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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Bringing up old documents....

Posted By: lily on 2008-01-10
In Reply to: I like it - jmr

Hi-I have only worked on Extext for a few days and it seems pretty good. I agree with the problem with inserting doctors names though. I am especially interested in finding out how to pull up old documents as I wasn't told about this feature. Can you let me know? Thanks....

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When bringing up old documents in Extext, Ctrl S,
I think I missed a step.  I hit ctrl S, put in patient's name (in this case) and then click find, or quick find.  Then, it brings up a list of the patient's admission.  Then, what do I hit to bring up the document?  The options on the right side are statistics and close?  I tried to highlight and double click the admission but nothing.  Need some help here....Thanks
When I stressed the important of having medical documents (legal documents)
on the patient's chart (there are outpatient exams done. Hospital is in the outpatient business), the woman said that if there is a serious finding on an exam, the radiologist will call the referring physician and tell him by phone!

This, my friends, is the result of hiring people who have no real background in the medical field (the lead MT never worked anywhere prior to this job, got on-the-job training and has, through a dominant personality, created a tight circle of workers which are marked up of friends from her life and church services over a 15 year period.

bringing to the top
Coding certification

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Posted By: diddles on 2005-12-22
In Reply to: medical coding - looking for work

First I would encourage you that if you are serious about coding, do NOT go to a course that does not allow to test for NATIONAL certification.  There are only 2 organizations in the US that do national certification.  AAPC (the first) and AHIMA.  With AAPC there are numerous companies that offer their course.  The cost runs between $1200 and $1600 for a three month course of 8 hour classes plus your proctored exam and membership to AAPC, or you can do the self-study course for the same money (I chose to be in a classroom setting so I could have questions answered on the spot).  You can opt to take the course for hospital coding CPC-H (which few hospitals will recognize as official) or the doctor/outpatient based course - CPC, which is widely recognized.

I don't know the cost of AHIMA's testing but it is as intense as AAPC's but it is mostly taken by people who either already have AAPC certification or are already working in a medical coding setting.  Both organizations offer apprecentice programs if you are not already in a coding setting until you can clock some coding hours.  I think you need references to enter either program as to your character - remember, if you make a mistake the penalty could be monetory and/or a jail term.

Now, can you get a job and is the money worth it.  Most hospitals want AHIMA's inpatient certification and 1-2 years OTJ experience, unless they are hiring for their outpatient clinics and/or ER (which they will then accept the AAPC's CPC).  Most of these positions pay between $15 and $24/hr plus bennies.

It is very hard to get into the coding industry.  It's just like trying to get into MT without any experience, only harder.  I would network, join both organizations as a member and go religiously to the monthly meetings to network and learn.  Both certifications require a high number of CEU's to be earned each year.  It is easier to get into a physician's office setting as a CPC.  Most of these jobs pay $9 to $18/hr depending on geography, but again you'd have to be very, very good and have good references from certified mentors to help you get a job with no experience.

Most jobs are obtained by word of mouth.  If you are very good, you could skip working in a hospital or doctor's office and become a consultant and/or instructor without any working experience (more $$ for the instructor's certification).  It would be like working as an IC.  You would have to hustle to get clients and build a reputation.  I was lucky and got a job with a hospital in their outpatient clinic side at $19/hr with hospital bennies and had an offer with the people whose course I took to become an instructor and consultant for them even before I got the results from my test score (but I had prior coding experience).  My job was basically consulting, doing audits and giving feedback and education to doctors on how to maximize their reimbursement, how to document charts properly and be available for their coding questions.  I loved the respect I got from the doctors.  It was totally unlike what I get directly from doctors as an MT.  They are eager to learn, listen to what is being taught, are interactive, friendly and recognize that you are there to help them succeed.

If your MTSO is also adding a coding department to their company, that would be an easier way to get into coding as it could be done from home with access to electronic medical records.  There are a number of tools available to coders that help to electronically code and flag potential errors, hopefully your company would pay for all that because it can be quite expensive.

I tried to portray a clear and realistic picture with discouraging you.  It's a lot like going into MT without someone being realistic with you, so the fact that you asked is a good sign.

Thanks for bringing that up.
I cringe when I read this bord. The cruel and crude remarks meant to make another feel small actually sting my eyes when I read them.

Where did this come from? We were oncde librarians who loved medicine. Now, we have management, the noisy and miserable librarians who insist on an opinion on everything and refuse to budge, our immediate supervisor. I would give a million bucks to be able to be a good conversationalist. It appears that gets one farther than anything in this industry.

Younger MTs? The loud MTs are the ones who are MTholics and think just because they have dissected and analyzed every aspect of the typed medical sentence, the fact is more deaths take place in hospitals now than at any other time, due to medical record errors.

This is about patient health, not the QA, editor, whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, so I say to this industry:

Lighten the fk up. We are human beings and your colleagues. WHY are you being to rude?

Monitors would help but they love it. The rude remarks to a question leave one with a feeling of disappointment and dread, monitors, so uh, do your job.
Bringing up my DQS problem from down below, how many of the MQ MTs that use this..sm

are running it under XP AND have updated to the service pack 2? Tech Support says that's the only thing he can think of as everything else looks fine on my system. And on the converse, how many of you use DQS and DON'T have XP with or w/o service pack 2, or are just using the original XP w/o any upgrades. I don't want to be doing something to my machine that's going to screw it up even more. Thanks for your help. nm

Chickadee,..bringing this to the top

A better alternative to Lap band is the Medifast 5 and 1 plan. You eat 5 of their meals a day and then what they call a Lean and Green that you prepare yourself. I've only just started, but have lost 9 pounds in 4 days. Check out the website... Medifast1.com

Read the info and check out the message boards. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

You can spend 17+ thousand dollars for a band and eat 6 small meals a day or spend a couple of hundred dollars a month and eat 6 small meals a day.

I've often wondered about this one myself - thanks for bringing it up! nm

Bringing up hurricane discussion

Just for some other information.  When Hurricane Rita hit in Texas, i.e. Jasper, Beaumont area, these people were not prepared.  They were not prepared because hurricanes do not come in that far inland.  The Jasper area is one of the areas where most hurricane victims evacuate too.  There are people in that area that are still without power including elderly people and children.  Most of the surrounding areas (Pineland, Rosevine, Hemphill) are retirement areas.  These are also low income areas as well.  These people definitely would not have expected the hurricane to effect them in the way that it did, but it did.


Also, people in Lufkin and Nacogdoches, Texas were effected from it as well.  Again, a hurricane never has come close to these areas and these areas are also where evacuees come.  During the time we had evacuees from Galveston, Beaumont, Houston, and still the ones we had from Louisiana drained the resources that we did have here (not saying anything negative by this – just a statement).  None of the businesses could get trucks in to deliver gas, food, ice, water, etc.  When we did get gas delivered, the lines were so long that people were waiting 9-10 hours to get gas and of course by the time most got up there, it was gone again.  This went on for several days.  Even the Wal-Mart here and in Nacogdoches was only able to be open a few hours a day and for the first few days after the hurricane because of the amount of extra people in these areas, they finally had to limit the number of people they were allowing in the store at a time.


Some of you say, people should be prepared.  I do agree and especially more so if you live in a coastal area.  However, these people affected in the areas I mentioned above do not live on the coast; however, were heavily impacted by this natural disaster.  You are saying these people don't deserver help?!  Well let me tell you this.  When we had a lot of LA evacuees here, FEMA stepped in and for a lot (not all of course) they received $2000.00 for help with housing, another $600.00 for food, and there $400.00 for something else (honestly do not remember what it was).


However, my mother and father-in-law who are elderly went 14 days without power, lost everything in the freezer and refrigerator, and they are also raising 2 of their grandchildren (both young teenagers).  They were unable to get FEMA to help with anything. 


I guess the point is this.  Before spouting off about who needs to do what or who the government does or does not need to help (or where you tax monies go), you might want to think about the fact that this was a natural disaster and therefore, no one can ever really be prepared for one.  I hope none of you ever have to deal with anything like this.  It is not a pretty site in this area right now.  Clean up is still going on.  There are still trees down on houses and cars.  How would you feel if this were you? 


By the way, yes I do feel that my family was very lucky to come through it unscathed; however, some were not so lucky.


Just my 2 cents.

Bringing over HIPAA question
Can anyone answer the question: Do you HAVE to remove PHI from reports legally?
Bringing up from below the subject of low carbs, SM
Food Network used to  have a chef named George Stella who lost several hundred pounds by doing the Atkins diet. I'm not sure if  his show is still on, but he does have a cookbook.
Bringing topic over from 2nd page. Someone
higher rate because he/she has the CMT. I say the reality is that 90% or better don't give a toot about the CMT and are going to pay what they want anyway. And, all the RMT is going to do is cause major grief to a lot of hard working MTs, MTs who are barely making it financially. The RMT will cost MONEY along with their requirements. AAMT has caved to offshoring and is doing American MTs no favors. Frankly, I think the only worth an AAMT membership holds is the money you would be paying to put in their pocket. And, for what? To lobby on the Hill in favor of a bill that would ensure that patients’ individually identifiable health information is secure and protected; improving health care quality and reducing medical errors, and developing best practices to support and accelerate efforts to adopt, implement, and effectively use interoperable health information technology when all the while AAMT is openly embracing offshoring?

In a nutshell, your money is fodder for a worthless organization.

Oh, and Jay and anyone else from AAMT, in case you're reading here, here's a couple of suggestions for AAMTs potential name change...

Foundation for the United Council of Kooks (Formerly Modesto Mavens)
Organization Of Offshore Suckups (OOS)

I agree - can't have any convo w/o bringing..sm

the ones that can not have a discussion about current events without mentioning their fanaticism.....

Most folks have some religion/spirituality.

Most folks don't interject it into every conversation 24/7/365.......just the fanatics!

Great tips! Thanks for bringing up the

In my experience when bringing this issue to

my supervisor's attention (when I worked outside the home).  They are afraid to talk to the physicians about dictation - they don't want to bother them.  Makes no sense NOT to bother them!  Now that I work from home, I find that if I leave blanks ---- QA puts in what they THINK is right!  LMAO?  Makes no sense


bringing back the work!
In addition to doing MT, I also work as a coder at a very large teaching hospital and academic facility with 160'some clinics. Our transcription is outsourced and recently started going overseas. Guess what - our hospital is bringing it back to the States AND will not accept voice recognition! Too many errors that affect coding, AR days and, thus, reimbursement. Our dictation will continue to be outsourced but will not be allowed to go outside the US and can only be done by a real MT. Too bad it had to be the reimbursement that was the only issue that will bring the work back and not simply the fact that the quality is just not there but..at least there is something that will keep the work here in the US and keep it from being doing by VR. I just thought someone might like to know this is happening. I am hoping other hospitals get the hint.
Bringing up Bo Bice - he is back in hospital. nm
Hey Patti and MQA and other MTSOs..bringing thread to top

Hi again,

Just to let you gals know, I got up the nerve at the last minute, partially because of the posters to my thread about starting my own business, to quickly print up a resume and cover letter along with a sample ortho report and take them to my physical therapy appointment. (They may need an at-home transcriptionist.)  The office manager was not in yesterday, but my PT gave me a little info about how the process works.  Unfortunately, we were interrupted when she was about to tell me what they dictate IN TO, but she mentioned that she thought that was going to change.  On my way out, however, when she was flipping through my chart to see when I should come in next, I asked her if they received the transcription via floppy disk or CD, and she told me, *No, paper.*  Yes, they still use *sticky paper*!  Too bad we got interrupted earlier.  I have a feeling they transmit the dictation via the internet or phone lines, then the Transcriptionist delivers the finished work to the office. 

Anyway, my PT says it is slow right now.  (Indeed, there were only 2 patients in the office at the time with 4 PTs.)  But she thought if things picked up and the sole remaining MT got overwhelmed, there might be a chance of picking up the overflow, which would be just peachy for me. 

More questions...(now, why did I, at first, capitalize the Q in question????)  I may as well start preparing as much as I can now in case I DO snag a job....

1.  Can anyone or everyone recommend a good medical spell checker that interfaces with Word?

2.  What about an Expander to work with Word? I know some use Instant Text, but at least one says she uses the Word Autocorrect feature. (I think.)  Does the Word autocorrect hold a bunch....can you put whole reports into it...large capacity?

3.  You all mentioned that the docs usually supply their letterhead and to use plain copy paper for subsequent pages.  Does the MTSO usually supply the paper or the docs?  Same question with sticky paper...that sounds expensive! 

4.  Any other inexpensive tips you gals can think of that can be gotten ready now besides the main transcriber? (Would want to wait on that to see which type the office uses.) 

Now that I have the ball rolling, I am also going to contact the two MTSOs that I know locally and ask if they have any overflow.  Might also send a sample psych report to my shrink and see if he can spread the word.  Scary stuff, but you gals really helped!  Thanks so much for all the encouragement!!  

Ooop - meant the RMT- sorry. Txs for bringing to my attn.
OK. Now if your husband is bringing you down by his mental illness and not paying rent
(is husband able to work? how deep is this mental illness? did he have money to pay rent and spent it elsewhere?) then maybe you should think about leaving him rather than placing your kids in any kind of foster care. That has to be traumatic but then so does living on the street. Speaking of placing your children in foster care while you get yourself OK in the head, what is your problem at this point. You see, if there is a lot of arguing and a dysfunctional family living on the streets, then foster care to permanent placement may be better for them. I just don't quite understand how you got into this mess and if these are mental health issues on both your part and your husband's I would look into placing the children. BTW, how old are they?

So all things considered if you don't have any issues other than depression because of a lack of a place to live and your husband's mental health, I would go to a family member or church and BEG for help sorting your life out. If there is more than that going on, including maybe substance abuse along with permanent mental health issues that will keep you from caring for your children, yes I would seek placement for them. And I would seek PERMANENT placement rather than foster care which I would think would be more traumatic for your children.
PC to MAC documents?
How would I send a PC file that can be read on a MAC and vice versa? Please help ASAP.
Bringing the head lice post back up. This has been going around at my daughter's school.
Saturday, after having been checking her head all week, found lice on her head. Did the treatment on her, on me, DH and other daughter, just in case. Only youngest and myself apparently had them. Got rid of the lice, now need to deal with the eggs. No problem with daughter's head because I am meticulous and have been checking daily and removing anything I find. My problem is my own head. Oldest daughter tried to look through, but she had hard time, though she tried. Husband "I don't see anything", so not much help. I can't look at my own head, so my dilema is how do I get the eggs off my own head and keep them from rehatching? Any help/advice would be appreciated. Never gone throught his before.
I was told that Healthscribe outsourced and when acquired, that Spheris would be bringing work
And this is information came to me from the inside, given to me when I was hired and in training.
The MDs are the one signing the documents and
attesting to their accurateness. Not the MTs.

New documents on QNet for MQ MTs

Go to QNet; look under Policy & Governance; click on Human Resources in the window to the right there are two new documents --- MTME Benefit Policy.

It's all apparently still in the workings but they are starting to post documents as they are readied. 

Just thought I would share.

You must compare your documents..
with MS-Word Word Count, which is the standard. MS-Word count tool is used by FlashCount.

In case of any problem, feel free to ask.

Compare old documents

Look at some of your old documents and see what your gross line is and then see what they would have been paid if you had been using a 65 cpl.   In word you can do that.  Now some software will count double character for capitalization, bold, underline, tabs are counted, indent and count spaces.   So that will also make a difference.  When one of my accounts was using Sylcount we always counted that way.  I do not think that there is a simple chart to use and since your documents could be very personalized with formatting, i.e. indenting lines which makes a gross line smaller, to me it would be best to compare your specific documents rather than a generic table.    There are a lot of variables (how long is your gross line) and I don't think a comparison table could take that all into account.   But I would think I think an estimation has always been 30% less lines for cpl versus gross. 

Legal documents
I worked for an attorney for a while and also have a 2500 page transcript from my BIL's federal drug case and everything was done on legal sized paper - lots of quotes, etc. I wouldn't do editing of that sort of work for $1 a page - or even $3 - $6-$10 - yes. There's probably more money in that than there is in transcription - we MTs just haven't found it yet.
Help please - all my documents disappeared. sm
Has anyone ever had anything like this happen?  Everything that I had stored in my documents folder disappeared.  Any settings that I had specific to my computer are gone like including my favorites on IE, my normal.dot with all my macros, autocorrect entries, etc. for word, all music files, all pictures, and any and all word and excel based documents I had saved.  Interestingly my daughters user ID is fine and none of her documents disappeared.  I have ran virus scanners to know avail so I don't know if it was some sort of virus or hardware failure.  Any ideas?  It is a pain to start all over.  Also, what does everyone use for backup?  This is about the third time this year I have had computer issues and lost everything and I am so TIRED of starting over and kicking my production time in half until I get myself built back up.  I am ready for some type of really awesome backup to assure this does not happen to me again. 
Maybe she means that the VR documents
are 'prescreened' for 'quality scare' before getting downloaded to the MT? If there are too many errors, it gets deleted and downloaded blank on the MT's screens?

But this does not make muchsense, does it?

Or maybe if QA finds too many mistakes, it gets deleted and sent back to the MT for straight transcription?

Don't know.

MPWord and assembling the documents into one

MPWord does require you do a separate file for each dictation, but it takes the drudgery out of this, for it automatically saves/names the files for you.

It also has a feature that allows you to put all those notes into one file at the end of the day. If you don't need to preserve headers/footers use the Sticky Notes (Append). If you do need to preserve headers/footers, use PDF (Assemble). With either function, you can send your client one file with the day's work.

Has anyone had trouble converting documents

Word 2000.  These seem to be putting a .doc extension after all of my documents now.  Anyone have a fix?  I have an account that I can't use the .doc extension, and when I back that extension off, I get a message saying "this document may not be usable".  Is this a Vista issue?  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

in advance for any help in this OMG matter!  I'm about ready to  , and I have just gotten it to grow to a length that I like.

Searching in WP 5.1 documents through Windows XP
 I have changed word processing programs from DOS-based to Windows-based programs, but still need to access the old WP 5.1 documents. I am having trouble searching the documents through Windows, i.e., searching for a person's name, etc. inside the document.  Do you have any suggestions? 
What file extension do this WP5.1 documents have?
If they're not saved as .doc, Word won't be able to search them; however, you can open them individually with Word.
My Documents is a folder, not a program.
Are documents set to print getting hung up
Are we talking Word documents or...

are you typing directly into Meditech or Cerner or a system like that?

You have dragon scan your documents and -
it picks up words it does not know and has you train them, and it also recognizes words that you use more than others.
If I recall, you should be able to pull up all the supporting documents sm
to review, not just the summary page.  I always back it up by doing the old pencil, paper, calculator method just to be sure.
It's your responsibility to give them their documents on disk/CD!
Thanks to you all!!! Mine was under Documents&Settings, then Home. :)
Pull up some documents and count them out each way to compare. nm
Instant Text will expand whole documents
Instant Text will expand whole documents.  IT will all so take a bunch of reports and create shortcuts from those reports for you so you do not have to individually create your own.  Of course, you can create your own if you like also.  The only thing that ITdoes not have that it should is a suggestion box that follows your cursur. 
Were documents signed initially that focused on such an event?
Your 2003 documents look the exact same way when you open them in 2007. sm
You don't lose any documents. Compatibility mode just means your document does not change to the new 2007 file structure and you can't use any new 2007 features in that document. "Compatibility mode" shows on the title bar so you know which format you are working in. If you want the new file structure, you just do a save as. If you want to convert the document back to 2003 so others without 2007 can open your documents, you can do that too.

The new Ribbon instead of toolbars is very different and takes some time to learn how it works, but everything you have ever known about Word is still there. I haven't had a hard time with 2007 because the majority of old keyboard shortcuts still work.

It's always in your best interest to back up your documents whether you are switching to a new version or not.

Nope, it's gone. Back up your important documents and templates and this won't happen again.
System Restore does not affect documents, only program files.
I have ? or * put in my format documents and create a macro to find ? or * and jump from each. nm
System restore does not affect documents, only program files.
You will not lose any documents you've created. Restore does nothing to the normal.dot or other templates.
...thought we were a TEAM to create perfect documents! Why be so adversarial?
Assuming your existing documents are based on the Normal template...
You can open the Normal template, make the changes you mention, and then save it. When you open your existing documents, they will be corrected. Hope this is the info you're looking for.
I too use an external hard drive, backs up My Documents folder. sm
It only takes once to lose everything to know how important backups are.....I should know, happened to me!!