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Apology for angry MTs

Posted By: kks on 2005-09-05
In Reply to: For some reason if you have a different - Apology for angry MTs

Please speak for yourself! On reading the posts - no one called anyone a liar. We just asked for information or proof. There is abundant false information out there. I worked as an IC for a company who had "hired MQ" to take over the hospital jobs but the quality of work they got was so poor, they went back to their own MTs and FIRED MQ. I am not FOR or AGAINST MQ. I simply work there now and need facts. If the DQmanage has that ability, then new hires should be able to ask, "just exactly will I be paid for up-front" instead of taking the job and then finding out half of their work is not paid for. I have no fangs and I did not tear anyone up.

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Apology Again

I'm sorry amdahwd you did stick up for me.  I guess I misread another post that sounded as if they were saying just shut up and take the abuse  - -  LOL!!!  Like I said I have been back to work for 7 days now and have not slept real well since, so I am a little cranky. 

Regarding firing this person, every time I bring it up they say that they cannot let her go because she is FMLA, that she is protected!  It is ridiculous.  She has only worked 7 out of the past 18 work days this month.  This is the normal pattern for her.  I only have two other fulltime transcriptionists besides myself, and again I am the supervisor and have other duties besides transcribing.  We transcribe for 42 therapists and physicians.  We are very, very busy.  I used to push and put out 1800 to 2200 lines a night.  I am no longer going to kill myself for this company. 

I asked to get someone hired before I went out on surgical leave to get them trained, etc. , before I left.  Did that happen no!  They said that I had all positions available filled (even though one is never here).  So, with this person calling off all the time when I was gone, and one of my other transcriptionists taking a very hard earned vacation, we are in a mess.  The administration around here just does not get it.  They are always wondering why we are behind.  I was asked once by the CEO, "Well, all you do is type right?".  Needless to say, I am burnt out and just needed to vent.  I figured MTStars was the place to vent, as I was thinking some of you may have been, or are, in a position such as mine. 

Sorry for sounding so #@%$!


Sorry to sound so snotty in my last post, but I did not sleep well last night due to my foot throbbing all night long.  I just wanted to add one more thing.  I currently have insurance, which I have worked for.  The issue is, if I go ahead and just work 4 hours a night for the next month until this foot feels better, my HR person states then there will be an issue with the insurance! 

This FMLA person has left me in such a bind with our workload that it is not funny.  She was transferred from data entry because they could not keep up with her calling off.  So, the plan was to put her in transcription so she could take work home to do if she had to be home.  This has never occurred. 

Anyway, it's my problem - - whatever.  Back to soaking my foot!

Apology for angy MTs
I'm sorry also. Our profession is so full of BS and lies, it is almost impossible to get "the truth" about anything. :)
Apology accepted!
Yeah, you will get an apology
the minute you brush, floss and rinse with listerine, go clean out your ears too. I see a lot of wax.
apology accepted!
No hard feelings - ok ? Thanks again.....

apology accepted
Thank you.
Apology accepted, but
if you truly do not want to offend someone, then do not insinuate, suggest at, or call them names of any kind. My post in no way insinuated that anyone of my age should not or would not post on MySpace...I just said I didn't and answered the OP's age question. I did not deserve to be called ANYthing for doing that...and yes, it offended me, but your apology is accepted. thank you.
Apology accepted, but...sm

Again, please, I don't want it to sound like I give a hoot if her parents are divorced or not, that's not my issue.

I was simply asking for opinions mostly regarding teens working and paying for their expenses themselves, like gas, shopping, etc. 

Let me state my point clearly...Do your teens work? If so, how old were they when they started? Do you feel that teens working interferes with their school and if so, how? These are the things I'm wondering about, NOT divorced parents, sheesh!

apology.... yes by adminitrator

i offered to send the administrator anything they need in one of the comments.  i have proof of my innocence.  geez......... doris latta stated in one of the documents she sent to the labor board that she did not have proof or copys of her pay history.  hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  lol

well i have all proof of payments and i do not use checks.


I got your apology and it is absolute accepted!
Moderator and everybody else, my apology was DELETED. sm
I had wrote an apology for coming across so nasty earlier and I am sure that the gals that were involved in this post read it before somebody deleted it and decided to give me a warning. 
Moderator, can I ask why my first apology was deleted?nm
We all saw it and all it said was sorry for coming across so nasty.
Boss Yelled at me - no apology
I worked for a lunatic like that once.  File a complaint with EEOC for her "creating a hostile work environment".  This may change her tune to a sweeter one.
I hope "sm" got my apology about the nickel.
haha, am dyslectic without my expander...apology upfront (nm)
Apology for the typos and grammar. P.S. There is no "cure" but ways of coping. (sm)

However, please understand that requires diligence in working within yourself and many cannot or will not and therefore continue in their addiction.  You need to consult medical data and psychology before claiming there is a cure, because I do believe if you have one there are many people who would give their left arm to know it.

Boss sent me a nasty email, I replied and proved she was wrong, and yet no apology. sm

This is not the first time -- she's the first to blast you if she thinks you didn't make your line count, work when you should, etc., but if she makes a mistake, she NEVER says "I'm sorry," or "I was wrong" ... nada!  Most of the time, I just blow it off.  The pay is great, the accounts good, and sufficient work, but other times, I wonder if it is worth it.  I suppose in today's job market, I should just be glad to be employed ... maybe I'm just greedy in also wanting to be treated with professionalism, respect, and courtesy. 

Not sure if I even have a point -- guess I just needed to vent a bit.  Thanks for "listening."   

Charter down here so many times and I called and complained so much, got apology card this week.
I'm very angry but

My mother would not side with me.  I know this for a fact, thats why I keep the responses to myself.  She pretends like she doesnt see it, she is one of those moms in denial about everything.  I'm also afraid she will feel threatened, I don't want that.  Also, the family member I told has a big mouth, and I think some of it may have leaked out because the last time I went over there, I went swimming and I had a towel wrapped around me.  Exact words from my stepfather "Why are you all covered up, do you think there's a pervert here or something?" And he's become very hostile lately.  The whole thing is a mess.  Its sad because my stepfather and I were close in a normal way at one time.  Its like I lost that.   

Very Angry MT
If you are new and have a year and under why do these companies not respect that fact and try to teach you and make you better instead they just get rid of you over one report that went bad... Are we just garbage?  Just because you do not have to look at a person in the face does not give them the right to do these things, Now let me say it was the account not the company that fired me...
To Angry
I am sorry this happened to you, but I think there could be many reasons and no, this was not fair the way it happened to you given the history you just gave. However...these things do happen. Let me tell you, a couple of years ago I decided to go back to working inhouse. There was a doctor there no one could understand, even the more experienced struggled. He had a certain MT for many years, but when new management came on board this MT was let go. Anyway this doctor simply would not allow anyone else to do his work without finding something wrong. He wanted his old MT back. They found someone to do the work for him but he was very, very picky. Maybe this is what happened to you. It could be anything. You will bounce back from this and go on to find something else even better. However, I am just wondering why didn't they have a backup account for you.

Best wishes.

To Angry sm

Since I have never seen your work I would not presume to pass judgment on it.  *IF* your work consistently had gross errors and you were never informed, that says enough about the company you worked for.  In fact, as far as I'm concerned, a company that would ask ANYONE to work free for "months" as you said in a previous post is beyond despicable. It might be possible this is how they are making their money, the profit margin for free work would be pretty good but I would expect they wouldn't last long.

On the otherhand, I've had more years experience than I care to say, so let me tell you I KNOW how bad the baddest ESLs can be.  This actually happened to me:  I worked for a company about 10 years ago when tapes were sent to us at home by UPS.  I consistently got this one ESL who was so bad I said that God Himself couldn't understand him.  I called the office more than once saying I hated sending the reports directly to the hospital because they looked exactly like swiss cheese.  I was told to "just do the best you can and don't worry about it."  Well, one day I got a tape of his dictation and the tape itself was bad, so that work looked more like the whole block of swiss cheese with huge chunks where the tape was nothing but a stretching sound, thus, large chunks of blanks.  I called the office and again was told to "do the best I could" and send it on to the hospital.  Well, the next day I got some more of his tapes and the first thing he said was, "ah dunawa **** ado MA tie."  I translated this to mean, "I don't want **** to do my typing."  I immediately called the office and I admit I was pretty distraught, even considering how bad he was.  Know what I was told?  "The hospital knows how bad he is, their MTs refuse to do him which is why they send him to us and you're the only MT we have who can do him.  Don't worry about it, just send the tapes back and we'll tell them we're not going to do him anymore."  WHAT????  Why the heck didn't they tell the hospital that way before I pulled all my hair out??!!  And this was a large national that has since been gobbled up by MQ.

Don't give up.  Ask an experienced MT to review your work and give you some honest, constructive feedback and then do what it takes.  If you have to pay someone to mentor you for awhile it's a small price to pay for the education you'll get.    Hang in there.

You say this as if you are angry
Next time, don't come here to ask such questions. It could have been much worse. YOU are the one who is at fault here.  You are lucky that anybody responded at all.  YOU came to this board TWICE asking for help. There are no doctors here.  Use your brain!
I think you should see a lawyer. You may have a case for wrongful termination.
angry too, but not as much as
having a doctor dictate to the song mack the knife on every dictation - i guess he either thinks he is bobby darrin or just funny - but it gets annoying
You seem to be very angry
I said I THINK, not know. Having a college degree means what in transcription? Nothing that I have been able to find yet and I have done this over 30 years now. You need to find something else to do apparently. I do not find this a crap job and have made really big bucks in my career but then again I have the speed to go along with the background for doing transcription. These hospitals, companies, offices are in this to make money. They are not there to pat you on the back. You seem to be in over your head. Probably something a little less stressful would be a good thing for you. This is just a job that I do not stress about- after first going through a rigorous training program. Have a good day!
I'm angry!
No, they aren't taking over; they've already taken over. Let me tell you - when my husband became seriously ill, I had to fight for two years and delete our savings in the process to get his SS disability, in spite of four doctors (one being the SS doctor) saying he could never work again. We had to go on food stamps and it was a very humiliating experience. However, I was the dummy who was completely honest about everything, so I put down on the quarterly statement when it asked if ANY family member had received cash that my son received $160 in birthday money. They cut our food stamps by $160 the next month! It was a humilitating experience for our family and it taught me that the system is against you! Now, these illegal aliens come over here and get food stamps with ease and I'm working my tail off to pay for them? Is that supposed to be okay? The food stamp office acted like they were doing me a favor even though my hubby and I had both worked for 20+ years at our jobs and they KNEW we weren't deadbeats. I'm angry! I couldn't even buy toilet paper or bath soap with those food stamps! But, I sure saw a woman buying a wedding cake with them in the bakery of the grocery store not too long ago - and she didn't speak a word of English. I have a problem when I see these people paying with a food stamp card and then pulling out wads of cash to buy alcohol after ringing up their foot purchase.
They're illegal and I shouldn't have to support them. They are getting free government benefits and we're the working Americans who are supporting those benefits. They know how to work the system and America has allowed them to do so, so they have indeed taken over.
Now I am angry
Just did a ESL report. The patient was a white American female as dictated by the doctor, and he "could not get an accurate history due to the language barrier".

This just irritates me.

You seem really angry????

Some people do not think Google is an acceptable resource as you can get "wrong answers."  So, if the term is already in question, then I'd say your advice about googling is leading them down the wrong "path." 

Instead of being so critical, why not just "be quiet" since you obviously have a "thing in" for new MTs. 

Furthermore, to single out one post from a new MT the word board is hateful.  Goodbye!  Peace be with you.  I hope you find some peace soon. 

Not angry
Google is always a great start if you don't have anything more specific bookmarked. Part of the skill any newbie needs to learn is how to sift through Google for authoritative references, and/or how to do a search in a way that limits the responses one is going to get to those that are usable.

If I look up something ortho-related, do I take something from Bob's New Age cast supply? or from Wheeles'?

I still -- & will always -- feel that it is better to teach someone how to teach her/himself than it is to spoon-feed a bunch of predigested facts.

You are darn right I'm critical, and no, I'm not going to be quiet as long as I think a newbie can learn something from me.

I'm not angry when I say this about the mayor - sm
The mayor kept telling people to leave over and over and over again. He stated that he knew thousands did not have cars. He even said "this is the real thing, folks." Why didn't he provide school buses or city buses to get these people out - just take a few belongings, get on the bus, and get out of the city.

No whining, but ANGRY
With a MQ blog you could communicate and discuss to your hearts content, while you change nothing and your children starve.  And if MQ started the hole you are in, by still being there you are handing them the shovel to make that hole deeper.  Of course it is hard switching jobs and learning new accts but how does staying at MQ with NO jobs make that any easier?  If you have children and bills, you darn well better be doing something other than just whining about what a bad company MQ is.  You can start that process now or you can do nothing but whine and still have to start that process sometime in the future, all the while you bills are adding up and you kids are getting thinner.  And another thing, why do you have to buy anything for a new program or new job?  I have never had to buy anything for any company I have worked for.  It is hard to have alot of sympathy for a person who is constantly with the "poor me" but who does nothing to pull themselves out of the mire.  And if you think I am whining, you are reading my posts all wrong.  I am not whining, I am angry that you are letting yourselves be taken advantage of.  It makes all MTs look bad,  like we cannot take a stand for ourselves but feel ourselves to be at the mercy of any company that wants to take advantage of a hard-working MT.
They are angry. They don't want or need fact,
if they weren't so abrasive, offensive and racist it would actually be quite sad.
Darned right, I'm angry.
Unless you're a billionaire, you should be too!!!!


Before President Bush took office, under Democratic leadership, income was on the rise, jobs were expanding, and the economy was booming. Today, the Census Bureau announced that real household income has decreased in 2004, falling for the fourth consecutive year. Since the beginning of the Bush Administration, household income has declined nearly $1,700. Over 1.1 million people fell out of the middle class into poverty in 2004, an increase of 5.4 million people living in poverty since Bush took office. Despite this, Republicans still have no plan to help struggling middle class families. Democrats are fighting to create jobs and keep good paying jobs here at home.

Household Income Declined by Nearly $1,700 Under Bush. For the second consecutive year, median household income declined: income dropped last year by $93 -- down to $44,389. In real terms, median household income has declined by $1,669 since 2000. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table A-1]

African Americans And Latino Household Incomes Have Declined by More Than $2,000 Under Bush. Real median household income did not increase between 2003 and 2004 for African Americans and Latinos. African American households had the lowest median income, at $30,134--down by $2,273 since Bush took office. Median income for Hispanic households was $34,241 in 2004--down by $2,141 since Bush took office. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table A-1]

Average Earnings by Women Declined by About $330 in Real Dollars During the Past Year. The median earnings of women declined over the past year, from $31,550 to $31,223. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table A-2]

Number of People Living in Poverty Increased by 1.1 Million in 2004. Approximately 1.1 million people fell out of the middle class into poverty in 2004, an increase of 5.4 million people living in poverty since Bush took office in 2001. The poverty rate has increased from 12.5 to 12.7 percent over the past year, increasing for the fourth consecutive year. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table B-1]

Nearly 1 in 5 American Children Lived in Poverty During 2004. 13 million children lived in poverty in 2004, an increase of about 1.4 million since the beginning of the Bush Administration. This comes on the heels of a 730,000 increase in the number of children living in poverty in 2003. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table B-2 ]

Disproportionately High Number of African Americans and Latinos Live in Poverty. Nearly 25 percent of all African Americans (9 million) lived in poverty in 2004, an increase of over 250,000 over the past two years. Nearly 22 percent (9.1 million) of Latinos lived in poverty, an increase of almost 500,000 over the past two years. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table 3]

1.9 Million More Americans Enrolled in Medicaid in 2004. As 1.1 million Americans dropped out of the middle class and into poverty in 2004, the enrollment rate in Medicaid increased from 12.4 percent of the population in 2003 to 12.9 percent in 2004. Without the safety net of Medicaid and SCHIP for people who dropped into poverty, the health insurance numbers would be even worse. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05, page 16 ]

Today, the Census Bureau announced that the number of people without health insurance nationwide increased to 45.8 million, the fourth consecutive annual increase. A total of 800,000 Americans became uninsured last year - many because fewer employers offer health insurance to their workers. As a consequence, American families are paying higher and higher health insurance premium - which are expected to double under Bush's tenure by 2006. Yet, Bush and Congressional Republicans lack a real plan to address the problem.

Nearly 46 Million Americans Are Uninsured--Increasing for the Fourth Year in a Row. The number of Americans lacking health insurance increased by 800,000 last year--and by 6 million since Bush took office in 2001. Today, a total of 45.8 million people are uninsured--roughly one in seven Americans. [U.S. Census Bureau, 8/30/05; Table HI-4]

I'm getting that angry wrinkle because of him. Come on now!!! (nm)
if she curses a lot she will only get angry if you say anything
I would just leave it alone and hopefully she will get out of it. It may make things worse. Then again, she may not even realize what she sounds like. this is a tough call but I feel she will go on the defensive about this and take resentment out on you.
I understand you being angry...
When I get this way I try to remember that there is a higher power they will answer to one day, and keep teaching my kids right from wrong.
that just makes me angry
WHERE/HOW did you receive this? i receive spam emails, but nothing so closely related to what i do as a job...

i dont understand how our jobs can be sent to people that cannot form correct English sentences.

i will NEVER understand this business anymore, and that is why it is time for me to get out of it.

Experience doesn't matter anymore. if they can pay someone as cheap as possible to get the work done, they will do it. And the MT's that accept it hurt the rest of us that deserve more.

im so sick of it! those of you that make good money, count your blessings! A few years ago I was making 50K... now not even CLOSE with the technology and outsourcing...

who stays in a job where their salary has been cut almost 50%?

I feel you with the cut in pay but do you plan to do when you get out of this business?

You are a very angry nasty person.
Not angry, just stating facts. Look around.
Because they're angry and frustrated too
I say definitely change careers, but take a step up not a step back to square one and having to work with 16-year-olds.

People have to set goals and standards for themselves or they will be griping and offending indefinitely, while never getting anywhere.
This is another angry liberal loony
Gloom, doom, hatred, anger.

People like this really have way too much time on their hands.
I'm angry for you! That's the pits! BTDT!

Harsh and angry? No, I am sad and and distressed for them.
berate: Verb - censure severely or angrily.

censure - harsh criticism.

I accept them as one of God's precious creations, born with a sin nature, just like me. I never know when someone who rebukes me for gentle sharing of what Jesus has done for me may actually be saying that they wish somebody would take the time and interest in them to explain what they do not understand. For example, a person who has only seemed offended previously may one day turn to me and ask me if they have sinned too much for God to forgive them. And I can tell them how Jesus can save them. Sometimes it happens and then we rejoice.
So you are angry at Indian MTs and not the greedy
I've been known to cuss when I'm angry...

doesn't mean I'm a bad person.  Just like making an occasional grammatical or typographical error in a casual online conversation doesn't mean I'm not good at my job.

An MT who continually and consistently makes mistakes, refuses to learn from feedback, and simply doesn't care enough to open a book is NOT good at what he/she does and is bringing the entire profession down.

yeah, I have to fight being angry about it.
We are not angry about taxes. Dont you get it?
 as DH earnings with DH then just paying her $900 per month. DH would then claim the additional she had earned as his wages as her MTSO.  It is not about paying taxes.  It is about her getting around the system in order to earn more than $900 a month.  NOT TAXES. 
Offshoring just makes me very angry...sm
Right now especially we need all those jobs that are being sent overseas. I, along with some other MTs, have written a letter to the white house. I don't know who will read this or if it will be read, but I took a stand. I am also going to write my legislators and senators too asking them to do something about offshoring. Eventually someone has to listen. Just my 2 cents.