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A smile does wonders and it doesn't cost a thing. nm

Posted By: fg on 2005-08-17
In Reply to: any tips for looking and feeling younger? - I have a few that work for me

be careful w/that oil - too much can cause problems you probably don't want to have.

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It doesn't cost $800 either
Can't imagine a chair more comfortable that it.. i'm sure the Aeron is built much better, though. I noticed it does have a 12-year guarantee.
Looking for a good medical spellchecker that doesn't cost as much?

Is everyone just using spellex or stedmans or are there lower cost alternatives? 

How did you find them in the first place?  Just curious because I don't want a cheaper product to act cheap also.

Any ideas?


Quitting does not have to cost a thing. (nt)

Thats the thing though . . . It doesn't look like a guess at all.
In fact, I know others would have made the same mistake.
Mine is definitely Taylor. He does his own thing and if he doesn't win

he'll be regularly employed that's for sure. 

Thank you!!!!! Oh yeah, if this transcription thing doesn't
work out I'm gonna open a side business selling keyboards.

Thank you!!!!! Oh yeah, if this transcription thing doesn't
work out I'm gonna open a side business selling keyboards.

Sex does wonders!!
One wonders if MQ lover

Zipper and a few others are not one in the same...sorta like those multiple personality disorders

Reason being is that they all sound alike, very immature and nasty

It's worked wonders for me....
My doc put me on it (20 mg) per day. He also put me on nortriptyline (minimum dose, which I take at night.  I feel like a new person on this!!  I can think clearly and more logically and not so emotional.  Before I got on it, I wasn't having crying jags but SOBBING jags!!!  These two meds have REALLY evened me out!!!  Once in a while I can feel that I'm trying to get depressed, but my body/head won't let me due to these meds.  It's wierd!
409. It does wonders on fiberglass tubs. nm
A long hot shower works wonders, or take some
Tylenol and lay down for about 20 minutes and give it time to kick in.   Take a short walk if the heat isn't unbearable where you are.  I know if you hurt you may not feel like it, but probably part of your aches are because you don't get enough exercise - I know that is my problem.   I have recently had to start taking a break about every hour and move around for 15 minutes and that has helped a bit.  
with all the grief/strife in the world one wonders.SM

why anyone would call a dance contest lame....it's light, it's fun, people are dancing and trying to have and win $$ for charities.....and with 30-32 wars ongoing all over the world, people need some lightening up....and this contest is just FUN....

another naysayer in our midsts.........

TED hose. Works wonders. I got mine sm
K-mart in the pharmacy department for 5.00. They're compression stockings. Works great for my aching ankles too.
Interesting. OP wonders what happened to all the good MTs and
MTs post back about their experiences and now the MTSO feels slammed..... there is always more than one side to a story. She has had some bad experiences and we MTs have had some very negative ones also.
google works wonders as does word board......nm
Red hot pepper poured in the garden works wonders. sm
I had moles and rabbits and cats eating everything in mine so I poured red pepper and bought a cheap can of jalapeno peppers and threw them around as well. As if by magic, all the animals went away. I just got the cheap 2 for $1 stuff at Dollar General.
Mary Kay Extra-emolient night cream will work wonders
Just apply it before you go to sleep.


Try the Mr. Clean eraser, the newer one, I forget the exact name. Worked wonders for me. nm
I don't get it. Why do you just smile and tell
No offense, but we teach people how to treat us. Your idea of getting a sitter was a good one. After all, if it's just work he needs to do, he should be glad someone will be there to watch the kids. Of course, you know that's not the problem, but it's fun to make HIM admit to it, isn't it?

You've got your work cut out for you.
We all need to smile. sm
I just quit a job. From the first email, I could tell this person was not nice. I tried to make it work, but it didn't, so I'm moving on.

What I don't get is why the attitude? No one is so privileged in this business that they can afford to be nasty. The same way you come up may be the same way you go down, so smile along the way. It shows even in the emails. Smile! Makes the day go by more pleasantly.
I will let a smile be my umbrella when (sm)

more people get out and adopt a pet instead of just talking about it.  It is really a problem and the shooting of innocent dogs is sickening.

I just adopted one and did my part. 

Smile all the way to the bank!
Just smile and say "thank you"

I have 2 that make me smile - sm

One is obviously an older ESL gentleman and he always says, "Thank you kindly for typing."

The other is younger and he says, "Thanks for typing this up and have a great day."


I smile, say "I don't have children, thanks." nm

thanks for the smile!! Made by day. (nm)
Makes me smile
This is beside the point, but I have an Asian friend who still refers to herself as Oriental (we're middle aged and that's the term used when we were young). - It is so refreshing to hear her do that, as I think all this politically correct stuff has gotten out of hand. Yes, some terms are just plain rude or cruel, but some of that stuff is just a big deal about nothing. I always smile when she calls herself Oriental. :)
Something to make you smile.

QWERTY ergo sum...I type, therefore I misspell.

I cannot claim the credit for this, but I thought everybody could use a little humor today. 

Here's a wry smile of agreement instead. NM
should be 'found' not 'round' (smile)
no wonder people did not want to go in there with buses -

I never heard this part of the story. If it is true, it would explain a lot.
smile and nod, or offer him a drink and tell him


My Wal-Mart does this too. I just look at the lady and smile.
Once I was stopped and she rummaged through bags saying that I had set off a trigger of some kind. It caught my by surprise. Yes, it is offensive.
and now SadMT can be HappyMT!! *Smile*..nm
Understood. Sending a smile your way for a better day. nm
My 2 cents worth here (smile) ...
It's one thing to have a perspective as an MT, new or experienced, saying that the generalizations from MT Pundit are true or not (and I take his/her comments as generalizations, not true in every situation).

However, when you work with an abundance of both experienced and new MTs, it is very different. You really do see the trends being referred to in this thread.

For everyone who exclaims how adaptable they are but rant on and on, you probably are not as change-friendly as you think and it shows with your exasperated statements.

There are always exceptions to the rule but by and large what Pundit has said seems to be the overall trend in working with large groups of both experienced and new MTs.

I think offshoring has nothing to do with this. It is a separate issue altogether and will happen regardless.

I do think he/she has given excellent advice for those who want to hang onto this profession as long as possible.

It is much easier to go to the eager new MT minds and give instruction or feedback than to go through the arguments and backlash usually resulting from the same situation involving an experienced MT.

Glad I'm out of it!

more than a chuckle, a real smile -
I've been smiling for half an hour now (since you said it was just a line and not an insult). Thanks and have a good day.
i did, made me smile...i sure am pretty ;)
not to worry, haha, we are not at work (smile!) nm
It's a smile. Tilt your head to see it more clearly.. No message..
A big smile and nothing but good news for the first 24 hours.
That's what men like best.
Happy to bring a smile! But if you prefer...
Disenfranchised US Transcriptionists? Which is more catchy, do you think? Disgusted...Disheartened...
It's the chat board version of a smile

:D is a wide open smile.  :) is a regular smile.

And to the poster above it, who the heck made you the board police?  Ella can post here if she wants.

all that PLUS, when I started 13 years ago, electric typewriters were still used (smile!) no message
I am sure she is kidding-it would be sick if it were real. Lighten up let a smile be your umbrella.
Why are YOU attacking HER? Just because she doesn't want kids, doesn't mean she needs a psychi
So? Take the good will and good wishes and smile. When the first day of Hanukkah comes up, SM
have a doughnut and a latke on me. I'll wish you Happy Hanukkah then. You know we spread Christmas out over a month!

Why is Andrews so much higher than Career Step?  Do you think it's worth it in the end? 

You will not be disappointed with Career Step. It is affordable, thorough and helpful.
TAT cost

A few years back, we got a mass email out of my office about just how much the out of TAT issue had cost over a particular week...somewhere in the ballpark of over 30 grand for just the top 3 major accounts. 

Yes, we've been told that the company has to pay hefty fines to the accounts for not being within TAT.  Not sure how it is today, but I can't assume much has changed.

CMT cost?
how much does it cost to take the test to be CMT?