We have contacted you via email asking for your mailing address. If you have not received an email but see this message, please email so we can get your turkey to you in time for Turkey Day!
It's that time! MTStars is giving away a
delicious 8-10 lb. Leon's Cajun Fried Turkey
shipped to their home in time for Thanksgiving dinner!
Annual Thanksgiving Turkey Giveaway!
It's that time! MTStars is giving away a
delicious 8-10 lb. Leon's Cajun Fried Turkey
shipped to their home in time for Thanksgiving dinner!
We got a free turkey,which I donated to charity. I can afford a turkey,
Better a turkey widow then a turkey dish
Sorry for your loss!
Howie or Rachel?
Who do U think will be evicted from Big Brother tonight - Howie or Rachel? I think Rachel shall go but I really hate Beau and the other team of witches! Argh! Why do I have this sneaking suspicion that JAMES of all people will win - he seems to be playing the game quite well (sneaky)....
Rachel Ray is the worst!
I am ashamed to admit I end up with her on at least twice a week. She always says "You know me". I don't know why that drives me nuts !?!? Just does.
yes, even in Nebraska
I think Rachel will go. Howie is entertaining, but not too bright.
I can't stand the team of witches either, especially Ivette who whines about others doing the exact same things she does.
have to cook chicken for my BF...the 20-cloves of garlic, is that from Rachel Ray?
Wait, I think it was from the barefoot contessa show, I saw her do that but not in a crockpot.
(We are looking for a place to buy chickens locally as I still believe no animal has to suffer for me, smile!)
Just because I am lazy, is that recipe already posted here, can I do a search to find it?
Thank you everyone!
? about job listing for Nebraska Heart InstituteSM
Does anyone here work for them? They stated they have "excellent" benefits. Could you tell me what that means/what it includes? Could you tell me (approx) how much they cost for a family and what kind of co-pay and deductible there are? How do you like working there? Are the dictators fairly clear (for the most part)? Is it difficult to make the required 1500 lines per day? Also, (if you don't mind) could you share the payscale (just low to high would be fine)? I've left my e-mail if you'd rather correspond by e-mail. Thank you for your help. :)
Iowa & Nebraska Medical Directories available
I hope I am allowed to post this here. I have an Iowa Medical Directory and a Nebraska Medical Directory which I was forced to purchase to do transcription for a certain company. They are no longer needed. If anybody can use them, please let me know.
Iowa/Nebraska Medical Directories
The Iowa Medical Directory is October 2006 and Nebraska is December 2006.
Iowa and Nebraska Medical Directories
The directories contain adresses, phone numbers, etc on each medical provider, clinics, and hospitals in the state.
You asked for opinions, so I'll give you mine. I know you have decided you won't go, but here is my take on that issue. You may not like your stepmother or her children. But your father is still your father. My Dad died just over 2 years ago. What I wouldn't give to have him back just for a Thanksgiving Day. You can get over your personal issues with your step family for the weekend and go and be with your father if you choose. Or you can let these "issues" get to you and choose not to go. Your father won't be here forever. None of us will. Love him while you can. Love yourself enough to be big enough to go and see him. You will never regret that. You WILL regret one day that you didn't go, and you won't be able to change it. You DID ask for opinions. That's all. Please reconsider. You don't have to stoop to your stepmother's level. Be the bigger person. LOVE YOUR DAD WHILE HE IS STILL HERE!!!! Be THANKFUL for him.Off my soapbox. Peace.
I am a newbie at this and so far no one has said anything about working Thanksgiving. Do most companies just expect you to work if you are an IC. I work for a small company in Florida and have not received any e-mail or anything about what I do tomorrow - should I e-mail them or just assume I do not have to work. Thank you.
I kkow that a paper route doesn't really count...but if Thanksgiving falls on a regular day, (which it does) then I am expected to "work" that day.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Thank you very much. I actually found a pretty good sample. I also found some sites in archives.
Thanks (once again) to all you kind MTs.
Anyone else stressed out by Thanksgiving?
It seems like there is always SOME sort of drama going on in my family whenever we get together - we're somewhat dysfunctional, LOL. I always find myself dreading the holidays and I hate that - I should be looking forward to being with my fam (mainly my four sisters). They seem to always be in a state of crisis or jealousy whenever I see them. ARGH. Anyone relate?
Happy Thanksgiving everybody...
Happy Thanksgiving to All...
Just thought I'd share this site in case some of you haven't seen it.. Turn your speakers up and enjoy! I thought it was cute!
Thank you - and a Happy Thanksgiving to all
I wouldn't wait, since Thanksgiving is such...
a good time to show the house. All during the holidays, with families visiting and such, is a very good time for homes to sell.
It is absolutely HER job to show your house. She should also only be bringing pre-qualified buyers. She should also abide by your request regarding when the house may be shown. After 3 is certainly not unreasonable, assuming you aren't including weekends in that. Many buyers are out and looking earlier on weekends.
In any case, I would call her broker and change agents NOW, if I were you. Why waste another few weeks, or even days, when it is only delaying the sale of your home.
Just my opinion. 
Why I'm still married - a Thanksgiving story
Not much to many maybe, but my husband still surprises me sometimes.
He works 3rd shift as a dock supervisor at a local shipping company that's only about a mile from our house. He doesn't like to think of himself as "supervisor" because he's always been a team player.
Because they load trucks to ship out the next morning, he had the night before Thanksgiving off, but had to go in at 8:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving night. "Lunch Break" is right around midnight and he found out that one of the younger single guys hadn't had Thanksgiving dinner because he had to stick around to go to work instead of going to visit family.
So I hear a bit of commotion in my kitchen around 1:00 a.m. and find that my husband had brought the guy to the house and had warmed up Thanksgiving Dinner for their lunch break.
Now isn't that just too sweet?
Of course they left me the dishes, but oh well.
Belated Thanksgiving thought
Thank you to MT Stars for not only being willing to let us express our opinions, but also for not censoring them. This bulletin board has more frank and direct information regarding working conditions and companies as an MT that without MT Stars, there would be a lot of wool pulled over MTs eyes. This board is 100 times more valuable than paid boards, because paid boards are so worried about stepping on any toes.
and a bountiful blessed Thanksgiving to YOU as well. nm
Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to all...sm
and I am sure gonna try to not overeat!! 
it's not slow at my company - overloaded since Thanksgiving
Cripes - not even Thanksgiving yet, and I've run out of work.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all MTStars members! Have a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving from all the staff & moderators at MTStars!
I just had to write and wish everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Enjoy the day, whether you are working o

Happy Turkey day! 

Turkey Day - In or Out?
I'm spending my first T-day with my family in 8 years! Yea! Hope my brother-in-law doesn't set the turkey on fire on his grill like the last time!
Nice to be thought of...wishing you happy thanksgiving as well...(no message)
Turkey dinner...
with mashed garlic potatoes, bean salad, stuffing, gravy, ham, buns....YUUMMMMYYY I am sooo hungry!!
Happy Thanks Giving!!
Yes, and I'm the one cooking the turkey
Don't think my guests would appreciate a "tofu turkey". I will do the whole traditional meal and those who choose not to eat the turkey will still have plenty.
Tofu turkey
Yes, Im a vegetarian. I usually make vegetables and potatoes, yams, etc., for Thanksgiving. Made a tofu turkey a few years ago and it was delicious. One year I bought Worthington Farms fake turkey slices and made some vegetarian gravy and we had *turkey* sandwiches, home made potato chips. I have been a vegetarian for 31 years, since I was a teenager.
Ok, are ya sick of turkey about now?
turkey, rice and oatmeal
Don't know if it would help the gas problem, but when my dog got real old, he didn't want dog food, and I gave him turkey (vet said turkey very easy to digest) and rice, and he loved oatmeal. I'm all for giving an old dog whatever makes him happy.
the turkey produces its own liquid...
if you add chicken broth, be sure to only add a little- like 1/2 a cup.
My pet turkey, Bubba, died of
natural causes two weeks ago. He was about 50 pounds. His wife, though, Bubette, is still healthy and well. I guess she is a turkey widow now.
Whole turkey breast is good, too. sm
Pork roast tastes good, too, but I have a small rack at the bottom of mine that it sits on so it isn't in grease. I have also done whole chickens with lemon juice. Tasty.
Turkey burgers on the Foreman grill. nm
I quit 2-1/2 years ago cold turkey
after smoking about 40 years. It was one of the hardest things that I ever did. To this day, I still want to smoke. I am really relating to feeling like you lost your best friend because that was the same thing that I said! I wish you well because it is hard to stick to it. One thing I did want to tell you is that you can get support from the American Lung Association (or was it the American Cancer Society). Anyway, they have people who can counsel with you, send you literature, can possibly hook you up with a local support group, plus they follow up with you to see how you are doing. The more I think about it, I think I contacted the American Cancer Society 1-800-227-2345 or www.cancer.org. Good luck! If I could quit, anybody can!
crockpot turkey breast question
I just got a crockpot, have not really used one much. I want to cook a boneless turkey breast. Have looked at recipes online, most have no liquid added. The idea of leaving it on low at home, while I'm a work, (with no liquid) makes me a little nervous. Comments? TIA
Oooh, cajun turkey. My favorite!
Yep, and I had prime rib for dinner tonight. Take that turkey!
Thanks guys. And I thought I was tired of turkey! :)
I was going to make the pea soup today, but I didn't feel like it.
Maybe I'll have more motivation tomorrow. I got everything done early this year and I'm still wiped out. Maybe it was the pitter patter (more like CONSTANT RUNNING) of grandkids. 20-month-old twins, a 2-year-old along with a 2-month-old that is hungry every 3 hours.
I love them dearly, but I'm in my pajamas and it's not even 5:00.
Turkey stuffed with cornbread dressing....
With gravy, served with peas, sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, with strawberry shortcake and homemade whipped cream for dessert.....
DH puts it stuffing for turkey too- sometimes OVERDOES it - yuk is right