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your parenting style is really bordering on abuse

Posted By: mt on 2006-11-03
In Reply to: Expectations - Mom of 3

and what makes this so sad is the fact that your children are so young and cannot control what is happening to them.  They are trapped in a world ruled by your iron fist. 

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parenting class . . .
My husband and I recently took on Love and Logic classes. I am the type of person that is always looking to improve on things, though, so I don't have a problem with it. What's wrong with being a better parent?
Parenting is so hard.......
I am in no way saying that you are being a controlling parent. I understand that just becuase they are in college you can't and don't just say okay, now you are an "adult" you are on your own, go ahead and make mistakes. I myself and a bit controlling (kids are 17 and 15) and am trying really hard to tame that. I learned it from my "other" mother. She was very controlling with my younger brother (from her first marriage) all the way through his college years. He ended up marrying a very controlling person and that marriage lasted 4 years. He is now in a seemingly happy marriage but she is also quite controlling. I think it is a very fine line that we have to walk in giving them wings but also holding on when we see such obvious mistakes. Remeber the boy he was before he met this girl, the boy you raised with sounds like good values. Give him a little more time. About taking away the car I see why you did it. He blantly defied a rule and then lied about it. Maybe to try to build up the trust take it away for a shorter time and give him another chance. JMO! I really hope this gets worked out soon. I can only imagine how hard it is to have your child away for the first time and then these problems thrown in. Good luck.
My, you let her down on a large part of parenting.
Is it fair to attack her parenting?
I thought Christians weren't supposed to judge. Is it because she *let* her daughter make her own decision to become atheist? I can't stand hypocrisy. It's what starts wars.
keep an eye out for someone with a style like you want
and ask them where they get their hair done. Or call the local retirement center or elder-condo complex and ask them about hairdressers. If you can find a younger person who works on older people, you'll have hit the jackpot; they'll probably love the creativity of what you are describing. Good luck!
If the school tells you to go to parenting classes

Is that a step away from the school calling the CPS?  I visited my aunt at a resturant she was telling me about her children's children.  She said the 12 yo was acting up really bad in school and he is about to get thrown out.  Every word out of that woman's mouth was it is because the DIL won't.... or the DIL doesn't........  Aunt has the kids more than the DIL does and she is constantly critising the DIL on everything.  She had their 2 yo son with her and he started grunting obviously messing his diaper and she hit him on the nose (not hard) and said STOP!  Then he threw up and she covered his mouth as if to stop him and it did not work and somehow that was all DIL fault also.   DIL would tell aunt what the pedi said and aunt disagrees that the pedi don't know what they are talking about, that she raised 3 boys and they were going to do things her way.  She disagrees with what the parenting classes are teaching.  You spank kids and spank them hard, she ran around with a hairbrush and a fly swatter when her kids were little.  Her DIL called me one night in tears because at some family function aunt started in on her and saying that she is incompetant and she needed aunt and DIL threw her plate of food at her. Aunt got peturbed because DIl was feeding her then 1 year-old cheerios.  I told the DIL that there is a government programs out there that can help her pay for childcare that she does not need to rely aunt.  I got the number from my daycare director and gave it to her.  She never called.  I had also told the DIL that she better start listening to the school and to the pedis and not the aunt because she is the one responsible for those kids and if aunt does something they are going to hold her responsible.  The aunt won't let her use anyone but her.  She is very bossy and the matriarch of the family.  I had offered to keep the kids on weekends but I am not good enough either.  I don't make my kids mind and aunt would have to work to hard undoing everything I did.  Funny, the school told me that whatever I was doing with my 5 year old to do it again with my 18 month old.  The DIL and son are mentally handicapped, both were in special education class in high school and both are janitors of the school which is probably the best job they will ever get.   Think they would do well though and their kids would thrive better if they had a better support system.  I wished there was something I could do to help but they did not want any of my help. I just don't like to go around them anymore.  I have turned down every offer my aunt had to watch my children.  No way.   

I didnt really want parenting advice. You dont know
wanted to see if someone knew of a formula, like a percentage of income for xtras. Say what you want, but I will not be replying to any more of these posts attacking me and my family. Im sorry I even came here.
Yes, when parenting leaves lots to be desired, it is
I like your style, I thought exactly the same - nm
hair style
My hairstyle is very low maintenance, a layered cut barely past my shoulders, which I shape with a hairbrush and blowdryer.  It takes less than 5 minutes, but I have a lot of natural curl.  What is your hair type?  That makes a big difference.
Doggie style???
But wait, is her mom still putting out that Christian book about parenting? LOL
I mean seriously first the Britney trainwreck and now the little one (who is 16) pregnant! Oh joy ! That woman should be ashamed of herself and not writing any books unless it titled

White Trash Parenting

OR better yet.......

How to Turn Your White Trash into Millions!

I think I'd mix em up to give a little style to your display
I believe I was talking about the style of your writing.
Stay on task, please.

Have big hair! The big 80s permed style.

I loved it and it was so easy.  But my sisters say they won't be seen in public with me if I do it.

Parenting advice needed! I am losing my mind with my 14yo son. SM

He is so smart.  I got his first grade card a couple of weeks ago, 2 Fs (Science and Computer Lit) and a D+ in English.  The rest of his grades were acceptable.  The problem isn't that he doesn't understand the subject matter in these classes, but that he simply doesn't do the work, doesn't turn in homework assignments, NOTHING! 

I started having trouble with him last year and he barely passed the 7th grade.  Now, here it is the beginning of a new school year and he's doing the exact same thing.  He's grounded, of course, but that doesn't seem to make a difference to him.  Last night his English teacher called to tell me he hasn't turned in any assignments since the beginning of the new quarter, that he simply sits there at his desk doing nothing while the rest of the class works.  She said he seems to be easily distracted.

When I talk to him about school, he gives me attitude.  Last night after I hung up with the English teacher, I was very angry, and proceeded to ground him longer and took away his IPod.  He had the audacity to say "mom, you're really making me mad (only he didn't say "making me mad").  I took step toward him because I was about ready to slap his disrespectiful mouth and he said "you better not lay a hand on me."  He threatened me!  So I basically took a deep breath and said "son you do not want to take me on."  And then I proceeded to tell him that he would be staying after school with his English teacher until further notice and that I will be picking him up every day after school to make sure he brings home all his books and homework.

I don't know what else to do.  I have asked his teachers to keep me informed via email cause I'm always at my computer during the day.  His Science teacher just emailed me and said he didn't turn in his assignment today.  After all that last night and he STILL didn't turn in his assignment!

I tried to be understanding because he's at a new school in a new town, but socially he's happier than I've seen him in a long time.  He has made a bunch of new friends, he's planning on going out for the basketball team.  At first I tried to blame his attitude problems on the move and the new school, but he was doing the exact same thing last year at his old school.  His dad and I have separated and maybe that has something to do with it, but life has been less stressful without his dad here, even my son has said so.

Please give me some advice.  I've thought about talking to the school counseling, going to family counseling, having my son see a therapist.  I just don't know what to do.  I feel like I'm failing as a parent here and I don't know what to do.

Thanks for letting me spill my guts.

Maybe you could get wood, Pergo style or tile?
Of course if your carpet is in good condition, that could really hurt the pocketbook.
We have Pergo (Wilson Art brand, actually), and it works well for the dogs, although it is a little slippery and cold. (My dogs like cold though, and our carpeting was trashed). Real wood would be warmer. You'd need to keep nails cut and discourage running in the house to keep it looking really nice though.
LOL! That style was big in 1970! I remember Cher had
The people from Clean House on Style network. NM
My opinion is whatever hair style makes you happy...sm
is what is appropriate. I am 54 and personally I feel like my hair is easier to style and looks better with my face shape when it is about chin length. Don't worry about what other folks say about hair and age - that's what I think.
no wonder why we were going off in grand style on pols and relig..full moon and lunar eclipse...

Path of the Moon through Earth's umbral and penumbral shadows
during the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 20, 2008.
(Eastern Standard Time)


A total eclipse of the Moon occurs during the night of Wednesday, February 20/21, 2008. The entire event is visible from South America and most of North America (on Feb. 20) as well as Western Europe, Africa, and western Asia (on Feb. 21). During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon's disk can take on a dramatically colorful appearance from bright orange to blood red to dark brown and (rarely) very dark gray.

An eclipse of the Moon can only take place at Full Moon, and only if the Moon passes through some portion of Earth's shadow. The shadow is actually composed of two cone-shaped parts, one nested inside the other. The outer shadow or penumbra is a zone where Earth blocks some (but not all) of the Sun's rays. In contrast, the inner shadow or umbra is a region where Earth blocks all direct sunlight from reaching the Moon.

If only part of the Moon passes through the umbra, a partial eclipse is seen. However, if the entire Moon passes through the umbral shadow, then a total eclipse of the Moon occurs. For more information on how, what, why, where and when of lunar eclipses, see the special web page lunar eclipses for beginners.

Lunar Eclipse Diagrams

The following diagrams show the Moon's path through Earth's shadows (higher resolution versions of the above figure). The times of major stages of the eclipse are given for a number of time zones in North America. Please choose the diagram for your own time zone. Each diagram is a GIF file with a size of about 100k.

Some people may be puzzled that the Moon's motion is from west to east (right to left) in these diagrams, instead of its daily east to west (left to right) motion in the sky. However, the Moon actually moves WEST to EAST (right to left in the Northern Hemisphere) with respect to the Earth's shadow and the stars.

Times and Phases of the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 20/21, 2008

From start to finish, February's lunar eclipse lasts about three hours and twenty-six minutes (not including the penumbral phases which are very difficult to see). The partial eclipse begins as the Moon's eastern edge slowly moves into the Earth's umbral shadow. During the partial phases, it takes just over an hour for the Moon's orbital motion to carry it entirely within the Earth's dark umbra. The color and brightness of the totally eclipsed Moon can vary considerably from one eclipse to another. Dark eclipses are caused by volcanic gas and dust which filters and blocks much of the Sun's light from reaching the Moon. But since no major volcanic eruptions have taken place recently, the Moon will probably take on a vivid red or orange color during the total phase. After the total phase ends, it is once again followed by a partial eclipse as the Moon gradually leaves the umbral shadow.

The total phase of a lunar eclipse is called totality. At this time, the Moon is completely immersed within the Earth's dark umbral shadow. During the February 20 eclipse totality will last just under 50 minutes. This is quite a bit less than the last total lunar eclipse ( August 28, 2007) which lasted 90 minutes.

The major phases of the eclipse occur as follows (all times are GMT or Greenwich Mean Time). The partial eclipse commences with first umbral contact at 01:43 GMT. Totality begins at 03:01 GMT and lasts until 03:51 GMT. The partial phases end at 05:09 GMT. Eclipse times for time zones in the United States and Canada are shown in the following table.

Total Lunar Eclipse of February 20, 2008
North America Other
Partial Eclipse Begins: 08:43 pm 07:43 pm 06:43 pm 05:43 pm 04:43 pm 01:43 am* 02:43 am* 03:43 am*
Total Eclipse Begins: 10:01 pm 09:01 pm 08:01 pm 07:01 pm 06:01 pm 03:01 am* 04:01 am* 05:01 am*
Mid-Eclipse: 10:26 pm 09:26 pm 08:26 pm 07:26 pm 06:26 pm 03:26 am* 04:26 am* 05:26 am*
Total Eclipse Ends: 10:51 pm 09:51 pm 08:51 pm 07:51 pm 06:51 pm 03:51 am* 04:51 am* 05:51 am*
Partial Eclipse Ends: 12:09 am* 11:09 pm 10:09 pm 09:09 pm 08:09 pm 05:09 am* 06:09 am* 07:09 am*
* Event occurs on morning of February 21, 2008

Key to Time Zones
Zone Description
EST Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5 hours)
CST Central Standard Time (GMT - 6 hours)
MST Mountain Standard Time (GMT - 7 hours)
PST Pacific Standard Time (GMT - 8 hours)
AST Alaska Standard Time (GMT - 9 hours)
GMT Greenwich Mean Time

The table above provides times of the major eclipse phases for North American time zones and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Eclipse times for other time zones can be calculated by taking the difference between local time and Greenwich and adding it to the tabulated GMT times.

To determine the Moon's altitude at each stage of the eclipse as seen from your city or location, see Javascript Lunar Eclipse Explorer. This web page allows you to calculate the viewing circumstances of all lunar eclipses visible from your city over a five-thosuand year period.

Visibility of the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 20, 2008

February's lunar eclipse is well-placed for North and South America as well as Europe and Africa. Observers along North America's west coast miss the early stages of the partial eclipse because it begins before moon rise. Alaskans in Anchorage and Fairbanks experience moonrise during totality but bright evening twilight will make it difficult for sourdoughs to view the event. Western Europe and northwest Africa also see the entire eclipse. Further to the east (east Africa and central Asia), the Moon sets before the eclipse ends. None of the eclipse is visible from eastern Asia or Australia.

Preceeding and following the eclipse are hour-long penumbral phases but these are faint and quite difficult to see. The more interesting and photogenic partial and total phases always take center stage to the penumbral phases.


Map showing the global visibility of the Total Lunar Eclipse of February 21, 2008.
(Click here to see larger version of this map)

Key to Eclipse Visibility Map
Penumbral eclipse begins (not visible to the eye)
Partial eclipse begins
Total eclipse begins
Total eclipse ends
Partial eclipse ends
Penumbral eclipse ends (not visible to the eye)

The map above shows the geographic regions of visibility for each phase of the eclipse. The entire eclipse is visible from start to finish in the white (unshaded) portion of the map, while none of the eclipse can be seen from the dark gray areas.

For anyone located in the blue shaded region labeled Eclipse at Moonset, this means that the Moon will set while some phase of the eclipse is already in progress. The contact curves labeled P1, U1, U2, U3, U4, and P4 represent each phase of the eclipse (see the key above). If you are east (right) of a particular curve, that phase occurs after moonset and you will not see it. However, if you are west (left) of a curve, that phase occurs before moonset and you will see it (weather permitting).

For example, on the above map Turkey lies west (left) of the U3 curve (total eclipse end) and east (right) of the curve U4 (partial eclipse ends). This means that from this region, the Moon sets during the partial phases following totality.

For observers located within the second blue shaded region labeled Eclipse at Moonrise, the situation is reversed. Here the Moon rises while some phase of the eclipse is already in progress. If you are west (left) of a particular curve (P1, U1, U2, U3, U4, or P4), that phase occurs before moonrise and you will not see it. However, if you are east (right) of a contact curve, that phase occurs after moonrise and you will see it (weather permitting).

All total eclipses start with a penumbral followed by a partial eclipse, and end with a partial followed by a penumbral eclipse (the total eclipse is sandwiched in the middle). Since the penumbral phases of the eclipse are so difficult to see, we will ignore them.

Wonderful Totality

At the instant of mid-totality (03:37 GMT), the Moon will lie in the zenith for observers in French Guiana. At this time, the umbral eclipse magnitude peaks at 1.1062.

From the diagram above, it is clear that the northern (top) edge of the Moon will dip much deeper into the Earth's shadow than will the southern (bottom) edge. Since the Earth's umbral shadow is darker in the center than at the edge, the Moon's appearance will likely change dramatically with time. A large variation in shadow brightness can be expected and observers are encouraged to estimate the Danjon value at different times during totality ( Danjon Brightness Scale). Note that it may also be necessary to assign different Danjon values to different portions of the Moon at different times.

This could be an excellent opportunity for budding astronomers and students to test their observing skills. Try recording your estimates of the Moon's brightness every ten minutes during totality using the Danjon Scale. Compare your results with your companions and classmates and discover how the Moon's appearance changes during the total eclipse. The brightness of the totally eclipsed Moon is very sensitive to the presence of volcanic dust in Earth's atmosphere. As part of a continuing research project, Dr. Richard Keen has been using reports of lunar eclipse brightnesses to calculate a history of optical thicknesses of volcanic dust layers (see: What Will 2004's Lunar Eclipses Look Like?). If you'd like to help Dr. Keen by making eclipse observations, you can contact him at Richard.Keen@Colorado.EDU.

The amount of dust and sulfur dioxide in Earth's atmosphere also has an effect on the diameter of the umbral shadow. Amateur astronomers with telescopes can make careful timings of when some of the Moon's major craters enter or exit the umbra. Such observations are valuable in determining the enlargement of Earth's shadow. A table of crater predictions identifies twenty well-defined craters useful for this purpose. For more information, see: Crater Timings During Lunar Eclipses.

An eclipse of the Moon also presents a tempting subject to photograph. Since the Moon appears quite small in the sky, you'll need a fairly powerful telephoto lens (400 mm or more) or even a small telescope to attach to your camera. A typical ISO 400 speed (either digital or film) is a good choice. For more information on equipment, film, recommended exposures and additional tips, see lunar eclipse photography.

Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are completely safe to watch. Protective filters are not necessary and neither is a telescope. A lunar eclipse can be observed with nothing more than the naked eye. However, a pair of binoculars will magnify the view and make the red coloration brighter and easier to see. A standard pair of 7x35 or 7x50 binoculars is sufficient.

During the eclipse, the Moon will be in Leo. Saturn and bright star Regulus are only 3 degrees east and west, respectively, of the Moon. Geminii, Orion, Taurus and other winter constellations will occupy the south and western sky for North American eclipse watchers. viewers.

Although total eclipses of the Moon are of limited scientific value, they are remarkably beautiful events which do not require expensive equipment. They help to cultivate interest in science and astronomy in children and to provide a unique learning opportunity for families, students and teachers. To the nature lover and naturalist, the lunar eclipse can be appreciated and celebrated as an event which vividly illustrates our place among the planets in the solar system. The three dimensional reality of our universe comes alive in a graceful celestial ballet as the Moon swings through the Earth's shadow. Hope for clear skies, dress warmly and enjoy the show!

Eclipse Frequency and Future Eclipses

During the five millennium period from 2000 BC through AD 3000, there are 7,718 eclipses[1] of the Moon (including both partial and total eclipses). From 0 to 3 lunar eclipses (partial or total) occur each year. The last time three total lunar eclipses occurred in one calendar year was in 1982. On average, partial eclipses slightly outnumber total eclipses by 7 to 6[2].

[1] Only eclipses where the Moon passes through Earth's umbral shadow are included in these values. A minor type of eclipse is the penumbral eclipse which occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth's faint penumbral shadow. Penumbral eclipses are rarely discernible to the naked eye and are of lesser importance than umbral eclipses.

[2] Penumbral eclipses are excluded from these statistics.

The last total lunar eclipse visible from the entire continental United States occurred on August 28, 2007. North Americans will have their next opportunity to see a total lunar eclipse on 2010 Dec 21.

The table below lists every lunar eclipse from 2007 through 2012. Click on the eclipse Date to see a map and diagram of an eclipse. Although penumbral lunar eclipses are included in this list, they are usually quite difficult to observe because of their subtlety. The penumbra is a partial shadow which still permits some direct sunlight to reach the Moon.

The Umbral Eclipse Magnitude is the fraction on the Moon's diameter immersed in the umbra at maximum eclipse. For values of 1.0 or greater, the eclipse is total. For negative values, the eclipse is penumbral. The Total Duration is the duration of the total phase (total eclipses only).

Lunar Eclipses: 2007 - 2012
Date Eclipse Type Saros Umbral Magnitude Eclipse Duration Geographic Region of Eclipse Visibility
2007 Mar 03 Total 123 1.238 03h42m
Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia
2007 Aug 28 Total 128 1.481 03h33m
e Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas
2008 Feb 21 Total 133 1.111 03h26m
c Pacific, Americas, Europe, Africa
2008 Aug 16 Partial 138 0.813 03h09m S. America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2009 Feb 09 Penumbral 143 -0.083 - e Europe, Asia, Aus., Pacific, w N.A.
2009 Jul 07 Penumbral 110 -0.909 - Aus., Pacific, Americas
2009 Aug 06 Penumbral 148 -0.661 - Americas, Europe, Africa, w Asia
2009 Dec 31 Partial 115 0.082 01h02m Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2010 Jun 26 Partial 120 0.542 02h44m e Asia, Aus., Pacific, w Americas
2010 Dec 21 Total 125 1.262 03h29m
e Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas, Europe
2011 Jun 15 Total 130 1.705 03h40m
S.America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Aus.
2011 Dec 10 Total 135 1.110 03h33m
Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific, N.A.
2012 Jun 04 Partial 140 0.376 02h08m Asia, Aus., Pacific, Americas
2012 Nov 28 Penumbral 145 -0.184 - Europe, e Africa, Asia, Aus., Pacific, N.A.

Geographic abreviations (used above): n = north, s = south, e = east, w = west, c = central

Web Resources


  • Espenak, F., 1989, Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses: 1986-2035, Sky Publishing Corp., Cambridge, MA.
  • Espenak, F., 2006, "Eclipses During 2007", Observer's Handbook - 2007, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto, Ontario.

Reproduction of Eclipse Data

All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy. Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by the following acknowledgment:

"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC"

For more information, see: NASA Copyright Information

I'd say yes they really did abuse
the 'emergency' but rather than contacting an attorney I would just try to recall where you might have given her contact information - call them and change ASAP and I would not even fill in that spot in the future citing your experience in these two situations and the problems it caused and if they fuss - give them a phoney name and addy and let it go.  I think it is there for your safety really, secondly for them to collect should you not pay a bill - I have only been called once in my 55 years as my son got behind on his credit union car payment and they traced me down through 3 counties - so think you definitely had an unusual experience.

Call your local shelter and they will advise you on ways to leave safely. NEVER take abuse - physically, verbally, or mentally from anyone. Forget the church kid, learn to love yourself, and lead by example for your children. If you act like a doormat, do not be suprised when you get stepped on!

You need a long time on your own before you are ready to think about entering another relationship. You are not out of your present relationship yet, but you can be if that is your decision. Best wishes to you.


I think it is abuse.
Take the poor doggy into your house. Your cat may hide, but my guess is the dog will ignore the cat. I got my Sheltie when I had 2 cats and they all got along just fine. Please don't leave this poor thing outside, especially if it hot in your area. If you cannot bring it in, call the authorities. It is kinder than leaving her out to suffer.
It is ABUSE!

This IS animal abuse. Thankfully, in most states animal cruelty is becoming a felony. In my state (NY) it can be punishable up to $5000. Animal abandonment is also a felony with one year in jail and up to $1000 fine. Failure to provide proper nutrients is another law that seems to have been broken.

Our animals needs protection from the elements, proper food and water (and not just a bowl to catch rain water,either) They also need love and companionship, and by this I mean not regulated to the backyard to vegetate.

Animals can think....how do explain service dogs, search and rescue, and guide dogs? Have you ever seen a dog given a task to do and watch him/her go through the paces to get it done?

As I stated before, contact an area dog club to see if they have members willing to help, or if they know of a Sheltie rescue who can help. Contact your area vets for such phone numbers. Or, you can contact me and I'll see if I can locate a Sheltie rescue that can help.

Your post makes me very sad. Your husband is abusive. Husbands and boyfriends come and go in our lives; however, family is ALWAYS family. Please seek counseling for yourself. You cannot change him. After you become stronger through counseling, you will see the situation clearly for what it is - abusive.

Call your sister and invite her for a visit. Better yet, get a plane ticket and go see her. Don't ask, just do it.

Best wishes.


Every county has a program for abused woman and children.  You do not have to be physically abused for them to help you.  Find out the name of the program near you, Domestic violence, Reach, etc.  You can call them and they will allow you to take your children and live in a house, the whereabouts is not known to anyone on the outside.  It is free and they are very caring.  You can start there and they will help see that you and your children are safe away from this maniac.  Good luck.
There's always abuse
of the system. Making it illegal doesn't stop that. There are a lot of drugs out there that are, in my opinion, worse than marijuana as far as addictive qualities and doctor's prescribe those drugs routinely and easily for things such as back pain which is not life threatening but can be debilitating. I think it would be much easier to hold standards to legal medical use marijuana than it would to criminalize alcohol and the numerous other prescription drugs that are out there and abused.
it's abuse duh
Child abuse
That's your opinion - and pedofilia - obviously you did not BF or have a good bond with your children. Do you also consider it child abuse that I did not use disposable diapers? What about the fact that I worked as a wet nurse? Some things are just natural - You should read the book, The Family Bed - BF may be looked upon differently in the US - but that is only cultural - and I do not bend to cultural issues - I did as I pleased - and no one else cared or ever even discouraged me from BF my son as long as I did. Unless you've been there - you do not understand - sorry for you.
It is not abuse, but it is neglect
If you cannot take the dog in, I would definitely call the authorities. It is completely unfair and wrong for the dog to be left alone outside for that long with no shelter and no place to go. Who knows, maybe your cat and they dog will get along. I have 3 cats and a 128-pound German shepherd, and they call get along just fine together! But, if you cannot do this, just call the authorities for help/advice. I'm sure the dog would want you to do this so that it can get out of this situation!
Abuse causing this?
I had a son (I hear boys are worse than girls) who wet the bed until probably early teens. My aunt was a nurse, said NOT to belittle, get after, etc., etc. He definitely was NOT abused. Think children just do sometimes. I was told he would grow out of it and he did.
Sibling abuse

I picked up my 6-YO grandson today to bring him to my house for the weekend. When I got there I could tell he'd been crying and had a puffy bottom lip. He showed me where he had a missing tooth and said his 8 1/2-YO half brother (not my grandson) knocked it out.  His mom sits on the couch and says nothing to dispute it, so I'm sure it's true.  This brother is also his babysitter after school until mom and step-dad get home.

Not too long ago DHS was involved and step-dad was charged with abusing my grandson.  Of course they always try counseling first before thinking about removing a child from the home.

I constantly worry about the environment he is in as I've seen the way older brother treats him, but never anything quite like this. At what point is it considered sibling abuse as opposed to normal fighting that brothers might do.  Is this something I should report to DHS?

p.s. His mom is just beginning to speak to me again. She blames me for the last DHS thing even though I wasn't the one who reported it (only because I didn't know about it). Once I heard about it, I did go make a report about neglect that I'd observed. Then they were conveniently busy for the next 5 weekends so I couldn't see my grandson.  It's a long story, but there is nothing in writing about visitation. I have pretty much had visitation with him every other weekend for the last six years.

What to do.

Sibling abuse

They're home alone 2 to 3 hours before parents get home. Parents are trying to save money, which is the only important thing to them.  I agree entirely that he is too young.

The thing is, parents were home today when this happened. They were probably just getting up. They do not get out of bed before 10 on the weekend, even though kids are up at 6 or 7.  I pick my grandson up at 10, and he has not had breakfast yet. This is the norm.

Child abuse, hardly
My child was circumcised years ago, did fine. Years later my 2 male grandchildren were not circumcised and as they were aging were running into lots of trouble, could not retract the foreskin because as they grew, so did the foreskin, could not keep the penis clean and finally at an older age (when more painful for them) had to get circumcised. Well known fact, smegma collects there and causes infection and could lead to worst things than just infection, has been linked to penile cancer.
no, not child abuse. what will they think of next? SM
How about - combing the tangles out of your daughter's hair (ouch)?

or ripping off a band aide?

or making them eat their vegies?

Or maybe it's all that substance abuse she admitted to
I know I don't look like that and I'm close to that age. :P
And the courts see it as this. You can have abuse other than striking a person. Taking advantage, which this is, of a person her age is something that needs to be nipped in the bud not tomorrow but immediately. A person can have an excellent mind, no dementia but are flattered when they think someone is smitten with them. Family and children services know about things like this. She is in a position for the right person to take plenty of advantage of whether it is her money or otherwise.
blatant emotional abuse
You say he is out and about all the time with work or just doing fun stuff.

Talk to an attorney then, when he leaves the next time, have the separation papers filed and put his rear end out. He has probably already talked to an attorney if he is trying to talk YOU into taking the kids and leaving.

A judge is going to be more favorable toward keeping the kids in their home.

His abusive behavior toward you touches on the kids emotional health too.

Give him the boot girl!
What constitues animal abuse
I would like to know what you all think about this situation.  Our neighbor next door has been gone almost 12 days.  We just moved here so do not know them.  The day they left there was a little sheltie dog that found its way to our yard and all weekend long laid under their truck and on their front lawn and ours.  We gave it food and water, but it had no collar.  Couldn't bring ourselves to call authorities as the life span is not long for strays.  3 days later it was gone, we assumed its owner found her or she found her way home.  A few days ago we heard a dog crying and found her in the back yard of our neighbors who have been gone a long time but she is being given food and water.  She has just been alone for almost two weeks and crying from only what we can assume is loneliness.  Don't know our neighbors enough that when they return to say anything to them but I sure feel like giving them a piece of my mind.  If we didn't have a cat we would have taken her in.  It is so heartbreaking to think people don't think of their pets as anything more than a piece of property like an old shawl they don't know what to do with anymore.  Just want to know what people think about this.  I about cried myself to sleep last night thinking of how she must feel.
Boarding on abuse of the children
Ladies, you need to have a talk with these men. They are really abusing these children by running them down, waking them up from sleep? What gives with this? A child needs a lot of sleep anyway, more so than we do and why a person would harp on a child much less wake up from sleep to harp some more borders on nothing but abuse. The guys you are with need a wakeup call. Why are you letting them get away with this? They should find healthier outlets than what they have now.
It's only child abuse if you hit them hard enough
check with your CPS. There is a BIG difference between spanking and beating.
I don't automatically think spanking is abuse

said it was okay to give 'em the belt.  That is abuse, plain and simple.  If you feel a need to spank your child, then do it with your own hand, not another object.  It's too easy to hit too hard with an object because you're not feeling the pain you're subjecting them to. 

As for the gov't interfering, they have to because there are too many wackos in this world that do beat their kids to a pulp.  If they all parented with a little more sense, like you obvioulsy do, then I would agree that the gov't shouldn't interefere, but unfortunately the wackos of this world don't care.

It sounds to me as if you're raising some wonderful children.  You've definitely offered up some very good advice.  I saw no where in your post where you said that you've used a belt, and I'm not saying that you did.  I'm simply referring to the OP that started this thread that beating with a belt is abuse. 


Here is why you DO NOT take an abuse spouse like this to counseling sm

BTDT a couple of times.  He manipulated the whole thing to his "issues" with me. 

He told counselor: She makes me angry.  Counselor looks at me:  Why do you feel the need to make him angry?

He told the counselor:  I don't like her looks.  Counselor asks me:  I have you considered getting some help with your weight and looks (umm 140 at 5Ə"??? Where was the problem?)

He told the counselor:  She makes this marriage about the kids instead of making it about me...I make all the money...I do all the work (never housework)...and she sits on the couch and eats bonbons all day (what is a bonbon?).  THIS MARRIAGE NEEDS TO BE ABOUT ME and what I want, NOT about the kids.  Counselor:  Why do love your kids so much and why can't you put him first?

LOUSY counselor.  I went to another one on my own who said:  You may not have bruises, but you are being abused.  I know the situation you are in and he forbids you to work and it isn't like you actually have the time.  It may take you some time to choose to get out.  So, lets focus on ways for you to be stronger until you can walk out the door.  HE didn't get any better HE got worse as I started to develop a backbone. 

So to all those who say go to counseling, stay in it, learn to be stronger, don't let his words hurt you...YOU ARE FULL OF IT.  You all may like being treated the way that DONE is, but I don't.  I am a person too, as is DONE.  Anyone I might ever be with needs to think I am so wonderful, special, lovely, kind... you name it, they could not stand NOT to be with me.  DONE'S husband is telling her, essentially...you okay I guess, but not that great.  Plus which, you can't do anything the way I think it should be done.  You don't have feelings because you are average looking and this marriage is all about me.  Toro poo poo.

Some of you are not very bright, I am sorry to say, but there it is.

some advice about animal abuse

turn him in as soon as possible. People like that do not deserve animals.  Someone ought kick him once in awhile. 

Call the Animal Protection Society in your area immediately.  I can't stand people who abuse animals and someone who knows this is being done and not doing anything about it is just as bad

You may have to report it but not as sibling abuse (sm)
Child abuse and neglect by the parents that BOTH children live with. The 8 year old doesn't need to be punished, they both need to be taken care of. The thing is, as you know DHS is not always going to fix the problem and if the mother finds out it was you, she will probably not let you see your GS again. That is a problem. I am not sure. Does your son have any type of rights to visitation, etc? Can he not go to court and say that his child is not being taken care of appropriately? Where is the older child's father?
Let me clearly state that this is abuse on many levels.
I'm another one who has BTDT...17 years ago, but when I read something like this, it seems like it was last week.

I remember exactly what my state of mind was when I finally was able to realize I had reached the end of my rope. That alone took me 10 years to figure out. I was overwhelmed with what lay beyond the escape I could not imagine being able to engineer. The fear was paralyzing. It would have been nice to have help and support, but I was so ashamed that I could not seek it or accept it. I ended up learning how to take my anger and turn it inside out. I transformed it into self-empowerment.

I am sure there are plenty of people who would like to help. You just may not know who they are or how to find them, but they're out there. Everybody's situation is different. It would be helpful to know where you live (town or city and state). I would be more than happy to help you gather some information, but need to know the geography.

Also, what kind of support system do you have beyond your household? How many kids? What about friends and family? Any possibility of staying with them, or would you feel safer being in a location your husband does not know about? If you are an MT, your job is portable....a huge help in this circumstance.

Share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with and see what we can help you come up with. This kind of thing probably has a better outcome if you have a plan (especially in view of your children and their schooling), but even without one, it can be done.

Let me be the first to assure you, life is really sweet once you get yourself and your kids to the other side.
I really feel that what she is doing is child abuse.
I think that constitute abuse! Dogs are very social - sm
animals, and their human families are their *pack*. That poor dog is bored and lonely. It's crying proves that food and water alone are not enough to nourish an intelligent, social animal like a little Sheltie. I would tip off animal control. I'm sure it can be done annonymously. If the dog is confiscated, you can help it out by looking for a Sheltie-rescue in your area, and if not, possibly a regular animal rescue group. If she's healthy & has a good temperament, they may pull her from the shelter and foster her 'til someone can adopt her.

Or -- if that sounds too drastic, if you know the other people are gone, why not climb the fence into her backyard, and befriend & play with the dog? That would be better than nothing, although it sounds like the best option would be to find that dog a new family.
why does He allow abuse of helpless children/animals?
I also read abuse of prescription drugs.
Legal, illegal- does that really matter how it is obtained?