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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Absolutely. Such a time-saver, and in this instance, money saver. nm

Posted By: Becky on 2005-11-30
In Reply to: I put them all in my autocorrect so I only have to look them up once..nm - AzMT


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Current screen saver
Mine is a black background with floating bananas...yes really, floating bananas. heehee
Have you tried the Custom Biz Saver package Snow Bunny? sm
It's through AT&T and it's a business plan. C-phones were supported. I used it for a Lanier when I was IC and I was on it a lot, sometimes 10 hours a day. I had unlimited long distance and never had the problems you are having. Problem is you need to sign a contract for 1 year but even with that it was only $10.00 a month more than a residential line.
The CMT exam is overrated. Don't waste your time & money. Use that money on
paid anymore just because you have it.  There are a few CMT cheerleaders that post to people like you but they are pretty well sucked up into that association.
Absolutely would. Love my job/career! Make great money. nm
Absolutely!!! Mine has been correct 95% of the time....
BUT - you have to do your own or have somebody knowledgeable do it for you. You really have to know what you're doing and understand it. The 5% that I don't get right is because of "pilot error" - screwed up on the math - AGAIN!!!
I absolutely love Pogo, although not much time to play these days...nm
Yes time is money. So is sm

only paying even a newbie a low wage and expecting work that equals experience.  Cut me a break.  Smearing someone's name is childish and immature.  I have walked in many shoes.  I have wasted my time on many a small MTSO's only to find they pay low and aren't worth a darn.  I have my own accounts thank goodness.  I don't need to train others to do the work I should be doing myself.  Let's not kid what this OP really wants, which is to be lazy and call it giving someone a chance.  She should be doing her own work and leave the newbies alone if she is SO FRUSTRATED or pay an experienced MT what their worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

time and money
I was just wondering how many hours a week would it take an average Transcriptionist to type 5000 lines?   When you were new, how many weeks did it take you to get up to that speed.  Thanks.
Not worth the time or money
unless you are into titles
In this business time is ALWAYS money.
I wouldn't work under those conditions. Not every company is like the one you described.
Why not use the time and money on something that's going to have more potential than this?
Anything less is a colossal waste of time and money!
Just seems like a big-time waste of money
to buy a keyboard just because a letter is worn off.
Don't waste your money or your time. sm
I was a CMT for 15 years. It never did a bit of good money wise. Like another poster said, there use to be bonuses for production with some companies (large bonuses) and they never had anything to do with CMT.

You will be spending more money than you want to as well as having to get CECs all the time. AHDI doesn't care about American MTs. This test (in my opinion) is just like the "almighty" BOS, just something else to get the MTs money that will never do the MT any good but keep funding AHDI.

AAMT/AHDI or whoever they are has been saying for years it will be mandatory to be a CMT some day. That is baloney. Any decent employer will go by your experience and what you can show them you can do and not by any stupid CMT certificate.

I wouldn't think a second thought about it if I were you. Its not worth the paper its printed on.
CMT is a waste of money & time. Times are different in the MT

industry anymore and having a CMT doesn't make a hill of beans difference. Companies are going to pay what they want to pay. Having a CMT isn't going to get you anymore money.  That's a fallacy.  There was a time when having a CMT would have gotten you a little better pay but those days are LONG gone. Save your money because that's all AAMT wants.  AAMT are big corporation suckups, offshore suckups, and will suckup to anyone or any company that has BIG BUCKS!  AAMT care NOT about the American MT, which became crystal clear with the announcement of their upcoming name change.

is not giving her time/money away cheap, why
I would be 43 and have no life at this time and wish I was making decent money, but not ;0( ...NM
Waste of time and hard-earned money
when you can only make may be 1 cpl more if you are a CMT.  They should not charge you, they should just let you take the test and send you the certificate. 
Nope. Huge waste of time and money.
Two jobs don't equal one when it comes to making money and not wasting time. sm
Recommend looking for one good job.
Yep, for instance,

I work on a particularly difficult account, and my supervisor asked me which physicians I would prefer to type and which I would not and she would allocate me only those MDs I chose to type.  Although I refused her, saying this was not fair to my fellow MTs, I am sure there are those that took her up on her offer.

Don't most applications ask for instance if you have
been convicted of a felony in the last 5 years or 10 years? I do not remember but most of them have a time period on them. I do not think they say have you ever been convicted of a felony. If it is 5 years you are okay. If it is 10, you are just under that. Have you been told that you were turned down because of the felony because I know people who have gotten jobs without problems even though they are felons.
at least once instance ur wrong

My hsp brought back their work into the hsp 4 years ago because work was so bad.  The dept is growing. We are taking on local accounts. Soon they are going to have to start hiring because of explosive growth of work. We work on production from home with full benefits.  All is not lost, but I agree things look grim in the overall.



Time, Vegetarian Times, Creative Knitting, Money, Today's Nutrition. nm
In this instance, I would charge per report.

Call me a cynic, but I trust no one!  If you charge per report, it's cut and dried.  You don't have to worry how they are figuring lines and they don't have to worry how you are figuring lines.  And it will be easier for you to keep track of the number of reports you do in a day versus manually counting your lines at the end of every day.


This is ONE instance where I'd have to give MTSOs . sm

the benefit of doubt in their favor, although I am not defending them in any way, shape or form.

I would think just the contrary:  Withholding or denying you work hurts them as well, since they lose payment for your work from their clients.  More importantly, witholding work from the MT highly INCREASES the likelihood that the MT will file for UE to begin with - a no-win situation for them.  First, they lose income you could be earning them from their clients if you did have more work, not to mention having to pay into part of your benefits.  

Having said that, it benefits them if you did have more work as it might relate to getting UE - more income for THEM if they give you adequate work - but mainly, it would decrease the likelihood that you'd be filing for UE in the first place. 

Money, money, money, mmonnneyyy. Singing the Apprentice song.
At our company, errors are weighted. For instance...

a simple "a" instead of "an" would only be a 0.5 error, whereas an incorrect medication or such that could directly impact patient care would be 2.0.  No errors are more than 2.0, and we do not deduct for blanks etc. 

I think it is some of the emoticons, but maybe only the first instance of them opening or posting.
As a for instance, 225 lines/hr at 8 cpl would be $18/hr. Your mileage may vary. nm
Not in that instance, but I do get Microsoft errors in the file
The 1cpl amount was just a 'fer instance'.
if one gets anything AT ALL. MT is a dead-end job because if you're good at it, you get passed over for the few 'promotions' available because they need you on the front lines, making money for the suits.
Couldn't the QA just check the info and just get it done in one instance rather than foward to QC
Just seems a little crazy to me.....
The girl was 13, the rapist a distant relative they took in. Give money, give food and your time, b
you don't put your family at risk by taking in strangers. That's just plain foolish. There were over 3300 registered sex offenders in NO. Where are they now. In your community? Perhaps in your house? Good luck.
Make money? I'm not making any money because of my decision. You read my reasoning
You can agree with me or not, but don't make false assumptions please.
You're working to make money, not to spend money.
These people should be ashamed of themselves taking advantage of people this way!
I also blew some money signing up with Quixtar... The only way to make any money is to bug everyone

you know into signing up.  I felt like a snake oil huckster.  I hated it.  I was flushing money down the toilet from the moment I handed over my money. 

RUN, do not walk away!  I do an entirely different side business now that I really love (in addition to my MTing, which I also love!)  Find something you're good at and that you truly love doing.  Then make a business out of it.  That's the best way to have a side business.  Selling discount toilet paper through Amway/Quixtar?  Not so much. 

Yeah, money, that's it. I paid $20.00 for my dog. Money is NOT THE ISSUE
walk him daily, play ball daily, he sleeps in my office daily while I work. Yeah, I got a lot of money, NOT HARDLY. And, my dog is HORRIBLY HORRIBLY ABUSED because he wears a collar around his neck. It's people like you that make me sick. I am done defending my use of the shock collar. I am going to continue with it and my dog will continue to be pampered , educated, fed, kept warm, and love me for everything that I do for him even when I remind him that his barking needs to stop. So, with that said, I will not respond to any more of your CRAP in reference to the shock collar.
Absolutely, I absolutely love my job and
Money is money and most people will do whatever it takes when in need. sm
if you do bring it to the attn of the office manager, why not offer her a raise to compensate. it is obvious she just needs or wants more money than your office is paying her. I agree, it is a free country and although it seems odd, unless you had it outlined in contract, she can work for whomever or whereever she pleases on the side. at least she is typing and not at a strip joint, lol. I see no conflict of interest, she has experience obviously in whichever field you are in and what is wrong with doing extra in that field. i agree with MYOB "nicely" and concentrate on your reports than looking at older reports and seeing who they are typed by.
No need to wonder..It always means less money for the MT and more money for MQ.
Money, honey, money!!!!!!.
One year and you make decent money? What is decent money to you?
Not anymore. For some time now, I've been working 32 hours and am considered full time to receive
Working full time at home with small children is hard but part time works great
is almost impossible. You will either have to work when your spouse is home or for only a few hours during the day and then more when they are asleep. I work part time at home and my kids (2&5 now) have done very, very well. They are great kids, very well behaved, don't get into much. I stop working to check on them/give them some attention every hour or so while I work (5 hours each afternoon or so) and they get all my attention in the morning and at night. It has worked out beautifully for us.
Yeah, our choc. lab does that from time to time - makes it interesting!- nm
Cannot legally require you to commit time to them as an employee and then not pay you for that time.
full-time in office/ part-time at home
I currently work full-time in a physician's office and have started part-time online. My hope is to eventually go full-time online; however that will be done the road for a single mom with a son in college. My suggestion would be try to type part-time for a MTSO and see how that goes i.e work and money with a decision down the road for ultimately being home all the time. A guaranteed paycheck is always a necessity for me. Hope this helps.
I work part-time hours with full-time pay...
I made over 26,000 this year...
I work a full time and a part time, but not sure about 2 full-time...
My hubbie is disabled and I am the only one in my family working also, so I fully understand. You will not have a day off at all working 2 full-time as that is going to be the only way you will get in all your hours. I work one job in the mornings from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the other from 5 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and do have off one day a week, but if I had to get in the extra 15 hours to make the other job full-time I am not sure how I would do that other than lose my only day off. Also, make sure you have your account specifics in front of you at all times because you will get yourself confused as to who is what and having notes will help in that area. Good luck to you, as it is possible, but forget about your house being clean, having any social life, etc. Feel free to email me personally if you just need someone to talk to, as I have been where you are and still am.
Maybe they will. Give it time. It takes time to set up links.
OSI, Precyse, etc tell us more.
full time, part time, statutory
newly defined full time...

newly defined part time....(which is an added classification)

I believe statutory just was not mentioned because there is nothing new about the definition of statutory.