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Combined filing jointly (2 incomes) over 150K. nm

Posted By: Vortek on 2006-01-17
In Reply to: QUESTION (Please read) - Inquiring Mind


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3000 VR and straight combined
with just straight 2000 per day and that was different accts but like the person below, using Expanders and loads of shorthand, cannot type without it. Just keep your mind on wanting a certain amount, that is my deal.
Consider DocShuttle for ease of use combined with simpleFTP.
You literally only have to dock the recorder in DocShuttle and the rest is done automatically, import from recorder, export into DocShuttle program, upload to FTP site, download new stuff. Can also mark for stats, keep Docs separate on same ftp site with administrator assignments to job types, etc. Otherwise, I just use FTPsurger to drag and drop files to my simple FTP site.
filing unemployment

Here is what I know of it.  I currently reside in FL.  My husband has been laid off off and on for the last year.  He called FL to file unemployment.  They walk you thru a whole interview to determine your work history.  It is called "opening a file." The majority of his work over the past 36 months was from when we lived in MI.  So right now, when he files unemployment it is filed in MI.  He was told when he called MI that he is covered there until April.  When you call YOUR state and talk to them, they will walk you thru the whole thing to determine where you actually file.  We were lucky that he was covered in MI because he had less than 9 months full time work in FL and was not eligible for unemployment here. 

I am sorry about being laid-off.  It is a struggle and it is something I deal with all too much with the hubby. 

For that amt of $, I'd be filing suit. I can't believe you're going to

Filing as couple, pay over $400 per year
at H&R but the reason we have them done there is husband is union and the person doing them much aware of union deductions, lots doing them are not and also we itemize as before had 3 properties (2 rentals, 1 our living place) and we always got back quite a bit and then with my home office and work expenses I can take off, last year I think we got back close to $10,000 so worth it to us.
Question about filing taxes- do I need W2
I got my W2 and accidentally shredded it. Tried to get from my company replacement and not getting anywhere there. My question is can I go back through my bank acct, find out exactly what I received and write it down and file or do I have to turn in an actual statement from the company? Anyone know? Thanks.
executor is responsible for filing the return.
As far as taxes due, no one else is responsible for those taxes - it should come out of the estate. I don't know how much money is involved, but if it is in any way significant, I would hire myself a tax attorney post haste.

however, and you didn't hear this from me...I wouldn't give Bush one more red cent.
I'm talking corporate restructuring as in filing a new DBA soon, anticipating
bankruptcy and restructuring under a different corporate name.  It's done all the time in the corporate world. 
purchasing mt equipment/filing taxes...& getting started, Help?
Thank you; I live somewhat remote so I appreciate your help! I am excited at the opportunity to get started in this business. I am just a bit concerned that I would make this huge financial investment up front, but its a risk I guess worth taking, because I want to do this. Can I ask, what tax form do you file, and do you find that the business balances itself out; in other words, do you have to end up paying a lot in taxes, or do the expenses balance it out? Also, anyone: advice for a newbie: how do you recommend starting out, when it is so slow in the beginning due to programming macros, auto texting, and looking up every other word when you're first starting out??
Will filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and District Attorney do me any good if a sm
I live in a different state than her.  Also the amount is less than $100.  Thanks.
If not in your state, try filing in THEIR state. Then they