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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: Lilly on 2008-01-01
In Reply to:

Kept checking the chat room from about 7:00 till 8:00. Some one finally showed up, just the two of us. We had a nice chat. Hope some one else picks a time and more can make it. Hope to see more of you there next time.

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MTStars has a new chat software. Check it out. Click on the CHAT now! link at the top right corner.
If you would like to set times and days/evenings to chat, post here and we will include it in the newsletter.
who uses chat?
Does anyone use the chat feature (upper righthand corner of this screen)? 
i don't think they have a chat but they do
sounds silly, I know, but I have no idea how to use the chat. would like to know, however. thanks.
No, how do you go to it?
May be that was it. Of course, your're never gonna get every one to agree on a time. By all means, lets try again.
I have had a heck of a time trying to sign in. It keeps telling me I cannot post a link and I am not trying to post a link. Can anyone help me? I would love to join some other MTs in a Chat room.

I've read some of the responses to the chat room. I suggested 7:00 EST, some one else suggested 8:00 for those on the west coast. Tonight was mentioned as a good time for at least one.

My suggestion would be to pick a time, say 8:00 on the west coast, every night. Those that can make it will be there and those that cannot make it on any given night would be assured some one would be there the next night they tried. Once enough discovered the place and how much fun it can be, possibly there would be enough interest to have 1 or 2 almost every night.

For those who arn't sure what I'm talking about - at the top of the page, right side is a link "chat room." Click on that and you should be good to go.

This is just a suggestion. If not interested, ignore. Otherwise, hope to see some folks this evening 8:00 west coast time. (Unless some one has a better time that would work for most).



Anyone interested in meeting in the chat room 7:30ish tonight?
i didn’t even realize there was a chat room until this post!!! i am so out of the loop...
new to MT and new to chat
I've never chatted before... seems a little weird.  I have a 3yo son whom I have never had to put in day care.  Trying to not to; but my husband's pressuring me to get a job.  I don't mind; but I'd rather try to keep my son with me... so I'm interested in finding out how to do this... I used to do transcription at a hosp about 5 yrs ago... I still type 82 wpm.  do I still need to get a foot pedal or is that ancient hx?  Is there any recommended/required softward needed to purchase to begin?  How do I do invoicing and line counts?  It seems a bit overwhelming... do I need to take a course?  Is it something I can do at night and at nap times when my son is asleep?  How demanding are the docs?  How approachable?  I'm scared but excited to try it once I'm armed with a little more info...thanks!
will be on here prob another hour or so...i am logged into the chat room if anyone wants to meet up

I can't get on chat, is it just me or is it not working right now?

Thank you!
The Chat section is closed/discontinued on MTStars.com due to constant abuse of the System (Deliberate Trolling, Abusive Language, Profanity etc.).

Administration has no plans to restore this feature in near future.

MTStars Support Team.
chat room
On the main board, menu on the left says "chat". I have clicked on it several times and it always says no one in the room.
Chat rooms. sm
Does anyone ever go into the chat room(s). I have checked there at least a dozen times on different days at different times of the day and have never found anyone in there.
As it stands now, according to the chat
room, is that Kaysar and Jennifer are the only two left. Apparently James gave up and walked out. Go Kaysar!
In AOL chat room.

Anyone else having trouble getting into chat? (sm)
For some reason I can't get into chat anymore to see if anyone is there.  I've tried to resign up and it always tells me I have to use 6 letters in the password...when I've even used 9 and it still tells me I have to have more than 6 letters.  I'm about to give up.  I used to be able to get into it for for the last few weeks...not. 
Chat room
Just wondering why there is so few in chat room.  Whenever I go to chat, no one is there. 
free to chat?
if anyone wants to chat, i am in the chatroom.
anyone free to use the chat?
i am there now.
anyone free to use the chat? i am there
click the chat link on the left side of the board or the link above that says "chat now"
chat room
anyone ever use MT stars chat room?  Just discovered it.
chat room


Wondering if anyone wants to get together in the chat room.  LOL, that sounds a little scary.  No seriously, I am always looking to see if anyone is in the chat room and never a person there.  Anyone interested in meeting in there for some chatting?

Chat room
I would be interested, may be we could get a group together at a specific time and share experiences?

Chat room
Everyone agrees they want to chat, but no one sets a time/place. Rather than private e-mails, lets set a time here for all to see. Tonight would have been good for me, but no one else committed. Possibly if a time were posted here, as the time approached more would check in. Let's try it. Tomorrow night 01/01/2007, 7:00 EST?
Did't Know There Was a Chat Room!!
Chat room
Chat room is here. Click on "CHAT room" top right corner of the page. See ya there.
does anyone want to "chat"--there's never anyone in the chat room

any late niters have a few minutes to chat, let's pick a topic, any topic, meet me there.

--this one is kind of creepy, how it winks.

Saturday night chat. SM
After all my efforts to get some use out of the chat rooms, I have to tell you that I will be unavailable Saturday night. Hopefully, others who are aware of the potential for someone to be in there will take advantage and join in.

Anyway, thanks for the effort scc. Hope we can hook up another time.
Going to chat room for a little while. Hope to see some of you there. NM


Here's what happened on my chat with the doctor....sm

I told him what happened and he apologized, saying that this was a new service he was using.  I told him that it was my opinion that he should use a real answering service based right here in the US that has people that understand the language, because it was quite obvious that this call center was overseas and unable to handle basic English communication.  I then gave him the name and phone # of a medical answering service that I know is reasonable in rates and has American workers.   I don't know if he'll do anything about the bad service or not but at least he knows that I called attention to the fact that they were idiots.

I do it contantly on Chat room, IMs
This reminds me of a chat room at AOL! LOL nm

I am very interested in having a classroom chat.

Not other forums and chat sites for MTs. (NM)
using web cam-chat rooms?? or other options
does anyone know of any chat rooms or something where you are able to have private conversations using a web cam?  my parents are taking my son with them on vacation and this will be the first time I'm away from him.  I was hoping to find another way to keep in touch rather than phone and email while they are gone.  it's going to kill me being away from him but being a single mom I need a chance to have break-even though I'll probably cry most of the time he's gone. boy, talk about a double-edged sword!!!    any info would be greatly appreciated. I know other single moms have gone through this-how'd you get through it???? TIA !!!!
Perhaps, but real time chat is fun too.
In an internet chat room
I was in a chat room on AOL with my morning group of "Moms on Line" when another mom typed "OMG!!! Put on your t.v.'s everyone!" I rushed into the den and put on the t.v. and stood there staring at Tower 1 in flames. I listened for only about a minute as Charles Gibson talked about how it might have been an accident, when all of a sudden, the second plane came into view and crashed into Tower 2. I saw that live on t.v. and just screamed, all alone in the house. I knew right then that it was terrorism.

I live in the Philly 'burbs and about four times a year I drive up to JFK airport for one reason or another. Used to be that you drove over the Verranzano Bridge into B'lyn you could look to the left and see Manhattan and the twin towers. I am incredibly sad whenever I go over the bridge. The city looks changed and sort of scarred.

And another thing... it was such, SUCH a beautiful day on the east coast on 9/11/01. I mean it was gorgeous! I walked my kids to school that morning and thought to myself that it was one of the most gorgeous days I had ever seen. No clouds, no humidity, pleasant temp. Now, whenever we have another one of those, I think of 9/11 and how gorgeous that day was. :(
no thanks-I never register for boards/chat...

Christian chat room
Is there any christian chat rooms for medical transcriptionists?  I thought I saw one about a month ago and now I cannot remember the name of it.

Hi all,

There is a group of us planning to meet in the chat room at 7:00 EST tonight.  All are welcome.  

Okay - am I missing something on where exactly this chat room is??
Ditto, was a nice chat!
Let's do it again only this time with more MTs!  
chat room tonight anyone? sm

Anyone up for a get together in the chat room tonight?  If so, please post or email me what time would be good for you.  Hoping more people come.  Did not work last time I tried it.   

call me dumb, but what chat room??
are there any websites that have live chat for MTs? that actually have people in them?
What the heck was wrong with dog chat? Oops, that
Look at the top right hand corner and click on Chat Now.