching up with me?  I sorta ruled out a stroke since I figured I'd be dead by now and there are no other symptoms!  Any advice/help is greatly appreciated. 

carpal tunnel symptoms
Well, it has finally happened.  After 18 years of transcription, I'm starting to have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.  It has come on very suddenly, over the course of just a week.  What I would like to know is if it is possible to turn this around, since it's just coming on?  I have bought wrist supports, which help immensely, as does naproxen.  I'm taking frequent breaks also.  Can somebody give me hope that I won't end up needing surgery? 
VR editor - still with CT symptoms, very severe. sm
I have to admit, it has eased up a little; however, I have had CTS for over 12 years now and never did anything about it. As I age, use my hands the same, and keep the same sleeping habits, my symptoms have gotten so severe.

I really can not say it is better or worse with transcribing or editing these days. It is more pronounced when sleeping or grasping things.

I would not change a job for reasons such as tendinitis or CTS, etc.

I didn't have any hand/finger symptoms either, just

wrist.  Using a brace at night helps some.  I use the kind that has the metal strip so that you can't bend your wrist.  I found them at my drugstore.   I had surgery almost 15 years ago and did fine until this past year, and again am developing symptoms.  My symptoms developed from writing, not typing, and now I can type usually without problems, but I can only write a tiny bit, can't grip a garden tool for long or do any type of fine motor movement for long and then if I do my wrists hurt so much that typing then bothers me. 

I know there is some vitamin regimen to help, though I don't know what it is.  I was put on Naprosyn first and was allergic to it.  Orthopod suggested hot and cold soaks, 15 minutes each.  I had cortisone injections and some other type of injections, and physical therapy.   I was only out of work about 3 days, but I wasn't an MT at the time.   I do not have the strength in my hand that I used to, but other than that haven't really had any problems.  I do have trouble with pain occasionally, can't think of the word, but it feels like the scar is drawing up and I get shooting pains, but I can massage the scar and it eases.    I'm considering a job change rather than going through surgery again, not because the surgery was bad, just because not only do I have carpal tunnel, but I have swelling and tingling in my feet, butt spread, etc.  

Word of warning - make sure you have an empty bladder before the EMG study.  They have to test both sides so they have a comparison and between laying flat, still, and the electrical shocks I couldn't get off that table quick enough to go potty.

Also, if you don't already, get a keyboard tray that is adjustable.  You can find them at a woodworking store or in various catalogs.  I can position mine at various heights and various angles.  I also sometimes lower the tray and put a pillow on it and then my keyboard and it absorbs some of the pressure and using the pillow you don't have an edge from the tray or the wrist pad pressing into you.  I also found I sit back in my chair better with the pillow.  If this is not comfortable at least try a folded towel between the tray and keyboard.

I wouldn't discourage surgery, but I would try some of the things above first. 



My doctor told me I have all the symptoms of "Andropause"...

Otherwise known as "male menopause"!! Sheesh! That explains a lot, lol. She said most men start to experience in their mid to late 40's (I'm 47), and I do believe it. Darn, I thot guys were spared all that "hot flash" stuff!

Yes, helped for about 1 year, then same symptoms returned.
Just had hysterectomy last year. Never felt better. No pain, no cramps, no heavy bleeding and I can leave the house and not have to worry about blood running down my legs any more. The ablation worked in decreasing the heavy menstrual flow for about a year. Then it returned with the pain, etc. I have had endometriosis and ovarian cysts since I was 13, with many laparoscopic cystectomies, etc. I am now 38. I finally know what a normal pain-free life is like.

If you do decide to go with the ablation, get the NovaSure - it takes less than 5 minutes to perform and better results than ThermaChoice.

Good luck.
...The content stays the same - history, symptoms,
Yep, the newest "fix" for the last few years of PMS and perimenopausal symptoms is
Serafem, which is just Prozac. The drug company "reinvented" a use for Prozac when they needed a new use! So, its called Serafem. You're supposed to take it a few days before your period, or sometimes all month - just depends.  Pretty flowery packaging! I went thru the same thing at about 43 to 44 - only symptoms as well, and never had 1 day of PMS prior to that.  It just stopped as suddenly as it had started.  Just me - we're all different. I tried the Serafem and it didn't help at all - just made me feel like a zombie 30 days of the month!  Good luck to you! Just had my LMP 2 days ago - only lasts for about 1/2 day now! Yeah!! I, for one, will not be missing THAT each month. No way!! Also remember if you have female teens at home, those hormones are floating all over in the air! Its HORRIBLE!  I have 2 daughters and we all get it the same time now, etc.  Oh, yes, and my face breaks out now as it did when I was a teen when I had my period. Never had that my entire life til now.  Just today we were all cracking up - all 3 of us had 1 huge zit on our noses!!  Nowhere else, and all 3 had the same one on our nose!  We are really fair skinned and blonde, and look RIDICULOUS!!  Oh well!
what are the specific symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (sm)
Anyone know the specific symptoms of carpal tunnel? My right top of my arm feels sort of numb, like my forearm and my wrist aches.  Also, my shoulder hurts.  Is this typical for carpal tunnel or maybe something else?
Ditto. Go to hospital. Not usual symptoms for a migraine. nm
No perimenopausal symptoms? Mood swings? Crying? Forgetfulness? Lucky you if so. I started all that
No, constellation, no 's'. It's a constellation of symptoms. sm
Just like a constellation of stars. There are many stars in the constellation, there are many symptoms in the patient's constellation.