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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

A-MEN to that!

Posted By: tnmt on 2007-11-30
In Reply to: Bad dictators - Lillybelle

The small service I worked at did all the transcription for a small-town hosptial. Their HIM director was a joke, frankly, and was apparently terrified of the doctors. When we would try to communicate with her about dictator problems due to bad habits or equipment misuse, she would say stuff like "Oh, I could never tell him that, he'll get so angry," and etc. And yet this was the same MD griping and complaining about transcripts. Gimme a daggum break, lady! How you expect me to fix it? I'll never in my life forget that twit.

Of course, she moved away, having gotten a promotion. (rolls eyes)

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