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Posted By: mtME on 2006-07-09
In Reply to: jonesboro. 80 miles from memphis. - cool!

Jonesboro, wow that is cool. Do you mind if I ask who you work for??? You can e-mail me.

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Near Memphis, what about you?
Arkansas MTs
I know we have state boards, but no one ever checks those. Are there any Arkansas MTs out there?
RE: Arkansas MTs
Arkansas MT
I'm at Arkansas MT living in NWA.
Hi. I am from eastern ark. Where are you from?
Hi Little Rock. Just a couple of hours from me. Do you work for a National?
Arkansas MTs
I am around the Hot Springs area.
RE: Arkansas MTs
Malvern, Ark
Northcentral Arkansas. nm
Malvern Arkansas
Hi Malvern AR. Nice to meet you.
Feedback on Netscript@arkansas please
I am about to sign contract with Netscript@arkansas.  Anybody had experience working or dealing with this company?  They said they are going to pay me intially 7 cents per line and move me to 8 after a month.  Is that reasonable pay rate?  Thanks for any feedback you can give. 
arkansas utility bills
Wow.  I live in a 6 room house and my last bill was 328.00.  We have very high rates here.
One in Jonesboro, Arkansas, does. Paid by the hour with incentive based
They want minimum of 120 minutes/8 hours. After that is when you start earning that incentive.