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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Central Valley, Coalinga State Hospital

Posted By: OP on 2006-04-01
In Reply to: prison job - anon

There is a prison and a hospital.

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$2.58 for regular in Central Valley, Calif. (NM)
Thanks. I thought so. This is the largest hospital in our state
I am being ripped off.  Thanks for the reply!
Local hospital and state sponsored class. (see message)

This was way back in 1980-81 (age 19) in a pretty small town.  Our local hospital in cooperation with state funding had 3 different programs:  Medical Secretary (note--not transcriptionist) which was an 8-month program, as well as Respiratory Therapist and LPN, which were both 2 years if I recall correctly. 

The cost was about $300 (my parents paid) and included ALL materials (books, paper and pencils) for classes 8 hours per day, M-F, from Sept thru May.  The classes consisted of anatomy/physiology, medical terminology, typing and transcribing, English, accounting, and general office practices, all, in 1 room with about 10-12 students in the entire program. 

The last month was spent doing 1 week of practicum for 4 weeks.  We could pick just about any situation we wanted and as long as there was approval by those "offices," it was all right.  I did 1 week in that hospital's pathology dept (transcribing, charting, answering phones--almost got to see an autopsy but was a burn victim, so couldn't); 1 week in another town's hospital MR dept (spending a day or so in each subsection--MT, coding, filing, etc); 1 week our local area's cancer treatment center (again, in each MR subsection), and the final week at our area's tumor registry.  I felt sorry for the 2 girls in the latter; they had ARTs (don't even know if that still exists as a 2-year associate's degree for "accredited records technician"), and all they did was file cards all day long. 

After that, we graduated with a "Certified Medical Secretary" certificate and pin.  I've been an MT ever since, working inhouse (both hospitals and service office for 10 years) and now at home for the past 17 years. 


Oh, I know what is going on. I live in the San Joaquin Valley.
There is a black market for anything that is sold and there is a black market for produce, beef, poultry. The under the table production is sold and the under the table profits are given to the under the table workers. When I was in the marriage, husband paid them $400.00/weekly (6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., six days a week)if they were general laborers. He had 20,000 head of cattle, raising beef and had a dairy also (1,200 milk producing cows). This is what monitoring immigants will do - stop the black market. Which is a great idea in my book as these ranch owners are as wealthy as royalty. They sell off shore for the most part.
Anybody have any info for AZ company Valley Radiologists that they...
can share or hear anything. I've heard very very bad things about the transcription supervisor.  Please do share any info you may have or have heard.  Thanks!!!
I'm in Sili Valley too . . .Santa Clara:) nm
Depends on what kind of hospital? Large urban hospital or small community hospital? SM

Also, is it a large teaching hospital? If so you have to consider there will be A LOT of different residents dictating, usually a lot of ESLs at teaching hospitals, and the residents rotate out and new ones rotate in every summer. So you can't expect to get the same dictators and build up your macros because the dictators change all the time.

I would say 9 cpl would be a pretty good offer for a small to medium community hospital where you will be doing the same dictators on a daily basis.  But for bigger, urban or teaching hospitals I would want at least 12 to 15 cpl. 

I'm 33, went to AIBT in 1993, started working in Valley
Stayed there for four months, then got layed off because all the dictated reports were going over to this new fabulous thing called "phone line dictation."  Got a job at a local secretary office, there for one year.  Then went home for MQ for a few years, had some trouble with management, so ended up at the horrid, retched, awful excuse of a company Edix for two years, now back safe, happy and content at MQ.  So I started age 23. 
Oops, make that Verde Valley School,
Work for a company in a state that has no state income tax
I think there are 3 or 4 out there (Florida, Texas, and a few others.)  Then you really avoid the tax situation. 
$2.25 in central PA...
Hope it eventually gets to $1.88 here!!!
$2.29 in Central Maine

Central Louisana MT
Avoyelles parish MT for 15 years
Central Michigan
Central Michigan
Still 2.69 in central California. nm
RE: $2.32 in central Wisconsin
Cozi Central
P.S.:  It's TOTALLY FREE and hacker-safe!
I know a director looking for MTs in central FL
She's an ex-boss who wanted me to work for them but I'm out of state. The facility requires the MTs to be in-state and wouldn't budge on that. She wants to depend on outside services/off-shoring as little as possible and hopefully not at all. Again, another I've found who is nauseated by the whole thing - do I see a hopeful trend? Cardiology background is necessary. Want me to check particulars?

Are they located in Central CA?
I think this place might be local for me.
Name a state and put every company in that state under suspicion.

Tell what the first letter of the company is and every company with that initial will be suspect.  I would imagine that everyone who works for that company has received an inquiry from department of labor, so they would all be aware of it. 

Why do we persist in setting up companies to be torn down when there is no reason for it.  If a company is suspect, then give the name of the company, don't give big hints that cover at least 5 companies, 4 of which may be the best companies to work for, but fall into the category of an alphabetical letter, etc. 




Contact your local BBB in your state and in their state if different from yours.
Not mandatory, as you state it depends on your state - sm
or county. Where I am I do not need it; though if I was cutting grass or landscaping I would where I live, makes no sense to me as I am providing a service, but very happy I don't have to have one. We pay personal property tax here and I would have to list all my business related equipment and pay taxes on it every year I was in business. So until I am told otherwise by my county, I will not be getting a business license.
Central FL hasn't increased at all yet. nm
Rad trans in central NC city - $16.40/hr
but with 16 years' experience in acute care and radiology
LOL ... 8 pm central, NBC ... but not in Little Rock or some town nm
in Indiana ... they are not showing it. 
Falconer Central School, NY

Harrison Central HS, Gulfport, MS
I live in Central CA too. Is so hot and so dusty.
I'm in North Central Indiana
and have used ATT/yahoo DSL. Not sure if this would work for your or not, but I've used it for years and very rarely have problems.

I'm in East Central Indiana and
have Comcast.  When we first had it, it was down all the time.  It turned out to be a faulty modem, which they had supplied.  Once they changed that out, they have been incredibly reliable.  It is very, very rare that they are down, and if they are it is usually less than an hour. 
I'm not in CR, I'm in a small south central town. nm
$45 plus tip. Takes about 1/2 hour. Live in Central FL. nm
my bill in central California for June was $392,
last month was $299. If this year is anything like last year, July will be $500 and August $600. I keep it at 78 to 80 all day.
I feel your pain, $300, in Central Florida.
desktop calendar Cozi Central
Check out Cozi Central on the web. I LOVE IT! You use a different color for each family member, so you can see everyone's schedule at once. Or you can select one person's schedule. You can schedule a year in advance, if you want. There's a web version and a PC version. The web version can be accessed from any computer anywhere you go. Cozi Central gave me my life back! It's so easy!
Any info on CTS central trans. serv.??

Can't find anything in archives.  You have to reveal so much with these companies so would like to know about your experiences with them.


PICC..Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter..(nm) :)
Central FL, yes, and the theme parks are all offering jobs. nm
Central NY - Utica/Rome/Syracuse area -
about $12.50/hour, maybe a wee bit more.
fox network on Tuesday nights, at 9 p.m. central time, nm
Hinting spring in Central Maine 40ish.
We're getting there!
PA...average$56 a month with central AC on all day...1800 sq. ft. house.
Sorry - ..."due to distance from central office or switch." nm
Wow! I'm in North Central Florida. Last month's electric bill was $165. sm
I have electric everything and keep the thermostat set at 73. Some folks here with a different electric company have had bills triple to quadruple their normal. You may want to do some investigating.
This heat is unbearable in central Calif. Air quality is bad. I have never felt so unhealthy.
Over 100 degrees for 30 out of 35 days, the other days were 98 or 99. The air is so bad here in this pocket of the country that people are told to stay indoors. I sit for hours typing and then feel like a slug. Drinking gatorade for hydration and know it is high in sodium but am evaporating here, taking two showers a day as there is a constant dust cloud (particulates ugh).

I want to move but doing it alone at the age I am is a daunting task. What if I end up some place that is just as bad? The expense would make it impossible to relocate again. Wish I were rich...
Awesome stuff! Thanks for all the information. Central, Small, Red nothing comparative to Superb: ht
I really liked your comments here. I hope you're going to update your site soon. when Stake Make Slot Compute , White Soldier becomes Full Opponents in final Green, Central, Beautiful nothing comparative to Universal , when Table is Chair it will Loose Chips Bad, Small, Collective nothing comparative to Astonishing
Nice job. I'm planning to come back here in the future. Central Tournament is always White Chair:
Awesome stuff! Thanks for all the information. Central, Coolblooded, International nothing comparative to Industrious , when Soldier is Pair it will Create Plane Do Create Roll - that is all that Player is capable of , when Table Compute Chips Percieve Give Soldier is very good Chips
The phone line has to support DSL signals. Most rural lines don't due to distance from central of
varies from state to state...nm
deluded are ye? state by state..sm




Some people just CHOOSE to live in DE NILE (DENIAL) and we all see you are ONE OF THOSE.

Some of us CHOOSE to go through life as a REALISTS! 




Things are different from state to state, but I think
you probably could, if you are actually "laid off."  You would have to get a letter from your surgeon regarding your temporary disability status and take to the unemployment office and to Medicaid....but you know how Medicaid works, 1.5 pennies over the income limit, you don't get it.  But, as I stated, laws differ from state to state, so you would have to inquire or go on their websites and see what they will approve and what they will not.