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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: TAYLORSUCKS on 2006-05-16
In Reply to: American Idol - amj


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It's the way everybody acts like I don't have a "real"
My cat acts like a boxer, sm
She is an indoor cat so if she sees me out on the deck or is stuck behind a closed door, she will sit up on her back legs and pound on the door like a boxer going at a punching bag (the one that dangles from the ceiling that you have to punch really fast). It is so funny.
When SH acts screwy here, I just close out and
MQ acts like ASR will be all they need and forget people with English and

their hospital clients are watching.  When there is no pool of MTs to get anymore when MQ has destroyed the competition and driven what is left of MTs to other sources of employment, well-------------------------maybe there won't be hospitals any more, who knows.  The way our country is going I guess we will have to be treating ourselves from over the internet, LOL. 

But, back to being serious, I see more and more hospitals advertising for MTs to work for their own individual institutions, and not using transcription companies. 

 I hope the pendulum is swinging back to hospitals having more control of their records. 

 Otherwise HOSPITALS are in for a big surprise.   Wasting Mi$$ions on MQ's and Philips "voice recognition" gadgetry is throwing good money after bad.  The "suits" have complicated creating a medical record so much, it's literally a joke. 

 But that's what big business does isn't it?  Get "suits" into a situation and have them try to make it a "profit making venture" out of it  - and pretty soon the whole job gets lost in the hubbub and all you have left is confusion and dollars flying around, and the product is an unattainable goal. 

Oh wait, but you will have a NEW COMPUTER SYSTEM that is supposed to do everything but wash dishes, and the suit will walk away with another of your $23million dollars.     

I noticed the last time I read stats from MQ on how many MTs they have it was (drum roll here)............10,000.  Remember when they crowed they had 13,000?

Was this "Frank's" plan when he took over?        Or are we all jumping ship because they are an intolerable place to get a pay check? You do the work and even then they want to renig on paying you for what you did.      NOW THAT's REAL CLASS, not. 

Mine is my mother-in-law. She is so ugly sometimes and then acts like nothing happened later. We jus
He acts like he's on a laxative! Poop squats in every song. nm
Don't think the worker privacy acts cover discussions such as this...
more likely they cover things like credit reports, evaluations, etc. It's rude to discuss in front of others, but not illegal...of course, in the US you can sue for anything.
Only when use both speakers and headphones it acts almost like a power booster
and you get double the volume, at least in my experience, helps a lot with those whisperers.
Probably something to do with carpal tunnel - The rare times mine acts up - sm
my thumbs get weird and trembly (?). I suspect that is your problem. Try changing your keyboard position, if you have it raised, make it flat, and visa versa. On my backup computer I have to have the keyboard raised but on my everyday PC I have it flat, and my CTS does not bother me now that I have my keyboards situated well for me.
Always! When emailing my resume, my email acts as my cover letter and when faxing, I always have a
Your cover letter says much more about you than your resume ever can.  Your resume lists your education, your jobs, and highlights your skills.  In your cover letter, you have an opportunity to sum up how many years total experience you have and get specific about certain things you've accomplished at certain jobs.
if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck....
if it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, quacks like a duck....
tee hee hee (joking)