All those folks care about is making MONEY.
Posted By: That book is a loser. N/M on 2009-04-21
In Reply to: its just a book that AAMT came up sm - MT too many years
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and that folks was where our "mom and pop" biz that we were making the money on...have gone!!
The biggies saw the opportunity to make the money that we were...and decided we made too much, so that is the story...long and short!! The future does not look good for us, only them and the india counterparts.
Curosity- I am curious if I am making the normal amount of money weekly for MT. Would anyone care
to share their weekly amount of pay?
Make money? I'm not making any money because of my decision. You read my reasoning
You can agree with me or not, but don't make false assumptions please.
anywhere specifically or just what inhouse folks in Atlanta are making?
Can someone please tell me how these folks who are posting making $75-$100K working for services ...
are making this kind of money? I've been in this profession for over 20 years and the MOST that I ever made in a given year was $50K working for a service and that was with loads of off-the-clock overtime. Where I work now the majority of decent work is being offshored and the American side MT's are left with terrible work to wade through. A 'good' check for me now would come out to the equivalent of about $10 an hour!
I can see how folks who have their own accounts could make the type of income range above, but working for a service? What is it that the rest of you now that obviously I'm totally missing???
kind of like folks who have money sm
don't talk about it but the ones who want you to think they do talk about it all the time! Sounds like a low self-esteem problem to me too!
You burn out, you ask for help nicely, some folks lay on the guilt. I have offered money out of my
But you cannot make anybody do anything they do not want to. I would rather try and pleasantly ask for help than lay on the guilt. People send you hate notes whether you are pleasant or ugly though. I find that even when you ask for help, a lot of the time with the team I am on, it tends to make fewer people show up than would anyway!
The problem is getting an attorney to represent these poor folks that are owed money.
Knowing etranz, they'll just file bankruptcy.
Heads up folks! I use Express Scribe wav player, but don't waste your money on their other
paid for products because they're buggy and have horrible customer support! I bought Express Dictate for my doctors and Express Delegate and I have had nothing but one problem after another. Forget calling, that's not an option. I have emailed until I'm blue in the face and the "support" I get are canned responses and they do not address the problems I'm having. They have a forum you can post on, but no one ever posts responses. My client has been extremely patient, actually too patient, and now I'm looking for another alternative. I can't tell you how many sleepless nights I've had over the past almost 4 weeks. Thanks for letting me vent...sigh....
You realize by doing that they're making more money & you're making less? You should reconsid
Making money with VR
Any of you who do this, how in the heck do you make any money? I accepted a job with a company for 4 cpl for VR, but I nearly have to type the entire reports over. I was doing it part time and it takes so much time that I figured out I am only making 5.00 per hour. What's the average rate for this? I gave it up, it's not worth it for the line rate, considering I was editing typed transcription as well that came back from India and it was just as bad and took just as much time.
making money?
I think the only way we newbie MTs can make any money is to make it ourselves, like counterfeiting.
I consider myself still a newbie at almost 2 years of nearly full-time working at home with IC status. Love my company and enjoy my work; it is mainly VR and 3 cents per line. I am rather slow because I keep double checking everything, but on a good day at 8-10 hours and 800 lines I will make $24. Isn't that encouraging?
The extra dollars do come in handy and so appreciated for my farmer husband's income, but this could no way support a single income.
Working for $3.00 per hour was great sometime in the past, you know? Like 35 cents per gallon of gasoline in 1969. But it 2009.
I do think if we newbies hang in there long enough and become good at our work then we will move up to better pay. However, we who work for 3 cents or 6 cents per line and are so thankful to be making even that are probably the ones others may blame for the poor pay since transcription companies can hire us so cheaply.
Don't know what the solution is.
No they're not because I'm making more money on
than before the program was implemented. I also know others who are making more money per hour - and no one argues with more moolah!
And you still end up making more money paying LD. sm
If you consider an 80-hour pay period (which I don't do), at $27 per hour with the 800-number company, you'd make $2160.
At $33/hour, paying $1.80/hour, you'd make $2640 minus $144 (a deductible expense also), still netting you $2496 -- substantially more than the company giving you the toll free number and less pay.
Makes no difference to me. I personally wish you all would stay away from MDI-MD so I could have more work ... LOL
Making money - just curious
Just curious, but how does anybody here make any money if you are on this board all the time bashing people- that really takes a lot of energy up that could be spent on making money.
money-making docs? sm
As a hard worker in this industry to put my son through school to become a medical professional, I can tell you that after all my hard work and broken back, he is still paying student loans, works like an animal, hardly has time for his family, continues his education and is not "rich." He treats his staff like family (constantly haunted by his mother to do this) and barely has time to take a bathroom break. I know there are those with fast cars (always thought they did it to get to the patient faster, but I'm sure that's not the case with some of them) and those who are rude (perhaps not taught right by their moms) but some are just ordinary guys and gals who put their pants on one leg at at time like the rest of us and worry about the next payment like the rest of us. They're not ALL the same. I read another post about docs yawning while dictating. I think in most cases they're exhausted and the paperwork is just another thing to deal with after they put their kids to bed, if they get the chance to do that even. I didn't understand this until I "lived in it". As the babysitter, I can tell you, "it ain't pretty." They suffer just like the rest of us.
It is all about them making more money. If you have seen the News lately
they had a piece on money making is with those of us who own animals. Some will pay any amount to cure their pet, like chemotherapy for their animal, when the most humane thing would be to put them down.
Vet medicine is all about them making money now. Personally, I love my pet, but I will only do the basic healthcare, shots, exam, and that is it. They want blood work, lyme titer, check for diabetes, etc. I tell them NO, Absolutely NOT! She is healthy, 3 years old, and even if she has those conditions, which in most cases, the animals do not, she will not be treated. Who ever heard of a dog having diabetes or thyroid problems. It is an animal and I will not pay healthcare bills for a healthy animal for unnecessary things.
Watch your wallet, love your pet, provide a good home, feed them, bathe them, and give them their yearly checkup with shots and they will be fine.
If you are already making that kind of money
and working less hours then I don't know why you would want to change to an unknown. BTW, would you care to share who you are working for now making over 50K and 6 hours a day? Pls e-mail me privately if you like. I won't post it, I promise!
The up side to not making enough money is
that pretty soon the fridge will be so empty it will be significantly easier to clean. And I do mean soon.
Oh I care, it's making a joke of the company
that used to be a professional organization. You think clients don't see this? Think again.
The money making part is true,
the Congress Center in Atlanta sold out for Sylvia's show and standing room only and I am sure her return show will be the same. It is like wrestling to some, not me, but entertainment and should not be sought out by people who are in the situation such as the missing kid's family. As long as psychics are out there, people will seek them out plus other off the wall treatments for different maladies. It is human nature but I would not want to be the one giving the advice.
You punch a level so you know you are making money?
I would never set something up like this to make myself go faster. I know if I don�t type the amount of lines I want per day, so simple I don�t have a decent check. Don�t need a stop watch, counter, etc. My motivation is bringing home the amount of money I want every 2 weeks. My way is really simple, just fast fingers concentrating on the end result.
I am making tons of money doing tapes.
Just like tapes get misplaced so does digital dictation. Also, have you ever timed how long it takes to download and upload files? I think it runs about the same. I am assuming this is clinic work. So, if you don't go the office, then you'll need patient lists faxed or e-mailed, what have you. It also costs money to have a secure FTP site for transfer. So, no matter how you look at it, there is that time taken for the administrative end of transcription so to speak.
To the OP: I would ask if the problem really is the delivery if you could cut back to two days a week and given them the option of typing STAT reports to be faxed to them OR you could ask if they'd go halfers on a courier service. But, I think the problem is the cutting of the paper, so you may just want to mention that you'll need to attach a fee.
I had to attach a FAX fee to an office that was constantly calling and requiring me to search for letters that they apparently hadn't filed yet, so I started charging them for that service. Guess what? They don't call as much. Just a thought.
Regarding making money, I forgot to mention...SM
The standard for "average" typing speed is no longer the unassisted "The fox jumped over" standard as measured on a typewriter. You know, back when 75 was considered decent.
I don't actually know the new standard for a competent typist, but it's set by those who have trained themselves to use word Expanders extensively and is at very minimum double that on unfamiliar text. On familiar text with many phrases in storage, much higher.
Current pay rates are adjusting to the new reality that a worker is able to produce considerably more with today's technology than before. Those who aren't using it, and using it extensively, are finding their incomes dropping drastically. Best wishes.
Sorry you are so disgruntled but many of us, myself included, are still making money...
there have been changes but I am still making great money so I have no complaints...good luck to you though
nice to hear that I'm not the only MT making such little money at this
And I've been doing it for a decade now and it keeps going down every year.
I've finally decided to take some classes in another line of work so I can get out of MTing but still work at home.
How long will it take to start making money as an MT?
I'm new to this career. Have only been working for 6 months or so. Does anyone have any advice for a newbie? How do you make a decent living on 6 cpl? Any advice for increasing speed? Thanks.
I would be 43 and have no life at this time and wish I was making decent money, but not ;0( ...NM
1200 lines should be a given. You could be making superb money!
Agree making scheme....
No. I'm making excellent money doing this (IC). I have no desire to leave this profession.
I have been around awhile, and will last making good money as long as this field does.
There are too many MTSO that whine about making not enough money to pay you a livable wage.
I applaud you for being truthful and NOT GREEDY..
Have done both, and still prefer at home, making more money and setting my own hours. (sm)
In-house your required to meet a productivity of nothing less here on the east coast of 135 to 155 lines per hour, not to mention the QA's done weekly!! Yes, weekly, random 10 reports per MT!! I never had a problem with the QA's always between 99.6% and 99.8%. But, you work straight, no talking, in your little box (I call it). Yes, the benefits are a perk, but not that much and I worked 2nd shift always, so it was 18% of my base wage. I am still making more at home productivity wise and take a break when I want to. But, like you said circumstances change. Good luck!!
Two jobs don't equal one when it comes to making money and not wasting time. sm
Recommend looking for one good job.
: ) Some don't even care about money
any man will do. And unfortunately most men would go for it ;0
We paid hourly with incentive for high production. So she's making money when she's just
sitting there. I don't know if it is a habit or not because this is the first time I've really had to work with her for any length of time. I usually only work a couple of hours a day with her when our shifts overlap. I think I'm definitely going to ask the girl I'm filling in for what she thinks about her.
Haven't heard in years. Supposedly making it harder to get money
You live in a dream world if you think that MTSOs are making money hand over fist. Overhead? Add i
Banks charge about $200 a month for a business account plus .10 for every check deposited and written.
Ten people in an office? At $30k a year, that's $300,000 per year IF you can get them to work for only $30k. Add in 2 editors, an IS consultant, an accountant, a lawyer, rent on office space, checks, stamps for checks, software upgrades, phone lines, equipment for MTs, equipment for office staff, lightbulbs, toilet paper, a copier, a printer, paper, ink, pens, pencils, long distance charges to call MTs and customers, recruiting ad costs, taxes, benefits because most MTs are employees now because the IRS says most should be classified that way, high-speed internet, internet service provider because hotmail and yahoo are free but not professional, email encryption, fax machine, fax phone line, staplers, staples, paper clips, file folders, file cabinets, etc etc etc.
I am not whining. I am just stating facts. Add that to the headache of juggling schedules based on unpredictable workload due to unpredictable amount of people needing medical attention, the headache of billing clients who pay when they want regardless of what your terms are, covering for people who get sick or need time off, and it is not an easy thing to do. I am lucky that I am a workaholic and love what I do. Am I rich? No. Will being an MTSO make me rich? Probably not. Do I make more than I did as an MT? Yes, but at a higher price.
Don't judge until you walk in someone's shoes. I bought a new vehicle this year, a 2005 Ford Taurus, trading in my 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee and actually had comments made about how it must be nice to be able to buy a new car.
You will spend a lot of money on acute care books because there are many that you need sm
since acute care covers ALL specialties in a hospital setting: Neurology, cardiology, nephrology, psychiatry, gastro, urology, ENT, infectious disease, orthopedic, ophthalmology, orthopedics, podiatry, laboratory medicine, some pathology depending on where you work, OB/Gyn, pulmonology, and maybe some others I am forgetting.
Stedman's has a full line of reference books for EACH specialty and each book can cost between 38.00-42.00 or more.
To be honest, I have all of them, but don't use them very much since Google and search engine websites offer more up to date answers than any Stedman's who can't compete with the internet. Good luck! Acute care is fun!
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention - emergency medicine!
Now do you know why radiology transcription has a dept. unto itself? LOL
Money, money, money, mmonnneyyy. Singing the Apprentice song.
sure i was. i'm making fun of the people who are making a case for background checks, etc
to do medical transcription at home as if they may do something AWFUL with the info they receive. So if you want an invasion of privacy let's REALLY invade it and make sure fat chicks don't transcribe because they are so busy eating they can't get the work done, they mess up the keyboard with food and if they are provided health insurance they will raise the rates for the company sky high because their health risks are higher than others. Then there are the psychological issues overweight people bring to the table. After we eliminate fat people, we can go on to eliminate diabetic people who may have low blood sugar while typing and go into a spell and type the wrong thing. I could go on and on through the process of elimination. How about prescribed medications that may cloud your thinking? So you take Ambien to sleep but you have an Ambien groggy hangover when you are transcribing? Should they transcribe. How about your teens are on your last nerves and you take a Xanax? Should you be allowed to transcribe?
Kinship care versus foster care/adoption
Having been placed in a position where I now have custody of my 3 YO granddaughter and going through the legal system, I sought an online network of relative caregivers for children. I would encourage you, especially since you are in Georgia, that if you take any children into foster care with the idea of adopting them, there is federal law that requires the state to take certain actions in a specific time frame. When a child is removed from it's bio parent(s), the state is required to investigate any possible relatives who can take the child before foster care is considered, but even before that, reunification with the parents is the priority. Once a child enters the system and is in the system for 15 out of any 22 months, the state is required to find permanent placement for the child.
The problem with this is that there are case workers who may favor a foster family and do not seek out relative care. I have a good friend in Georgia who had to fight all the way to the state level to get custody of her grandson after the child was placed from the hospital into a foster care home with the promise that the foster parents would be allowed to adopt. She has now adopted her grandson, but it was a long, hard battle to get the state to admit their own interests were placed above those of the child and/or family.
If you get a child placed through the state, please make certain there is not a relative who wants that child before you get your hopes up. The courts are now favoring return of children to relatives even after a child has spent years with a foster family who hoped to adopt them.
States get bonus federal funds by complying with the time lines and being able to close the case, so some states place children in foster care because it is easier than trying to locate relatives.
Didn't mean to go off on a tangent, but I can't imagine my sweet bella going to someone outside her family.
You're working to make money, not to spend money.
These people should be ashamed of themselves taking advantage of people this way!
I also blew some money signing up with Quixtar... The only way to make any money is to bug everyone
you know into signing up. I felt like a snake oil huckster. I hated it. I was flushing money down the toilet from the moment I handed over my money.
RUN, do not walk away! I do an entirely different side business now that I really love (in addition to my MTing, which I also love!) Find something you're good at and that you truly love doing. Then make a business out of it. That's the best way to have a side business. Selling discount toilet paper through Amway/Quixtar? Not so much.
The CMT exam is overrated. Don't waste your time & money. Use that money on
paid anymore just because you have it. There are a few CMT cheerleaders that post to people like you but they are pretty well sucked up into that association.
If it was a clinic, it might have been urgent care, but it was NOT acute care. sm
Acute care refers to work in an acute care setting, a hospital, doing at least History and Physicals, Discharge Summaries, Consultations, Surgery notes, Emergency Department notes, and much more, including GI procedures, Cardiology procedures, Neurological procedures, Pulmonary Function Studies. It goes on and on and it means and acute care hospital setting, not a clinic.
Yeah, money, that's it. I paid $20.00 for my dog. Money is NOT THE ISSUE
walk him daily, play ball daily, he sleeps in my office daily while I work. Yeah, I got a lot of money, NOT HARDLY. And, my dog is HORRIBLY HORRIBLY ABUSED because he wears a collar around his neck. It's people like you that make me sick. I am done defending my use of the shock collar. I am going to continue with it and my dog will continue to be pampered , educated, fed, kept warm, and love me for everything that I do for him even when I remind him that his barking needs to stop. So, with that said, I will not respond to any more of your CRAP in reference to the shock collar.
I always figure if they don't care about their dictation, they probably don't care about their
Dont care how many languages you took. Care
I think this happens a lot. Usually, the folks
Some of you people are basketcases.