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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

At my clinical sites,...sm

Posted By: MT 2 nursing student on 2006-03-09
In Reply to: Life-threatening MT errors. sm - Jerkette

the physicians' handwritten orders are transcribed by the unit clerk into the MAR (medication administration record), or if they are using Meditech they get transcribed into Meditech, again by the unit clerk. Nurses are very savvy on drugs and doses and are expected to question anything that is, well, questionable. A nurse is liable for administering the wrong drug even if the doc ordered it wrong. Both clinical sites I have been at so far were Magnet status - that is a hospital that has undergone extensive credentialing to show superior nursing care. Magnet hospitals have the lowest nurse:patient ratio, which has been directly linked with less deaths and better patient care... just my two cents.

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Free Ortho sites & ABCZ sites

Every orthopedic test imaginable.



This site has a free ABCZ Expander system.



This site has free software.....There is Stedmans Ortho Word Book program on there amount other great software. 



Good luck

Clinical depression
You better believe depression is real! It exists in my family and among my closest friends, and it is a painful and frustrating disease. Diabetes is often used as an analogy to compare to depression. I think it is a good one because a) diabetes is a real illness and no amount of "sucking it up" will help the body produce insulin, b) it can be treated with medication but not usually cured, and c) lifestyle adjustments coupled with medication help most diabetics feel better and function well. The same are true of depression.

Have you checked into a local county/city community services organization? There should be something available that charges fees according to your income. You need not be on welfare or Medicaid to be eligible. Go through the local government pages of your phone book and see. Call any social services type number and they can put you in touch with what you need.

Are you able to consider borrowing money from someone for a short time? Once you are under treatment you will certainly be able to pay it back quickly as you have all kinds of ability to make a living; it is just that your illness has made you disabled currently.

Also, please try to talk to someone sympathetic personally. The human touch of personal contact is so superior to what can be offered on-line. You could tell them what you have said here, or if that seems to be too strenuous, print out your post here and show it to someone, let them read it. It might break the ice and allow you to feel more comfortable speaking to them about it. The person you talk to need not be the one with the answers, right now they need to be the one who will listen and encourage you.

Many of us will continue to listen here as well, but you really need a live person in front of you to open up to at some point. It really will help, if you can do it.

My thoughts and prayers are with you for your success in treating this awful disease.
Beats my clinical setting..
I'm shut off in a 12 X 12 room, hearing loud voices outside my door, file clerks running around hunting charts and griping every minute, nurses flitting about hunting "stuff", the office manager laughing loudly outside my door while she flirts with the doctors, and my WeatherBug is calling for the heat index of 115 for my area!  I'll trade with YOU! 
Unusual clinical history...
"The patient is status post gunshot wound to the head now complaining of headaches." Yes, bullets tend to cause headaches, I'm sure!
I am on XANAX. I did not think my clinical diagnosis would be on report.
When given this diagnosis, the first thing you want to know is how far it has spread. It can mean life or death. My doctor was OOT for two more days and I was panicking. I needed to know if it was abnormal so I could begin thinking of what the future held. I am not thinking RATIONALLY!!!!!
billing on clinical psych narratives
I am an IC and am being asked to give a quote on transcribing some narrative/office notes, etc for a clinical psychologists office.  In detail, it is a 1" margin around the page and there are headings on a template that you fill in either one word phrases or paragraphs.  It did not look that difficult.  I would have to pick up tapes, e-mail reports back on a daily basis an so I believe that gas and time doing so needs to be counted in.  I am needing some advice on how to propose either by the line (gross or otherwise) or page (either full or half etc).  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance. 
I am outspoken and not shy but after 30 years in a clinical setting, I LOVE being by myself. nm
Clinical versus Acute Care - why do companies
advertise for clinical MTs and then send you a test for acute care?  I was told it was the only tests they had.  I've been down this road before.  Once you pass the test they place you on acute care and come up with excuses about clinical.  Sooner or later they'll get the hint - when MTs apply for clinical that is what they want to type.  No more testing for acute care for me - when I apply for clinical. 
It has nothing to do with sites..
Check with your ISP, modem or phone line.
FTP Sites
I use FTPToday.
Try these sites


PT sites




Try some of these sites

FTP sites.....
I use FTP Voyager...60 dollars for 2 years....sooo easy to use, encrypted, best I have used so far. Go on their site and see. Rhinosoft.com is the site.
FTP sites...
Does anyone know of any FTP sites that do not have a user fee? I am currently using a software that charges me 0.025 cpl and I find it's a ripoff. I really don't make any money off this software, AND I paid an arm and a leg for this software. Can anyone tell me where I can find an FTP site that does not charge a user fee? TIA.
OB/GYN sites

Can someone tell me of some good OB/GYN sites out there?  For that matter, any good specialty sites.  I'm fairly new to transcription and still gathering good reference sites.

Thanks in advance!


There is chemocare.com and cancer-info.com.
OB/GYN web sites
Does anybody have any good web sites for OB/GYN and peds?  I haven't done all that much of either one and I'm having a slow go with the acronyms.  Any help would really be appreciated!
FTP sites
Can anyone recommend a good FTP site that would be used on my own computer on the desktop.  Thank you.
what other sites do you use?
Many thanks 2 U both 4 the 3 gr8 sites (sm)

I'm good to go!!


It's right on their Web sites...

Visit this site, read paragraph 2 and notice the word global.  It doesn't appear they are trying to hide anything.


Some different sites here too . .

These help me:

For City/States/Counties:  *HomeTownLocator* --  http://www.hometownlocator.com/

For Orthopedics:  Really great site.  Can use search box or click on any part of the skeleton.  *Wheeless On Line* --  http://www.wheelessonline.com/

For Medical Abbreviations:  Also has a medical dictionary, drug search and medical instrument search, but I just use it for the Abbreviations.  *MediLexicon*   http://www.medilexicon.com/

For Chemotherapy Drugs - *ChemoCare*  http://www.chemocare.com/bio/

For Medical Dictionary - *Dorlands Medical Dictionary* - http://www.mercksource.com/pp/us/cns/cns_hl_dorlands_split.jsp?pg=/ppdocs/us/common/dorlands/dorland/misc/A_TOC.htm

For Clinical Trials - http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/

Those are some of what I use all the time. 


thanks a lot for these sites
I appreciate you taking the time to give them to me!
But, I can access all other web sites
So, would it really be my Internet Explorer causing the problem???

I use to go to this one web site where I could always log on even during them updating the site but many others could not - some could, some could not. I just have a feeling this may be the same type of thing - something with the website itself or else I would have problems with other websites, wouldn't I? I can access any other website I want but this particular one - wwww.weightwatchers.com

I thought maybe I needed to clean out my cache or whatever as they may have changed something where it keeps using something on my computer that is old/no longer valid in order to access the site but wouldn't everything I have done so far have eliminated a possible problem such as that??? I did not actually go in and delete anything in any cache so I don't know if that may need to be done yet and, if so, I have no idea where to go and/or which one(s) I need to do that with.

Thanks so much for trying to help. I sincerely appreciate it.
Any of you pet lovers seen these sites?



So cute, and so addicting!

Thanks for the sites. I have a question...
I have avoided calling Dell to ask for help with certain issues because I cannot understand them. If I ask them to transfer me to a US office, will they?
cancer sites
I usually use the NIH-National Cancer Institute site. It has listing of clinical trials, types of drugs, different types of cancer treatments. I also depend heavily on the Oncology Word Book by Stedman.
The other sites might as well not exist
They are so self censored that they won't give a company's name, so they might as well not exist. MTStars is the best board on the internet for FREEDOM OF INFORMATION. Posters may say that people are negative on this board, but they are honest and realistic. The other boards are so full of Pollyannas they are virtually worthless -- INCLUDING boards you have to pay by the month.

if they use the BOS on offshore sites.
If so, the AAMT must be making a killing.
I just checked out both of these sites and
there is no rsp.com and the other said the site was under construction. I have heard that VA jobs are the jobs to have, though. Good luck!!
Drug sites

What are some favorite drug sites?  Thanks in advance.

Drug sites
My favorite is rxlist.com
?Rheumatology sites sm
Anyone know any good links to rheumatology sites? Appreciate your answer(s).
some good sites

Here are some I use for oncology

chemo acronyms - this same website has chemo drugs


cancer terms


types of lymphoma


FDA approved onco drugs with good links on page


cancer staging (TNM)


I use a couple of sites
www.ama-assn.org and

Hope these help.
Thank you all for these sites, they are truly appreciated (nm)

Does anyone know of any homeopathic med sites?
Ortho sites
I am fairly new to orthopedics. Anybody have some good websites for ortho terms and medications?
Web Sites! Lots!


New/unusual terms

 has been useful in finding OB phrases I�m not familiar with on my new job.


  for drugs


for drugs


  chemotherapy drugs

Medical tests, signs, and maneuvers:


The �everything� site:

   That goes for drugs or anything.  Customize to start looking in medical books firs and not in general dictionaries.


http://www.upinregistry.com (very comprehensive listing of doctors in all states with ability to put in specialty if it is known to narrow the search


now available on line.drugs, etc)


diseases and syndromes, etc)



  Online Medical Dictionary,

Wikipedia has images and diagrams from Gray�s Anatomy and links to related body parts.

Chemo acronyms � this same website has chemo drugs


types of lymphoma


Site for names of bacteria


Drug list


Acronym finder


Spellings for drugs


(scroll down to Medline search)


Books list � any book an MT could ever need:


Taber�s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary ONLINE:


Online Medical


Over the counter drug list:


List of FDA drug approvals:



   -- links that might be helpful

http://home.adelphia.net/ ktm58/links.html

Wound V.A.C.


Sleep Studies


To find doctors by state


Good fibro website


Sites to find docs


OP note samples

http://www.mt911.com  on it and has a lot of different samples. Also a good reference book is The Surgical Word Book by Saunders.







Antibiotics site


Found this site with injectables etc.


Surgical Instruments


coag = coagulate
coags = coagulates (add s)
coagd = coagulated (add d)
coagg = coagulating (add g)
coagy = coagulopathy (add y)
coagj = coagulation (add j)
(use J for tion)

apx = approximate
apxd = approximated
apxg = approximating
apxs = approximates
apxj = approximation
apxy = approximately

The possibilities are endless.

Also, enter words you frequently misspell:

berast = breast
teh = the

add mixed case words:
tricor = TriCor

add dosages:
q3hprn = q.3 h. p.r.n.

http://www.mt-stuff.com/freebies.html (MT-Stuff is an MTStars sponsor)

This website is a good one for us newbies. I found it during school this year. I also use the express scribe for practice files. The freebie page lists several free downloads.


[ "Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't." 

A few helpful sites


  • http://www.womenshealthchannel.com/obgyn.shtml

  • http://www.angelfire.com/me/obgynweb/mnobgyn.htm

  • http://www.obgyn.net

  • http://contemporaryobgyn.modernmedicine.com

  • http://www.mdlinx.com/obgynlinx


  • http://www.topix.com/med/emergency-medicine

  • http://www.onelook.com

  • http://www.emergencyonly.com

  • http://www.ersim.com/main.html (an ER game)

  • http://www.geocities.com/nyerrn/2index.htm

  • http://www.virtualnurse.com/er/er.html


  • http://www.telemedicine.org/stamford.htm

  • http://www.dermatlas.org

  • http://www.dermatology.org

  • http://dermnetnz.org

  • http://www.meddean.luc.edu/lumen/MedEd/medicine/dermatology/melton/atlas.htm


Check these sites (sm)

Some are probably outdated ... I bookmarked this site a long time ago


http://www.magicyellow.com/  (this is free yellow pages)

Otherwise I posted some suggestions about how to break out on your own in another thread on the main board ... why don't you try to get your own clients instead of working for an MTSO. 

PS:  If you're in Nebraska, disregard above ... j/k!!  :)

Free FTP sites
can be found if you Google on the keywords "free FTP sites." There are a few. FireFTP is the free one for the browser Mozilla Firefox if you use that. There are others for Internet Explorer.
drug sites
Does anyone have any good drug sites for ophthalmic ointments and drops? I always have a hard time finding these. TIA!
RE: Dermatology sites
you can try this site...

Those are great sites - thanks!
Look at thread below. Many sites given.
? zny best cardiology sites?
OP sites needed

Thanks for the sites. I guess I should have been more specific. I need sites to help with general OR notes. I have not done OP notes for a couple of years and of course I don't have any of my favorite sites anymore. LOL.. so any sites that would be helpful for OR notes thanks.


MT Referrence sites?
I am searching for some good MT referrence sites to refer to for drugs, Expander tips, medical words, etc.  Anyone know of any?
search sites
What type of searches are you referring to? I use PogoFrog.com quite a bit (a docs search engine) and labtestonline.com are just a couple that I have. If you can be more specific, maybe I can help.