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$4800 to $5200 -- nm

Posted By: Patti on 2006-02-09
In Reply to: Average montly income? - Question

True, this year hit little over $60K

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I do about 5200 a week now, but I am not applying myself as well as I could - sm
So once I buckle down I hope to do 8000 week--I goof off way too much. If I did not, I would be done what I do now a lot earlier and also have time to do more (i.e. another 3000 lines a week) if I chose to do it. Discipline is my problem. I do not have a lot of repetitive work either so I don't have that going for me unfortunately, though I am doing macros for phrases like crazy which slows you down some but in the long run pays off. Good luck.