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And run their numbers together

Posted By: ick on 2008-10-15
In Reply to: Doanyofyouhavedoctorswhospeak - me


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If they pay by character, they pay for numbers. Numbers are characters, silly.
I've been doing this for 20 years and never saw it done that way. It's grade 3/6. You are correct.
My numbers came from the US
O'Reilly get his stats?
800 numbers
I was told by the company I worked for that 800 numbers were very expensive.  They let us use them for awhile, and then they cancelled them.  All the unlimited plans I checked on said up front that medical transcription would not be allowed. I was afraid to just try anyway.
I still spell out numbers 1-9 as ex, There are three sutures .... - as a rule of thumb and know what the big bad BOS says but I think this is safer than just pulling one little ole' nunber there by itself and spelling out is easier understood with no mistakes Untill my compnay tells me no I will continue to do this. I worry more about how it is going to be read back (missreading an 8 for a 6 or even a 6 for a 5 according to the font on the printer
The numbers....
Seeing Bush's numbers - ratings - dip down to the teens......That must be what it takes to get this country out of the shower - pryed from the sofa glued to American Idol and the likes, and do something about this lunatic we have for president.... 
The last numbers I saw
I believe I saw a report about a year ago about this. Early projections had predicted the savings would be 70%, but the reality is more like 17%, according to that report. It talked about all the people that have to edit the reports before they are client ready, so the work can't be as fast as they originally forcasted either, right? So what if it's done in the middle of the night if 4 people have to comb through each report before it's ready to go to client. I'm with you. A lot of time and effort has been invested in this "great idea," and I'm sure they think it's going to get better. But come on, are these edits all being sent back to the transcriptionists so they can even learn from their mistakes?
30,000 to 40,000. Sometimes people misread hyphens in between numbers or around numbers when reading a document, so I always put "to."
Ditto Janet. It changed a few years back and took me forever to get my fingers moving to that top row on the keyboard! Some clients even want you to start the sentence with a number if dictated (10-year-old female). I find that very hard to do!
I don't have numbers in there, it is the
same amount of keystrokes. For years I have 40y, 30y, etc. For words with different endings, I use the root word with the ending:

tr - treat
trs - treats
trd - treated
trm - treatment
trg - treating

For headings I put an H in front of the abbreviation -

Hneck - NECK:

And, for departments I use

err - emergency room
err1 - Emergency Room.

I also have in words I constantly misspell.
How do I copy a numbered list in Word.  Such as a diagnosis list...cannot get the numbers to copy.  TIA
I just started a job with a new company that does a lot of things 'old school,' but what I love the most is that I can type numbers the way I was taught 'back in the day.' 
This is something that really burns me up !!! When I went to school, number 1 through 9 were to be typed out as a word, anything above 9 to the typed as a number.... I don't know where these people have decided on a whim to change everything we have ever learned in our lifetime.... BOS is just something for ADHI to make money... If they keep changing the rules - what do you know, more money for them........ Don't get me started.
Whoops - I guess you know who I am and it doesn't matter....... thanks. We all have a right to our opinion.

qa and numbers
Hi Patti.  I understand wholeheartedly.  Where I worked (QA) WE got blasted if we didn't correct stupid stuff like that (six/6, etc), thus leaving us in somewhat of catch 22.  We were damned (by the MTs) if we did change it, but damned by auditing if we didn't.  I am so glad I am out of that environment.  It was just so toxic. 
Okay, SM, when you get those numbers up, let me know.
In this economy and with so many people having low work volumes, I doubt you are going to find many MTs who are going to be willing to go without pay for a couple of days, much less a month!!  You are also going to find that many MTs are still happy with their jobs and would refuse to do something like this to a company who treats them so well.  They simply do not post on these boards because they are busy working.  Who is going to organize this?  You are talking about nationwide.  Any figures you may have certainly are not going to be reliable - they are given over the internet for goodness sake.  Bottom line, just think about it before you participate in something like this (unless of course you have nothing to lose).
Hitting the numbers
I have to agree with Busy MT, Anon, and Endiqua. It doesn't matter how you arrive at verbatim as long as it is verbatim. I have a verbatim account typing op reports. I have set up a file with each doctor's name and a sample report, e.g., Dr. Smith, lap chole, appy, hernia repair. When Dr. Smith dictates, I cut and paste whatever procedure he is dictating into a new document and make any changes as he dictates. As someone said most doctors use the same phraseology in each report, making only minor changes during. For example, 5-0 nylon, instead of 5-0 nylon sutures. Just take out and add in without straight typing every single word. It's still verbatim. Using this system, my usual count is about 300-350 lph. I also use my expander extensively.
You should be able to find the numbers at medquist.com or QNET, or send an email to medquistbenefits@medquist.com they are usally good about getting back to you.
So how do you explain the numbers
or did you read even the excerpt? I also recommend listening to The Interview on the BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/programmes/the_interview.shtml
Mr. Wright was talking about capitalism run amock with no regard to the world we are leaving our children and grandchildren. He mentioned that the ratio between a worker "on the floor" and a CEO 25 years ago was about 1:30 and now it is 1:1000.

You may call it a Band-Aid, but programs such as Headstart (it is IMPERATIVE to do as much as early as possible) etc., grants for community colleges (which Bush also cut) have helped a great deal. I would certainly prefer to have my tax dollars spent on these programs rather than helping bimbos like Paris Hilton buy another toy.

Would you please explain how widening the gap between the very rich and the very poor and squeezing the middle class in the process is in this country's or the world's best interest?

I think the standard now is use numbers (6)
yep!! VERY strong in numbers!!! nm

Hyphenation of numbers, etc
Thanks for your answers re the 32-year-old male, etc. I have always been very good at English and have done this for over 30+ years but never really typed it this way for the group I worked for. I want to "keep up-to-date."!!!
Numbers, groan!
Within the same company if I use numerals in things such as 3-year-old female, I get feedback that it should be spelled out; when I spell it out, the next QA tells me that it should be numerals...

I just wander through work and life in a state of perpetual confusion (my home state).
It all works out the same when you do the numbers - sm
on paper. My pay day is the 8 and 23; used to be 7 and 22 but they have taken to mailing the checks out a day later now--it's the same amount of time between checks just 1 day later than I was used to, only takes a day to get to me in the mail though so not a big deal. You need to manage your money so you have breathing room in case a check is later than normal or gets lost in mail (it does happen). I always try to keep a cushion so I don't have that problem, though that is not aways possible as I am sure you know.
Numbers in what context??
You don't spell out numbers (0-9) when used to delineate values, i.e., 2 sets of enzymes, 3 sutures, etc.

Spell out when used in sentence as following:

We placed 3 catheters, one in the XXX and two in the XXX; or He was the one who XXX.

Is that what you are referring to??
I agree those numbers don't add up.
unless you are transcribing 11,000+ lines a week. I can't imagine transcribing that amount in a week unless I was working way over 40 hours a week!
Not always. Not after numbers and colons.
Depends on your version. 97 did that after numbers and colons and MS took it away with 2000.
How about the one who's rattling off numbers - sm
like labs, and you wind up with more numbers than labs? Somewhere in there they either didn't say a test, or said the number before the test, and you're left listening to the string ten times to figure out where the pattern got broken so as to make sense of it.
You can get 2, 3, or more phone numbers
through TWC.  When they installed my phone they asked if I wanted more than one number. 
transcribing numbers
We have a hot topic discussion going at work.  What is the correct way by BOS rules for typing numbers 1 through 10?  I pretty much know the rules by the BOS vol. 2, but what about vol 3? Did they change the rules and standardize numbers?  I don't have volume 3. 
numbers question
I am talking about editors.... QA people....... one day they tell you to suck lemons, next day, don't suck lemons.  Do you get me drift.  One person will tell you one thing is right and another tell you it is wrong... tired of it.  Where numbers are concerned, I feel that lab values, numbers attached to diagnoses, etc., are very important to write as a "number", but when you say, for instance, that the patient has six children.... they want you to write 6 children.  Give me a break.  And I don't mean you MTs - I'm talking QA people who think they know everything. What difference does it make if we tye "six" children.  Does that affect patient care - NOT.....
The almighty numbers
I totally agree with Patti. Who the heck do they think they are (AHDI)to change everything they feel like on a whim. It's all about the money for them and we all know that.
Looking more for numbers - see message
I have cable Internet (my company just requires high speed (cable or DSL) but with cable (don't know about DSL) you can purchase different capabilities.

The last test I did at a free website showed result:

Download Speed: 9848 kbps (1231 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 1751 kbps (218.9 KB/sec transfer rate
as my results. -- Anyone know if that is good, bad, or in between?

Sorry to keep asking. :)
numbers versus numerals
Grade is always NUMBERS, Stage is always NUMERALS

Hope that helps some :) (good English, I know)
Question about typing numbers.
I know the rules about spelling over numbers above 9, but does it also apply to a sentence such as, "She is a tenth grader." Or is it correct to type 10th grader. TIA.
ECS in San Diego has 800 numbers for call-in.
Also, a decent call-in system is around $4,000- 4500 dollars for a 4-port. Each additional port (4 phone lines each port) costs an additional $2,000. If you only have a client or two, Dictaphone Straight Talk is only $600 for a used one. Hope that helps. I bought a .dss call-in system at first. Waste of money! The sound files are horrible.
Numbers at beginning of sentence

I know that if a number begins a sentence you spell it out, but I'm not sure about after a colon.  We type:

BLOOD LOSS:  50 cc.

but what about

FLUIDS:  500 cc normal saline. (?)

Does the "500" need to be spelled out since there are words after the quantity, or is it considered part of a sentence beginning with "FLUIDS?"

You have to get the numbers on one side and the letters on the other,
then come up with a common denominator.
B=13/24 (which does not simplify down)
It's the AAMT new BOS rule on numbers.
spelling numbers out is expanding for more $$$..nm
you don't need pros and cons- what you need is numbers.
Run the numbers on leasing, adding what you put down and what you get back. Then call a dealership and see what you can buy the car new for. Then subtract off what you can sell the car for in three years. You will see it costs at least $12000 to lease the same car.  Of course, if it's worth $12000 for you to drive a "new" car every 3 years...
Chris fans are saying in numbers that they
I would normally mark that off to sour grapes, but there were quite a few people all saying that when they called his number, her voice came on saying "thank you for voting for me" and a few said they thought they dialed wrong so checked again and redialed only to get her voice again.

A few people are saying that Ryan announced the wrong no. for Chris, but that's not true, I guess. Some people got through fine on his line, but others got Katharine's, almost as though some lines got crossed. However, Fox has not addressed this and so far, it is merely the word of these fans so I highly doubt they will do anything about it, and I doubt even more that they would bring Chris back over it. They'd have to have some kind of proof that the lines were crossed and since other people got through just fine, I don't see how they could.

I loved Chris and am sorry he's gone, but we haven't heard the last of him and he's probably better off not being tied down with AI to have to make CDs that they want him to make. I think that would be hard for him to have to record a CD full of bubblegum music when he loves rock so much.
keyboard letters/numbers
I had the same problem with the Dell keyboard that came with the computer.  I bought a Logitech keyboard then ordered a protective keyboard cover from protectcovers.com.  It fits like a glove and was under $20.00.  I'm hoping this will prevent the same problem.  All you do is tell them your keyboard model number.  And, of course, it keeps crumbs, dust and other assorted things from getting down in your keys.

Thank you so much, I lost a days work not knowing how to do it as the account requires indented numbers. 

None from what I can figure based on the numbers - sm
listed below. The amount of lines was the same for 65 cpl with spaces versus 55 cpl without spaces. So I'd say you have absolutely nothing to worry about. The smaller number of characters per line is your saving factor. Wish I had a 55 cpl, but I get 65 cpl w/o spaces and by comparison lose about $200 a month due to this. Like I said you have nothing to lose, lucky duck!
Do numbers how up in MS Word Count

Hi. Does anyone know if number characters show up as word count in MS Word? I'm doing a lot of them in tables, etc. as well as a lot of symbols. Just curious.



I just looked at my numbers on Escription...sm
I can type reports at about 300-400 lph, editing is 400-500lph, so better, but definitely not twice as fast.  ;)  I also actually prefer standard transcription.  The editing just irritates me, unfortunately 95%+ of my work is VR now. 
Are the numbers in a separate column? sm
If yes, go to the Data menu and choose sort, then sort by the letter of the column.
Play with the numbers if it's still too slow for you. nm
They didn't have the numbers or the wherewithall

A question about typing numbers: - sm

If the doctor is talking about thousands, and says for example, "Thirty to forty thousand":   Which way do you think it should be typed?

1)   30-40,000

2)  30,000-40,000