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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

As far as them telling you notes are missing...sm

Posted By: Shannon on 2008-02-13
In Reply to: How would you handle clinic notes coming up missing after you've delivered them to the facility? - MissouriMT

you can always cut and paste names into a log. That way, they can't claim to be missing certain notes.

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So do you have the missing notes??
If you have the missing notes then someone is misplacing them and you simply charge them a re-printing fee.    Are you doing digital and delivering back or do you pick up tapes?   If they want more delivery back, charge a delivery fee.  You can make it work if you want to but they will have to pay for the time you are putting into the work.   If you feel someone at the clinic is doing your work, explain that also.   Good luck. 
Missing Notes

I have that problem once in a while and my doc and I got into an argument about it once. I knew he didn't dictate the notes, but he kept telling me he puts a check mark on the notes he does dictate. 

I've been with this doc since 1995 and I have a phone in system, so if he dictates them, they're transcribed. If he doesn't dictate them, then he didn't do them.

Well, for how busy he is, if he put the check mark on the note PRIOR to dictating, then gets called away for a patient or starts to fall asleep while dictating (which he has done already), it could very easily be overlooked. What aggravates me is that he makes me type Re-dictation on any notes he says he did before but didn't.

Also, I have found that since the last secretary left, there aren't as many "missing notes" as before. Hm-m-m-m. That tells me something. I can understand if I put a blank for the patient name (no list to follow and if it's a new patient or can't understand Speedy Gonzalez, then those notes could very well be thrown away if they can't verify the patient.

I don't print the notes or hand deliver them anymore. We use PCAnywhere, and the notes are in one file with the dates of the notes dictated, which I transfer directly to his computer, so they print them out on their end. I have the notes and so do they, so if they are missing a note, all they have to do is check their files to see if that note is there. If not, then he didn't do it.  End of argument.

This has worked out great for me, but for you, well, I'd think twice about keeping a job with that much aggravation. Find another account.


P.S. - and also, I have had missing notes too
dictation system by the doctor when they dictate.  So instead of coming to your pool, it ends up somewhere else.  And someone in the hospital ends up getting it and, not being sure what it is (or maybe knowing but welcoming the easy work), they transcribe it.
How would you handle clinic notes coming up missing after you've delivered them to the facility?

I type the clinic notes at home, print them, verify the all notes printed, place them in a manila envelope clearly marked with the clinic name and dictator doctor's name and date of clinic.  I then deliver the notes to the lead Transcriptionist at the hospital which manages the clinics.  She in turn distributes them to the clinics. 

The last two weeks, I have gotten several calls from the lead MT that I give the work too that clinics are calling saying they are missing certain notes from certain days which is impossible because I type all notes for a specific day in one large document and print them out together.  There is no way that some are printing and some are not.  Plus I ALWAYS verify that each note printed.  Today, she called and said there were missing notes from two different days.

Then there is the issue of my work being typed by someone in the hospital.  When I deliver work I get a print out of what's on the system as far as clinic notes.  It is a worktype specific list that only I am supposed type.  There are a couple of doctors who dictate all their notes in one looooong job.  There were two very long jobs on my list, but were never pooled to me.  When I enter the specific job number, it says they have been transcribed.  In one instance, the dictator dictated half on one job and half on another.  I typed one job and the other just magically got transcribed.  When I've called to ask who's typing these reports, no one seems to know.

These ladies in this particular transcription department are not a friendly bunch.  I have felt that they sort of resent the fact that I am doing work from home while they have to come in and type.  I think they are wondering why they aren't allowed to work from home.  The work I do is very easy clinic work and would be pretty easy lines for one of them to do just to pad their line counts.

I have a meeting tomorrow with the HIM director who contracted with me about TAT and I know they want a shorter TAT than the agreed upon 24 to 48 hours and I know she is going to want me to make more deliveries than the three I do a week now.  I have asked that they set up a remote printer for me so I can print from home that way delivery isn't an issue anymore, but they act like this can't be done which I know it can be done.

I'm about to cut this account loose, but it's such easy work.  It's just that I'm running into brick walls at this place.


Thanks for listening to me whine! 

And you'll almost never get just Op notes. Probably get mixed acute care - op notes, discharge su
So why are you telling me this?
I already said mine are grown.  And don't be so quick to judge others.  You have no idea what circumstances others are in.  Judge not, lest you be judged.
I'm telling ya!
Gotta agree, but I worried that messing with the structure of his mouth might take away from that voice. It gives me goosebumps too!
You could certainly help us out by telling us what the...sm

platform was that turned out to be a low-line maker.....

And tell us the one that has been good too!!!


Thanks for telling me this!

I now have been contacted by four others who went through the same thing.  This will really help if they don't respond to the complaints I filed.  Thanks for taking the time to tell me.


So what you are telling me is...
I should just go ahead and apply at places states I have two years experience and test for them.  Then, I can get experience without any? Kinda?
The OP WAS telling it like it is.......nm
Keep telling it, maybe they will sm
listen to you. They are not listening to me! You said it exactly as it is. This is not a "school" career. It is by learning. Maybe the school gets you started, but it still takes years of learning.

I do feel sorry for the folks who went to these schools thinking that was all they needed because they really got taken advantage of. I don't know if any hospitals these days train folks or not. My opinion is if you have been in school then you need to go work in a hospital/medical center/teaching facility for several years before EVER trying to coming home and do this. you just cannot make any money at this working on production coming out of school. There is no way. Let me rephrase that, maybe you can but on a limited basis with an easy account, not a lot of foreign dictators, one or two work types etc. But, in order to do everything it takes YEARS!
Thank you! Do you know if the missing
girl was alive or not?  I sure hope so. 
What's missing?
I haven't noticed any that are missing.
Am I missing something?
Where does it say that Amphion is using Interfix to send work overseas? As I read it, Amphion has used this company which HAPPENS to be branching out to Trinidad and Tobago, but I see nothing that connects the two. The statements in bold don't say anything except InterFix has helped Amphion interface more effectively.
Am I missing something here? sm
Employees pay their own taxes just like independent contractors. The only additional tax the IC pays is the employer's 50% portion of FICA which, if I remember correctly, is 7.5%. I fail to see why so many are under the impression that as an employee the employer 'pays' their taxes. I've been an IC for 2 years now and have seen my taxable income decrease due to the numerous deductions I'm eligable for. (We have an accountant do our taxes for us, whose fee is a business expense/tax deduction/overhead item - whatever it's called. That's why I use an accountant!) Lately it seems that many are opting for employee status, which is fine, but I'm not sure that an accurate picture is being given of the ICs gross vs net income.
Missing your dad....
I can't say I know what your going through, because I don't, but I wanted you to know that I read your message and I am so sorry. Do you have any grief counseling in your area you could attend or a pastor at your church you could talk with? I'm 45 and my dad is 71 and I know that day could come at any time for me too. Hang in there WIMT. Are you in Wisconsin? I am too. If you need someone to just talk to you can feel free to contact me, just give me your email address and I'll e-mail you directly. I'd be happy to listen if you need me.

Went missing
Does it bother anyone else that TV shows, news reporters and newspapers are saying "He went missing last week..." Shouldn't it be "He has been missing since last week...?"  I've asked friends and family, but they don't notice.  I figure transcriptionists are more aware of grammar than regular people.  It makes me crazy when they talk about someone "going missing."  They're not going anywhere, they're just plain missing!!
I first heard someone on a local news station say it last year.  Now I hear it everywhere?  Where did that phrase come from?  I guess I "went missing" when that phrase was invented.  Irritates me too.  Oh, and so does Nancy Grace whether she is saying went missing or anything else.
I'm missing something
If you billed April in May, shouldn't you have received the money from when she helped you?

And did you have a contract set up with her.

I would just pay her the $100.
What am I missing?????
What's the deal with someone going out of town? or not letting the employer know??  Is this person an IC or an employee?  and why is it that so many "employer's" do not understand that they cannot dictate hours of work to an IC?  maybe this is the case?  I know I have dealt with plenty like that.  Perhaps, I am wrong - I know I missed something somewhere in all of this.
Maybe I'm missing something here.

"...my WAV pedal is acting in the same manner - tap the pedal to listen and tap it to stop the dictation." That's how mine works so what do you want to do differently? How did it work before?

you bet I do, but you are missing sm
the point. I think knowledge and experience should pay a whole lot more. My point is if you do learn all you can and can do every kind of report type and do it with an excellent report then you will not have the problem of not being able to make any money when the companies are only paying 8 cpl. The pay is not going to get better anytime soon. I know there is the exception to the rule and the companies, mostly smaller companies, who pay more but there are so many larger companies that are paying the 8 cpl. Personally to do OP reports all day long I think I should be making 15 cpl! Wouldn't that be nice but it isn't happening and I am perfectly ok making 8 cpl and doing what I do for now. Its better than no job at all.
I may be missing something, but I'm
Uh, yea? Do people really think it's going to go away? I'm telling you...
Those who protest our efforts to defeat terrorism, and those who hate George Bush more than they hate those who want to kill us, really need to wake up.  These people have the ONE thing that we DON'T have...... Patience.  So many people would like to think that 9/11 is a thing of the past and that if we just mind our own business, this will all go away.  They will out wait us, because they know that we have no patience, and they will strike again.  If we don't remain on the offense, no matter how unpopular it make be among the "kum-ba-ya" crowd, we will eventually perish.  Giving "peace a chance" will be the end of us.  These people don't operate as we do, and we better realize that right now before it's too late.
Do you mind telling us
who you work for now?
My DH was telling me McDonalds was going to do this too,
but inside the US...not India. I think we should boycott the drive throughs that don't use in-house workers. Take the time to walk inside and place your order with a real person and make it a point to say so. Of course, the only way it will make a real statement is if EVERYONE does it, so what's the chance of that. So we'll watch our MINIMUM WAGE jobs now just creep away as if nothing is wrong, right!
Would you mind telling me..sm
Did it take you long to learn to use it and where you purchased it? I have only found it for about 189.00 and was hoping to find somewhere that sold it a little cheaper. Thanks in advance.
Please consider telling us what company
I was just telling my DH what a cute name that is!
I just got through telling someone yesterday
what I do and they said what I have heard umpteem times before: "Hey, I can do that, too." ARGH!
Just telling it as I see it after all these years
in the business, know what I am talking about. I was told by a manager in the early 90s I would not see voice recognition in my lifetime. Well, guess what folks, it is here and automation is taking over a lot. I am thankful for the money I made in the past in order to raise a family and it was excellent money BUT I am right on the money as far as what I have said, just type faster because I do not see this as a profitable job as it once was. Some agree and some won't but the business is down the drain for MTs these days. In the 80s I worked outside my regular 40 hr week and charged $20 an hour - wonder how many places pay that now?? You are lucky if you have any.
Do you mind telling me how to do that? sm
This Vista experience has already given me a headache.......any help much, much appreciated. Thanks.
Everyone is telling her she has no choice
because if her employer says "jump", she should say "how high". What was she supposed to do when they said work from home, say "No". She was just criticized on an earlier post for standing up for herself and telling her employer no. There are many on this site that have to be "right" about everything. Contradiction is not "right".
If she was a recruiter, she would be telling--sm
where she works and plastering the name everywhere. Obviously she has not done that.

There are too many other *unhappy* ones trying to jump on her bandwagon. I wouldn't tell anyone else either, if I were her. I wish her all the best.
I'm educated, too, but you don't see me telling
medical providers what they should or shouldn't say in their reports. You knew this would blow up when you posted it, so don't play all innocent victim here. What does using one word have to do with the patient's privacy? It certainly didn't stop YOU from posting it on the Internet!
Right, Mary...Keep telling yourself that
That's what management is telling us. sm
It seems if someone can edit 1000 lines an hour you wouldn't need many people to cover an account and/or you would always be running out of work.
The above poster was telling it like it is
I was making big bucks back in the 80s and outsourced, went to another place making 20 thousand less, outsourced again and now work for a company making 20 thousand less, so add it up and that is 40 thousand less than the job in the 80s. VR has and is cutting what an MTer is making and from what I am reading on the boards, companies are going even lower than say 4 years ago in the salary. Maybe you have not done this job long enough to know how it has sunk but it has. I first trained on the job in 1973 and older MTers know this. It is not a good profession like it once was. I would never tell anyone to get into this job- only if you have other income and just want a full time job for part time pay. The job where I have worked for 19 years now has ESLs coming out the woodwork. We did not have this when I started there in 2000. It has changed and not for the better. You are sugarcoating something that sinks more and more each year. I raised a family on what I USED to make but now only work still because I do not have a family to raise- could not on the salary places pay. I would definitely tell anyone now thinking about this as a profession to think again. People say - I want to work at home so I can stay with my children- this alone has hurt this profession. We are thought as not having a real job to start with. People think you work from home- you got plenty of time. I hate it when I see- Oh, I get to stay home with my kids, not that they love the work - just to be at home. And people wonder why this job has sunk so low??
I found it very telling...
... that after all this time of trying to get everybody to "upgrade" to Vista, last summer Microsquish finally "saw the light" and released XP service pack 3. All the tech people I have ever talked to opined that Vista was the biggest hole in the ground ever to come down the Microsquish pipeline. And now they're getting ready to inflict another new version on us. Good grief.

I applied/interviewed for something like 30 jobs last fall; and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, without exception, REQUIRED XP. If I'd jumped on that Vista bandwagon, I'd have been shucks-outa-luck.
BTW, would you mind telling me sm
what he did or did not do?

where would you be if your daughter was missing (sm)
in another country?  The posts on down the board are appalling, some of them anyways!  I would hope that any parent in their right mind would be right there, no matter where "there" is, if their child were missing.  I know I'd be whereever I had to be.  I could not rest until I was there, waiting and helping to find my child.  I'd go to the ends of the earth to get my daughter back, no questions asked.  And maybe people are donating money to them so they can stay in Aruba and help find their daughter, as well as keep their lives going back here at home.  Where has compassion gone? It's truly sad that we ridicule people for simply wanting desperately to find their lost child.  Just Sad.
Me neither! Ha! We must both be missing something! Maybe we should try the warm
milk? Blech...sounds gross! Actually, I'm just getting rolling now - my morning - so am having coffee! If I were to have sounded irritated, certainly my irritation would be 100% to the dang fool recruiter who pulled this "faux paus" on the poor woman in the first place. Now, if you want to get me irritated, just get me yamming about recruiters...currently my FAVORITE people in our industry...I can't find the appropriate face-thingie to express pure disdain....How about, PEW!!
missing lines
I have had lines missing and they always pay me on the paycheck.  It never shows on my lines but when I get paid it is added to my lines.
missing girl
I did miss some of it, but if the missing girl was the man's daughter, then she was alive.   His daughter  was the one at the beginning with the ring in her nose.  Maybe someone else who saw the whole thing can fill in the details.
They are the same thing or else I am missing something.
The music is nice, the pictures are nice but what in the world is the message?  Not worth the time...sorry.
Missing The Word "A"
Hi. Please tell me that missing the word "A" (as you did) didn't actually cost you points on a QA review!! EEK!!!
Our cat, who has been missing since April
He is a little thin, but otherwise looks to be in good shape.  The best news is our new dog (stray -somebody dumped her on the highway by our house) who loves people/hates every other living creature, just walked up to him, sniffed him, and paid absolutely no more attention to him. It's a good day
missing 1099 - what to do??
Ok, it's now near the end of February and I'm still missing a 1099! I've notified the company, but they just said it was sent out and weren't any help. The amount was over $10,000, so I obviously need to report it. How do I go about reporting it without a 1099? Do I need to report the company to the IRS? Anyone out there with their own service, what do you do when someone doesn't receive their 1099? Can you just send them a copy or do you have to completey re-do it? I remember reading something about the form having some barcode or something in it so the IRS can scan it, so does this mean you can't just send a copy?? Thanks for any help!
Missing dictations
I also get a patient list from the doctors office. I check off which ones I got voice files for, i.e. which ones I typed. I don't keep track of which names or not checked off. How do I know if that patient just didn't show up for the appointment, walked out without being seen, or if the doctor put off dictating. That's administrative work that the doctors' secretaries do at my client's office. If they can't find something they think he dictated and ask me to look for something or check on something I'll do it because it only takes a few minutes but I don't do all the stuff you're doing.

I think you are missing her point
I don't think it's about the money. I think it's about priorities. Should the MT think about her needs in her last few weeks or the company's needs? I think the poster was implying that she was doing the company a favor by training others on her accounts, and was it worth it to think of the company rather than her own needs. You are being short-sighted in your reply.