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Can you get Vonage w/out getting internet service? sm

Posted By: Need a new plan on 2006-12-27
In Reply to: Vonage the best hands down! I never - Laurie

If I can remember correctly, I was once told that you needed their internet service - which I do not need nor want - just want to get rid of my expensive land line.



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Vonage phone service
I have been using Vonage for about 4 months now, and I really love it.  My bill has never been over 23.00 and the only drawbacks I have seen is that sometimes my voice will have an echo-like quality that is a little distracting and the other is if my internet service is out for some reason, I don't have a phone, but it is very rare for that to ever happen.  The low bill more than makes up for it.  My phone company bill used to be at least 75.00, and I never could figure out what half of the charges stood for.  Even the people who worked at the office couldn't explain it!
Has anybody tried Vonage for phone service?
Any opinions would be appreciated. Thanks
That has been the reason I delay getting vonage......internet
My telephone service is VOIP, but it s through my cable service, along with my cable internet. .
We have had VOIP for about a year now and I love it. I really can't tell a difference in traditional service, except the price. One of the best calls of my life was to Bellsouth to cancel our service!
No, you don't need their internet service, just
some internet service - cable type. I got all the equipment I needed from Vonage. Also their equipment is a Linksys - that's it. You just plug it into your cable modem, and my Vonage Linksys had ports allowing me to network all 6 of my computers at home. Prior to Vonage, I was only able to network 3 off of my cable modem. Its very, very easy to figure out. The only old down side used to be that you could not get all the usual features of 911 in an emergency. You would have to dial 911 and say your address. That has been rectified now in all areas, as far as I know. I also have a cell phone anyway, 24/7, so on the rare occasions that power has gone out, I use my cell phone if need be. I have never been so happy with a phone company - been with Vonage about a year now. I had tried them all, and been burned by all - Verizon, MCI, Sprint. I lasted with Verizon the longest, but again, I paid about $80 a month for their biggest plan - Freedom plan, with all unlimited LD, call waiting, voice mail - every bell and whistle one could get, and the bill always was $50 to $100 or more higher than promised. They would tack on all sorts of garbage every month. Finally got sick of them and switched to Vonage. It was scary at first, but so worth it. Again, when I work, they have a feature where you can set your phone to not even ring - just go to instant voice mail. You get an email that you have a new message, or your phone blinks and lets you know. You can go right in your email and look and see who the # is that called, so you know whether to listen to the message or leave for later. You also can access all your phone stuff thru Vonage.com. You can listen to your voice mail via your work headphones, or you can listen to the messages via your phone. Online, all your calls are saved permanently. I am just so pleased with them, though was very skeptical at first. They even have a new neat thing called a virtual phone or something, and its a screen you can bring up on your computer which is a big phone. You use your mouse to dial the numbers and just talk thru a computer microphone or headset. Its really cool. I don't need it, but it sounds like a fun toy!
Internet service
Was with Time Warner when brought out by ComCast. Internet service through cable fast but unreliable. Have been with AT%T for about a year now, a tad slower, but has NEVER gone down.
Internet service is not down.
They just switched to using a different cable for service and most service will be back up today. Since it happened at the end of their workday yesterday, it hasn't really affected too much.
Is anyone using the new internet phone service through
your local cable company or Vonage or something like that.  How do you like it?  Any troubles we should be aware of?  Thanks for any info.
RE: Is anyone using the new internet phone service through
I have internet services and digital phone service through Time-Warner, and it is great!
Switching internet service
Cox just informed me that my monthly bill will be going up by $5 starting in October.  Does anyone use NetZero or can anyone recommend a reliable internet service at a decent rate?  My bill will go up to about $45/month. 
Reliable Internet Service
I also used Earthlink for a year with problems like yours, switched to Verizon DSL with worse problems, looked into Comcast, also in my area, which was highly recommended. I had to get rid of Verizon as I kept losing service, they actually blamed it on electrical appliances in my house (not true), so I switched to my town's local cable company, have no problems with that. I would try Comcast before Verizon DSL. It is really aggravating when you keep losing internet connections and after many calls they still cannot figure out why. Good luck.
Question for those who use internet fax service (sm)

I am looking into this and didn't realize how many different companies are out there.  Who do you use, and are you happy with the service? Thanks!  LLHS

Internet service question

I am going to be moving to an area where high speed broadband and DSL are not available - and the company I work for, as well as most other companies that I have seen on the jobseekers forum require one of these types of internet service - does anyone have any idea of how I can either get around this or of any companies that do not require these - and perhaps can use satellite or some other type where a "receiver" is placed on your roof that picks up a radio transmission.  That is the only type service available there.  I have heard from one Transcriptionist that said AT&T could perhaps install a "pole" in my yard for around $400 in order to get their DSL and I am going to check on that - but otherwise - I need help with this - and my options are running out.  I have been an MT for 15 years and worked at home for most of those years - I cannot imagine doing anything else - but this move is for my husband's business - so I'm stuck as far as where I can move.  Any information would be appreciated - either emailed or on this board.  thanks



Broadband/Internet Telephone Service
Does anyone use a broadband/internet telephone service for transcription, such as Vonage, Covad, Lingo, SpeakEasy? I have a local long distance account and am looking into this type of service for a monthly flat fee for unlimited minute usage. Otherwise, the long distance fees would eat me alive. Any info on any company, good or bad, would help me tremendously in making my decision. I am researching several via the internet, but once again, any info would help.

Have a save and sane 4th of July!
Searching for Internet satellite service
This company looks they offer good service in our area according to their add but I have never heard of them before.  Any news would be appreciated.
Internet service without land-line phone

I recently looked into this subject myself.  If you have Verizon available in your area, you can purchase a plan at about $55.00 per month with a two-year contract.  You will receive a card that you can insert into your laptop, which will provide you with unlimited Internet access at the speed of DSL.  As far as I know, there are no other cell service providers that have come up with this type of card yet, but I'm sure it's bound to happen in the future.  Another option is to purchase a satellite telephone and phone cards as you go along, but the cards are really outrageous in price.  One last thing that I would suggest is that you phone cell providers in your area to see if they have any technical gadgets you could attach to the cell phone for Internet access.  Many of the satellite phone companies have separate packages you can buy, which can be attached to laptops or PDAs.  I also have a TracPhone, so I know it does not come with hardware that will do the trick.


Good luck to you in setting everything up.  With the way that technology is moving, I'm sure there must be a way to accomplish what you want. 

Reliable Internet Service? Currently using Earthlink and very unhappy.
I've been using Earthlink as my ISP but this past year the service has gone downhill.  I've been without service at least four times this year for anywhere between a few hours to a day.  Plus all tech support is out of the country so you spend more time than necessary asking the tech to repeat the instructions.  I'm looking at Verizon right now.  Comcast is not recommended.  Thanks
Does anyone know why some companies won't hire you if you have satellite internet service? TIA
As long as they have decent internet service there, you should be fine and if you use your laptop no
my laptop because it uses a 9-pin foot pedal and I havent been able to get an adapter that works. Obviously, most all laptops these days have the USB on them. What I have had to do is bubble wrap my computer (I have a small desktop and flat screen) put it in the suitcase and off I go. Also, doublecheck on your time change. I take mine to Hawaii and have to remember there is a 4-hour difference so you'd have to factor that in if someone needed you to do something a certain time. Just check on your internet service before you go etc.. I travel all over with my computer. I cant afford to miss work. Best of both worlds..vacation and work..Nothing is nicer than sitting out on the lanai in Hawaii with that gorgeous view i.e. sunset and working away. I mean I could be home staring at the four walls..boring...
Have had Hughes for 5 years (used to be Direcway) great internet service sm
but truly hate if I have any kind of problem and have to call in. Luckily that is rate to nonexistent.
Norton Internet Security 2009 and Service Pack 2 or 3??
I am having a heck of a time! I have Windows XP and just purchased Norton Internet Security 2009 for my antivirus, as my previous version is just about to expire. Upon installing it it says I have to install Service Pack 2 or higher for it to work. I never installed SP2 because I read that many, many had problems with it. Should I go ahead and download SP3? Is there anything I need to do before installing it? I'm thinking of taking the computer to a professional and having them download SP3 and install it for me because it makes me really nervous! Anyone have any experience with this? What should I do?

Thanks.. we love Vegas..get our rooms free and now you can pay like $10 for 24-hour internet service
Gotta love it..  Have fun on your trips too..
I am wondering if there is a way to use your C-phone with Vonage phone service?
I was told I would dial directly into the system/Will I need to get dial up internet service?

If you have problems with your internet, you will have problems with Vonage -
Vonage works through your internet; therefore, no internet service, no phone service... bad/slow internet service, bad phone connections.
We have decided to add this to our current service not have a new service. It will be easier to sm

keep track of and will just be a different department. 

It looks like we will work out details over the next 6 months, talking with community college program directors as well as a few of the distance-learning course leaders to work on the recruiting end.

We will train current staff to mentor if they would like to do so and want to work in the office.

We are still working on production requirements, goals to set, pay, benefits and other fine details but we have 6 months to get it all in place with three months to pull it together after that with a tentative start date of 09/01/06.  We need to build the building as well, although that is already at the blueprint stage in a spot next to our current office. 

We did not want to cause flames and bashing by listing the company name as there are always so many negative people on this site, but we are national with over 200 transcriptionists, located outside of Chicago (40 miles west) and have the best team of transcriptionists around!

We will have an "official" announcement after the first of the new year. 

Thank you for all of your feedback and suggestions!

Internet based transcription - need advice on how to go internet
Can anyone offer any help/advice on how go about becoming internet based from a call in system, or how to keep the call in system for the docs and put transcriptionists on the internet?  Not sure where to start to get information on how to go about doing this. Any help will be appreciated.  Thanks.
If you want to work on the internet from home, take an internet course
But only from Andrews School or M-TEC. Many companies will waive the 2-years' experience requirement and will test and hire you if you go to either of those schools. Do NOT bother with At Home Professions, Penn Foster, US Career Institute, or ESPECIALLY Trans-Am, which is also known as Trans-SCAM and is a total ripoff. You will have a VERY difficult time getting hired without experience unless you choose Andrews School or M-TEC. Yes, they cost more, but that's because they are excellent training programs, not "correspondence courses."
I am not asking for a service, I AM the service looking for recorders
Any of you out there using Vonage?  It seems like a really good deal, 25.00 a month for unlimited (opposed to the 110. we pay for Verizon).  Anyone using it to connect to hospitals? and do they say anything if you are using 8 hours solid for work?  I see they have a small business plan for around 50.  If any of you have it, how is the connection and the sound quality.
I have been using Vonage for almost
a year now. I didn't get the business plan and I didn't tell them what I was using it for, and they have never said anything about it. I do dial into a hospital and have used it on a personal basis. The sound quality is good. I have been disconnected a few tiimes in bad weather but not for very long and only maybe twice since having it. Go for it, I think you'd like it. Good luck!
I would like to get Vonage but I have two extension phones in my house and they told me it would only ring on one phone and not on the extensions. Any suggestions?
It is not against the law for Vonage as they are
However, for the other LD companies i.e., Sprint, Verizon, etc., it is not allowed. I also used my local carrier only to be notified several times that I could not use it for this type of work and if I continued they would disconnect my service! I know use Vonage and have had no problems.
I use Vonage
Only VoIP plans don't put a minute limitation on "unlimited" long distance, i.e, 5000 minutes a month or whatever.  So far no problems.  I still get nervous about it though because they could crack down at any time like the other traditional LD companies started doing.
I use Vonage.
I am using Vonage
My husband and I are using Vonage. It was a handle to get going but now seems to be smooth sailing. The only problem is if we loose our cable modem then our phones go down as well. Also if you have problems more than likely you will be speaking to someone in India, so I do not know if it is based out of India or what.
Vonage here
Vonage has worked well for me.  I pay about $27 a month on the residential plan and have had it for about 4 months.  I know some people have had problems with getting disconnected a lot, but I haven't.  It must depend on where you live.  I use a high volume of LD for MT and haven't had any troubles (so far).
I have had such little trouble with Vonage that I sometimes forget that is what I am using.  They are great, no problems.
Vonage is
works great! love it...and hubby likes the bill ;-)
I had problems from the beginning with Vonage and working on the internet. I finally had to take a loss and switch - went over to MCI. The rate is ok - and your first month is free (26.99) and then every 6 months you get a coupon to send in with your bill for $26.99 - so I guess it is like getting two months a few for free - anything as long as my phone works.
Mine used to just keep going when I hit the rewind pedal and would rewind all the way to be beginning of the report.  Try changing the bandwidth on the Vonage website under your account.  Change it to the lowest setting if it is not already there and see if this helps. 
Yes,that is what Vonage is...
I have used it for four years and haven't had a problem. See the messages below about Vonage. Actually Vonage is only in the US and Canada though. You can call other countries but they charge you, but from what I hear, they are very good rates.
Vonage sm
I see a lot of ads for Vonage locally but have heard negative reports on this board. Does anyone have this service and is it a good one? I am in search of a good low-cost long distance and direct cable service. I am currently on AOL and they are pushing broadband either through Verizon or Cox in my area. Someone in my family just went through a terrible business venture with Verizon for weeks and their computers were "totally down" and were unable to transmit important information, so I am being overly cautious.

That terrible business venture ....  did you mean "Vonage" versus "Verizon"?  Okay, if you did then you should know that is a realistic gamble you will always have to take with Vonage and computer down-time.  That is just how it is.  Computer is down, work does not get done.  Second, check the archives on this board for negative Vonage comments.  I, for one, have had nothing but a big fat negative experience with Vonage.  Spent 6 hours -- HOURS! -- in total over the telephone with every "rep" that Vonage seemed to have, most of them The Patels from India type reps (all called Jason or Tom, yeah right), and even the American sounding reps could just not get there stuff together. 

I was a residential user with a single phone line and NOTHING fancy involved, but they just could not get us hooked up.  Oy veh!, the frustration.  And that was just getting us SET UP?  We canceled before going any further.  The money savings is substantial, so we gave them every chance to prove themselves, but it just did not work out.  Good luck to you.  Not a lot of fantastic options, unfortunately. 


Comes with practically everything.  Only $24.99 a month and unlimited long distance.  You have to have Cable or DSL for it to work though.

Yes and at $24.99 remember you are getting what you pay for. I tried it and it interfered with my broadband and I had to cancel. I could not get an answer from them in the 1st 30 days - so I had to pay a penalty to cancel. Just another untrustworthy company in my opinion.
Didn't work for me - what a waste of time and money.

I am thinking of getting Vonage phone service.  Does it really work that well and how easy is it to set up?  I know the ads say that it is 24.95/month, is this really accurate?  Has anyone experienced any hidden costs.

Just trying to test the waters before jumping in.  Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks!

When I first got vonage everytime I picked up the line my whole wireless network would go down. No help at all from vonage or my ISP. Since I was using a wireless phone with vonage I thought it might be the phone, so 3 phones later the problem stopped. I am currently using an old ATT 900ghz unit. Now, from a quality standpoint it is not like a regular phone. The thing stops when you stop talking and starts when you start talking. This results in the first part of each sentence being cutoff a bit and the last part ends abruptly so the listener has a hard time hearing the last word. Also, unlike a phone where both parties can talk at the same time, vonage has a hard time dealing with this. If you are on the phone a lot, I would not recommend it. I use it for my home phone, but for my business I still have a land line.
Vonage. nm


ANybody else having problems with Vonage last night this morning????
