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Chill out, all she is doing is wearing a color she obviously likes -

Posted By: I dressed in all purple on 2005-11-07
In Reply to: Teenage dress problems... - Mom of 3

and black in high school, some pretty wild clothes too. Doesn't sound like she is going goth or anything. Lots of girls wear black, nothing wrong with it. Remember pick your battles and don't blow the little things out of proportion.....as for rebelling I would not consider this anywhere close to rebelling.

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Hhhmm, and what color suit are you wearing
LOL - chill out!
Maybe it's time to check with your doctor. You're over-reacting a tad to a posting on an anonymous message board.

Thanks for the entertainment though. I needed a good chuckle today.

CHILL out!!
Geez.  I agree that there are a lot of reality shows on TV the last few years which are ridiculously stupid.  But, this one is different, in my opinion.  These are people (at least the ones who make the finals) who have talent and are just out there doing their thing trying to get a recording contract.  It's called......MUSIC!
Chill out, he said he was sorry, NM
Take a chill pill
they are only testing it right now in one city in Texas...

That should give you time to check out their competition :)

Wow---chill out everyone! OP said nothing against prayer or
it was allowed in a report.

It's no different than asking if typing someone "makes her money on her back" is appropriate. It's not the subject itself---it's whether or not it should be in a medical document because it's not medical. My answer is yes...if the doc dictates it then you put it in. There have been plenty of things over the years I would've left it, but you just put it in.

There's no reason for these attacks on her though...she didn't say anything was wrong with prayer. She didn't say she didn't tolerate anything Christian.

Everyone is WAY, WAY to defensive on this. She could very well be Christian herself, but you don't know that because she didn't say one way or another and didn't say it was good or bad.
Chill out ms. ???. If you can't be pleasant do us all a favor

and keep your hands off the keyboard.  Why are so you so dang miserable anyway?

Chill. Personal attacks are not necessary. sm
I asked some thoughtful questions and you are questioning my right to be an MT. You don't know me. My work is excellent and I have many years of experience. If you don't want to answer a question, don't get personal. It isn't necessary.
Yes, she should have been wearing a
Wearing off
I've had that problem in the past also. I found that carefully painting the keys with a clear nail polish works wonders.

Havre, Montana, right now 17 below 0, wind chill is 37 below 0.
Now that is a bit nippy.
What does wearing a vest have to do with it?
Chill in that you're all complaining and whining here, which is getting you NO where fast! Plus i
just soooooo tiresome to hear it 24/7. Again, its been going on forever. Period. And I assume you are referring to MQ, and then go on to imply how the service who treats their MTs right will have the most MTs, or whatever. Well, MQ has about 10K at any given moment!  Unethical to route work as you see fit?  Never!  That's the ropes! Some MTs just take everything soooooo personally.  Its not good for their mental health, literally.  Hey, I get a run of 10 reports from a great dictator whom I haven't heard in, say, 6 months, I just type them and move on! Perhaps I pause a microsecond to think, Hmmmm...he hasn't been around much, but glad he's here now!  To hear these whining complaining MTs, they just sit there and start plotting how this doctor got to their pool, where he's been in the interim, and its ALWAYS Indian MTs as the scapegoat, or the cherry pickers, or the VR got all the "good stuff".  They never just accept that its just THE WAY IT IS.  The roll of the dice - the MTs on line before them or with them - why does it always have to be something other than just fate?  Its so reflective of an unhappy persona, and its so self defeating.  Type it and be happy, or get another job! 
Very nice around there. Good place to chill, hmm, mentally that
I can't stand wearing shoes.
Sometimes I'll wear socks in the winter if my feet get cold.
At this point I would seriously consider wearing pantyhose and going TO a job.

I said I wouldn't but this business doesn't appear to be getting better, just worse for those of us involved.

Letters wearing off on keyboard
I admit, I purchased a very inexpensive keyboard, but the letters have worn off within a month! In looking at other keyboards at different stores, it looks like they all have the same kind of stuck-on letters that would wear off pretty quickly. Can anyone recommend a keyboard that retains its letters for a very long time with a lot of use? Or has anyone tried the stickers they make to cover the keys?
In all due respect, some of you MTs need to relax and chill on these issues of "cherry pickers
VR or Indian MTs. I have been in this business for over 25 years now, and this is the very nature of this business.  Work is always pooled around according to WHO is doing the pooling.  If you're an MT who always helps out cheerfully, always willing to give help where needed, sure, you're probably gonna get rewarded by having some sweet dictators routed to your pool.  If you're the pooler and your friend is the recipient, you're probably gonna tend to give your friend some cake dictators.  If, on the other hand, you're pooling work, and there's a cranky, whining, complaining MT, you're probably gonna just happen to send her some of those wonderful marble-mouthed dictators. There is ALWAYS someone at the start of the process, doling out the work to someone -directing it where THEY want it to go for whatever reason.  Same thing in the old days of tapes - tapes were handed out according to whoever was handing them out! Then C-phones, and work would be diverted to your "line", and now the internet.  I don't know if you are all new to the field, or just forgetful, but this is the nature of the industry.  So many are so paranoid and blaming cherry pickers, Indians, or who knows!  Most cherry pickers don't even have to cherry pick. The GOOD work goes to the GOOD workers.  Its simple.  So, be nice, have a good attitude, and do your job.  You're far more likely to get good dictators that way then dreaming up conspiracy theories or looking to blame the invisible cherry pickers.  You can look to those over you in authority, and really should perhaps put a little reflection on WHY you are getting the garbage over and over.  It sure can't hurt to try to look at it another way, cause its really not all as complex and complicated to figure out as you would like! Look to yourselves before always, always blaming those cherry picking Indian VR MTs!  Start tomorrow with a NEW attitude. Or, if its too late at your job, maybe start fresh somewhere else! I doubt it would hurt, and you sure might find yourselves with a new attitude and on the receiving end of some good reports!
squat........hands chill pill to poster.....no message
I've been wearing a splint that's sorta like a retainer...sm
for years that my orthodontist made for me.  I've had it replaced about every 5 years or so.  It works great!   The funny thing is that I pick at him that when he put me in braces at age 12 he never dreamed that 30 years later I'd STILL be coming to see him.    I do have fun when I go see him because invariably there's some pre-teen or teenager who asks "so how long have you been a patient?" and when I tell them 30 years they look horrified.  Then I explain that I was in braces for 18 months, retainers for a year and then returned for TMJ problems at age 20 and have been in and out every few years since then.  They always give a big sigh of relief then! 
That's true. I wouldn't mind wearing the
burka thing or whatever you call it.  I can't have direct sunlight on my skin anymore anyway (melanoma survivor).  I would fit right in except for the freckles, green eyes and strawberry hair.  I did hear there are very good horseback riding places and that would be a big draw for me of course, as I would be a real cowgirl if I could.  Just don't live in the right place or time for that  matter. 
I wouldn't suggest wearing them while you work.
Magnets and computers don't go well together. 
I've been wearing them for a year while I work with no....sm
problem.  They aren't that strong.
Quit wearing sexy clothes when you
Whatcha wearing and who you're emailing

I had read someone's complaints about complaining yesterday, while browing the board.  I got an email from one of my girlfriends just now, telling me she had been called in for receiving too many emails and given a 90 day verbal warning.  I used to work for a company that told me I made too many personal phone calls and worried I was not dressed professionally enough.  I used to have to pick up the CEO's cleaning and make sure all the buttons were on his shirts and there were no wrinkles.  Filling him a pitcher of water on his desk and leaving no fingerprints on a glass to go with it.  Let's remember that, today, as we sit in our sweats, being comfortable, or if the phone rings and we visit for 10 minutes, or if we get a cute email and want to send it to friends.  No boss towering over us......at least in our home. 

Pick him up wearing a trenchcoat and spiked heels.
Never thought of wearing scrubs, but if you're comfy, sm

that's all that matters.  I did the heels and hose thing for over 20 years when I worked in an office and/or hospital, now my "uniform" consists of a t-shirt and shorts until it gets really cold, then I begrudgingly give up my shorts and go with sweat pants, although not the kind with the elastic at the ankle ... hate those.  I'm tall, so usually most pants end up looking like capri pants anyway, so guess I should just cave in and buy capris. 

A lot of people think because I work at home, I sit in jammies all day, but that idea doesn't even appeal to me.  Plus, first thing in the morning, I have to walk my doggie, and I really do not think the neighbors need or want to see me walking around in my PJs.  But it is a personal choice ... if jammies or scrubs or even typing in the nude make you happy and productive, I say go for it.  :-)

My professionalism is not determined by what I wear.  The UPS or Fed Ex guy would probably fall over dead if I answered the door in heels and pearls.  :-)   But they both comment on how happy I always seem, and that must be a reflection of my love for my job and the comfort of being in the environment I choose to create for myself.  :-)

Yikes .. this was supposed to be a short little post supporting the lady who wanted to wear scrubs.  Guess it's not only the docs I type for who are long-winded ... oops!

Happy Saturday everyone!  

I just had the surgery and my doc has me wearing Occunomix Neoprene gloves
I found them only on-line and at a surgical supply store, but they are great as far as I am concerned. 
That's right, she likes
things with very strong odors, that's why she took to your stogie.
Actually he likes ...sm
both men and women, according to an article I read.  I guess since the 1st marriage to a woman failed, he decided to try the other "team."  Seriously though, he proclaims to be bi. 
Anyone who likes their QA...
son likes having me here

so he can ask me questions about homework or other stuff, ask me to make him a snack.. remind me to sign stuff for school, remind me it's time to make dinner, etc etc

Our ASR likes

sex offending.  

The patient's symptoms were controllable by sex offending (supposed to be fexofenadine).  The doctor prescribed over-the-counter sex offending (fexofenadine). 

My family likes my
No, you are the one with issues - Why does your face look like vomit? Are and the administrator of this board twins?

My family happens to like when I give them diarrhea covered bottles for Xmas!
I'm glad somebody likes them, because they are my
least favorite work type. Yuk!
Anybody who did that before is not here because nobody likes a thief. :) nm
Frankie likes this game
If you only knew, my dear.

We used to play the game that former president Bill Clinton and Ms. Monica Lewinsky played. Do you remember that game they played with the stogie?
My doggy likes to lie on my feet
while I am typing, the trouble is he messes up my foot pedal.
My 7-year-old likes broccoli!
Which is great because I love it. I don't even have to put cheese on it for him. Don't know how it happened really. I just put it on his plate and he thought the *little trees* were cool!
Take her out for an evening, dinner and whatever she likes to do.
Can't stand Doug. Don't know anyone who likes him.
Because no one likes or wants to work with a 'tude
You need more color
It sounds like your furniture is from the earth tone family which means your walls should have color. Carpeting is an accessory, like a hand bag, I wouldn't work around IT, make IT work around you. I WOULD NOT paint the walls tan, that would make it BLAH BLAH BLAH. Go with a color in the blue family, very pale, sky blue. OR, you can do what I did. I had boring tan walls, I bought a "sponge" roller and rolled a light yellow over the tan. With a sponge roller, you can create shape and dimensions. That way, the white peaks through the light blue, giving it a "sky" affect: this allows you to keep in line with the "earth" colors and in the "blue" family. Hope that helps.

i am soon to be married, for the first time even tho "past 35," and am very happy. i am having 4 junior bridesmaids and the ONLY rule i have for them -- they can pick out whatever dresses they love and that make them feel like princesses -- is that there be NO BLACK in the dresses whatsoever.  It's going to be a mid-day, outdoor wedding, plus i feel there's a little bit of jinx factor if black is involved. 

But as far as guests?  black is just fine; what is more beautiful than the little black dress?   go for it!  just my opinion.

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding...it sounds beautiful and how nice of you to let the girls pick out what makes them feel special
well, thank you, thank you very much!  my happiness overflows and you must have caught a trickle of it ....weddings are such "contagiously happy" events. 
My 75 pound husky likes to "sm"
come and take her ball and toss it on my keyboard! When I have enough and tell her to quit, she will lay it very sweetly beside my keyboard! She knows exactly what she is doing!
My kitty likes to sneak under my chair.
He'll brush the tip of his tail every so softly on my leg so I think it's a bug or something.  When I smack at it, he rubs under my hand for pets.  Little weirdo.  He likes to lick my toes, too.  Icky sandpaper tongue.  LOL
No sound a likes, but lots of other choices...


If the doc takes Medicare, which most do, you will find him here.  You can narrow it to specialty, first name, last name, partial last name, city, state, or all of the above.  Much more thorough than WebMD.  Good luck.

Yes, I like to keep things and my husband likes to throw everything out
To me, either keep it, sell it, or give it to charity. He just wants to throw it all out. Sentimental things I do like to keep though. Are you the need one or the pack rat? I just have a problem letting go of things that we might someday use though. I look at it like this, why go and spend the money on it in the future if it can just be stored away until then :)
Thankfully, self-employed so I don't have to deal with the likes of you.
What an arrogant bitchy know-it-all you think you are. You are laughable. I'm sooo beyond you. Later.