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Baking soda, opened and on its side, in every corner

Posted By: and under all the curtains/furniture. on 2006-03-16
In Reply to: How do you get rid of cooking smells? - Anonymous

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baking powder or soda for height...nm
Baking Soda-make a paste with a little water. That's all I use. (nm)
If it isn't a real high traffic area, sprinkle baking soda on it, leave it overnight,
and vacuum it in the morning. Good luck!
I just opened Word, opened the template and saved it as a Word template. nm
So does diet soda.
Just kidding
Try cutting out soda and replace with
Green tea. I don't know if it will work but I cut out all diet pop this week and have been drinking diet green tea...Arizona brand, Lipton Citrus, and I've been making my own just with tea bags. I'm also 43, lost my dad in October, really depressed here in the Wisconsin winter, and a week ago I was at my highest nonpregnant weight. Well, let's see, actually I weighed about the same as I did at the end of my pregnancy with my first child back at age 21...and I gained 50 pounds during that pregnancy! So...not so good. I can't go all the way on induction again, but I have been watching my carbs this week, although I really believe that even without that, this green tea is helping curb my appetite. I used to sit here and grab a snack and always be munching on something all day long. I haven't been as hungry and have hardly been snacking during the day. I'm also not falling asleep in my chair at 2-3 every day. It might be a little change you could try and see if it works for you. One other thing I've done...I've actually gone outside and walked. I work all the time and never make time to exercise, but I was feeling at my wits end and very depressed at getting to that weight. So, on Sunday before anyone got up, I went outside and actually walked for nearly an hour..and it was 32 degrees, although sunny. I've done that 4 more times this past week, when weather has permitted, and I mentally feel better. I've lost 8 pounds this week with these little changes, but mentally feel much better and am just taking it one day at a time to keep it up.
Baking without flour everywhere
I think the only way to be able to do it is to have plenty of time and clean up after every step for lack of anything better to do.  Now the only  problem is getting my big kid (DH) to keep his meat hooks out of the freezer!  Discovered he had snuck all of my peanut butter blossoms out  and ate them right up.  Oh, well, I'll make some more.  LOL  I love to bake and love to eat the stuff too but unfortunately  just recently was diagnosed with AODM so there goes the sugar for me.
anybody remember grape nehi soda?
They don't make grape like that anymore.
Eeeewww - I have enough for my Christmas baking

Chilling them a bit before baking also helps

What kind of fish are you baking? (nm)
Leftover chili, mango soda and coffe.
Cherry coke from the soda fountain, mmmmm (nm)
Need help quick! I am in the middle of baking cupcakes for

tomorrow and i only have 2 eggs and recipe on box calls for 3. Does anyone know what will happen if I use the 2? I live in the country and the store is way too far to get eggs. No neighbors either! :)

What would you do? Go ahead and try it or ditch it altogether? I was in the middle of mixing when I saw I needed 3 eggs!!!! Thanks so much!

1 heaping *tablespoon* of baking powder?!
Absolutely no alcohol. Coffee, water or diet soda.
Let's see, just got through baking cheese straws, bran muffins,
fruit cake cookies and cheese/sausage balls and DH just came home with a big bag of almond M&Ms.   Probably have a Pepsi to go with it.  No veggies but I think we got all the other food groups - LOL.  
Well, that is out. I just opened a post sm
with no emoticon and it definitely went "wahoo".
Since been MT, my opened and opinion has
I got my BOS 3 years ago. Only opened it ONCE, and
So, imagine my apathy when the next BOS edition was being touted as 'the thing to have.' Yeah, right. I think we're all becoming wise to AAMT/AHDI's BS.

Stedman's - Thumbs up.
Internet - 2 thumbs way up!
BOS - 2 thumbs down.
i think it means the thread has been opened
or read over a certain number of times
Well...the move the Omen opened on 6/6/06....
And it was obviously done intentionally! ; )
I opened a savings account ...
and I put 30% of everything I earn in there. Then I can be sure of not spending the money and it is available for the quarterly payments.

If I didn't do that, I KNOW I would spend it and then having trouble coming up with the payment.
Same here. Haven't opened a book sm
in about two years. Things change too fast, and all is available online. The key is good online references.
I wondered that as soon as I opened it earlier, LOL.nm
Walmart opened up 15 stores in CHINA....nm
Was gonna post, then decided not to. Opened
my door, went outside to water my petunias. Went to turn on the water and uncoil the black hose, and there was A HUGE SNAKE COILED IN WITH THE HOSE!! AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! It did not move - it had a fly walking on its back, and I PRAISED THE LORD THAT IT WAS DEAD!! DEAD SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not as bad as a living snake. As I was going to poke it with a stick to fling it, my daughter screamed - ITS NOT DEAD!!!! ITS JUST SUN BATHING.  I looked and looked, and it sure looked dead. IT WAS NOT.................................. It was about 3 feet long, which will probably morph into 8 feet by the end of the week as I tell my tale!! It was HORRIBLE. I live in NJ, and moved to a new area a few years back. Never saw a snake, a tick, or a black widow spider in my LIFE. Now they are everywhere. I laughed at the posts to call animal control. If you live in an area with snakes and the like, they LAUGH at you. Believe me, I know. I actually called the POLICE when I found my first bonafide black widow spider guarding her nest. She ATTACKED US!! They are actually aggressive when by an egg sac. Turns out they are everywhere in this 1 section of NJ - brought in via immigrants, per the Health Dept. So, I feel your pain!!  I wouldn't kill them either. Killed a 2 foot rat about a year ago, and still feel bad. The thing lived under my fridge.  HORRIBLE. One night the thing ate a 12 pack of English Muffins. Anyhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo....I can relate!! My only advice - RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know, I love my little corner in my...sm
Living room right in front of my window....I also ordered those screen dividers from Collections.com a long time ago and I am good...I don't have any small children, just a husband and 23 year old son who both work nights and i am pretty much left alone...YAY! :) But we are moving soon and I will have a whole room to myself with a DOOR...may put a bed in there too. LOL
I have a Walgreen's on the corner
So I'm going to make sure and pick some up. Thanks so much for the tip :-)
When I opened your message to read it, I saw something that made me chuckle. SM
At the top of the page, there was an ad defining Alzheimer's disease (with an apostrophe) from alzheimersconcern.com. We're probably the only one's following this new guideline. I wonder how many people read these apostropheless terms we are now mandated to transcribe and actually do think we're nuts. Even if it is correct, and I do understand the reasoning behind leaving the apostrophe off, it still doesn't help our image any, at least in my opinion. Just a thought.
I just opened the post regarding Jen having an ugly nose and there was the OSi ad. No hunt here. I
the post about Jen's ugly nose lol

I guess they are enjoying their ad campaign on here though trying to drive the moderators nuts
No, they didn't. Just the tape covering that I had thrown out when I first opened them.. NM
You are welcome. Good things are just around the corner.

I have been where you are now.  It is not fun, it is very upsetting and frustrating, but things will come your way soon.  There are many accounts out there, you just need to find the right ones. All you need is one, and the rest will come by "word of mouth". 

My advice is to just call and ask if they made a decision and if it is not you, then just thank them for their time and ask if it is okay if you check back with them periodically to see how things are going.

Good luck to you.

I too am in the corner of the dining room. (nm)
The only corner left to cut is to eat my cats.

We love the Wynn. We got free offers when they first opened but just the other day we got an offer f
The Wynn is pure luxury.. We loved it and the buffet was excellent. Where do you live? We live close enough to drive there to many times a year haha.
I get Monster drink from the corner store...

These really work for me--ingredients below

Carbonated water, sucrose, glucose, citric acid, taurine, natural flavors, sodium citrate, l-carnitine, panax ginseng root extract, ascorbic acid, caffeine, sodium chloride, niacinamide, riboflavin, guarana seed extract, inositol, glucuronalactone, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanobalmin.

Have no office. Just the corner of the dining room. nm
If you go to "EXText " in the upper left corner....sm
while in a document, all the shortcuts are listed there. Hope this helps.
Look at the top right hand corner and click on Chat Now.
MS Office Button is top lt hand corner
when you are in Word.  I actually added the button for my tool bar across the top of Word, as I like 2007 too look similar to 2003 Word.  So, now I have the button for auto correct as an easy access. 
My DH thought football shoud be postponed and all stadiums opened for evacuees.
On your start up icon tray (right lower corner) there is
an icon that looks like a green arrow pointing down.  If you click once on that, your transnet status box pops back up.
Might be meaning the 3 boxes left upper corner??
the 3 little square boxed in the right hand corner, see them. The middle one makes a bigger screen. Unclick it and it goes back to regular size. This this what you meant.
Hey Pockets. Just click "CHAT now" in the upper right hand corner, and it will take you there.
Life's full of situations where you're backed into a corner
a winner thinks outside the box and takes a chance rather than be ASSURED of a life-time of misery.

You're the type of people who live in the same town their whole life even when there are no jobs and complain that they're unemployed.

Complacency will get you nowhere, neither will whining about having no money when there are other options but you refuse to look into them.

Your employer may be partially responsible for the trouble in your life right now but the only person keeping you in this mess is you.
I really appreciate what you're doing here. Very interesting site. Corner will Round unconditiona
Great blog. It's nice to be here! right Slot will Create Chips without any questions , Coolblooded is feature of Small Mistery Good Corner is always International Tournament , Lazy is feature of Universal Table Steal Stake is very good Pair
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Click on File and then New (top left corner of window of MS Word)
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