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your hubby

Posted By: spring on 2007-12-30
In Reply to: I'm sick & husband is being mean...just so tired of it - sm - crying all morning, just venting

I feel for you... and the signs seem pretty classic from here suggesting that he most likely has another lady. Cell phones may not work "out there" but somewhere along the way he eats, drinks, sleeps, etc and there are pay phones if nothing else. Your acceptance of his excuses give him the room to do as he pleases and his beating you down keeps you from thinking straight/catching him in his own game. Sounds like you need to dry those eyes and open them to take a good look at reality - then deal. It hurts and bites, but until you deal, nothing changes. If you really want to teach your kids about better relationships, show them the strength to stand for what is true and right.

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My ex-hubby had it done.
He wasn't too keen on the idea either. He confided later that it was goofy stuff that bothered him--like what happens if there's an earthquake while he's on the table?

Anyway, he was tender for a day or two, but some Tylenol took care of it.

Actually I ended up having a tubal ligation done after we split up. That was pretty easy, too. They did it with a laparoscope, and used silicone squeeze clips on the tubes rather than cutting them. Easy peasy.
My hubby had one at about 46.
DH had anterior cervical laminectomy 2-3 years ago.
It was scary for me, and it was the only time they kept him overnight. They sent him home after rotator cuff and (of course) knee arthroscopy. The bad thing about Friday surgery is that the office isn't open if you have a question that doesn't seem like enough of an emergency to call about. They made DH a hard cervical collar ahead of time. Be sure they give you 2 sets of the cushion inserts for the collar, because you will want to be able to wash and air-dry one, but not have her without one. Do ask about whether she is to sleep with the collar on. Because DH had a plate put in, after the fact we were told that supposedly the collar was just to remind him to be careful, but he was sleeping with it on for about a week, I guess. Getting up and down out of bed was scary, especially because he wanted to sleep on his side. Very scary to get into that position, but once he was in it he could finally sleep. I was appalled how apneic he sounded at night. He always has a little problem, but with the collar on he was having pretty long pauses. He is a big guy and at risk for that anyway. The scariest thing for me when DH had this and the shoulder surgery is that he is 6 foot 2 inches and big. Me? 5 foot 6 inches and average weight. Thank goodness his mom was there for the shoulder surgery, but I think we did it alone for the neck surgery AFTER he stayed one night in the hospital. Oh, and because of the anterior approach, swallowing was hard for quite a while. Speech also was affected, maybe it was with hoarseness? Can't remember. Due to swelling, his throat was not totally normal again for 6 months after surgery.
You might rather be fat but my hubby
cooked some brown rice yesterday with garlic, red and green peppers, Kokoman sauce and other ingredients he just throws together. This was along with some turkey wings with a sauce that I spooned on the rice and cabbage with peppercorns. I cannot find a restaurant that can come close to his cooking. He never tastes and always hopes that I like it. I am 1 lucky girl. He is very mindful of eating healthy and we very seldom have red meat, once in a great while but his lemon chickens, marinated meats and other things make me really disappointed to eat out and then have inferior food. He says I can do the same. No thanks..... I will not shame myself. When he is gone from home (he drives and away) he fixes salads with his own dressings and OMG, I am just sitting here with a smile on my face. I am sure no one can compare with his foods!!
I wonder if he is not looking.  One of my daughter�s friends is having a birthday party Sunday.  His mother drove by our house to drop off an invitation.  We both talked for a while.  She is a really an attractive lady.  She looks like she could probably model swimsuits.  Anyway, she had invited me to go jogging with her because I mentioned I was interested in getting into an exercise program.  I am 60 pounds overweight.  I also mentioned job burnout and told her I had been thinking about getting out of MT and the medical profession totally and going into something else. She told me that there maybe some job openings at the company she works at because they are expanding.  She is also the supervisor of the collections/credit department there and told me of all the wonder benefits the company offers and told me that if I decided I wanted a change, she would put in a good word for me.   Later I told H that she was nice.  DH said, �I think she wants me (him)�  I told him he was full of himself. Bad part is, 8 years ago I would have been jealous but now if he did run off with someone else, I think the sweetest revenge for me would be to let the woman keep him and give her full custody of MIL.
May be you 2 need to spice things up again. Like go out on dates, etc... It sounds like alot of your gyn issues could be effecting the way you look at sex. I would definitely talk to someone about it. May be there is a pill you can take!! :)
My hubby had 1 and did not like
He is a really neat guy and took so much time just cleaning after 1 use. I know some just use time and time again without cleaning but that is just not him, wants his spic and span each and every time.
I have used, my hubby believe it or not
was able to pull off an entire hair 1 time like that. It is really good for sparse hair and it does cover, comes in all colors and different sizes. He was going to a hatless place (because of his hair loss, he wears his hat all the time) but used that day and no one knew. Great stuff!
What would I do without hubby.
I feel guilty, but I didn't think I'd still be working at this age. My mom was a housewife, even though she had a college degree.

That's funny - I did the same thing, although my son had NO contact with his father from the time he was 3.  When he was getting married, (at 26),  I asked him if he wanted me to contact his father.  He said his "real" father would be there (my now husband who raised him) and that he didn't want some guy who with one squirt was labeled his "father" to be part of his life.

Afterwards, when he called and wanted to contact my son, I got his phone # and told him I'd have my son contact him if he wanted to.  My son wouldn't even let me give him the phone #.  Another bunch of time went by and he called again - how he keeps getting my phone number is behond me - first he found me in Connecticut, then Colorado and then Texas (he's in NY).  This time he accused me of not giving his phone # to my son and I said I tried, but he didn't want it.  He didn't believe me, of course, but I then got rid of my regular phone and got Vonage and I haven't heard from him since.  But Ive never been sorry that it worked out this way.  Serves him right for being a lousy father.

ONe thing i have learned is men ALWAYS think it is greener on the other side and come crying back because its not. So what if you have gained weight I am sure he has to. Do you believe he is being faithful to you? Maybe this is his way of feeling guilty for something he did while traveling. Try counseling. It worked for us. We all need to leave our hubbys for a week with the kids and ALL our jobs and let them see how tuff it really is. They feel since we work at home we have the freedom to do everything with time left over!! COME ON! I wish you lots of luck. I would tell him if you really loved me you would deal with me the way that I am. Yes I can try to change but is that really the root of the problem here. Sounds like an excuse! Sorry, but being organized and gaining weight should have nothing to do with if he still loves you or not. Tell him didn't he take the same vows as you did "Till death do us part"
My hubby is
incredibly wonderful. We will be married 20 years in October. We renewed our vows at 10 years (Just the 2 of us at a small chapel, well of corse a minister) and for 20 years the children want to be with us. There is a running joke in my family....My parents say that if we ever divorce, he can come "home".
ago and demanded my husband see his doctor.  He went on Prozac and things were oh, so much better for a long, long time.  Now he is off the Prozac, as he was tired of the side effects.  We are back to the same crap as before, and I am so weary of it.  I don't know what to do.  I'm praying for wisdom.  He just seems like he hates us all, that we are nothing but a pain in the a$$, and we all tread lightly because of his garbage.  Unfair.  Hugs to you.
That's where I'm from too, and hubby
was born in WV, but his dad moved them to Indiana when my hubby was very little. DH's dad was the first one in the family not to be a coal miner.

Hubby is a big packer fan, which sure makes my dad happy. The Packers are the only team I'll watch. Brett is adorable. I'm glad he has a super wife (since I can't have him :o>).

How old is your hubby?
Mine's in his mid 50s. We had the same problem. Doc took a blood test and found very, very low testosterone, put him on replacement, and a month later he's got energy again! not just for sex, either, but work, yard work, repairs. Wonderful stuff, that, if it's used right!
My hubby and I...
still have long, passionate kisses...our kids complain all the time about it...*Geez Mom, Dad...that's sooo gross* We are always touching when we are together, whether it's holding hands, arms around each other, or just my/his hand on his/my leg...you have to keep the fire going or it will most certainly fade!
your hubby/his son

Just wondering what kind of "help" you were asking for from your FIL? 

I know you were frustrated but just because he had not yet gotten hold of you doesn't mean he wasn't working something out to be able to help his son. 

I remember once my aunt wrote a letter to my grandpa about how she thought he showed a preference for her brother and how upset she was about it.  (She had seen her brother at my grandparents' house on a holiday and was so resentful that she had not also been invited.)  My grandpa was so hurt by the letter.  My aunt had assumed something happened that did not (the brother had just dropped by for an impromptu visit).  She let her emotions carry her away, and really hurt her father. 

It sounds like part of you might be blaming your FIL for your husband's behavior.  That's not good.  Your husband has to take full responsibility for his actions and you need to stop making excuses.  I have a bipolar brother.  He has been battling his problem for 15 years.  Sometimes he tries to take his medications and make progress in his life and sometimes he sits and whines about how bad off things are and wants everybody to cater to him.  Guess when he gets the best response from his family?  Even though your husband has a mental illness, he is still responsible for getting treatment and not making the lives of everyone around him miserable. 

If your FIL wants to help his other son, whether or not you think the guy should be hung from the highest tree or not, that is your FIL's decision. 

Hubby and I do EVERYTHING sm
around here including remodeling. The only thing I hire out is twice a year I have someone come in and do the heavy spring cleaning because I have some medical problems that keep me from doing it. I can type three hours and pay for it. Matter of fact tomorrow is the day! YEAH.

I would love to be able to afford someone to do alot more of it but can't and hubby wouldn't let somebody else do it if we could afford it! Too picky!
I have been with hubby 23 years....
and you have got to love them for trying, not that their timing is the best. Mine I would have just looked at him, laughed and said "find something better to do at the moment" and then tackle him later. I think they just like a little extra attention. LOL
Hugs to you and your hubby!!
My best friend had a miscarriage in 1994 and she still gets a little emotional when she talks about, even though she went on to have 2 healthy daughters.
Is your hubby active?
What I mean is he involved in outside interests clubs,volunteer ,maybe a hobby? I know a lot of yall here are still working fulltime, but there will come that day when you and hubby will be together all day side by side!! just wish mine would find an outside interest but he finds something wrong with any suggestion so I have quit saying anything he loves to stay at home.
Hubby obviously has issues
That the two of you can work on/out at a time that is much less stressful, so when situations occur, you're prepared.

If it had been me, at the moment he started screaming and yelling, I would have taken the kids and left the house. I would not have exposed my kids to all that anger, and making excuses for him doesn't make it all right. Yelling at you and the kids is abuse. If he wants to rant and rave by golly, he can do it by himself.

Hubby definitely into supplements and the like
so I will ask him to research about what you have said above and ask him to get for me. I might have said in the first post, the leg pains (only of a night)wake me from sleep. I at 1 time (knocking on wood as I type this) had electrical currents that would shoot up thru my foot- only when I walked and never knew when it was going to happen. These leg pains are deep, deep aching pains and when I wake, cannot find a comfortable position. Is this what your hubby had or similar? Don't know how the antidepressant would work, have never been advised to take but then again, have nothing for the deep aches either. Tell me how he was diagnosed, treatment so far, etc. Thanks.
What has worked with my hubby -
Men want to be fed. They want REAL food. To them, that means meat. I take hubby to Longhorn that night, he orders a big steak, potato, veggies, salad, etc. I also buy him some silk boxers with hearts on them and, well, you can guess the rest! He usually gets me candy and flowers, but he is always very surprised and happy when I do things for him this day. Good luck! :-)
I know my hubby is far too manly to take
bubble baths and neither does he burn candles. I think a lot of the younger men have been femininized. He is a very loving person but very much his own man. I really think you can thank women's lib.
You would really be surprised as maybe this is how your hubby is but
this man likes to watch Animal Channel along with me. We have been married for 7 years now and I can truthfully say he never drools, shy, quiet and reserved. More women could use a hubby like mine!
I am not saying my hubby doesn't look
he just doesn't let me see him looking. Hey, I still look too.
Yes, there is something that works, I know because hubby
did have sleep apnea, which is not just snoring but actually could be deadly. I knew what it was before his sleep study. He snored tremendously bad and worse when he was extremely tired. His brother who also has fell asleep, running off the road. Back to the deadly part of it, your esophagus collapses during periods of apnea and a person can suffocate. After sleep study, hubby put on continuous positive airway pressure. He always sleeps on his back and it has been extremely easy for him to wear. There is not a single peep out of him at night any more, total silence. Not only the quiet at night but also the quality of sleep is so improved for him. If you love the person in your life this is happening to, you will definitely sit up a sleep study and see.
I have seen the same from daughter and her hubby
and if a poll was taken, would be sure the same would be true here in a lot who say they love it. Ours was gone over with a fine-toothed comb and he just said too much trouble to clean each time so he got rid of it.
Too bad hubby spends like
he's a big kid with a credit card though! If he were a saver I could have retired by now!

My hubby is tops when it comes to anything
He has his own drill, not dental mind you but I showed him where the plate was hurting and he took care of that like he does most every other thing around this house. He is 1 in a million and makes me a very happy lady. You definitely want to stop the popping if you can because if you dont it will become a habit and get on folks last nerve - I know, my deceased husband used to sit and clack his and I could hear him doing it from the living room to a bedroom where I used to work. Drove me UP the walls. The only person I ever let get away with this and would have bit my tongue off before I said anything to hurt her feelings was my little mam-maw, bless her soul! I sure gave him the dickens, though. Best of wishes to your new chompers!
I do not cook but hubby does and
we can buy groceries for very little. How he uses the food is amazing. He can take 1 chicken breast and make a complete meal out of that. He usually fixes brown rice or pasta of some kind and adds this piece of meat cut into small pieces and adds his herbs, spices or the like to it. When we buy at the store usually get, say 3 chicken. He has these halved and being as we don't have children at home 1 side will do us- I like the white meat, he likes the dark, works out well. But if you have family, you could try the above- I never feel deprived, much to the contrary, my meals are delicious and never feel I am missing meat. He made a wonderful meal this past week using all kinds of onions, garlic, squash, zuccini (spelling?)and we had this over the rice- delicious! He uses a rice as the base with additions to that, such as cut up tomatoes, garlic, bay leaves and then the toppings. This is a very good way to extend your budget.
Oh, poor hubby. Now he has to do all the
driving of kids, cooking, laundry, vacuuming, etc. until your ankle heals. 'Cause you know, you're supposed to elevate your foot so it can heal.

No need to get mad - just apologize to him when you have to ask him to do all that stuff, LOL.

He'll never do that again.
Well at Bingo my hubby won 1,000 and then I won
$50.00 cash, went home that night and ran out of gas on the way. Stup.d
I'd have a conversation with hubby.
Stay calm, but tell him you consider this cheating. See his reaction. He will downplay it, I'm sure. Repeat that you consider it cheating, and since you do, will he stop? Ask him what he's looking for.

If you don't like his answer, then you have learned something very important about his character. Is this somebody you want to devote your life to and have children with?

P.S. Also than goodness for hubby

That's why I can work less than full-time.

Now if I could just control my spending!

I have a great hubby, too.

I'm very lucky.

Almost did not post about my hubby,
and did not want to get the backlash. I absolutely adore, love, respect and befriend my husband. He mirrors your hubby from the sounds of it. :)
My hubby's dog is gross sm
He's a Golden Retriever with a passion for stuffed toys that squeak. Loves to play with them, squeeze them to hear them squeak, throw them around and then tear them apart til he gets the little squeaker inside. We don't let him have those toys anymore because, well, he destroys them. Stuffing everywhere.  Anyway, I went to call in the dogs earlier and, yep, there he was tossing something in the air. Turned out to be a baby rabbit, only about 4 inches long, just the right squeaker toy size.  Poor thing, the dog kept chomping on it to hear it squeal. Took me 10 minutes to chase the dog around the yard in 95+ heat. I had to stop working for a half hour to bury it. First time he has ever done this and he knew I was mad.  I couldn't look at him for 2 hours. 
My hubby's dog is gross
[img]http://bestsmileys.com/sick/9.gif[/img] Awww, poor baby bunny and poor you. BAD DOG!
Heading to DC with my hubby. sm
My DS has been at Georgetown for the past week taking some medical classes that he will be able to get credit for once he starts college. We pick him up on Monday but DH and I are going up Saturday morning for a little alone time. Can't wait.
Just tell your hubby the guy at work is gay.
My hubby is the jealous type too. I am pretty flirty but would NEVER cheat on him. I would just tell him he's gay.
My hubby was one of the pioneers of that as he is with AT&T. He will be very sm
happy to hear that - along with others. I'll tell him you love it. Of course, we live out in the boonies and it was a big deal getting cable internet late last year!
I wish to report my hubby
for the crime of stealing the affection of our foster dog, Cedric.

DH is home sick and I think it's a scheme to spend time with Cedric (though he would never admit this!) to win Cedric's heart over to love only him.

How did I lose control ... LOL.

When my hubby and I were dating we
went to a Halloween party and he spent the entire afternoon before the party dipping his hand in wax so it would have layer after layer of wax and look like a dead hand. Then he put on an oversized overcoat, wrapped his head in ACE bandage and wore sunglasses and a hat and really huge moon boots...(this was in the 80's mind you). Then when he got to the party he realized that he forgot to leave a hole open for his mouth so we had to cut one out so he could breathe, eat and talk. It was hilarious. No one knew who he was. It was funny....
When I was 7-1/2 mos. pregnant, my hubby and I went as a sm
pregnant nun and a priest.
Hey my hubby and I took a trip
to Williamsburg Virginia long time ago and went through Colonial Williamsburg, took a dinner cruise around the Navy ships in Norfolk, spent some time on Virginia Beach, went to a beautiful plantation! We have tons of pics but I have no idea where I put them all....geez I think that was like 20 years ago!
Good for your hubby!
I can imagine that it's very satisfying to someone when they can feed their family even if a job is lost. I feel a bit like that, because I love to can. I take great pride in the fact that I can serve up fruits and veggies and other foods that I've canned myself with no artificial preservatives.
I feel so much better! My hubby (sm)
thinks I'm weird!

hubby probs
Do any of you feel like your husband would rather do anything else besides touch you or make love to you?  I don't understand my husband.  He never ever wants to have sex.  He makes me feel so unwanted.  The only time we do is in the morning b/c that's when he likes it.  I like it at night b/c i'm not a morning person and he never stays awake for me at night or makes excuses about not feeling good, headache, back ache...etc..  Tonight, i stripped down piece by piece in front of him, laid down beside him naked, and he does nothing.  He'd rather sleep or eat or play video games....I don't get it.  And we've not even been married for a year yet and it's been this way since we got married.  I've told him many times how i feel and it never does any good.  It's like he doesn't care about my feelings.  He never wants to kiss anymore.  And then when we do have sex, I can never orgasm b/c he doesn't want to do any foreplay like kissing and caressing, and he wants to know why i can't orgasm.  I've tried telling him I need foreplay.  Whenever I try to tell him things like that he gets all defensive and acts like i'm blaming him or something.  My self-esteem is getting worse and worse.  I feel like I must not be attractive to him.  I feel like i'm fat and ugly.  I've thought about just starving myself so I'd lose the little bit of weight I've gained.  I've even been looking at proanorexia sites b/c I want to just stop eating.  I know that is totally dumb and hazardous to my health but I just hate to look at myself anymore.  I feel like if I got skinny that he will want me then.  I just don't understand why my own husband doesn't want to have sex.  We're still newlyweds.  I want to have him close to me every night and he doesn't feel the same.....that's how i see it anyways.
My hubby had a problem
with toe pain and I asked him if he might have a sharp nail jabbing him. Poor thing can't examine his feet very well, so I looked at his toes and found he did have some poorly cut nails that were sticking him in spots. I trimmed his nails and sure enough, the pain was gone. Other possibilities could be calluses, corns, blisters, plantar warts, hammer toes. Any of these could cause trouble when bearing weight. Have you tried a podiatrist?
Does my hubby love me?
Guys, I feel so sick to my stomach right now.  I really do not know what to do.  Some time last year I posted on here about how I had caught my hubby looking at gay and transexual porn on the net.  He had also been calling a lot of phone sex numbers.  The looking at gay and tranny porn stopped so I never confronted him about that but I did confront him about the phone sex lines and he said he just called to listen and never talked to anyone.  He said he did it to get back at me b/c I had been chatting with some guy friends online.  Yeah...whatever.  That did not even make since but I let it slide b/c we were going through a tough time with us losing our house.  Well now we have an apartment and I really though things were going to be better but it's not.  I feel sad and unhappy most of the time.  I love him sooooo much and would die for him but I feel like he does not love me like I do him.  We have been married for a little over a year and I have to beg him for sex, he never touches me, never kisses me except for them to be chicken pecks like you would give your mom and dad, never cuddles me.  I feel so alone.  And he has a child from a previous relationship and the only thing he loves and cares about is that child.  I know he is not going to put me before his child and I understand that, but I would like to be as important to him as he is...I mean I'm his wife for goodness sake.  When his son is here, I am invisible.  I could get in my car and be gone for hours and I do not think he would even realize I'm gone except for if he needs me to clean or make him something to eat.  I bend over backwards for him and do anything and he won't do one thing for me.  He always talks about all this crap he wants and I have to listen to it and I never ask for one single thing.  When I want to talk about something concerning me he don't even listen...it's one word answers from him.  He never tells me I look good anymore or anything.  I feel like I am fat, ugly, and a waste of oxygen sometimes.  I know I shouldn't let how he treats me affect my self-esteem but I can't help it.  I feel so unloved.  I got married hoping to never feel lonely again and now I feel more lonely than ever.  I don't understand, he acted so differently when we first got together.  I miss it so much.  I feel like it's not fair..I don't know what I have done wrong to deserve this.  Anyways, besides all that, after having caught him looking up gay and tranny porn I installed spy software on the pc to monitor what he does.  He has been looking at regular porn which i do not mind but now he has stopped that and has been looking at craig's list for casual encounters.  Porn did not bother me because it is not real..it's fantasy.  but craig's list...that's real people looking for real sex.  And he is not looking for women, he is looking at tranny's.  He did it yesterday with me right outside!  Oh God what do I do?  What if he is looking to really act out on this?  Is he gay?  Tell me what you guys think.  I just wish I could go to sleep some times and never wake up.  I just want to go home to my mom, dad, and bro and be happy again.