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? lidopine bis-a-late 10 mg daily

Posted By: STAT help on 2005-10-03
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Anyone heard of this.  I posted on word board but got no help.  Need STAT.

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This is what I use daily


This site lets you type in three or more letters of the drug, and it pulls up everything with those letters.  It's great for when you only hear part of the drug.


Daily work is exactly what the word DAILY means --> work that comes in on a daily basis.  No days pass by without an empty queue.

I must be with the wrong companies then.

By chance is this MT Daily?
Not everyone comes to this board daily!
Are we not allowed to ask questions if they've been asked before? I understand this is the main board but people complain on the company board too if you ask about a company already posted about. Maybe those people can just skip over the posts and keep going, onto another message board preferably! Sheesh.
How many authors do you have daily?

I'm with a small MTSO and for quite a while have been on an account with about 10 doctors, mostly ESL.  I was very comfortable with them.  I have been trained on three accounts, one with maybe 6 and then another very large account, but they kept me primarily on this account.

Recently I was switched to one of the other accounts - no ESL, but this last pay period I had 38 different authors!!  Am having a hard time getting comfortable, and there's other problems , but for this post I just was hoping to find out, on average how many authors are others doing?

Maybe I was really lucky before with just 10 docs - ?

Usually 2 hours daily.
Today I clocked 2 hours 33 minutes and I can honesly say I'm beat!  Almost solid H&Ps and D/C summaries too...so finger-saving normals.  Blech!
I would still flag it - he said twice daily not

Daily digest
What's the daily digest?  I had not heard of that.  How do we sign up for it?
I add things daily. sm
I have been an MT and had an Expander for nine years, and i still add things on a daily basis. Not only cos I still run into new stuff daily, but also because your mind thinks of more and more complex things to put in there as you go.

Back when I started, all I thought about was long words and two-word phrases, maybe some longer phrases. I was happy with that. But then as i went typing happily along, I discovered I could do much more -- put entire sentences in, put formatting in, create entire pick lists, call up macros, call up websites, call up templates, the list goes on and on.

How do I remember them? Well, first I realize it's missing by actually typing in the short I think would make sense if it was in there. If it's not there, I put it in. Then maybe the next time I run into that phrase, I think, "hmm, have I entered this before?" and i try out the short that would make the most sense to me (at that time of course, which could be completely different than the first time!) And if it's there, yeah! I just saved myself some keystrokes!

I also just switched to IT and about once a month I run an enrichment on my doctors to get the most out of what they say.
what is daily work?
If it's never running out, being able to work the hours you want to work and still making a decent paycheck, then yes I have daily work.
The Daily Typo: - (sm)

What was dictated:   "He had normal fundi bilaterally."

What I typed:  "He had normal FUNGI bilaterally."

Mental image that conjured up:   Dude with large mushrooms sprouting out of his ears!     

Do you currently post on MT Daily or read it?

I was thinking about paying the $48 but then I thought there are only limited amount of people who will pay so probably not as good as MTStars.  It was fun though before they started charging and if they only charged half as much they would draw more people.  $48 is way high when other boards are free.

Just some daily walking would probably shake it for you, too. nm
I change mine daily
I use td for today's date and yd for yesterday's date and I just change them every day.
MSN used to send me daily e-mails SM
telling me every single website they had been to.  But this would only work if they sign in under their own name and not "borrow" mom or dad's name! 
pt does get her mammagram daily. LOL ouch sm


G2, P2.  Her pregnancies were uncomplicated.  She has not seen a gynecologist in over two years, but she does get her mammogram daily.    Uhhh.... I don't think so Mr. MD!!!   You couldn't get me to do that daily if ya paid me!

well, 4 times daily as needed...yep. i think so!
it doesn't have to be taken 4 times a day just as needed.

If you don't speak on a daily basis . . .
We speak several times daily.
Even right now while he's overseas on a business trip, we make time for a couple daily phone calls.
I'm with you ... I get enough reality just with my daily living. sm

Kinda nice to get lost and just veg with my Law & Order and CSI addictions :)

Obviously, I'm in the minority since they seem to come up with more and more reality shows .... I admit to watching the Biggest Loser a couple of times, but I can't imagine being "hooked" and watching it all of the time, sitting on the edge of my seat. 

I work with SR on a daily basis, and I can tell you...sm
...it will NOT be replacing human intelligence, now or 10 years from now or 50 years from now. The files we work on come from a VERY expensive speech recognition system and the quality is very poor. SR cannot handle punctuation well at all, doesn't know when to stop and start sentences, has problems with capitalization, and ironically enough, when the doctor actually spells something out, that totally confuses SR!

But even if technology advances to the place where speech recognition can accurately reproduce every word and sound that comes out of a doctor's mouth, so what? That STILL will not replace human MTs, because doctors do not always say what they mean, or even when they DO say what they mean, what they mean is not right! We're the only ones who can clean up that mess.

Fix Or Repair Daily = FORD....nm
It gave him daily headaches. nm
What reference do you use the most on a daily basis? SM

I lost all my reference books in a fire and I can't afford to replace them all at once.  I am buying a couple of books each pay check and I've been trying to decide what I need the most.  So far I have gotten a Dorland's Medical Dictionary, Surgical Word Book, and Radiology Word Book because I do radiology a couple of times a week. 

So to all you acute care MTs out there, what books do you find yourself using on a daily basis?

I use my old faithful PRD with it daily, no problems. sm
Chartscript looks scary at first, but it's the easiest thing to use once familiar with it.
5-10 of each a day with 2 others on acct doing 350-400 exams daily
Works out good if you are paid by exam which I hope you are.
yes, daily, but get paid lines for it. nm
I take ibuprofen usually on a daily basis
although really should not. I have this in the bilateral wrists so it cannot be just the mouse use alone. A certain movement with the wrists elicits such excruciating pain, you probably know though. Am glad not doing anything real serious, like brain surgery or the like, when this pain hits.
Dont you wish all those witches from MT-Daily would get
[*** Dub-in the Wizard-of-Oz 'wicked witch' soundtrack here.***]
How to receive daily digest?-please help

Many, many months ago I somehow figured out on this site how to receive a daily digest through email each day and I enjoy that.  Now I would like to tell a couple MTer's how to receive this Daily Digest as well, but am not able to find the directions on this site again.  If anyone could tell me how to sign up for the Daily Digest, would greatly appreciate it.  Thanks. 

I also made a daily spreadsheet
that I plug my daily line count into, and it gives me a daily and to-date pay period earnings total. I just keep updating all day with my counts until I reach my goal for the day. I also see my pay period total and figure out how close I am to paying off those bills.

When I having an especially good day, it really motivates me because I see the numbers going up quickly and I just want to work more.
Daily emergency work as IC...

Is it normal for an IC to be called often for emergency reports that need to be completed within a short amount of time - one to two hours.  Is this normal practice?  I get these calls fequently and it makes it difficult to complete the work I was doing, and/or I may be out on my own time when these phone calls come in.  I tend to work best in the evenings so I do most of my chores, etc., during the day.   



Found these companies on Mt Daily...sm

Progressive Scribe, 97-42 91 St. Unit 1A beta Park, WI 53201-1881, progressive_scribe@yahoo.com
On Call Transcription Solutions, Inc., Menomonee Falls, WI, 800-680-6791, www.oncalltranscription.com

Freedom Type, 1521 Watt Ave, Fall Creek, WI, http://www.freedomtype.com, freedomtype@hotmail.com.

Vasant Scribes, http://www.vasantscribes.com

Kettle Moraine Transcription Associates, Glenbeulah, WI, kmta@excel.net Carol Strzelczyk, President

Medical Transcription Services, Inc., 1727 Shawano Avenue, Green Bay, WI 54303, 920-499-9118, Sharon Barchacky, contact@transcriptionoutsourcing.com

AccuSTAT Medical Transcription Service, Inc., Humbird, Wisconsin, 715-334-2313, accustat@cuttingedge.net.

K.A.Y. Transcription, Appleton, WI 54915. (920) 733-2819; Karen A. Yehle; kayehle@aol.com

M&M Medical Transcription Services, Madison, WI 608-242-0926

OmniMed Transcription/Coding, Madison, WI, http://www.OmniMedinc.com, 7 Midwest offices, 6602 Grand Teton Plaza, Madison, WI 53719, omnimed1@omnimedinc.com, 569-6802, fax 608-276-3767.

Ace Transcription Service, Inc., pam23424@aol.com, 414-367-9303, Nashotah, WI.

Office Wizard, LLC, Brillion, WI 54110. www.officewizard.net; (920) 864-7708 (voice); Fax: (920) 864-7707, Connie Koerth connie@officewizard.net

Engstrom, Inc., 9708 Hwy. 147, P.O. Box 40, Two Rivers, WI 54241 920-755-3277, engstrominc@aol.com, www.engstrominc.com

Jobs seem to be posted daily
in abundance, but all lackluster line rate now-a-days. Just noticing.
Each of our counts is available in program daily.
Rather than politics, I think that it comes down to just not being liked by a supervisor even when performing optimally. This is her first job as a sup.
I have daily work, except on Mondays
That is my only day off.
I fax all my reports on a daily basis
I have a fax machine right in my computer. As soon as I'm doing typing a report, I print it directly to the fax. It has the capability to schedule faxes. Where I work we have to hold the reports for 5 days in case there are any corrections so I just schedule my faxes five days in advance and it automatically faxes everything out. I can keep tract of whether or not a fax has gone out just by clicking on the fax icon on my computer. It's really very handy.
Too late now, but what you should have done...
You probably should have deprived yourself of sleep last night and slept today, or better yet a couple nights in a row, just cleaning house or something to keep you "awake" so you can get a jump start on training your sleep cycle.

It is SO hard to do this job sleep deprived because it is so sedentary. I can easily stay up 24 to 35 hours as long as I'm doing something physician and nonbrain-taxing.

If you find yourself nodding off, take a 45-minute nap. I'm sure your employer will understand this is something hard to go into "cold turkey."

Good luck!
Late fee

I do the opposite, I offer a small discount when they pay within five days and in the past five years I have had my checks well within that time frame (usually 2 days) and never have had to ask for my check.  



Late fee
I really don't think a late fee is going to make them pay you any earlier.  You really need to sit down with the office manager or whomever  processes your invoice and talk with them.  They probably won't pay the late fee and still take 3 weeks to pay you.  If you stay with the account and this has been a chronic problem you gotta budget to have money to tide you over for the 20 to 30 days or how ever long it takes them to process your check.   Talk to them see what they say and then decide if it is worth the frustration to continue with it.   If this has been going on for quite a while doesn't sound like it is going to change so you either have to live with it or find another account.    In 22 years of doing my own accounts I have never had anyone pay me any later than 10 days after recepit of invoice and that was just a couple of time.  I guess I am lucky but it is the truth. 
late pay
Well, I feel the same way, I don't want to mention the name of the company at this point. I do know however the company actually goes to pick up the checks from the hospitals and has to get them in the bank before she pays her ICs! I have been in this business over 20 years and it's the first time I have encountered something like this.
Late $
We sound like we are in a similar boat. Very nice people, very appreciative of good work, and it does get paid, just late, which most of us cannot handle because our bills need to be paid on time. How do you manage with your bills?
late pay
It isn't easy! When she does pay I try to get enough ahead to pay bills when she is late which is basically every pay period. And luckily, my husband has a good job, but it is one which slows down in the cold months. I Christmas shopped about 6 months ago! Plus, our work has not been slow and I have been able to make an extra $200 or so each week. How do you manage?
Late pay??
Ok, I've never had a problem getting paid before, so I'm not sure what to do. I worked for this small MT company and they still owe me a month's worth of pay. I've tried emailing the person, but she just keeps blowing me off. What should I do next?? (Of course, I quit.) Thanks.
You will get a 30-day late on your...

credit report.  You may also get an "Intention to Foreclose" letter, which will scare the heck out of you.  Those letters standardly go out the day after the 30 days passes.

I agree that your best bet would be to ask for one deferred payment.  Some lenders will do that, but some are very hard-nosed and NEVER do it. 

Will you be able to make your March payment before the end of March?  If so, you should try to schedule both February's and March's payment to come out of your account on specific days . . . say, on March 2 (as you mentioned) and even March 31.  That will keep you from getting another 30-day late.

Once you start to lag behind, it is soooo hard to catch up again.  I'm hoping they let you defer a payment. 

153 in my late 20s...however I do believe it is going down.
as I once was, that's for sure.
don't know if too late, but....sm
doesn't your insurance cover such things...mine would have replaced the whole thing.
Definitely late 40s for me
Here I sit, having worked six days in a row with one day off and starting new week facing more OT due to computer down with one MT and death in family with another.

Did it in my 20s and 30s with no problem.

Now, however, I have eye strain and sore hips from sitting so long and really am rum-drummy if that is a good description. Fear making an error.

And, I do not make much more money as I have to proof everything and think before I type which slows me down in long run.

Yes, give me 40 hour week over the age of 40. Long complicated reports is where my expertise is these days.

Late Pay

I recently had to leave a wonderful lady and I mean absolutely wonderful due to late payments.  She had paid late several times over the last year.  I had even changed my bill dates so that I could accomodate the usually no more than 5 days late that she consistently was with pay.  Last month she was 6 days late, which would have been okay with me, except that I had an automatic payment come out the day before the pay was due to be DD (which I signed up for due to promise that pay would be on time this way).  Fortunately I was paranoid and called my bank and was made aware of the problem, but I had to borrow from my niece, my 21-year-old niece!!  HOW HUMILIATING!!!  I told my very extremely wonderful MTSO that I could not work for her if she was late again.  I also had it set up that all I needed was my August pay checks on time (meaning within the 5 day "grace period" I gave her) and the September 1st paycheck, then I was set to just put her checks into savings. 

Well, that never happened.  It did not occur to me that she would dare be late, but come August 21 I went to deposit a refund check from a Church camp as it was canceled due to fires, and the bank tells me that after depositing $220 that I was still short in my account!  To make things worse, it was not my money that paid for the camp.  I was depositing the refund check and then writing a check to my mom's Church as she had used her tithe money to pay for my girls to go to camp!  I still was trying to be calm at this point and asked the MTSO what was going on, well supposedly she had sent me a check on the 7th of August.  Funny thing is I did not even bill her until the 9th.  First it was a certified check, then it was a money order, then it was sent on a different date.......... I could go on and on, but needless to say I had to quit.  I cannot afford to work for free.  I cannot afford to be late on my bills. 

I stayed with this MTSO for so long despite late payments because I thought I new I would always get paid.  We had a GREAT working relationship, except the pay, and I really wanted the long time IC, great reference that this provided me...... you know a real "feather in my cap" for my resume.  I plan on going after my own accounts next year after saving a couple of months worth of bills.  BUT, in the end I had to threaten legal action to even get what I was owed, and I was sick for several days because of how ......... well sick this made me to have to "burn" that bridge, and how sick it made me because I ended up having to get very, very ugly (which made me even more sick) in order to get more than "I will check into that and get back to you" on when I was going to get paid. 

This is a touch situation that you are in and only you can make the final decision.  I personally LOVE being an MT.  I just have learned to not "put all my eggs into one basket."  I work for a couple of companies, one a national and one an MTSO.  I can get extra lines at both if desired.  It can take a long time to find the right fit, so hang in there if you like being an MT.  Of course, teaching is a very honorable and rewarding career choice too. 

Please excuse any typos, tired, but felt it very important to respond to this one to let OP know she is not alone and there is hope.

This is probably too late but....
Oncology was my specialty for years, and I felt like you...so difficult. Then one day the codgy old oncologist that was a detailed and strict dictator started dictating a report about his patient and started to cry....me too.

No one is spared this...IMO

Its too late know, but I would not have even said
anything to the first company.  If they are sending you such little work you should have been able to juggle both companies for a short while.  I don't think they terminated you because of a different job though.