Blanks in tests
Posted By: Apprentice on 2009-04-15
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I am looking for an opinion please. I have been taking my very first at-home test(hoping to come home and leave the politics behind). I was wondering if it would be counted against you if there was a blank in the one of the trascrption samples. My current employer prefers blanks to guesses but then again they are familiar with their employees' strenghts and weaknesses.
Any advice welcome.
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I can't believe how bad some of the tests are!
Some test where you put commas (for which there are few real-world rules) and other BOS nonsense. Some count off if you didn't transcribe the patient's name and other private information (that you'll send to them via e-mail). Few actually test the skills required to be successful at real-world MT. Many tests only answer one question: "Have you memorized all the personal preferences found in the BOS or not?"
tests are different
I've taken them that take as little as half an hour to as much as 4 hours. I think they are a good idea.
Please no more tests - sm
Any company that doesn't test? There has to be a better way than wasting all this time.
Just have the employee perform the expected tasks. If the person cannot do so...then good-bye... It's very simple....
Lab tests
Does anyone know of a good website that lists lab test reference ranges. The one I have has in depth information about the test, but not reference ranges. Thanks!
Here's one of the very best for lab tests...
Just click on what the lab test starts with, and it gives you tons of information.
I love this one for finding docs:
I agree on the tests. Right now I don't have a foot pedal because mine were always furnished before. I won't buy one until I know it is compatible with any given company. Ever try the test with the foot pedal. Takes hours. I just refuse to try it any mroe.
Anyone testing/tested with Transolutions? Why is it that the first of four transcription tests are easy breezy? The remaining tests have me backed in a corner. If/when I actually get a job, I hope the transmission is better.
Can anyone out there clarify how a company penalizes for sending in a report to QA and how do you know if your company does that? Thank you upfront!
Can anyone advise how long an MT should spend researching an item as opposed to letting a blank? The company I work for is very reasonable about 1 blank per document etc. I was just wondering if there is a general rule.
Thanks for the opportunities this board offers to learn, vent and feel less isolated.
How many blanks in a day?
I am wondering if I am a good MT. I am an IC that worked on the same account for 3-1/2 years and NEVER sent any blanks. The doctors were great! I lost that account and now my company has given me a new account for the past 2 days. I think I have left at least a few blanks in EVERY single report I typed that had to go to this normal? What are the average number of reports that most good MTs have to send to editing in a day?
With a new account, you are getting used to the dictators.
Go back and listen after you have typed the whole report and 9 times out of 10, you will hear what they are saying.
more on blanks
The specifics of how to mark a blank for QA vary from account to account, service to service, etc.
When I was a QAS, I really didn't want my MTs to put sounds like phrases in, for example:
____(s/l) bazaar or bizarre____
because it would often be something completely different. I prefer to approach the blanks I'm filling in as a QA person with an open mind. I read through the body of the whole report while filling blanks in order to make certain that the word I'm hearing fits the context of the report, but I prefer not to be told in advance what the word is.
Yeah, I like crossword puzzles too.... LOL!
Hello, I am having a very tough time with blanks, especially with doctors who have accents. I try listening really close to how they pronounce the word, but after listening for a good few minutes, I find I still have to leave a blank; this is so fustrating. Are they any tips to cracking blanks?
First question I ask -- are you a fairly new MT? second question, do you have access to company IM? I have worked in this busines many years and even those of use with experience have trouble with blanks at times - I did a dictation today and the docs dog was in the background -- one blank and really not bragging here but if I leave 3-4 blanks in a report it is because of horrid sound or terrible docs -- this is really where a lot of newer MTs need to be able to have contact with someone who "has an ear"
First question I ask -- are you a fairly new MT? second question, do you have access to company IM? I have worked in this busines many years and even those of use with experience have trouble with blanks at times - I did a dictation today and the docs dog was in the background -- one blank and really not bragging here but if I leave 3-4 blanks in a report it is because of horrid sound or terrible docs -- this is really where a lot of newer MTs need to be able to have contact with someone who "has an ear"
First question I ask -- are you a fairly new MT? second question, do you have access to company IM? I have worked in this busines many years and even those of use with experience have trouble with blanks at times - I did a dictation today and the docs dog was in the background -- one blank and really not bragging here but if I leave 3-4 blanks in a report it is because of horrid sound or terrible docs -- this is really where a lot of newer MTs need to be able to have contact with someone who "has an ear"
Thank you all for the advice. It is much appreciated, and I will try the suggestions.
also, most docs won't do certain tests (sm)
without your consent, if they are not considered standard and will probably have to be paid for by the patient out of pocket, unless the patient agrees to pay either up front or if the charge is denied. At least that's been my experience! Good luck, I hate insurance companies, too!
Isn't she cute?
these tests are standard for this age and despite what sm
poster below said; they are usually done with routine pap smears and sometimes no mention is ever made from doc about what they are doing. fight ins company.
I always have to check that one.
this one is good for lab tests...
NCLB and tests.
I am in Alabama and my husband works for the school system. Not only is the school rated in many ways by how well the students do on the tests, but the individual teachers are as well. I agree that there should be a way to evaluate teachers/schools, but NCLB has really burdened the system. Also, teachers cannot simply teach. They have an ungodly amount of evaluation material they have to complete and report to the various agencies involved. This is on computer, and last I heard they are not supposed to take it home. I have actually seen some of this "paperwork" and it goes way past ridiculous. I know there are bad teachers out there, but considering what they make and what they have to deal with, there is on way I would be one. Consider also that there are students who simply refuse to be taught, and others who even the best teachers cannot reach. Their scores count just as much as the students who really want to learn. Do the teachers "teach the tests"? Of course they do. If your entire livelihood was based on how well you knew the Book of Style, what would MT schools be teaching?
I took tests with footpedal. If using
Windows Media Player, have to keep hitting the play and rewind buttons with the mouse. Very time consuming but doable. Good Luck on your test!!
Transcription Tests
Has anyone tested for any companies, passed their test and was never contacted after the initial email stating that you had passed their test? I wonder why we bother to take hours out of our day to take tests and then never get contacted. I recently took a test, which the company had informed me that I had passed. However, two emails later I am still waiting to be contacted by them. They keep telling me shortly. This was two weeks ago. Anyone else with this dilemma?
Transcription Tests
Here's the thing--there ARE other companies out there looking for transcriptionists, lots of them. I always try to followup ASAP on people who apply because they've usually applied other places too and if I don't grab them somebody else will. I wouldn't bother following up any more, find another company. There are lots of us who are looking for conscientious transcriptionists.
Lab Tests Online
I remember seeing on here somewhere where someone had put a link to a good website with normal values for lab counts. Does anyone know that link? Thanks
These tests are absurd.
Sometimes those giving the tests
deliberately give you a difficult dictator or bad-quality dictation to see what you will do. When in doubt, leave a blank. It's not such a big deal, as you will become familiar with the dictator/account & will have samples to go by. I'm always curious though if I leave a blank and will ask and either say, "oh that's what it was," or "I'd have never gotten than in a million years, what in the world?." Good luck on your test!
Realistically, 16 blanks they were able to get and you could not?
So you NEVER send anything in with blanks, or
Can you walk on water, too?
Blanks in a report
Are you serious? Are there really MTs that leave 20 or 30 blanks in a report? I feel bad about leaving a blank when the doctor dictates the wrong dosage or I cannot verify the dosage and decide it is better for QA to check it. Sometimes I leave a blank because the background noise is too loud for me to hear what the doctor is saying. The most blanks I have ever left were three during my first weeks as an MT. Now I know why my production has been low (because I researched). I am proud of my accuracy being at 99.97% to 100% and my reliability at 100%! Why is an MT allowed to leave that many blanks?
How can they predict how many blanks?
This annoys the heck out of me about some transcription companies. How in the world can they set a limit of one, two or three blanks per report? That's unrealistic. What do they want us to do, make it up? Well I sometimes wonder if that happens, or some things are just "skipped over". It's tempting, but I haven't gotten to that point yet. I don't care how long someone has transcribed, there are things you just cannot hear, understand, or find. I'm finally working for a company that has no limit to blanks. They have a great editing system. I do a reasonable amount of research on terms I have not heard of. But if I can't hear it....I CAN'T HEAR IT. And don't even get me started on the subject of blanks in ESL dictation. Even the editors can't grasp a lot of it. I used to spend LOTS of itme on blanks, but I've wised up now and let the editors figure it out if I can't get it after a minute or so of research.
There is nothing wrong with a report going to the hospital with a blank. If I were a doctor, nurse, or other medical professional, I would rather deal with a blank than incorrect information. The doctor can fill in blanks when he signs the report.
I leave blanks for even slightly unclear lab values. I see when I review the QA'd report later that they have been filled in by the Editor and it amazes me that they could hear it clearly. Unless they called the nursing station at the hospital and asked them to look it up....which of course does not happen
Maybe I'm too naive about it. I could make a lot more money if I'd just ad lib and send it in. But, I never have been a good liar.
Definitely finish with blanks. nm
I think it is normal to have a lot of blanks when
you are learning an account. You have to learn the things the doctor says and get accustomed to it.
I think leaving blanks when you are
to an account is normal. You have to get used to the account and the doctors.
Docking for blanks
Encourages guessing....totally wrong. This is a policy adopted by people who have never done the job.
The problem w/ the digital tests is that...
you cannot read them manually, i.e., the faint line after you pop the stick off the reader. Those lines don't mean the same thing as the standard tests that shows lines for pregnant or not pregnant. I would take another test first thing in the morning and see what the results say.
Breathalyzer tests for docs
Sometimes don't you wonder if they should take this test before they begin dictating???
I just finished a long total knee arthroplasty and it sounds like this doc had a few cocktails before he began dictating. Slurring his words and changing his mind several hundred times. Don't ya just hate that?
Just had to vent cause I have him again. I am ready for a cocktail or 2 myself now.
psychology terms and tests
anyone know of a good website to get some basic psych. terms, tests, etc? I am soon to start a new psych account, and have done very few psych reports of any kind....thanks for any input!
Tests, cannot pass typing
part and yet I have been tested (not under pressure) at 140 per minute. I failed another typing (yes, that’s right) test when I had my hands off the home keys and it all came out garbage. I do lots of lines per day in transcription but it is just me and my kitties here.
Here is list of psych tests
This may be helpful if you'd like a list without having to search every time, then you can look up terms for results, etc., based on the test. Scroll down to bottom, there's an alphabetized list.
Anyone else to lazy to take tests..LOL. I applied for a job
but I swear when I opened up the testing and it was 6 reports including discharge summaries, right then and there, I just thought to my "NO way." I guess I just don't have the drive or energy to do testing for a job that takes a hour or more. Part of me realizes that they need this information, but the other part, just thinks it's ridiculous to expect people to spend so much time on a test. Trust me, most of the time, when you see one report, it's quite apparent if the person has any skills or not. Sooooo, I guess I'm lazy because I'm NOT doing this test. Anyone else get these feelings...Maybe I'll regret it and maybe not. Time will test because a lot of other people were sent the same test so I'll wait for their report LOL
lots of weird tests
I liked it but it took me a lot of time to learn all the labs. Good learning experience though.
Anyone REALLY familiar with GFR/kidney tests?
This is a personal question, not exactly related to work. I am going in circles with at least 2 doctors now (and several unrelated specialists) who are not concerned about my lab values, but from what I have looked up, it seems they should be doing something, even if it is just explaining what is going on and why.
Since August last year, my GFR has been 55-59, and from what I've read, that means kidney damage. I am still on indomethacin, which I believe can contribute to kidney damage. I don't know what else could be contributing or what might make things better, or if like they say, it's "within normal limits" and "nothing to worry about".
Any input?
Male friend age 73 had some tests done and x-ray
and doctor was amazed when he saw a blockage of the intestine. The friend is very "eccentric" and not knowledgeable about his health, so that is all I know as of today. When the doctor saw this blockage, he immediately called an ambulance (hospital just across the street), and he refused to go in an ambulance. Then he drove himself to the ER at the hospital and took all papers and x-rays. The ER was very busy with broken bones, etc., and he got tired of waiting and left, leaving his papers and everything on the desk. He told the doctor he would come back Monday, and he said "you may not live until Monday."
Can you help with what you would think could be this problem with his intestine. He is doing 3-day smear for blood now and to return them. Thank you for any information you may have. I am very worried about him.
OOPS, didn't see that he had tests ... (SM)
if the doctor is that concerned that he called an ambulance, you need to convince him to go back!
question about pre-employment tests
I'm a long-time IC, but new to applying to jobs from a forum like this and am hitting the employment trail! I've applied to jobs that I see on the Job Seekers forum just by submitting my resume on the board. When I visit their own websites, they often have pre-employment tests too. Do I go ahead and take these tests or am I supposed to be "invited" to test for them, like I hear people talking about on these forums? I don't want to take the test if I'm not supposed to yet, but I figure if it's on their main website it must not be private.
Any advice for this new job hunter? Thanks.
Allergy tests reference?
Does anyone know of any good online reference I can use to look up allergy tests? Specifically looking for something where I can look up different types of weed, grass, tree pollens that may be tested with prick test or intradermal tests.
I don't capitalize orthopedic tests themselves, but if there's
We are allowed to send up to 2 blanks SM
per job without having to route it to QA--I can't remember the last time I had to, it might have been about 3 months ago.