Wasn't it bad enough medicine when ER docs would proclaim a diagnosis before exam, only to have to backpedal after taking a look?? I guess if they are going to do things in that order, doing physical exams is going to result in their looking stuupid, so their solution is not to do that part.
Big grrrr.
Some MTs insist that they are good ...
(or even excellent) when in fact they are not. I know of one in particular who insists she is a very good MT and she does not even known which to use -- "there" or "their" or "their." Not to mention she put "tetanus" in an ENT exam when it was supposed to be "tinnitus."
Also why you should insist on having a contract.
Execute and sign a contract that spells out all of the particulars. This will save a lot of grief in the future. If the company doesn't want to use a contract, move on. If a company cuts corners there, where else might they be cutting corners?
As stated above, it's up to the MT to look out for their own best interest, not the employer.
Not the IC you've contracted to transcribe 500 lines per day. What needs to be in place is another IC to pick up the slack when your contractor is in need of some help. That is not fair to just say that a contractor has no say in whether or not he or she chooses to do the work day in and day out. Cut me a break here. By the way, clueless is hardly what I am. I am very successful and the reason is because I am accountable for my own work. I have my own clients that I service and I do not rely on contractors to do MY WORK. If I did contract work out, I would make sure I could do it if they couldn't. Now if I have employees, then they'd be made to comply or they wouldn't have a job.
BOSTON (MarketWatch) -- Bausch & Lomb Inc. executives are at a loss to explain why some users of its ReNu contact-lens solution have reportedly developed serious eye infections, saying Wednesday that all tests run so far have shown the product is safe and effective.
46.96, +1.35, +3.0%) resumed their move lower, dropping 7% to close at $45.61.
In a conference call held with analysts, Bausch & Lomb's management defended ReNu with MoistureLoc, a popular eye-care product used to clean, disinfect and store contact lenses.
"Every additional test indicates the formulation is as safe and effective as anything else on the market," said Ronald Zarrella, chief executive of the Rochester, N.Y.-based company.
Bausch & Lomb rattled both investors and consumers late Monday, when it announced it was suspending U.S. shipments of ReNu with MoistureLoc due to reports that some users had developed a rare but serious eye infection called fungal keratitis.
The Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration are investigating 109 reports of fungal keratitis around the nation, but they've yet to conclude that the ReNu product is a cause. It was also unclear how many of the reported cases actually involved ReNu, according to the agencies.
While allowing that ReNu could be eventually be linked to the infections, Zarrella also emphasized that all testing to date has shown ReNu with MoistureLoc was safe and effective in combating microbes that can trigger fungal keratitis.
Bausch & Lomb also has been able to test bottles of ReNu solution retrieved from infected users, but found nothing out of the ordinary, he said.
"As far as theories, there's a lot of them, and we've run a lot of them to ground and come up with nothing," said Zarrella.
Fungal keratitis is a painful inflammation of the cornea that can, in some cases, lead to blindness. The infection, caused by a fungus found in the environment, can appear as a result of eye injury, improper use of contact lenses or contaminated contact-lens products.
Zarrella said that FDA officials were currently inspecting the company's Greenville, S.C., plant, where it produces all ReNu with MoistureLoc products for the U.S. market.
Zarrella also said that the company had no insight into how long the FDA and CDC investigations will take and whether it will eventually have to recall all of ReNu with MoistureLoc products from the U.S. market. At this point, Bausch intends only to stop shipping new product to retailers, not to reclaim bottles already on store shelves.
However, retail heavyweights Wal-Mart Stores (WMT :
43.27, +0.26, +0.6%) said earlier Wednesday that they were removing the product from their shelves, pending the outcome of the regulatory investigation.
According to the company, ReNu with MoistureLoc generated U.S. sales of about $45 million in 2005.
Analysts on the call voiced concern that the product alert could end up eroding sales of Bausch & Lomb's other eye-care products, which enjoy great popularity with consumers.
Zarrella responded that Bausch & Lomb intends to immediately embark on a new marketing campaign to promote the integrity of its products, adding: "We're going to convince consumers that our products are safe and effective."
The executive also announced that it was "unlikely" that the company will file its 2005 year-end financial report, or 10-K, with the Securities and Exchange Commission by April 30. Zarrella repeatedly declined to comment during the call as to why the company wouldn't meet that deadline.
True that works should insist on fair SM
compensation. However, strikes only work when the strikers CANNOT BE REPLACED. That's definitely not us, not now. To put it mildly! With our entire healthcare industry in economic crisis, it would be only too likely to push the industry to get rid of our jobs altogether. Many are arguing right now for shifting the money spent on verbal reports to other areas of patient care.
Just BTW, our work would be eliminated practically overnight if the federal government were to refuse to pay Medicare compensation dollars for it. Something that could be done.
Besides, let's face it, many people are still making a decent income because they've upgraded their skills to keep up with technologic change. Should hospitals be paying some people to spend at least half again as long to type reports as others can do them because they don't want to, or can't, add to their skills? Is that really a sensible allocation of our healthcare dollars?
what may ultimately be the greatest hurdle
Is finding the job that gives you everything you want: 1. Good line rate. 2. Benefits (all types, if you want/need them). 3. Freedom to work the hours you want.
In the final analysis, you might have to relinquish one to get the other two. Sort of like the old days of dealing with clients: Quality - Turn Around - Price Pick Two!!!
And, I thought nothing for Xmas was bad! :)
I used to have a boss like that (sm)
She was actually running the company, a new franchise in a big city, and between her other duties, she typed. She would be there at 4 a.m., sometimes 3, and leave at about 9 p.m. every night. That is a sickness. The best part is she didn't need the money - seriously - she didn't even need to work. They were very well off, and her husband had a great job. She finally had a heart attack, but that was after years of those hours; believe it or not, she didn't even go into the hospital for her heart attack - the doctor said it was "mild" so she came to work half days for about a week, cause the place couldn't run without her. Now THAT is sick.
I would think so. You would tell your boss ...
if you worked in an office. I have always let several people know when I am going to be away, just to make sure I'm covered.
Have a great vacation!
I am sorry to hear this, but I have worked in-house and encountered the same type of boss. I left and did not look back and that same boss is there and things have gotten worse under her administration. My ex-coworker has been transcribing for nearly 20 years and is one of her best employees, but yet she treats her like a dog -- go figure.
Sounds like she is trying to get you to quit - I went through this with one boss - an MTSO - who was really losing all of her accounts and did not want anyone to be able to collect unemployment. She tried everything, changing people's accounts, denying them bonuses, taking away work and queuing it to other people, you name it - she did it. Thicken up your skin if you like your job, but don't expect her to change. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, as it makes for a stressful work environment -of course at some point that might be able to be changed to a "hostile work environment" at which time you need to go to EEOC. Come to think of it, I would give them a call anyway and report her.
I bought the Boss too and I love it! I had considered Dyson, but so expensive, and glad i settled on this one - i'm impressed!
I had one that i worked for a little bit longer than you and when I gave my notice she told me she would take my resignation now. Boy doesn't that make you feel like just another #.
I think it might be a boss
Upon further research I think it might be a carpal boss or bone spur because it is very hard and painful, unlike a cyst. I'm going to see my rheumatologist in a couple of weeks and ask him. I have a bad feeling that it might need to come out because my hand is getting stiff. But as long as i can type I'll hang in there.
I think you must have my old boss! Just like you, all of us Notify your boss
Depending on the company you work for, you might get results. It's very frustrating when you see something that needs changed but are powerless. When working for Edix, I had a patient that had the exact same condition my son has and there was a new treatment that had saved his life, yet her doctor did not know about it and she was at the point of being near death and only in her 20s. I emailed my supervisor and asked them to please notify the doctor of the information I sent and they said nope, no way, against the law. That was nearly 3 years ago and still bothers me wondering how the patient turned out.
Do any of you consider QA/editing to be your boss?
I understand that they critique our work, etc., but I never really considered them to be our "boss". I already have one supervisor, now it looks like I have a few more.
I am my own boss and my own employee. nm
I'd tell me to discuss it with his boss
You gotta be r-e-a-l careful when you're talk state laws. The boss might consider him "problematic." I mean, how much money are we talking about in terms of travel from the boss to the client? If he's getting, say, $10/hour and it's a 15-minute drive ... For $2.50, I would just let it slide.
I'm an IC and work exclusively for one company, which makes me a statutory employee by IRS law. However, I'm making a high line rate, so I'm more than willing to leave things as they are and pay 100% of my social security tax.
This is one of those "silence is golden" situations.
Boss asking for normals
Is anybody working for a company where your boss is asking you to share your NORMALS. Be very careful. My company is asking us to share your normals and come to find out who they want us to share with, overseas. Also asking questions like, who are the best dictators, etc. Also experiencing block of work just disappearing. Several hours just gone. Anybody else.
I wonder if you have the same boss lady as me...
She is terrible. She constantly acuses me of things I am not doing and then when I call her on it, I never hear any more about it. Never an apology. I have tried to speak with her on the phone but she won't and it's always by e-mail which is so frustrating. I have been slammed so many times I can't even count any more. I just never know from day to day whether I'll have a job or not because I never know what I will be accused of next. Oh the things we put up with to make a living in this businessShe's the boss, applesauce.
OMG... sounds like you have my old boss! n/m
I'd ask your boss for them or the doctor for -
examples. If you cannot get any that way I'd just use the standard SOAP format for PT.
If you are IC, this person is NOT your boss.
Being my own boss is worth that!
As employee, you do what the boss (Dr) wants.
Apparently your boss is not looking at
the work flow. Next time you are asked, tell your boss that if you could pick and choose you would be doing more work too. The boss needs to handle this, if he/she won't, there is not much you can do.
I would not hesitate to tell your boss
especially since she has asked you why this person does so much more than you. Also, you have proof!
Don't worry about opening up a can of worms - it needs to be open. You need to be honest with your boss when she questions you to cover your tail! I wouldn't worry about the other person - she's made her own bed and now she should lie in it.
Use roman numerals for cancer stages. For subdivisions of cancer stages, add capital letters on the line and arabic suffixes, without internal spaces or hyphens.
stage 0 (indicates carcinoma in situ)
stage I, stage IA
stage II, stage II3
stage III
stage IV, stage IVB
Use arabic numerals for grades.
grade 1
grade 2
grade 3
grade 4
Staging system for colon cancer from the least involvement at stage A and B1 through the most extensive involvement at stage D.
The patient's Aster-Coller B2 lesion extends through the entire thickness of the colon wall, with no involvement of nearby nodes.
Broders index
Classification of aggressiveness of tumor malignancy developed in the 1920s by AC Broders. Reported as grade 1 (most differentiation and best prognosis) through grade 4 (least differentiation and poorest prognosis).
Lowercase grade; use arabic numerals.
Broders grade 3
cervical cytology
Three different systems are currently in use for cervical cytology: the Papanicolaou test (Pap smear), the CIN classification system, and the Bethesda system.
The Papanicolaou test uses roman numerals to classify cervical cytology samples from class I (within normal limits) through class V (carcinoma).
CIN is an acronym for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and is expressed with arabic numerals from grade 1 (least severe) to grade 3 (most severe). Place a hyphen between CIN and the numeral.
A cervical cytology sample that is within normal limits in the Bethesda system corresponds with a Pap class I or II; Bethesda's atypical squamous cell of undetermined significance (ASCUS) corresponds with Pap class III; Bethesda's low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LGSIL) corresponds with Pap class III and CIN grade 1; and Bethesda's high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HGSIL) corresponds with Pap classes III and IV and CIN grades 2 and 3. In the Bethesda system, the next higher level is labeled simply "carcinoma," corresponding with Pap class V and with "carcinoma" in the CIN system.
Clark level
Describes invasion level of primary malignant melanoma of the skin from the epidermis.
Use roman numerals I (least deep) to IV (deepest). Lowercase level.
Clark level I into underlying papillary dermis
Clark level II to junction of papillary and reticular dermis
Clark level III into reticular dermis
Clark level IV into the subcutaneous fat
Dukes classification
Named for British pathologist Cuthbert E. Dukes (1890-1977). Classifies extent of operable adenocarcinoma of the colon or rectum.
Do not use an apostrophe before or after the s. Follow Dukes with capital letter.
Dukes A confined to mucosa
Dukes B extending into the muscularis mucosae
Dukes C extending through the bowel wall, with
metastasis to lymph nodes
When the Dukes classification is further defined by numbers, use arabic numerals on the same line with the letter, with no space between.
Dukes C2
FAB classification
French-American-British morphologic classification system for acute nonlymphoid leukemia.
Express with capital M followed by arabic numeral (1 through 6); do not space between the M and the numeral.
FAB staging of carcinoma utilizes TNM classification of malignant tumors
See: (TNM staging below).
FAB T1 N1 M0
FIGO staging
Federation Internationale DE Gynécologie et Obstétrique system for staging gynecologic malignancy, particularly carcinomas of the ovary. Expressed as stage I (least severe) to stage IV (most severe), with subdivisions within each stage (a, b, c).
Lowercase stage, and use roman numerals. Use lowercase letters to indicate subdivisions within a stage.
Diagnosis: Ovarian carcinoma, FIGO stage IIc.
Gleason tumor grade
Also known as Gleason score. The system scores or grades the prognosis for adenocarcinoma of the prostate, with a scale of 1 through 5 for each dominant and secondary pattern; these are then totaled for the score. The higher the score, the poorer the prognosis.
Lowercase grade or score, and use arabic numerals.
Diagnosis: Adenocarcinoma of prostate, Gleason score 8.
Gleason score 3 + 2 = 5.
Gleason 3 + 3 with a total score of 6.
Jewett classification of bladder carcinoma
Use capitals as follows:
O in situ (Note: this is the letter O, not a zero)
A involving submucosa
B involving muscle
C involving surrounding tissue
D involving distant sites
Diagnosis: Bladder carcinoma, Jewett class B.
Karnofsky rating scale, Karnofsky status
Scale for rating performance status of patients with malignant neoplasms.
Use arabic numerals: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. (Normal is 100, moribund is 10.)
TNM staging system for malignant tumors
System for staging malignant tumors, developed by the American Joint Committee on Cancer and the Union Internationale Contre le Cancer.
T tumor size or involvement
N regional lymph node involvement
M extent of metastasis
Write TNM expressions with arabic numerals on the line and a space after each number.
T2 N1 M1
T4 N3 M1
Letters and symbols following the letters T, N, and M:
X means assessment cannot be done.
0 (zero) indicates no evidence found.
Numbers indicate increasing evidence of the characteristics represented by those letters.
Tis indicates tumor in situ.
Tis N0 M0
The TNM system criteria for defining cancer stages vary according to the type of cancer. Thus a stage II cancer of one type may be defined as T1 N0 M0, while one of another type may be defined as T2 N1 M0.
Staging indicators are used along with TNM criteria to define cancers and assess stages. These are expressed with capital letters and arabic numerals.
Lowercase prefixes on the line with TNM and other symbols indicate criteria used to describe and stage the tumor, e.g., cTNM, aT2.
letter determining criteria
a autopsy staging
c clinical classification
P pathological classification
r retreatment classification
y, yp classification during or following treatment with multiple
The suffix (m) (in parentheses) indicates the presence of multiple primary tumors in a single site. Other suffixes may be used, such as the following in the nasopharynx:
T2a nasopharyngeal tumor extending to soft
tissues of oropharynx and/or nasal fossa
without parapharyngeal extension
T2b nasopharyngeal tumor extending to soft
tissues of oropharynx and/or nasal fossa
with parapharyngeal extension
I'd inform the boss of this and if he refused
to pay, I'd turn him in to the labor board and then I'd quit but just like MT world there will always be someone willing to work for free thus nothing ever changes with making employers do the right thing.
Boss Yelled at me - no apology I worked for a lunatic like that once. File a complaint with EEOC for her "creating a hostile work environment". This may change her tune to a sweeter one.
I think your boss was saying transcribe verbatim,
as in p.r.n before the drug was dictated, and you changed the order. Not to be a witch, but the other poster is not correct - ibuprofen is not capped. You are right that PRN should be p.r.n. - it is a latin abbreviation, but MANY MTs cap stuff like that. One of my peeves...
My boss has one. Doctor prescribed it. nm
She said her shoulder pain, sore fingers and wrists are gone. It is highly recommended for those with RSI. She said worth every penny, but did take 2 weeks to get used to it.
An old boss used to make up words (sm)
She was so proud of herself and tried to use "big" words. She would throw her head back so proudly and say things like we needed to make sure we were "oriententated" on "autholization". Yes, she said it the way I spelled them. Those are just a couple of examples. Memorandums were no exception. I took one of them and highlighted in red once all the errors with a big red F. Shameful. In our meetings, I had to look down to keep from making eye contact with anyone. I would get the giggles if I didn't.