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Any op note MTs out there tonight?(sm)

Posted By: Destinyisntfree on 2008-05-30
In Reply to:

If so, could you please contact me?? I am having a devil of a time tonight, and have not gotten a whole lot of references for operative reports, as prior to now, I have never really done many of them!  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 



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Thanks for your note. SM
I think this problem must be specific to my particular account. I have tried all the things we were told, clearing, entering new names to try, etc. Thanks again.
Note to MQ: What would be

retired MTs in your workflow room and being TC's.>?

I am so tired of dealing with haughty people who don't have a clue

why I need something or what I do - and on top of them coping an

attitude with me because I get exasperated with their inability

to do their job which is make the work flow.

If MQ had people hired in their work flow areas who had worked inside

the world of transcription and knew where it goes in a hospital,

what to look at on the screens of the machines in the work flow rooms,

etc etc we wouldn't be getting hysterical messages all the time about

not meeting turn around times.

But no!  they want to hire first-time jobbers to be in control of the lives

of people who have been in the business usually upwards of 15 years

in order to even do this MT job at home with no help or assistance -

and then make us put up with them and at the same time try to make a living.

I don't want a doctor operating me who has never been inside a hospital, and I

am sick to death of dealing with people in a transcription company

who has never been inside a hospital and followed a REPORT around.

They need to see WHY A REPORT is done - HOW IT IS DONE

They need to go to dictate stations - they need to go in a medical records

area and look at charts - go inside an OR - and into the ICU

they need to see how the world of medicine is and how it operates.

Only then will they understand TATs, reports, and why things are done as they

are or at least why people want them done a certain way.

Like if I keep getting dictations with LOUD BUZZING - i don't want to keep getting

LOUD BUZZING - I want to let the hospital know there is probably a bad phone

instrument - and if this work flow person sees where dictation is done he will

understand it wouldn't take much to MAKE THE BUZZING STOP - and not get

pissy with me because I'd like to talk to somebody about LOUD BUZZING ON

REPORTS. - It's not rocket science - just need to let somebody know.

I know this isn't a note, but
maybe this will be of some help, I'm still searching for a note.
Breast-Related Medical Terms

Areola The pigmented or darker colored area of skin surrounding the nipple of the breast.

Asymmetry A lack of proportion of shape, size and position on opposite sides of the body.

Autoimmune Disease A disease in which the body mounts an "attack," disease response to its own tissues or cell types. Normally, the body's immune mechanism is able to distinguish clearly between what is a normal substance and what is foreign. In autoimmune diseases, this system becomes defective and produces antibodies against normal parts of the body, causing tissue injury. Certain diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma are considered to be autoimmune diseases.

Axillary Pertaining to the armpit area.

Bilateral Pertaining to both the left and right breast.

Biopsy Removal and examination of sample tissue for diagnosis.

Breast Augmentation Enlargement of the breast by surgical implantation of a breast implant or patient's own tissue.
Breast Reconstruction Surgical restoration of natural breast contour and mass following mastectomy, trauma or injury.

Capsular Contracture Tightening of the tissue surrounding a breast implant which results in a firmer breast.

Capsulectomy Surgical removal of the entire capsule surrounding a breast implant.

Capsulotomy Closed Capsulotomy: Compression on the outside of the breast to break the capsule and relieve contracture.

Open Capsulotomy: Surgically cutting or removing part of the capsule through an incision.

Carcinoma Invasive malignant tumor.

Congenita Anomaly Abnormality existing at birth.

Connective Tissue Disease(CTD) A disease or group of diseases affecting connective tissue. The cause of these diseases is unknown. The diseases are grouped together on the basis of clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory abnormalities.

Deflation/Rupture Refers to loss of saline from a saline-filled breast implant due to a tear or cut in the implant shell or possibly a valve leak.

Displacement Shifting in the original position.

Epidemiological Pertaining to the cause, distribution and control of disease in populations.

Extrusion A breast implant or tissue Expander being pressed out of the body.

Fibrous Tissue Tissue resembling fibers.

Hematoma A swelling or mass of blood (usually clotted) confined to an organ, tissue, or space and caused by a break in a blood vessel.

Immune Response The reaction of the body to substances that are foreign or are interpreted as being foreign.

Inframammary Below the breast.

Inframammary Fold The crease at the base of the breast and the chest wall.

Inframammary Incision A surgical incision at the inframammary fold

In-Patient Surgery Surgery performed in a hospital requiring an overnight stay

Latissimus Dorsi Two triangular muscles running from the spinal column to the shoulder.

Mammography Use of radiography (X-rays) of the breast to detect breast cancer. Recommended as a screening technique for early detection of breast cancer.

Mastectomy Surgical removal of the breast.

Subcutaneous Mastectomy: Removal of breast tissue, preserving the skin and nipple.

Partial Mastectomy: Removal of primary tumor and a wide margin of tissue, may include the overlying skin and the muscle fibrous tissue (fascia) underlying the tumor.

Total (Simple) Mastectomy: Removal of breast tissue and the nipple; sometimes accompanied by armpit (axillary) node dissection.

Modified Radical Mastectomy: Removal of breast tissue, nipple, and fascia of chest (pectoralis) muscle with axillary node dissection.

Mastopexy Plastic surgery to move sagging (ptotic) breasts into a more elevated position.

Necrosis Death of tissue. May be caused by insufficient blood supply, trauma, radiation, chemical agents or infectious disease.

Oncologist A specialist in the branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of tumors.

Out-Patient Surgery Surgery performed in a hospital or surgery center not requiring an overnight stay.

Mammaplasty Plastic surgery of the breast.
Mammary Pertaining to the breast.

Palpate/Palpability To feel with the hand.

Pectoralis The major muscle of the chest.

Plastic Surgery Surgery intended to improve, restore, repair, or reconstruct portions of the body following trauma, injury or illness.

Prosthesis An artificial device used to replace or represent a body part.

Ptosis Sagging of the breast usually due to normal aging, pregnancy or weight loss.

Rectus Abdominus Major abdominal (stomach) muscle.

Saline A solution of sodium chloride (salt) and water.

Seroma Localized collection of serum, the watery portion of blood, that resembles a tumor.

Serratus Muscle located beneath the chest's pectoralis major and minor muscles and the rib cage.

Silicone Elastomer A type of silicone that has elastic properties similar to rubber.

Subglandular Placement Placement of the breast implant behind the skin and mammary gland, but on top of the chest (pectoralis) muscle. Also called prepectoral or retromammary placement.

Submuscular Placement Placement of the breast implant under the chest (pectoralis) muscle, or under the pectoralis and serratus muscles. Also called retropectoral or subpectoral placement.

Surgical Incision Cut made in tissue for surgical purposes.

Transaxillary Incision Incision across the long axis of the armpit (axilla).

Umbilical Relating to the navel.

Unilateral Affecting only left or right breast.

Anyway, sorry, on a more serious note...
as regards your problem:  Do you have Ad-Aware and SpyBot and have you run those?  If you have run those and are still not finding anything, you might want to try a trial of this program I just downloaded myself and seems to have gotten rid of this darned WinFix (Virtumond?) pop-up problem I've been having recently that my Ad-Aware and Spybot couldn't seem to take care of.  Dang, I might actually buy this one!  But anyway, you can use it for 2 weeks, I think it is, for free (see link below).
Just a note: There are two MTs that I will not SM

use to this day - 15 years down the road - because they did this. They will never get a recommendation from me and they will never sub for me.

You leave a long trail when you do something like this.

on another note
I know a lot of people believe as you do, but in my family I have seen lots of evidence to contradict this theory.

I don't condemn anyone who overdrinks, but I think we spend too much time in our culture blaming genetics and other people - mostly our parents - for our own poor choices and bad behaviors.

Bottom line is, the alcohol does not force itself into anyone's mouth and neither do the drugs. To me, drugs include not just the street drugs, but the legally obtained prescription drugs that so many people rely on to get them through the day (do not flame me about arthritis meds, etc. taken for legitimate conditions).
P.S. and it's an OP note!
On that same note...
I wonder if any of you report errors you notice in other reports to the QA at your office. I have seen some doozies, but I admit I have been remiss. I just wanted to know what the rest of you do, even if the report is old.
No, just trying it tonight. sm
Hope it goes okay, I have never tried it.  It was on a special about Elvis' favorite foods.  I read the reviews and they said the cake was very rich. 
I think Ace is gone tonight
Taylor was WONDERFUL last night! I really enjoyed his performance. I was not thrilled with Katherine or Paris. I thought Bucky, Kelly, and Elliot did really well. I did not like Chris' song last night, but not sure if it was just the song I didn't like or the way he did it. So, all in all I would have to say that the bottom three will be Ace, Paris, and Katherine. Ace will be the one leaving in my opinion.
sorry -- BAD day. (no note)
What's for supper tonight? nm
Ladies, what is on for din din tonight?????

beef tenderloin, mushroom gravy, noodles, salad and some fruit.  Then, a whole pot coffee while I work.

What's for dinner tonight?
I'm going to make three types of maki-sushi and wontons because I have salmon, shrimp and tun in there to use up.  I just love messing with the little bamboo sushi mat.  It's so cute!  LOL
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...sm
just to say hi, and welcome.  She/he has many, many more people to get in touch with than you do, so why not make the first move? I'm not at all trying to be ugly, please don't take it that way, it's just, why not just send a message saying hi, and introducing yourself? Just a thought! Good luck with whatever you choose to do!!!
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
I guess you mean Transcription Coordinator -- what I called my new supervisor. I hear you, but I really don't see that as my responsiblity. MQ is so chaotic, I always get the impression they'd greatly prefer not to be bothered. I'm kinda way past that point with that. Thanks for the welcome anyhow.
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
I think you've misunderstood me. I agree completely with your most recent post, i.e. being left alone to do my job. Absolutely. I just don't think a courtesy note from a new supervisor is too much to ask. That's not breathing down my neck; IMO, that's courtesy, i.e. Here I am, I'm your new supervisor, here's how things may or may not change, just wanted to say hi and make proper notation of the fact that a change has taken place. WHATEVER.
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
Okay, now you're making me mad. You don't know me, and you have no right to lump me into a goup with "(my) fellow nut-case MTs" ...and you have the gall to say "nothing personal"? Freakish behavior? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Wow, I came on here looking for some support, and now I'm a freak and a nut case. No thanks! See y'all around!!!
perhaps you could drop your TC a note...
Read your phrase: "your fellow nut-case MTs." It does not say "your fellow MTs, some of whom are nut cases."

Read your phrase: "freakish behavior en masse." It does not say "the freakish behavior of some MTs."

Both of these groupings include me. You are guilty of bad syntax and just plain rudeness. I consider these equally offensive. I most certainly did not fly off of any handle, nor did I (until now) TAKE TO WRITING IN CAPITAL LETTERS TO EXPRESS MY OPPOSITION TO YOUR POINT OF VIEW when a little careful wording would've rendered that unnecessary. I proved you point? You sure proved mine. GOODBYE.
Note for Souzam
Sorry to change the subject, but did you even test for KP? If you have any more questions e-mail me at lilygirl54@adelphia.net.

1-Do not wonder WHY work is being sent overseas when in screening applications 20 of 25 resumes are full of errors, typos and people applying that do not come NEAR to fitting the job requirements.

2-Do not wonder WHY work is being sent overseas when you are hired to work hours YOU REQUESTED and then you do not even bother to start work, call, email, just nothing. 

3-Do not wonder WHY work is being sent overseas when you are tested and screened only to find out that several "friends of friends" circulated the test around and while you do wonderfully on the test, now in the real situation, you can not figure out the difference between discrete and discreet.

4-Do not wonder WHY you were given less and less work, but take a look at the quality of work you produced...full of blanks, not formatted to specifications in the manual sent, skipped reports.  When Q*A has to redo 90% of your work, it is easier to quietly phase you out than to continue to "train" a supposedly seasoned MT

5-Do not wonder WHY you were taken off an account, but look at the feedback you were given regarding the continued mistakes with spelling (you do not use the spellcheck as too time consuming - your words), continued mistakes with doctors signatures, names, formats, phrases.  Your position is to "pound out lines" and not worry about the quality. 

6-Do not wonder WHY no one will hire you...after all, MTSOs communicate with each other too and the same names just seem to cycle through

7-Do not wonder WHY companies look overseas for workers...because at least THEY want to work.  They are not taking days off at a time with no notice...leaving a company and client in the lurch. 

8-Do not wonder WHY your resume was not answered...you applied before, were tested before and never bothered to answer emails regarding hiring...never bothered to start on your start date...resumes are kept and note made of why someone that seemed very qualified was not hired.

9-Do not wonder WHY you were not hired...remember me?  I am the one that tested you, screened you, then talked to you for quite some time on the phone interviewing you.  Remember me?  I am the one you "sold" yourself to as far as being ethical, good worker, etc., only to find out that you received the hiring package, then contacted the client directly and suddenly, you did not want the job and then I see you are working FOR THEM....

10-Do not wonder WHY you were not hired after taking the test...take a look at the test results and the responses back you made like "that is how I have always done it" and I do not think you are correct because that is not how I was told or trained to do it.

11-Do not wonder WHY you were quietly let go...check your invoices and the inflated lines and/or hours on there?  The system SHOWS the reports you ran, lines you did, but you continue to add report numbers not done by you and lines not done by you.  AND for bonus hours...you continue to add bonuses that were not earned.

12-Do not wonder WHY I cringe when it comes time to hire again..I cringe because of every MT out there that shows NO RESPECT to a potential employer now or down the road by ignoring remails.....receiving a test, but never taking it...getting a test graded and offered position but never responds back....going through entire hiring process with access codes, start dates and times but then NEVER even starts...or the ones that we PAY a computer guy to get set up and they never start working...or we send software and equipment to and then never get it back or have a legal fight to get it back.

There are two sides to ever story, this I know, but as an MTSO the above are simply a FEW of the hundreds of things experienced in trying to hire just ONE good MT....

dinner tonight
With fresh tomatoes and peppers abounding in this area, I have made some salsa and we are having chicken burritos with fresh salsa and fresh peaches.  Not much work and lots of good eating.
Thank you so much for such an encouraging note!

I am going through a separation from my husband.  He thinks a sacrifice is giving up going to the local bar when he gets of work, giving up his drunk he has on a daily basis, and just all in all growing up and taking on responsibilities.


I have been so down and depressed lately that I have to FORCE myself to work.


Thank you for being the angel on my shoulder today!

What's for dinner tonight?
Leftovers here.  I am not cooking.  I've got homemade cheeseburger pizza, chipotle grilled chicken, biscuits and sausage gravy, tacos, soup, sandwiches and salad that need to be eaten up.
Prayers will be said tonight!

Did you see the news tonight?

Hundreds of children were killed, thousands and thousands have died in total they say. I am the mother of three children and watching those pictures on TV of those little lives lost is very disturbing, extremely saddening, and is a very emotional thing to watch or to try to even understand the magnitude of such losses for everyone involved or to make any sense of it all.

If you, by reading my post, misunderstood my post, I wholeheartedly appologize. It was not my intention to have a "hidden agenda" in my post. It was merely a question.

Dinner tonight
Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and brown gravy, creamed corn, broccoli/cauliflower salad and Kentucky Derby Pie for dessert.  I love to cook.
working tonight
tonight dinner

Chingri Malai Curry


400 gm prawns
3 tbsp mustard oil
1/2 tbsp whole cumin
2 tbsp ginger paste
1 tbsp cumin paste
2 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp chilli powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp garam masala
1 1/4 cup coconut milk
2 tsp ghee

Blanch the prawns in turmeric water.

Heat mustard oil in a pan and add sugar and whole cumin. Add ginger paste, cumin powder, red chilli powder and turmeric powder and sauté.

Now add the prawns and slit green chillies and stir for few minutes. Add the coconut milk, cook for few more minutes and then add salt.

In the end sprinkle garam masala and ghee on top and serve.

On another note, it is proven that
addictions are hereditary also. I am not saying everyone who has alcoholism in their family will be alcoholics, but you are more likely to suffer from addiction than someone who does not have a family history.
So what's for dinner tonight? SM

I was privileged to be a guest at the first night of Hanukkah last year, and we had latkes and doughnuts, it was all about the oil.

For the life of me I can't remember what we had the second night.

I was in the Bay Area of SF and I'll swear all I did was eat the whole time I was there. And it was all wonderful. My friend is the best cook I've ever seen.

Geez!! Take a note of the pay.


Isn't being a medical Transcriptionist being an interpreter.  Seems like our pay ought to be commensurate, don't you think? 

I'm going to go tonight just because of your post.
I certainly could use a few good laughs.
I can't imagine why my note
has all of these hits, especially since it wasn't a general question and had nothing to do with transcription. Must have been a slow work day :)
tonight's dinner
Spaghetti with Italian sausages, garlic bread, and nice fresh, big green salad! Jello with fruit for desert.
What's for supper tonight?
Can't decide what to have.
What's for Dinner Tonight?

We are having pasta with steamed veggies and parmesan cheese, salad, garlic bread.  Vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries for dessert.  MMMMM


24 was awesome tonight except
I can't believe Tony is dead. What a bummer. First Michelle, then Edgar and now Tony. I wonder who will be next!!!!
So... What's for Dinner Tonight?

what's for dinner tonight?
sick of cooking same old things 
Who do you think will be leaving tonight?
I think Kevin.
Op note account
Anybody out there that does surgery notes exclusively and how do you like it?  Thanks in advance. 
Elliot all the way tonight!

How to get more OP note training
I had dabbled in operative reports quite sparingly at a prior job, really only typing STAT ones that the hospital called about since I was the only Transcriptionist working nights, so I really do not have much experience and dreaded them.  I think it would have been easier if I would have had some training or examples prior to just doing them, but they were quite frustrated most of the time.  Anyhow, my question is how to get experience on OP notes so they aren't so frightening?  I had asked my current employer when I was hired, but they of course (and I understand why, not complaining here) did not want to have to train or 'help' someone.  So I type the rest of acute care minus the OP reports.  I would like to get some experience on them however, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
Tonight will probably be Paris
Dial Idol has Paris as the lowest with Kellie a close second.  For the margin of error, it could be either one of them but since Kellie has Vote for The Worst on her side, I think tonight will be Paris.  I was kind of embarassed by Katherine's dress. I was actually working while the show was on, and I looked up while she was singing and thought to myself "put those boobies away," lol.  I think she has a good voice, but she is playing the sexy bod card as much as Kellie is playing the dumb blonde card, although Katherine is a much better singer than Kellie.  I had tears when Elliott was singing last night.  My favorite is always Taylor, although I was disappointed in his song choice last night, and think he could have picked something better to have another magical night like last week.  Elliott was the best of the night and might have done better with the judges if he hadn't taken David Foster's advice on the arrangement of the song.  I think Chris is okay, but I just can't connect emotionally with him. He's never brought me chills or to tears or made me laugh or smile like Taylor has, or like Elliott did last night.  I think the bottom 2 tonight will be Paris and Kellie, with Paris leaving as she just doesn't have the fan base.
Thanks for all the help tonight.! I'm a different Susan
Little red note book? sm

Anybody heard of this?  My SIL was offered this program with her Career Step course.  She was told that a lot of MTs use this to store important information for future reference.  I have been doing in this business for 13 years and have not heard of this program.  I told her that I felt if she had adequate reference material, as well as knowledge of several reference web sites, I thought she would be fine.  I told her I would ask around though. 

So, has anybody used this and if so, was it worthwhile and useful?  Thanks!!!




AI - Who is going home tonight?

I think Paris tonight.
You too!! What a sweet note! Thank you.