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Asian OB-GYN is my hangup, not just Asian, but a combination of the 2 (nm)

Posted By: Not a speed typist on 2006-01-05
In Reply to: Just wondering? - Curious


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Asian and Russian for me. nm
Not all 'oriental' is Asian!........nm
Yes, Asian dictators are toughest
Some of mine are decent, but the rest are terrible. Strangely, I don't have much problem with Indian dictators, thought I would.
If they just add an E, they can be the East Asian Association for MT. nm
No one mentioned either oriental or Asian.
Have you ever heard the Asian psychiatrist

on Law and Order dictate?  He's pretty good.  I'd do his reports.  He's a dream! 

It is NOT Oriental, no such nationality. It is of Asian descent.
Asian, Indian, British, Hispanic..sm
I am old and tired and just can't stand ANY ESLs anymore, and the sad thing is the good dictators are going offshore because the Indian MTs cannot even understand the ESLs. Unfortunately, most companies are filled to the brim with difficult ESLs and i guess if you don't do ESL, u won't have a job.  That is why I am sticking like glue to where I work, NO ESLs.
I meant South Asian, of course, not East.

People are Asian. Rugs and food are oriental.
I wasn't aware Asian people were sensitive
about it. Where I live I guess we don't have the largest Asian population. Those I have met have been rather reserved and didn't discuss anything personal to someone they met in business or a casual meeting. So forgive me if I used the wrong term when I said Oriental, because I was just attempting to be vague since I didn't check on the origin of the dictator's name. As for those who suggested I leave a blank, any report with more than 3 blanks has to go to QA. So I take the time to look at his other reports for instances where he either said it better or the MT was better at that particular accent. I'm quite good at many accents, including Korean (let me acknowledge that Korean would be a particular Asian accent so we don't start another time-consuming discussion over that tiny point). But whatever particular Asian accent this person has, at least with the system we are using to record his voice, I have trouble with. But I get a few reports by him nearly every day, so I've started a list of the phrases he doesn't pronounce well. Whatever his first language is obviously didn't use many of our sounds, so I was just thinking it would probably take a speech therapist to train him. IMO, some of his training isn't appreciated fully if his patients can't understand him when he speaks, or MTs have to leave blanks in his reports. So with all the education he's had already, what would be a few weeks of speech therapy, is what I'm thinking.
A combination of both, but mostly A
People who have been dependent on the government their who life have never had anything expected of them but to take, take, take.

They then expect the government to take care of them and it's never enough.

They teach their kids to expect the government to take care of them.

None of these people have ever had to be resourceful, ambitious or develop any life-maintaining skills.

So it goes on and on and on.

The bottom line is this:

People will be what's expected of them. If nothing is ever expected of them that's what they become.

Somewhere along the line society was given some kind of responsibility for taking care of people who refuse to even try. I have no problem with the gov't helping out someone who has lost her job, got divorced, has an unexpected crisis, but most of these people have been on some kind of program for generations and just expect it with no intention of ever supporting themselves, and even worse, they reproduce like rabbits because there are no repercussions for the irresponsible behavior.
I think its a combination of things, I myself would
That consistently runs out of work, because I have nothing to fall back on.  Maybe these ladies have a husband who can pick up the slack, so they are not so worried.  Also its a pain in the butt to post your resume and start all over with a new company, new dictators, and not to mention you don't know what you're getting paid until youre actually signed on and let go from your other job.  Whats up with that?  Why don't they ever post the actual salary like other lines of work?  They at least say "start out at 30,000k per year" or something similar.  Its a big mystery what your paycheck will be and thats a nail biter in itself. 
You will also sometimes find a combination...

There are accounts where you do the clinic notes (for office visits - H&Ps and consults) and also the acute care reports for that same doctor/doctors when they perform surgery or another in-hospital procedure.  Then you'll have the operative report as well as the discharge summary.  I love these accounts, as you follow the patient from initial diagnosis (sometimes after several office visits), through their hospital course, and then back to the office for followup. 

As far as knowing what type of work a company has - ask.  That is the best way to find out. 

combination of 3 meds usually (sm)
Most hospitals have their own chemo cocktails for mouth sores but most consist of Mylanta/ Maalox, Benadryl and lidocaine or xylocaine anything to numb the soreness of the ulcers.
That's a great combination!
When using weights, even light ones, remember that technique is very important. Move the weights slowly with no momentum. Don't let wrists flop. They should be rigid and slightly curled in.
There may be a combination of both. I nearly flunked

typing in junior high and I can't believe I make my living typing.  I know it is more than typing, but ....   I had no MT training, no MT education, just kind of fell into it.  My very first day I did 667 lines.  I wasn't working in an office but in the MTSO's home office.  I didn't have an Expander at the time.  Now many years later (18) I can do 2700 lines/day on a good day, but 1800 to 2200 is my norm.   My typing speed increased, plus my terminology has increased so I'm not looking up a lot of stuff.  Between the 2 it has allowed me to increase my  lines. 

You really can't compare what you do to others because there are lots of factors.   How they count lines, the difficulty of the dictation, the platform, etc.  



How about a combination of both approaches? SM
I've been using an Expander almost as long as the first primitive little DOS-based one became available. So of course, with no Mary Morkens or anything else out there, I started out building my entire system from scratch to suit myself. And I definitely believe it works for me much better than an imported system could.

However, ultimately it took a tremendous investment of time, and it's the only one like it in the world. If I ever lost it, I might just leave the field and start selling plants from my garden on e-bay or something.

A lot of people who work in offices will some morning come in and be greeted by the information that they've been laid off and a security officer assigned to make sure they don't mess with the computer. Will they have a copy of their dictionary at home or lose everything?

Losing a dictionary built on a standard system, then personalized and built up further would be hard but not crippling. And as pointed out, no need to reinvent the wheel...totally from scratch anyway.
I'd say a combination of B and C. House may be miserable, but after
watching all House episodes, he does have a heart, albeit surrounded by iron, lock with no key.
No but sounds like a deadly combination. nm
This is the perfect combination for termites too. nm
Different combination shortcut keys that I don't want to
also incompatible with Stedman Smartype (Word 2003 made a change that conflicts with Smartype, not a Smartype issue). Earlier versions of Word do not have this conflict.
What if you brought on a combination MT/QA person, and - sm
you each transcribed, and then each checked the other's work? QA would go faster, more transcription could be done, and you'd sort of be killing 2 birds with one stone, while still being able to remain a small, high-quality service.
It has to be a combination of talent for this work and SM
platform/work count. I have the talent and my production initially was excellent but then my income kept going down, and dowm, without any discernible cause. The difference was in how production was being counted on the other side of the computer screen. Fine, if it's fair and we understand why, but we weren't being told even that the decreases were occurring, much less why. Someone the ability to put out good work but without that initial earnings experience might think it was only him or her.
What would be ideal is a combination of the ErgoMagic
keyboard that can be angled PLUS that touch pad. hmmmmm

I'll definitely post if I find one that works for me.
Have you ever had "hypocrit" pie, a combination of applie and custard. nm
Oh I see, I'm glad you found a combination that works for you! nm