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Posted By: QA-26 on 2006-05-19
In Reply to: 100K is pretty much out of the question - here is my answer

I agree!
I could only wish

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Are you saying that you earn 100k
I would say if you have to make $100k at something
Yes, there might come a day where you could make that money in MT. However, it's not going to happen overnight and certainly not at 8 cpl.
100K is pretty much out of the question
Assuming you work 40 hours, which is 2112 hours per year, divided into 100K is over $47 per hour.  You would have to type 580+ lines per hour to average this,  which is not likely.     
100K was mentioned in post below
by "Pollster".
Now you know why a lot of chefs make $75,000-100k a year!

It will be interesting to see the final episode tonight. 

Right. You would have to be sicko to make $100K a year on 8 cpl.
Heck, why should we share our $100K ideas?! ROFL
You want big bucks? Do big amounts of work!!!!!!

Can someone please tell me how these folks who are posting making $75-$100K working for services ...

are making this kind of money? I've been in this profession for over 20 years and the MOST that I ever made in a given year was $50K working for a service and that was with loads of off-the-clock overtime.  Where I work now the majority of decent work is being offshored and the American side MT's are left with terrible work to wade through.  A 'good' check for me now would come out to the equivalent of about $10 an hour!

I can see how folks who have their own accounts could make the type of income range above, but working for a service?  What is it that the rest of you now that obviously I'm totally missing???