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Avast is one of the better ones,

Posted By: computer tech recommended. on 2005-08-31
In Reply to: Re: Virus Program - IA MT


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I use Avast as well.
I have never had a problem.  When my Norton's ran out I contacted a friend of mine.  Her son lives and breathes computers.  That is what he recommended.  As soon as I loaded it, it found viruses that Norton's had missed.  We have never had a problem either.  As soon as I bought my new computer I loaded it onto it.  It has already caught three Trojan Horses in two months time.  Also, the company's computer guy uses AVG.  He had never heard of Avast.  I am sure you would be safe with either of them. 
Avast antivirus is a good free program that I use on one of my computers.  On the other one I have Zone Alarm antivirus (not the free version with just firewall, the internet suite), and I am happy with both of these. 
I use Avast as well.
In the beginning it caught things that Norton did not.  Since then have used nothing else.  Another computer guy loaded AVG on one of my computers, as that was what he recommended.  It did not catch anything that Avast had not caught.  I think either one of them would be good.   
Both Avast and AVG are great, and FREE
I am a subscriber to Kim Komando because I have learned to absolutely trust her knowledge and expertise in the computer field...here is a link to her page on (mostly) free software downloads that she guarantees are excellent, plus they come WITH no spyware or other bad stuff...

There is no reason to pay for protection when there is a plethora of excellent software out there for free....

Cyberspace has gotten so dangerous that I never download anything w/o checking the Kim Komando website first. You have to trust someone and I trust her - she has never steered me wrong so far.

Good luck to you....:)
I use AVAST and have had absolutely no problems
I use Avast...it updates almost every day and runs in the background....
all the time. If I get an email attachment within attachment from forwards, it checks all of them before I even open it. It's a free program, too.
Avast also recommended by Consumer Reports.
Ewido security, Avast antivirus are what I use.