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BOS and QA

Posted By: Annoyed on 2009-06-04
In Reply to: Boy oh boy, have you ever hit on a sore spot with me! -(sm) - Topaz

I TOTALLY agree with everything you said - do you remember Susan Powter - the exercise guru from TV some time ago? This is what she said about all the different diets in the world - "One day they tell you to suck lemons and the next day, don't suck lemons !" More true words have never been said - I am also very sick of QA. When I read your post, it made me cringe just thinking about the high and mighty "experts" who can't make up their minds either. I think they make more errors than they are worth and just make us look bad to justify their being... I've seen them contradict themselves in the body of the same report more than once. I have 25+ years and was a MTSO myself - I don't need that kind of grief in my life... Thanks.. I needed that.

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