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35 years,,,not one pain/wrist surgery, etc.

Posted By: jusme on 2008-04-19
In Reply to: I had read that resting wrist on something can - compress carpal nerve and cause a problems .

works for me. everyone is different. No one can say what for whome. I always used to laugh at all those writting documents we used to get from the hospital I formerly worked for on how to sit in a chair.

They also made everyone watch a 10 minute movie on washing thy hands.

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wrist pain
I started using oregano oil about five years ago for wrist pain. I used to wear braces and get ganglions. At one point, I couldn't even pick up a jug of milk and was worried about driving because my wrists would send shooting pains while steering my car causing me to release the steering wheel in reaction to the pain. I am CURED now because of the oregano oil. I buy it at health food stores or on-line and I apply it directly to my wrists at the first sign of pain. I have not used wrist supports since starting with oregano oil and no longer form ganglions. I LOVE IT!!!
Wrist pain
I have done/tried a lot of different keyboards/splints/gloves/trays ect.  The only thing that has made my wrists/hands stop hurting is a Kinesis keyboard.  I have the Advantage.  They are costly, but well worth every penny spent and your typing speed will increase once you get the hang of it.  I love mine.  They will pry it away from my cold hands one day.  Not giving it up ever. 
wrist pain
anyone else out there has wrist pain at the end of their shift
Wrist pain
Mine burn like they are on fire all the time from my elbows down to my hands. I take Advil and get acid reflux. My back . .. hurts all the time. I feel like I'm 90!
RE: Wrist pain
When you have burning a nerve is involved. Have you tried Alpha lipoic acid? It is a supplement which can be purchased at wally world, etc. and it not too expensive. I use it all the time for burning in my leg (had back surgery). I take it twice a day. Also I take B6 for carpal tunnel. The doc said to take up to 400 mg per day. It does help me and kept me from having to have carpal tunnel surgery for a few years. I still take it for the left wrist thought. Hope this helps you.
wrist pain
I used to have wrist pain years ago and thought I would not make it in this job. A hand therapist at the hospital I worked for evaluated my typing position and told me to be sure my keyboard was not tilted and was flat on the desk, and that my hand/fingers were level with the wrists, and the wrists were level with the elbows (90-degree angle); therefore, the lower arm including hand/fingers should be straight (not angled upward or downward) and level with the keyboard. This was awkward at first but amazingly, by the end of my first day, I actually had no more wrist pain or even shoulder pain.
I used to get hand and wrist pain. I still do if I'm forced to use a standard keyboard.
I bought an ergonomic keyboard and use a telescoping keyboard drawer so I can prop the side of the board that's closest to me up in the air.  That forces my wrists into the proper position and spreads my hands apart.  It works wonders.  I thought I would have to quit MT before ever really getting started, but I'm able to work pretty much fulltime now.
I feel your pain. I have 30 years experience,
MT and QA, but have found it takes so long to go thru the whole testing process before even speaking to a human - while I love working at home and online, its one drawback to me - having to apply amongst apparently thousands of others, and you are just an email address for most of the process. Very tiring. And the testing? Horrible! There are some programs that help you hook up your foot pedal - Express Scribe? But still its so awkward. I easily transcribe 300 LPH without a sweat, but on testing? Its so not user friendly. I would apply at so many companies, but just get overwhelmed at the thought. At least I'm just looking for part-time work, though, so it is easier to put it off.  Hang in there! And I know what you mean about not hearing from them. I have always tested perfectly, and often don't hear from the companies for months - other times, I will have an offer within 2 minutes. Just depends on the companies, but to hear nothing is so disheartening and unprofessional.
I was transcribing a surgery once, the surgery was over and the doctor was dictating
from anesthesia yet.  Anyway, the surgeon dictating stopped dictating and said "Hey Mary - is this one big enough for you?"  It was obvious he was talking about the patient's PENIS!  I thought HOW EMBARRASSING!  I hope they didn't make fun of my anatomy when I got my tubes tied!
New job first, save sick time, then surgery or surgery first?

I’d like to go back to medical secretary work.  I’ve had cortisone shots in my ECU tendon 3 or 4 times and was warned not to have too many or my tendon could rupture.  It’s been very weak for a year or so and my left wrist is smaller than my right wrist.  I can’t type at all with my left pinky so I think it’s ruptured.  I have Word auto correct and Instant Text set up so I very seldom type As, Qs, or Zs.  I haven’t had surgery because I have my own account, no subs, a DD in college to support, and no disability insurance and didn’t want to take time off work for surgery.  I do have medical insurance though my DH. 


I’m debating whether to get a job, save up sick time, and have the surgery while getting sick time pay or have the surgery first without any sick time pay.


I’ve done medical secretary work before.  I figured if I use Word there I can save their Auto Correct and transfer mine.  If they use EMR, I can make my own shorts to stay away from Q, S and Z.  I could only accept a job where I don’t type for more than an hour straight, which is what I do now.  Then I started worrying about what if I have to use someone else’s computer?  What if I unexpectedly have to type more than an hour?


I think I have cold feet about getting a job outside the home after over 7 years at home AND I’ve had cold feet about having surgery!  Can someone help me think this through logically?  I can’t think straight when my feet are cold.

Surgery/Plastic Surgery Transcription
Hello. I am considering taking a position in the field of plastic surgery. Can anyone recommend a way to pick up on the terminology FAST?
I feel your pain. If at teaching hospital, great pain. SM
Some doctors do give standard discharge summaries, so you could just make copy and then pull it up. It is not easy, especially when they give 20 lines of lab results.
You can still get the old one without the wrist

wrest at Amazon. That's where I got mine. I couldn't use the one with the wrist rest either.

Ellen S.

Wrist pad
Wrist pad -- good idea. I've had a heel spur the whole summer and never thought using my pedal could be aggravating it. I use a foot rest type thing that my pedal sits on. I'm going to try my extra wrist pad to rest my foot on and see what happens.
aching wrist
Does anyone here have trouble with tendonitis?  I woke up this morning and could hardly move my hand.  My new keyboard is flatter than is comfortable for me.  I usually like them to be on a tilt.  Any suggestions on how to mend fast and to avoid this problem in future?
aching wrist

Sorry, didn't realize I was still on this board.


achy wrist

Yes but this new keyboard I have is not as slanted as I am used to.

I use a gel wrist pad. I also have the keyboard SM
in a comfortable position. Ergonomics are essential and you don't have to pay a lot for it. A good chair also helps. Mine has armrests, which I can adjust. Good luck.
New gel wrist pad and chocolates
I always get something even though it is just candy but my husband was being practical this year and bought me a new wrist pad as my other one was ratty.  The new one is great, I just have to get use to it.
yep, I have that too...on the wrist wrest. nm
wrist supports

Does anyone recommend a certain kind of wrist support to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?  It looks like there are so many to choose from.

Wrist issues
Hi everyone!

I am having an issue with just my left wrist. It feels like it keeps locking up, and is pretty painful if I just let my hand dangle (like if you hold your arm out and relax your wrist so your fingers are going towards the ground). I only started working in April as an MT, and I am only 21. Do you think it could just be deconditioning or is it something I should get checked out? I don't have insurance right now so I really am trying to avoid a doctor's visit but I don't want to mess myself up permanently this young!

My wrist hurts sometimes....sm
And one time my elbow and all up my arm was hurting. I think I need to find some good wrist supports. I have bought 2 different pairs but I can't do the ones with the fingers on them. I need the ones that are just the wrist and no fingers.
Anyone know who sells wrist braces...

for relief?  I have a few but have gained weight, so need one for a "fattier" arm. 



What is the advantage of having the wrist pad detachable?
I wear wrist supports,

and with the wrist rest attached it puts my fingers/hands/wrists at an angle that isn't comfortable for me. 

MT with broken wrist-need advice
I'm a single MT IC.  I broke my wrist 12/31, had surgery and now have a cast.  I worked a few days, but very painful and slow.  Typing with one hand now.  Haven't worked for 8 days.  No work.  No pay.  Anyone else been in this situation?  Did you apply for disability?   
I had read that resting wrist on something can
wrist supports like crafters

use, i.e. women who do a lot of crochet work have some elastic stretch wrist supports.  I used them once when I was pretty new to typing 8 hours at a time when my hand muscles were weak and my fingers had a mind of their own.  I haven't used them for years, but I did like them.  I thought to try these out http://www.scriphessco.com/itemdetail.asp?cat=313106&MENU=313106&item=705+0002   Also note that pain in the hands can be caused by pressure on the ulnar nerve (right under the elbow at the forearm) eventually, which can be relieved by using a down-feather filled pad you can make yourself (not goose feather, but actual goose down).  I know one gal who had her ulnar surgical relocated. 

There are other things to look out for, like pain in the hips, lower back, neck, shoulders, ....

Keep track of me via E-mail if you like. 

Wrist splints for carpal tunnel....
Go to your local drug store and purchase the best pair available and then wear them nightly faithfully.  They help tremendously!  (At least me, but everyone's different...)  
i use cockup wrist splints at night.
it really helps, uncomfortable, but by morning, they feel better.
I have a great chiropractor who adjusts my wrist.
Might call some local DCs in your area and see if any of them do wrists/CPS. I'm currently lucky enough to have insurance that pays a small portion, but even without he only charges $45 for visit, which is well worth it to me.

Anyway, just another suggeston/idea for you.
Question about these, is the wrist rest removable ? or - sm
is if all one piece and part of the keyboard. My pull out tray has a hump on it already so I don't need a wrist rest. Thanks.
I wear those little terry wrist bands that athletes sm
wear to wipe their brows. It cushions my wrist from resting on the desk without compressing the nerves further.
I have wrist, arm and hand fatigue too. Have to watch the yoga - because some postures
I use a craft glove with an extra long wrist band
purchased at wal-mart and they help ALOT.
I wear wrist bands made by Chase Ergonomics, Inc. (sm)

They were given to me from a friend. He got them from work.  I also wear a Smart Glove at night. It has a brace on the top of the glove and beaded cushioning on the palm.

I also have a kinesis keyboard but haven't used it much yet. Too busy working to practice with it.

You can probably find all the above on ebay. That's where I found both the gloves and the keyboard.


The HandEze gloves are nice w/the wrist support. I like them in the winter. Other brands to
Mine are on a beanbag wrist rest. Need wrists at 90-degree angle
the ergo beans wrist support is AWESOME!!! its like a massage while working...LOVE it and only 16 b
1-wrist/fingers.2-shoulders. 3. Foot that uses the pedal. 4. Knees. 5. Hips. They're all coming
My son is having it on Friday in Dallas by the doctor who invented it. He has guaranteed it will work for him even with his astigmatism. He said he underwent five solid hours of testing today and the doctor told him to stay away from the 500. per day, 15-minute exam places.
If you do not want surgery,
You can have your dentist make a nightguard for you, and a chiropractor is also helpful for manipulation. For a quick fix, albeit temporary, you can go to a pain management physician for steroid injections into the temporomandibular joint. If treated, symptoms can abate without surgery. Hope that helps.
LOL and even after ALL that surgery...
Eye surgery
My son had this done last summer when he was 4. You can E-mail me if you have any questions.
Had surgery
I just had this surgery last week.  Go to the surgeon and have him submit it to the insurance company.  If your BMI is near 40, and/or you have other medical conditions as a result of obesity, most insurance companies will cover it; although some do make you jump through hoops to get it done.  Just have to work with them. 

Just to let you know the condition I am in, and I am not looking for sympathy here, but I had a major foot surgery.  I was born with clubfeet.  I had to undergo a calcaneal reconstruction due to bone damage, and I underwent an Achilles lengthening and reattachment.  I was totally non-weightbearing of the right foot for 8 weeks, and then another 8 weeks of rehab.  Again, my doctor did not want me to go back to work yet, but due to the insurance and FMLA situation at work, I had to go back. 

I am just belly aching I guess, but it just seems that this other FMLA person gets away with murder.  I am more than willing to work 4 to 6 hours a day, as my foot withstands it, but it would mess up my insurance coverage, which is the only reason I have stayed at this facility for as long as I have.  Such is life!



I just had the surgery - sm

I waited way too long before taking steps to stop it.  Good for you for doing this now.  Make sure to get an ergonomic keyboard and mouse.  They have new ball mice (is that right for multiple mouses??) that is supposed to be really good at preventing cts.  Taking breaks and wearing the splints at night are the keys though I think.  Hoping that you can stop this in its tracks. 

IMO, you should have the surgery before
trying to hold down a typing job.  I need some surgery too (different type) and don't have disability insurance.  I am trying to hold out until the stimulus package check comes (I know, I shouldn't hold my breath) and will use it to pay the bills while I am laid up.  I also have health insurance, so that is not an issue, thank God.  Good luck!
Brain surgery... ha....sm

when I thing of some of the doctors I've known over the years, we could probably learn brain surgery before they could learn transcription ! 


Lasik eye surgery...
Has anyone ever had it?