California MTs and OT laws - Question for ya.
Posted By: See Inside on 2008-11-13
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Hey there,
I work for Spheris. My supervisor just informed me that from this point forward, I cannot work OT.
Are there any Spheris MTs from California who could e-mail me about what I could do as a cut in pay right now is devastating.
There are exceptions for people who do piece work I have read and wonder if there is a way to get around this. I am paid by exam and sup says when I work 2 minutes OT, they have to pay me OT for every exam, plus if I work over 5 days, OT for the whole week, or over 8 hours, OT for the hourly pay...
Needless to say, I am devastated by this... as I live alone. Need I say more? ::sigh::
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It is against California Privacy Laws, and the patient can sue from what I read.
They (companies that outsource) are probably lining the pockets of the politicians!
Go to MTChat and ask California self-employed MTs or do a SEARCH in LOCAL MTs for California. We ha
I think all state labor laws are pretty much in line with the federal laws as far as PTO SM
among other things. Basically, federal law states that an employer is not required to offer paid time off or paid holidays. An employer doesn't have to pay you for time not worked. It states quite clearly that PTO is an agreement between the employer and employee upon hire. So, if you have an agreement with your employer stating you accrue PTO and get certain Holidays off with pay, then upon termination or resignation, you are entitled to any unused time you have accrued. However, since not mandated by any state or federal laws, if an employer refuses to pay you for any unused PTO, you will have to take legal action, likely in small claims court. You will probably eventually win, but you have to decide is it worth all the trouble and legal fees?
When you actually get right down to it, labor laws really don't do much for the working class. We are not guaranteed anything except minimum wage and a safe work environment.
California! nm
California. nm
3.19 in California . nm
California MT's
Does anyone know why companies are unwilling to hire people who live in the state of California?
california MT's
So far we have been told by 2 companies that they will not hire from California, I am waiting on a reply from a recruiter who is checking into it. I think it may have something to do with the OT laws and the highest employment taxes in the nation.
Sucks Though!
Visalia, California
California trans
Yes, they are a great company.
California's is $11 or $12/
whereas Florida is bumping it up to $6.15 an hour next month I do believe or next year sometime....2006.
It's all relative when you think about housing costs, like in could live in a dump and it might cost a half million.
JF Kennedy, California
Cold in California
Chance of snow tonight near Fresno. I know this is not your kind of cold, but for us it's unusual.
I live in California (sm)
Actually, they get quite a bit of time off in year-round school. My daughter started school July 24 and will go to the 1st part of October and then be off all October. Then she'll get two weeks off at Christmas/New Year's. Then she'll go until February and have that whole month off. Then she goes until the end of May and is off all of June and most of July until she starts 2nd grade. It makes it easy to plan vacations because we know when she'll be off, and we don't always have to plan a vacation when everyone else in the world is. We actually enjoy it!
Still 2.69 in central California. nm
In-house pay in No. California is $22-30
Come to California and you'll fit right in (sm)
with all of us fat MTs And California is usually a "skinny, healthy" state - not that I've seen of in-house, hospital MTs, at least here in Northern California.
IMHO, you will do better working in-house in a "liberal" area or state, or employee-oriented state, because major employers know not to go there, or else
California MTs: Please see inside
Are we required to have a business license in California for IC transcription work?
In California pay is $20-21/hour.
You don't do the work in California, do you?
If you are not physically in California doing the work, then you don't owe them tax money.
I would not fill the form out.
Not EVERYWHERE in California is expensive
I live in a rural area near Napa. It's a LOT chaaper here (home prices and rent) than in SoCal where I moved from last summer. California is a big state, lots of places to settle down. Have to take time to really look.
California Transcription LLC
HELP!!!! Can anyone tell me anything about California Transcription LLC???? I think it used to be called California Transcription Unlimited, but I'm not sure about that. Was just offered an overflow account with them, IC, but they only pay monthly, so I will end up typing for 6 weeks before I see a paycheck!! This is not a problem for me, but my only concern is that they are legit and actually pay people. Would hate to find out at the end of June that they are rip-off artists.
I REALLY need some input here gang. Does anyone on here work for them now or in the past, or know anything about them??? Thanks!!!
Thank you for the info--what city in California?
That isn't as good as I'd expect.
State of California...LA County is...nm
I used to work for a company in California that sent out
the Christmas cards a week late, unsigned. We were really appreciated. The initials were IS
California Transcriptions Unlimited...SM
No schedule, no line commitment. They presently have an ad on the Job Seeker's Board. All radiology.
Born in Sacramento, California
Jury duty in California
Everybody heard the answers to the questions; what did I do for a living, have I ever been a juror, had I ever been in a car accident, things that might pertain to that certain case. It was a car accident in a parking lot. I actually got chosen for the panel and was fighting staying awake through the whole thing it was soooooo boring. After sitting in that hard chair for nearly 8 hours on the first day, I got up and could hardly walk. I had developed a DVT sitting in that same spot all day and could no longer be a juror (oh darn). Because of this, I cannot be called for jury duty anymore.
If anyone from California gets a chance - go to the GAB Board sm
my post was moved there, and I'm so afraid that no one will see it.
out of curiosity, is this MTSO in California? NM
My SIL visited me in Georgia from California
and she was shocked to see what kind of home we could get here for under $250,000 compared to what they have where she lives. Her thinking was my community was really high in cost when no home goes for over $450,000. The prices are really great here.
Northern California Clinic
If this information is correct, I for one am happy if my employer makes money. Let's take a poll...has anyone out there ever benefitted from working for a company that lost money/had to go belly up?
In some areas there are laws against leaving a dog tied in a yard like this. it is considered neglect or abuse or something
OT laws
What you're talking about here is illegal and violates the Federal labor laws. It is also not legal to just not pay someone if they work OT. You still have to pay them, and then deal with not following policy through whatever disciplinary action you have in place. But over 40 hours means OT pay, period. There is no exception to that and if your supervisor is advising you differently, he/she is asking you to break the law.
Do any of you married people have trouble with your in-laws, particularly your mother-in-law? Mine is quite domineering and manipulate, though my husband doesn't see it one bit. She has really created a lot of problems between him and I because I don't think she ever really liked me. However, he sides with HER all the time !
I suffered with this for 15 years of my 17-1/2 year marriage. I finally started dishing it back to her, big time. She was really a spineless woman, and she retreated. In fact, they hardly ever came to visit anymore. However, the damage was done and the marriage died. So, good luck. I wouldn't go out of my way to try and please her, because believe me, you won't!
I have in-laws that are like that...
I wish I could also put it out of my head and get over it, but it still bothers me. My MIL doesn't get it and has never wanted to. My mom was the only one who ever really understood before she died a few years ago, but only because she would ask me and wanted to know. My husband tells me to let it go, that they'll never understand. That includes his sisters and brothers. I'm 38 and still care about silly things like that. I do need to let it go and know that we are doing good by my working at home. I've seen all my three kids' firsts just by being here, and that's what is important. I've even mentioned to my MIL what I make in the past and still doesn't seem to care or want to know, just will say "oh, really?" and then move on to the next subject. When everyone is talking about having to work the next day at a holiday party, I keep my mouth closed now and say nothing. To them, I don't really work. I feel like a crazy person if I do mention working, like I have an imaginary job, so I quit talking about it. It's funny now because SIL's daughter went to school for this and is currently looking for a job, so they'll have to start understanding it better. I'm glad to know I inspired her.
Hope California would join the two states
doing the protest soon!!!
Actually, I lived in California my ENTIRE life...
until moving to Utah for the past several years. Utah state tax is ldefinitely lower, but I NEVER paid 40% while living in CA. We're moving back after the first of the year, and our biggest worry is the cost of houses, not the taxes.
No, they don't know what they're talking about. The California bill was
11 cpl 55 character line, MTSO in California
my bill in central California for June was $392,
last month was $299. If this year is anything like last year, July will be $500 and August $600. I keep it at 78 to 80 all day.
Old laws are still on the books everywhere.
Most schools will not use corporal punishment any more period. Believe me, there are some kids at our school that could use a good whack on the backside. However, the school district then would have to worry about assault charges from parents. Teachers aren't willing to risk their entire careers over a bad apple.
The 4th grade girl who brought a handgun to my child's nice suburban school got suspended for three days and counseling. The 5th grade boy who brought a knife was led off in handcuffs by police, but he was back in school the very next week. Now, he's an angry high school kid who has to take a special class with other "angry" kids. The kindergartener who stabbed my kid's teacher in the face with a metal mechanical pencil last year wasn't removed from her classroom at all. Instead, they brought in a "behavioral specialist". It wasn't working, but I told the principal if my children were in any of these kids' classes again, I'd be sending all my kids to private school.
My in-laws use a neti pot.
You can either buy a pot or use a water bottle with a hole cut in the lid. Fill it with 8 ounces of warm water and 1/4 teaspoon of NONiodized salt. Gently irrigate your nasal passages with it. Google for informative articles and video demonstration. Yuck.
please see my above post for
please see my post just above this regarding laws that have changed and/or are changing in the 21st century..........*S*.....
To get a break your in-laws might consider...
respite care for a week or two. It would cost about what they are paying the private nurse. They would not even have to really "get away." Just having a break from constant care would be a vacation. I know; been there and done that!
The laws
that if a spouse or immediate family member is placed overseas by military then your employer would have to keep you working as long as you're willing. As far as your not being married, you'll need to ask your human resources department.
You need to read IRS laws....they have to pay
no it does not...check your SS laws again.--sm
my father was on full SS after he retired. He worked part time as a security guard. He could NOT earn over a certain amount each month. There ARE restrictions, no matter if early retirement or full retirement.
No similar laws that I know of
Can you post a link?
India is notoriously lax on privacy, intellectual property, etc., types of laws. Their judiciary system has always been at or near the top when it comes to corruption also. It is easy to bribe your way out of trouble. I know this. I have family over there and hear plenty of stories of what goes on that would never get by in the USA. The offshorers take chances in third world nations (not just to say India, there are others like Philippines, Pakistan, etc.). They take these chances because of the fact that the labor is much cheaper. They cross their fingers and hope for no trouble and since the USA has not outlawed sending its citizens' personal information to other countries, they are allowed to do so and they choose to boost their profits in the meantime. It is what it is. They are in business to make money. Just like the subprime mortgage lending mess ... banks turning a blind eye to unqualified borrowers to make a quick buck. Now the chickens are coming home to roost for the banks.
Labor laws
I think there may be some strong labor laws against such behavior. State labor laws obviously vary, but even Federal Labor Laws should prevent this.
I hate to hear about collusion like this against a person, who possibly just had the temerity to disagree.