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Anyone else having an unusually slow work week? (nm)

Posted By: Should I cancel cable? on 2005-11-30
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Slow day for me. Typed two reports in two hours. Anyone else having unusually slow day?
Typically this week is a slow week in lots of places

because it is a big vacation week.  Typically things slow dow a bit in the summer too because people are putting off elective surgery, but at the same time lots of people going on vacation so it should balance out.   



We were slow the first week of January but
now we're being dumped on and can't seem to get to back in control. I've worked almost everyday just trying to stay close to TAT.
Yes, somewhat slow for me and am so glad as I feel very tired this week.
Seems like usual holiday slow-down period. Should pick back up this week or next. nm

I work 6 days a week every other week

Due to my company's payroll (it runs Sun-Sat), I'm able to work a rotating schedule with every other weekend off. Week 1 I work Sunday through Thursday with Fri, Sat, Sun off.  Week 2 I work Monday through Friday with Saturday only off.  Then I'm back to week 1 and get that following weekend off.

I've found that I'm more productive with shorter shifts and I have kids in school anyway, so I work a lot of split shifts during the week.  If possible, you might want to consider cutting back your hours to 30 hours and just work five 6-hour days in split shifts, 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening. 

slow work
I work for a smaller company too, looks like I MIGHT have 4 hours of work today, better than nothing, so praise the Lord!
Yes work seems to be slow all over.
slow work
Unfortunately it is the nature of the business. From the point-of-view of the MTSO, they need to hire to provide adequate coverage for peak input times and then when there is a lull, there is not enough work to go around. After living through more cycles of this than I care to admit to, I finally learned to save every penny I earned from incentives, bonuses, OT, whatever, to get me through the lean times. In the past when I earned a fat check for OT I would RUN to the mall and treat myself. No more, and it has worked for me.  Hang in there!
Work is slow...
We're going through a slow time where I work right now too. I think it's just that time of year. I'm having to do a lot of different accounts to keep work, but at least I have work the majority of my day (there have been a few days where I was out out work for 30 mins to an hour at beginning of shift). One day it will seem like it's picking up and the next day it's down again. Normal for this time of year though.
why? Is it the pay, slow work or EMR? more.
How much longer are you planning on hanging in there? Is there work for newbies even at low pay?

I'm asking because many of us newbies want to do it even if it's only around for a couple more years.

Thanks for your insight!
My work is SO slow...sm
I do clinic work, and the work has been so slow this week and last week.  For instance, last night I only had 5 reports.  Short ones too.  Tonight I had 15 that totaled 21 minutes of dictation.  I asked if they needed help on another account while that one had hardly any work and they said no they didn't.  What this clinic tends to do is hold their work because my guess is they hate dictating and then all of a sudden they dump an ungodly amount of work on us.  I am irked majorly. 
Never had a slow day, still tons of work.
I work for 2 compaines and both are slow...sm
I haven't had a full paycheck in a month. But with all this time on my hands I sure do have a good tan from being lazy and sitting in the sun!
No work slow down or stoppage is not a plus if
The platform is slow and they run out of work.
That is what I am thinking...Work is so slow..sm
I can't recommend a company right now.
Your fan is supposed to run all the time. It's if it gets unusually noisy that
Slow work and people not going to the doctor

I have been transcribing for about 20 years, but took a break from it for about 1-1/2 years.  Now I am working for a service.  Here is my first question to you guys:

1.  How long has it been slow like this?  There does not seem to be that many jobs, and the response is slow when applying.  I use to get calls almost the same day with just posting a resume (a few years ago.)

2.  Also, this economy is so horrible.  I was thinking, people are losing their jobs - losing their health insurance.  Do you think that is really cutting into our industry, because people just cannot afford to go the doctor unless it is an emergency? 

I work 7 days a week because I work 3 jobs.
Workaholic here who would seek counseling if I had the time. hahaha
Anyone work 7 days a week with shorter work

I have arthritis in a couple of places, and I'm having a lot of trouble making it rhrough 8-hour days, even with split shifts, and I end up working most weekends anyway to make up for my decreasing production durng the longer days. I'm wondering if I should just commit to seven 5-1/2 hours days and be done with it.

Do you have an unusually high line rate to make up for that?
In my family, shower for first baby only, unless it has been an unusually long time between
pregnancies and things would already be given away or outdated.  I had a regular shower for baby outfits, strollers, etc, but also had a "diaper/general use" shower for diapers, bath stuff, lotions, etc, and this was great because it gave me a chance to stock up.
we run out of work every single day at spheris, it is scary. is slow on ya'lls end too?
we run out of work every single day with Radiology, i type for Spheris, it is so scary, makes you wonder if the account is going to close.  anyone having a slow slow production month?

When work gets slow and you're switched to unfamiliar dictators does anyone besides me find it ha
and work more than 40 hours/week you are due

compensation.  If your company requires you to work 7 days a week I'd find a new job.  They may ASK you to work extra as workload dictates but by no means should you be required too.  Many companies require 1 weekend/month or every other weekend, but there are off days during the week, unless you WANT to work.

If you are an IC you work what you commit to.  If a company can get you to work as an IC by holding over your head you dictate the hours you work, versus working a set schedule, why not.   With having to compete with companies offshoring they have to cut expenses where they can and cutting benefits, etc. is where they do it.  I don't like it, but in order to stay in business they have to, but they also can't require you to work 7 days/week either.  




Within a week or two, you will have more work than you can handle


I don't work for MQ. I got out of there after one week because I didn't like them.

I rarely whine, unless I'm PMSing.  (Which I'm not.)  I just think you're being rather harsh.  I ignore the MQ posts because it doesn't pertain to me.  I can do that.  I can rise above it.  Yes, I do think this board has been swallowed up with negativity lately.  And I'm tired of it, too.  There are very few positive posts, so those posts are the ones I focus on.

You can't sweepingly brush everyone into one pot.  You can't call everyone whiners and losers without getting some backlash.  For that matter, take your proactive messages to a blog.  I'm really tired of your attitude.  Life is not cut and dry or black and white.  It's not all or nothing.  Most people can't just quit a job, move to another town, or just walk away from a situation.  It's more complicated than that.  That's where you're being judgmental.

Nope, cause I only work 32 hrs a week.
adding 5 a week would not work well IMO

I currently have over 1500 entries in my mail abbreviation program file.  If I had built this by adding 5 entries a week, it would have taken 300 weeks, or almost 6 years to build my main file.  I have an additional 6 other files with varying numbers of entries built specifically for different purposes - one for medications - one to correct misspelled words in my current MTSO's spellcheck - and one for each of the different accounts I work (mostly entire op notes and templates).

I believe the one on ShortHand's site is a good start.  Once you get familiar (or even while you get familiar) with it's pattern, you can add your own.  I constantly add to my main file.  Sometimes when I come across something I haven't seen in a while and don't know for sure it is in the file, I follow the pattern, and voile'...there it is and I don't have to guess at the spelling or look it up.   

In addition, if you activate the prompt screen of available entries on your screen, you do not necessarily have to memorize all the entries.  You get to chose from a selection of 9 entries to help jog your memory if needed.  I am a firm believer in the use of expansion software, even though the first one made me dizzy for 2 weeks

I work 6 days a week- only 1 of these has - sm
weekend work and that is by choice - so I could have the weekend off too. Generally though I work Sunday; Saturday is the day we do things together; and Sunday mornings we usually go out and do something. So I have most of the weekend free to recharge and have fun.
Manager work week
I am a transcription manager for a 3 hospital system.  I work in house Mon-Fri 8 to 4:30.   I am on call Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues evening.  My coordinator takes call on Mon/Tues/Wed evenings.  We both have access from home to the backlog and all other applications and keep in close contact from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 at night with staff working from both home and in house.  I also cover a couple of the holidays either in house or from home during the year.  If I had no in house coverage I would be responsible for coming in house to work at any given time. I think it is important the manager/supervisor stay in contact.
I work 6 days a week....

I posted this before, but it got deleted somehow, so I'm sorry if this shows up twice. I work 6 days a week for about 4 hours a day. Sometimes it is 5 hours a day if the dictators are bad. I have found that since I have switched to this schedule, I am more productive since I am not so worn out, and I produce more per hour than I did when I was working an 8-hour day. But I must have at least 1 day off. I couldn't imagine working EVERY SINGLE DAY. Good luck!

I work evenings throughout the week
so I have no plans on adding weekends to my schedule. Times are tough but I would never see my family. I am starting to pick up some overtime on the weekends here and there if my schedule is open but I'm afraid to commit to anything more and lose my weekends altogether. I hear having weekends off are less and less common.
I work 40 hours a week and more
if there is work and I don't slack off and barely take a break. I do acute care and seldom leave a blank. According to my Expander stats, I am saving myself 23 hours of work and do 22% of the total in expanders. My pay has actually gone down especially this year and I am using more Expanders every day. That's my story.
Week Day Time Work Only

Has anyone heard of MT work that can be done during the daytime hours only.  I am currently being hassled/bullied into working nights, my sole reason for leaving a hospital job and working from home for a national company.  I may just have to send out 1,000 resumes to see if any local doctors/MTSO need such a position, but I am really beginning to doubt.  What about you?  Do you all work nights, weekends?  TIA.

Little to no work for the past week.
Where have all the dictators gone? I have been idle for the past week without work and QAs say that doctors are on vacation. Does this make any sense?

Pls help!
Is there engineer week? Astronaut week? Veterinarian week?
I currently work 70 hours a week and three jobs...
so it is physically possible to work that many hours. I am going down to 50 hours a week in two weeks, but you do what you have to do.
Ad for new hires 2 weeks ago, no work last week or this :(

No work for basically 2 weeks on either my main account or backup.  Can't help but wonder how many new hires have plenty.  I've been sitting here with absolutely nothin' for nearly 10 days and even tried on the weekend.  I love the account, but a girl's gotta eat!

Anybody else, or just my accounts?

No one could pay me a big enough salary to work 80 hours per week

Hired to work 40 hour week, 9-5 and then...
Then your computer goes down or you have a doctor's appt or a responsibility taking you away from the keyboard. The other two MTs on your acct have to work like crazy to keep up with a 3 MT work load and they do so like champs. Then, back you come and grab work off your schedule. This means the two MTs who covered you while you were off are not going to be compensated for working strenuously but instead, end up sharing their shifts work with you.

This is soooo frustrating.
How many days a week does your manager work? sm
Do you hear from them 7 days a week, 6 days a week, 5 days or what? 
Disagree. I work 48 hours a week for $65K.
If you can't make a living, it probably isn't the job for you.

Not everyone can do this work successfully.

Of cours. I only work 48 hours a week. ?
I work 5 days a week. Have plenty of time in the evenings and all weekend with my family, my friends and to go out of town, etc.

What kind of quesiton is that?! LOL

I'm no Olympiad but I do workout. Do YOU? LOL

I work 7 days a week -- see message
I work 7 days a week. I work 30 hours Monday through Friday and 4 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I start at 3 a.m. through the week. Weekends are my time to sleep in -- LOL. I don't start until 5 a.m. My production is way up. I just can't do 8 hour days. I felt like I spent my 2 days off running errands and cleaning.

I have 2 kids who are school age. When I finish my shift, I go back to bed for a couple hours, get up, shower, and eat lunch. Three days a week I go to the gym for an hour and get home just in time for them to start getting home from school. The other days I use to clean house and run errands. It just seems I get more accomplished and have more time to do the things I enjoy with this schedule.

On the weekends, by the time I finish up everyone is just beginning to get up, so I don't feel like I miss out on any weekend time with my family.
Trendy. Had one for a week but didn't work out.
Maybe I could have given it more time, but I was not happy with it.
Any companies out there that allow you to work 5-10 hours a week?

I posted this on the company board, but didn't get any responses, so I'm hoping there will be some help here.  work full time outside the home and I am looking for something for just 5-8 hours a week to supplement my income.  I worked for MQ for 6 years, but certain things led me to quit.  Is there a good company out there where I can work 5-8 hours?  Back at the Q I think now you have to commit to 24 hours and I just can't swing that.  Is there such an option out there anywhere?  Any input would be very much appreciated.



I beg to differ. I work 35-40 hours a week
FT and have an IC job I work maybe 3 evenings a week for 3-4 hours. I easily make over 50K a year. There are good jobs out there that pay wages one can live on.
I work for a small MTSO about 25-30 hours a week
There were in-house parties, donuts, 40 work week.