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And then sometimes they want us to delete unused headers, which takes extra time, which we don't

Posted By: paid for!!! AAGGGHHHHHHH! nm on 2006-08-10
In Reply to: I'm willing to compromise. Is there a company that only includes(sm) - SP


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Oh it is a lot of extra typing that takes time which I don't get paid for! nm
Maybe they will. Give it time. It takes time to set up links.
OSI, Precyse, etc tell us more.
Do you have extra time to give away? For us
It takes time
It probably seems like it is not worth it because you are new.  No other account will be easier and probably harder.  So you have to stick with it, get a good Expander as since you have the same doctor you should only be actually typing about 2/3 of what he says and probably more like 50%.  Use your autocorrect if you don't have an expander.   You don't say how long are your lines -- what side margins and what font are you using?   I have helped get newbies started and always paid between 7 and 9 depending on how much clean up work I had to do.  Again, it will take time and practice.  Don't give up.  Though 6 cpl is a little low, if it is still  65 character line, in time you should be able to get 200 to 300 lines per hour which is not bad and once you get him down good, ask for a raise.  But you have to get your speed up.  You have an advantage of having the same doctor and so listen for his common phrases and put them at least into autocorrect so you don't have to retype them.  If he doesd any x-rays or procedures, make templates.  Anything to save him time.  His exams, put into autocorrect, etc.   Are you an IC or an employee???   Good luck. 
IT TAKES TIME to get a trial going.

Here is a link regarding the lawsuit from FEBRUARY, 2005 for which you will need Acrobat reader.


Here is MQ e-mail which was followed up by hard copy in US mail regarding MT lawsuit. 

July 14, 2005

VIA Electronic and U.S. Mail

Dear Statutory Medical Transcriptionists:

We would like to thank you for your continued service and support. We know that the key to our success is the people who work so hard for our customers everyday.

At MedQuist, we are determined to become the medical transcription provider of choice for statutory employees. Over the past several months, with your help and input, we have been working on developing a pay plan and comprehensive benefit program that will enable us to set the standard in the industry. We recently announced significant changes to our benefits program for full time employee transcriptionists and within the next few months, MedQuist will be announcing a new pay plan that will address the feedback we received from medical transcriptionists in response to our survey on pay issues.

As you may also know, MedQuist is currently responding to a lawsuit brought by three medical transcriptionists that was filed in response to certain publicity surrounding MedQuist's billing practices involving the AAMT billing unit of measure. MedQuist takes all allegations concerning its pay practices very seriously and will seek to address any concerns raised by the lawsuit. While we believe that the claims raised by the three transcriptionists appear to lack merit, we are diligently working on addressing this matter in order to best serve all of our valued medical transcriptionists.

To enable us to fully and appropriately respond to this, as well as other lawsuits currently pending against the company and governmental investigations, our lawyers from Winston & Strawn are required to collect documents. To ensure that you are completely informed about the materials they are seeking, we have attached a memorandum below regarding MedQuist's document retention and collections policy. Please review this document as soon as possible.

Once again, we would like to express our deep appreciation for your continued patience, cooperation and service to the company.

Very truly yours,

Frank Lavelle




The lawsuit is VERY MUCH ALIVE AND WELL and as some of the more sophisticated posters realize, it takes time for DISCOVERY allowing both sides to attack and defend their position.  And MQ stock is STILL delisted as not even MQ can figure out cooked books based on illegal billing for which ANOTHER lawsuit is STILL pending against MQ by the clients.  And as the MQ stock remains delisted for cooked books and illegal billing the shareholders in MQ stock have YET ANOTHER lawsuit still pending. 


I agree with you. It takes time to get the

kind of help in there. They have one road open. Everything is flooded. There is no airport to land at. Gas is scarce. 90% of the gas that came from that area is no longer functioning. Cars are being stolen from places just to get out. Thugs are shooting at helicopters trying to evacuate critically ill patients. You've got groups of thugs shooting everything up and steeling anything and everything, but they don't realize mostly everything they take will have to be left behind.  Everyone wants help now but it takes time to put together a plan of these proportions. Nobody was prepared for this because they didn't think it would happen. You have people commandering vehicles with guns for their own use that are being brought in to help evacuate. The only boats you see are very small ones because the big ones can't come in and work. The water is not deep enough.

 A lot of people stuck there are making the situation worse for everyone else because they are helping to put off rescues that can happen by shooting at vehicles, shooting at police officers, setting intentional fires just to get the police over to the fire so they don't come chase them for looting or terrorizing others. You have idiots walking around with AK-47s down Canal Street.

Shephard Smith described itbest the other day. Made me think too since I live in Fla. The day after a hurricane you hear chain saws going, you have people cleaning up, you get out there and assess the damage. They could not do that because for them in NO it was not over. The floods were getting worse and rising. There were no people assessing damage, no chain saws cutting down trees, no power trucks checking out downed power lines just because they couldn't get into the city. Everything is blocked. The closest city to them that has power is 90 miles away. That means no gas for them. Yes, they're bringing buses and stuff but it's very slow going. Trying to figure out how to do everything and coordinate everything w/o communication to others is very hard.

One of the guys in the news conferences said yesterday that he spent 18 months at ground zero. They are looking at being in NO much longer because that is much more damage than what he saw at ground zero.

I do it the same as you...takes a little bit of time but worth it. nm
Honestly, it takes time.
It took me almost 6 months to completely adjust to 3rd shift.  I have been on 3rd shift now for 7 years and could not imagine ever working any other shift.  Just a few suggestions that took me a bit to figure out.  Call your family and friends and tell them not to call you during the daytime.  If you have a cell phone, use that as an emergency number for emergencies only, i.e. kids, family, etc.  Turn off the ringer on the home phone completely or turn on music and a fan or whatever to drown out the noise.  Room darkening blinds will also help filter out the light.  Good luck.
because it still takes too much time to train
it may be that they don't see potential in your work, i.e. poor grammar, accounts have too much ESL, etc.
Time it takes to type...
Approximately how long does it take to type, say, 5 minutes of dictation?  Or 10, or whatever?  Just trying to get a feel for if I'm in the ballpark.  Thanks!
maybe you should pick up an extra account so you have something to do with all that free time OR
get a job doing QA. You sound like a frustrated QA person.
It takes a lonnngggg time to get paid.

You get paid for work you did a month ago.  Paychecks were short.  No answer when questioned about how they arrived at their line counts.  Advertise holiday bonus and $1500 bonus for acute care - do not know of anyone who got one.  Probably just management cronies.  They have great accounts but it is difficult to get lines.  All the work is straight type with lots of looking up because they have teaching facility accounts, so it is difficult to set up templates.  All the better work I am sure goes to preferred MTs or farmed out elsewhere.  The platform is not transcription friendly, lots of looking up and spreadsheets, and they do not pay for headers and footers.  They also micro management big time. 

You have no idea how much time it takes to run this board! (SM)
Hindsight is always clearer!

You are right - they will get the message sooner or later!

time it takes to hear back

General question for you all. I recently applied with a company that took a month getting me through their hiring process only to be told that one of their accounts dropped them so they could not hire any more MTs. Now I've applied somewhere else and interviewed, a company that sounds like a great company, but it's been about 7 days since the interview and have yet to hear back. I interviewed with them last Wednesday and was told that I would hear back one way or another by the end of last week. I sent a follow up email yesterday and have not heard anything. How long do these companies typically make you wait before hearing something back? How long before I should give up and apply somewhere else? Thanks.

You don't want to record, takes a long time and unless you

are making big $$ you won't make any money.  Also, if you forget to rerecord header info you're out of luck.

You can get an adapter from Radio Shack for about $15 and rerecord to a cassette player, in which case you'll need a transcriber, or record to your computer and I'm not sure how that is done.

As I stated last week when you asked this question, you need to look into digital phone service, something like Vonage, or most high-speed internet services also offer it. 

You could also buy prepaid phone cards at Sam's Club, where they are fairly cheap, but you're still talking about $100+/mo.   My digital phone is $34.95/month and you can keep your landline or switch it to digital, which is what I did. 



No, not really. Do you realize how much time feedback takes. nm
It takes a long time to become familiar with
all of the surgical instruments and equipment in operative reports. Most of the time if you do operative reports you usually do all specialties, and each specialty has certain equipment that they use. It just takes time to learn.
You're very welcome!! I had a great time, too! Took a couple of extra BP pills!!
You have a great weekend!!!  MomMT - where did she go?? Too much cookies and milk, maybe?  Bye, Guys!!
When time permits, I always work extra so I have a little slush fund - sm

That way when the slow weeks come around (which they always do in this business), I can actually enjoy it instead of fretting about the money I'm losing.  For the last nine months I've been doing a little weekend account (maybe 120 minutes of dictation for a whole weekend) and stashing the money away and in October I'm treating my family to a week in Disneyworld. You gotta have some kind of reward to work for - otherwise you get discouraged and unmotivated.  But don't try making up the difference in one week, look longer term. 



In the time it takes her to ask you if it's urgent, she could have just answered your question! n
Do you ever feel as though this job takes over your life and you have to work all the time in case
there wont be work and you just keeping working and you cant get away from it and it gets to be no fun anymore. I am having a problem with that. Is it from working at home or just getting obsessed or what. I hate this. I feel like I am losing my life to it.
Tell him you have reviewed the time and expertise it takes to do his work, versus ... - sm
... the amount of revenue his practice generates, and being a prudent businessperson you don't wish to undervalue your services.
I replied this morning and was deleted. I asked if you're spending a lot of extra time on the ex
work.  If so, I see no reason why you can't charge her by the hour for what you do.  It could me maybe $100 a week insted of every 2.  I do think that is a rip-off and you're being taken for your generosity. 
The FUNNY thing is that in the amount of time it takes for them to post a message
SO the little one takes up your time yet you have time?
Agree! I hate Daylight Savings Time. It takes me a good two weeks
to get myself and everybody in the household adjusted to the time change every six months. If the farmers need to get up earlier, let 'em! That doesn't mean I should have to, also! DST has definitely outlived its usefulness. I stay up later and get up earlier in the summer, but go to bed earlier and sleep later in the winter. It's like my mind and body are tied to the sun, not the clock. I never got an extra hour of sleep last night anyways because the neighbor's stupid dog barked from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.
Turn off puter, wait a min, turn on with delete key pressed down, then hit delete key NUMEROUS times
Can they do surgery extra fast? What do they do with the extra glove in the pack?
Extra shift or extra work
Has anyone taken on an extra job or shift with a new company for a just a few months to get out of debt or to be able to pay for something that is needed or wanted?  I am thinking about taking on another job to get out of a stressful debt situation.   I am just afraid I would be going into another stressful situation working more hours with the very busy family schedule I have.
Help with fax headers please

Hi....does anyone know how to turn off the fax headers in MS Word?  I found out how to do it years ago and then I got a new computer and now I have tried and tried and cannot figure out how to do it!

Just to clarify, I'm talking about when you use the fax wizard function in MS Word to send a fax, and that header comes out at the top of each faxed page with the time and phone number of who sent the fax etc.  How do I get that off my outgoing faxes???? PLEASE HELP! 

I have only been doing this for 11 months, so I do not know what it used to be like. I would have a suggestion regarding the headers. Use templates. If your company does not supply them, then you could make them up yourself, and you could also use an Expander for the headings. The other day I saw a job opening that stated you could do all reports in one document, but so far that has been the only one I have seen. I agree with lousy audio quality. I do not understand how come the MTSOs put up with the lousy quality and submit their MTs to it. I believe there needs to be much more done about the quality of the dictations, whether it is a fast dictator with loud background noise or just poor audio quality. So much more could be achieved by the American MT workforce if the quality of the dictations was better.
Rad Reports/headers, etc
As an IC, i have a great radiology account, and because my company did such a good job, turnaround, accuracy, etc. I was offered a neurophysiology account....something I had never done before.........However, having such a good medical terminology background, I was willing to give it a try (and they were desperate)...(ha ha),,,,Anyways, the reports are done in word,,,,and are not all that difficult as it turns out. The TIME CONSUMING part - was doing the headers - which we retrieve from the text files attached to the wav files,,,,,,,and each identifying piece of information has to be looked up and typed on a single line (15 lines total -before you get to the report),,,,,,,well I hired somone just to do the headers,,,,,,as it turned out.....I met with the company and proposed a 1.00/per header charge for these cases - which turned out to be an excellent idea. The girl that does the headers for me - is guaranteed x amount of money now,,,not just lines and I can sit right down and type the reports.....perhaps you could approach them with an idea like this? 
headers and footers
I just read in the MPCount info that it does not count headers and footers. Is that a bad sign?
no headers paid
Dictaphone does not pay headers..that is why the line count is lower than you think.  Dictaphone has the HARDEST header to fill in too!!!  Amazing that they do that!
If you don't type any headers and
footers they deduct 25% from your TOTAL lines.  That is not fair.  They use the header/footer issue as an excuse.  The header/footers are NOT calculated in the total....BUT....they deduct anyway.  Beware!!  Also....ask how long before you get your first check.  If they don't tell you 6 weeks, they are not being honest.  That's what happened to me.  The supe will tell you one thing, accounting will tell you another, and the owner another, and so on .....Good Luck!
faxs headers sm
Make up your own, call it up and fill in the blanks, you must have one HIPAA compliant you can copys. Create your own document.
Not OP, but I get paid for headers and footers.
I get 10 cpl, spaces, headers, etc. as an employee. Sure ICs will get
offered more because you have to pay your own taxes and there are no benefits.  9 cpl isn't that good for an IC though.  It might be for a clinic count because they are more hum-drum accounts where you have the same doctors and can make lots of normals so you can get more lines, but if you are doing acute care it isn't a very good rate.  A good rate with mostly good dictators is hard to find these days. 
I would find it easier to add the headers myself--sm
and the reason why is because MOST of my docs do not follow any template order, even if it is THEIRS. they jump all over the place and I have to consequently do the same thing. I am paid for the headers, though, so that is okay, I guess. as far as patient demographics, I also put those in, when they are given, which is not all the time..sometimes the docs rely on past notes for that info and being one of many MTs, I don't always have that info available, which takes lines away from me, too. Perhaps the MTSOs think it is easier, but in some cases it is more time consuming. JMO
And most often headers, footers, & copies are not
most companies don't pay for headers, footers, cc. (nm)
If Word, headers are always spellchecked unless you
mark that text for no proofing in your language setting.
Headers/templates wrong
Anyone else have the problem of the proper headers/templates not coming up and wonder why the proper docs aren't informed and why we have to correct it by clicking and pasting?!
Want to get paid for headers, footers and spaces?

Just in a silly mood.... 

11 cpl, 65 line w/spaces. No headers/footers except
the properties stats still do not count headers.
Do a test to prove it. Type one word in the document and one word in the header and you will only see a count for the word in the body of the document.
Usually it's the software not counting headers/footers, or any of the
headers, footers, word count
I am an newbie IC and just started a new Dr. when I realized that MS word does not count headers and footers with word count.  Any way you can include headers/footers in the word count or do you have to count it all separately and then add them together?
HEADERS....as in what? The things like HISTORY AND PHYSICAL headings?

or the heading at the top of the page that we don't type?

and do you find it a little offputting that they can't put in writing that they pay for spaces?  it makes me think all is not kosher. 




I would say that if you are typing headers and footers for free, i.e. not getting paid for them,
11-1/2 cpl, 65 ccl, all spaces, headers, footers, etc. NE part of country. nm