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Chocolate-covered strawberries.....Yum Yum!!!

Posted By: AllieCat on 2006-07-28
In Reply to: Hey everyone, I have a huge amount of strawberries from my - garden & this year I really (SM)


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George Clooney, chocolate dipped strawberries, and Dom Perignon champagne.
Chocolate with a chocolate ganache frosting and some extra whipped cream. nm
Just about anything CHOCOLATE. German chocolate, Texas sheet cake, etc. YUM YUM ;-) nm


Does anyone know how to keep strawberries from going moldy.  I have tried taking them out of their orginal container and leaving on the counter or putting them in the refrigerator and they go moldy after a day.  I have left them in their container and they still go moldy.   TIA

i grow strawberries,
in the garden; what i do with them may not work for store-bought ones -- don't know. But when i bring them in, i rinse them and let dry in a collander. I hull them and if there are any too soft or bad spots, carve them out, then put them in a bowel, cover with seran wrap and leave in frig. I don't think i've ever had them go moldy. If you freeze them, they freeze better if they are sliced, but they freeze whole pretty well too.
Hey everyone, I have a huge amount of strawberries from my
want to make a different kind of dessert with them. Every year I always wind up making strawberry shortcake or strawberry ice cream and well those are great but I'm such a creature of habit that I really want to make something completely different. If you have any great ideas, PLEASE let me know!


Those plastic container strawberries at the store always go moldy on me, too.

They must sit in a warehouse or truck where the plastic packages get really hot because the outside berries look great but the inside ones are moldy or mushy.  That's probably why they go on sale!  LOL  Open the plastic package in the store no matter how good they look and look at all the berries.  Wash them when you get them home and stick them in the fridge in a paper towel lined bowl.

I buy the huge crates or half crates of berries in the little green plastic baskets.  I cut most of them up, sprinkle with a small amount of sugar, let sit in the fridge overnight in plastic pint containers to "juice", then freeze.

I planted six dozen strawberry plants this spring, which your post reminded me that I need to go pick strawberries, zucchini, and green beans again.  Time to go find some unlocked cars and leave vegetables on the front seats.

Teriyaki salmon, corn on the cob, salad and strawberries...yum!
They were covered in my MT course, and
I have read hundreds of them (used to work in health insurance claims). 
that pretty well covered it....
Are they very quick with getting back with you when you apply? I have 5 years exp and taught one quarter of med trans at a local community college. I'm working in a doc office now (not doing transcription) but want to get back into working at home doing transcription. I had gotten away from it in 2004 because my husband got deployed and I wanted to make sure we had good insurance while he was gone which is why I took the job with the doc office. He was gone for 16 months and is now home and getting ready to take a really good job, which is going to allow me to start working at home again doing transcription. Hoping to hear from them soon. Thanks again for your input!!!
Wow, you have a lot covered in that dish. How about
cottage cheese. Bread of course.
Nay, my back is covered, don't worry about me! nm
Couple of thoughts....I have a covered box as well, and one cat would do the same
thing as yours if I didn't make sure the litter box was clean. (I had 2 cats using it). So, I make sure to dump it out once a day and then spritz in a citrus smellie thing as well as sometimes sprinkle baking soda in the bottom. This, of course, is in between the times before I change out the litter. Also, another idea that may or may not work is to put foil on the mat. My cousin had a cat that started to pee on the spare bed--no known reason--and she learned somewhere about cats not liking to go onto foil. So, she keeps sheets of foil on top of the bed. It works. Maybe also try to catch him in the act and push him all the way into the litter box to re-train him that this is not acceptable, maybe a little spank as you catch him and push him inside. Cats are trainable in some ways.
I have always worked 2 so my butt is covered - sm
Just make it so the your work schedule does not overlap. I generally try to work 1 during the day, and do the other a few hours at night. If I get the one done at night early enough I may start on my other IC jobs work until I get to tired and go to bed. Probably work about 10 hours or so a day with a big break between 3:30 and 7:30 basically. It is not hard to do, just if you slack off at one, then it is hard to get caught back up and stay that way.
Names are not covered. You can call any
hospital and unless the pt is a psych patient, they will tell you if they are a patient or not--unless they have requested the info not be given out.
Names are not covered. You can call any
hospital and unless the pt is a psych patient, they will tell you if they are a patient or not--unless they have requested the info not be given out.
This stuff should be covered at least a little in your MT program. How are you getting educated? nm
Companies have to be sure they are covered for specific times, many
places have set hours, some have 10 hour window for an 8-hour shift, but they still have to know when you are working, you can't just work whenever you feel like it.
I do not carry E&O insurance, but I do have my equipment covered under my HO policy.
My office is in my home and, God forbid, there should be a fire, I'd be out of business. I have coverage for my computer, printer, fax, phones and loss of use on a separate rider. Also, should anyone injury themselves coming or going from my office while doing business with me, their injuries are covered. Perhaps this is the information you're looking for.
Maybe my thinking is off here but . . do if I was covered under my husband's bennies program I&#
I like working at home too much I guess - not really in a rut, just very, very comfy here and like being my own boss all day long. JMHO.
It was wonderful outside. The butterfly bush is covered with butterflies of all colors. nm
I just dump them in a covered bowl with vinegar and sliced onion. nmx
If you're going to be covered in bug spray & slapping at skeeters, I'd be as comfie as I could
make shortcuts for stuff like that si in case u forget ur covered
chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate

I like to have flavored coffee in the afternoon - German Chocolate Cake coffee from Barnie's is good and no cals (well maybe literally 5!). Otherwise, brush your teeth :)
I won Chocolate too and it was such a fun wk
bribe myself with chocolate
I set my goal of 30 minutes, 200 lines, whatever, and once I meet my goal I get to eat a piece of candy that I keep sitting below my monitor as motivation. Reese's peanut butter cups and Dove chocolate are my fave!
chocolate fountain
I saw one of these at the opening of a store and the person that owned the fountain, stayed and attended to it. I didn't see how it was set up or taken down. It was a really neat thing and the fresh fruits and other accompaniments were yummy.
Chocolate cravings...
I find it more tempting working at home to eat junk -esp. when I get bored transcribing. SO, I just don't keep it in the house cause if it's here, I'll probably sooner or later eat some! LOL...Unfortunately, my husband (who is trim, dang him!) always has a bag or two of mini candy bars in the fridge. I just put them to the back where I can't see them. Or, I will buy the Slim-Fast snack bars, which are QUITE good! Only about 120 calories each, which is better than 280 for a candy bar. Hope that helps!
I won chocolate this year! Thank you again.
chocolate and lots of it! nm
I love the RS chocolate pecan ones especially! (nm)

And dunk the extra into chocolate!

 I am changing the meaning of this emoticon. She is melting chocolate!

Thanks for reminding me I have bananas in my freezer, lol.  Maybe I'll make some banana bread today too.

Me, too, but it's the dark chocolate. I get up and do something else, have a few bites, and then
Chocolate banana milkshakes. sm
Nephrology doc had me on these twice a day when my protein and electrolytes were low.  Ice cream, 1 banana and milk, add chocolate, whip it up in the blender. I even used to throw my multivitamin in there for good measure.  Tasted so good I got addicted to them.  LOL-it was a great chocolate fix. I think you could add some peanut butter in there, too, for a different twist and it has plenty of protein. 
I'll take anything that's dark chocolate, thanks! :) nm
Well, I'll be dipped in chocolate!
Yes, I am connected through a VPN!   That would explain it . . .  when I'm not connected, I don't have the problem!  Thanks so much - you've solved my problem!  
Talking about chocolate frosting--
I bought 1 of these smaller, looks like birthday cake, at the store yesterday and ate almost the whole thing, after dinner. I paid for that last night - did not have my head high enough up on my pillow and the reflux kicked in. I should know than to do that but gosh, the chocolate was saying eat me - and I was just thinking about that diet yesterday.
I agree with the suggestion of dark chocolate.
Also, I keep a bag of Hershey's kisses hidden. Whenever I need a boost, I just let one melt in my mouth. I can't eat an entire candy bar or bag of M&Ms. Too much sugar!
Aren't Dove Chocolate Caramels to die for?

No message sweetie.  Send me some Dove candies.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Craving!
Serving size: 1 cookie
120 calories
It's similar to German Chocolate cake, but
you put the pecans and coconut on the bottom of the pan and layer the chocolate cake mix with a drizzled layer of cream cheese and (can't find my recipie!!) When you bake it the cake cracks in the areas that you have drizzled the cream cheese mixture, thus the name. It's soooooo good!
The post regarding nearly attacking the can of chocolate frosting?

  I'm glad you spirits are lifted Hayseed cuz you always give me a chuckle with your witty posts.

Now go climb those mountains, you goat, you.

I hope she's frolicking with my beloved 2yo chocolate Lab, who left us 2 yrs ago.
No you can't survive on sex and chocolate but will die happy probably pretty quickly.
It would be a bummer to watch Johnny Dep get old and cranky anyway.
sean connary, chocolate, white wine
that would be perfect.
Milk chocolate. Forget the rest of the candy.
I like most of the mini chocolate bars, but especially Butterfinger, KitKat, and Mr. Goodbar.
long walk, eat chocolate, gripe to husband :)
Has anyone here ever rented a chocolate fountain? We're thinking of using one for DD's weddin

reception and are wondering just how easy or difficult they are to set up and take down, and if there are any problems during use of.  Anyone? 


I think it's the Baskin Robbins Chocolate Mint hard candies