very scary indeed - (I used to live in AZ) msg
Posted By: not Mexico...though they may now be in Mexico.. on 2007-05-10
In Reply to: They have recruited thousands of Mexican youth - and then in turn, right across the border they com
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I do live in Arkansas - my parents live up in Branson so I'm in Missouri quite often!
Calling all you animal lovers - live and let live or intervene? - sm
I have a dilemma. I am an animal lover and have something I cannot come to a conclusion about. At a restaurant where I eat lunch every Friday with a friend of mine, I have noticed a young male kitty hanging around outside looking for food. This past week he ran up to my friend and rubbed her legs and quietly meowed. I purposely did not try to pet him because I knew I would get attached and ignored him. Well, ever since then I find myself thinking about him and wanting to rescue him. Meanwhile, I already have 4 inside cats (2 rescues, 2 Maine Coons) and hubby really does not want another cat in the house because a few years ago I promised we would never have more than 4 (had up to 5 at one point previously). I actually have a huge screened deck he could stay on indefinitely because I do not believe in letting cats run loose for their own safety. I could provide plenty of food, a warm place to sleep, and veterinary care. At some point I would even probably work him into our household, but I just cannot do it at the moment. Just not sure I would be doing right by that kitty because I am sure he would be upset and confused for a good while as to where he was and what was going on, but is that better than being hungry and cold? I know there are lots of animal lovers out there. What does everyone think??
Thanks, so scary
I put my cats in the powder room with their blanket in the inner part of the house. I watched TV and was ready to join them as soon as I was told to take cover as was being told to people just down I-75 from me. Like I said, rotation 2 miles away and that is too close for me. Live on a high hill and last year tornado touched down in exactly the same place where rotation was today. Hope I have missed the bullet for this time. There has been damage though in my state from a tornado today. Thanks, I was praying also.
A scary day for NY
Yes, it's very scary (sm)
I remember when the study came out in a health magazine back in the ྖs. I found this link, which tells more of the story than I remember from the health magazine article.
I've been told I'm an alarmist (even a whacko!) I don't really talk about these things very much. My own family doesn't believe in much of this either, and I won't go into it here in great detail. But let me just say this:
The best thing to do is to be informed, and then each of us can make the decisions for ourselves, of what we put into our bodies, or on it, etc.
For myself, I do not to use a microwave.
I do not buy genetically modified food, if I know what it is, and can help it, that is. Corn is the scariest thing out there right now, that's in so many different foods/drinks:
I buy organic food and non-hormone and non-antibiotic meats, non-irradiated as well.
I use only biodegradable household cleaners, nothing toxic.
I do not use flouride toothpaste or antibiotics that are fluoroquinolones.
I do not to use a deodorant that has aluminum in it.
I will not have any vaccinations that have mercury in them.
I now get only porcelain fillings, no more amalgam (silver, mercury). It's on my wish list to get all the old mercury out of my mouth, and I've been doing it slowly.
I also stay out of the sun, because I have fair skin, and skin cancer runs in my family.
I try to make as many healthy choices as I can.
Like I said, though, all we can do is inform ourselves. Find out everything you can on things that may be poisoning us, without our even knowing it. Then choose how you go about living your life.
yep very very scary
I was born in the I'm old enough to BE your mother *snickers* *winks@U*
In my opinion, this country slowly but surely is becoming a dictatorship....I'm just glad my kid is an adult now and I don't have to face these Gardisil issue(s), until she has children of her own. And if she has a girl - I'm against that mandatory thing......
if we raise our girls right, we can cut down on these problems. I raised mine right and she waited...and listened....I think I just lucked out....but I didn't stop talking and still don't...*laughs*
and on her myspace page she has put me as Her Hero....*flattered* and *humbled* by this kid!!! We have a great relationship, something I didn't have with my own mother...(though had it with my father and is probably why I didn't have it with my mother, and they remained married for 48 hours until her death....)
My Dad was THE BEST! They don't make 'em like they made 'em in the beginning of the prior century....I always told him. He died a couple of years ago, I miss him badly...I never did miss my mother...oh that's not entirely true - I missed her growing up while she was alive...(her social life was more important than her kids, the post WWII moms, some of them were like this....)
Keep The Faith is what I think.....
me too - it is scary, isn't it? (sm)
We have had our money split up for severaal years. In fact my husband recently bought a $7,000 boat without even discussing it with me :(
that is scary
I'm glad you had the dogs there with you - I too never lock my doors - also living in a rural area. I have dogs also. . but I may start locking my doors when I am alone. .
Scary isn't it?
I don't have any advice for you, but I have an 11 year old son. Found out that lots of kids in his MIDDLE SCHOOL are having sex, drinking, smoking, and using drugs. This is in a 'supposedly good' school in a suburb of Atlanta. There is also some gang activity. I will be homeschooling him starting this fall.
I am so sorry to hear of your problems with your daughter. I hope that someone here is able to offer you some sound advice. I know that it is not a good feeling to have someone living in your house whom you feel you cannot trust.
Not scary now, on TV, but REALLY scary in the
Best line:
"I think we're gonna need a bigger boat."
He is scary
I have told my mom on more than one occasion he is not right in the head. I think he has mental issues. He does not demonstrate normal behavior at all.
I agree his girlfriend can sew it back on. You know what is funny is his girlfriend doesn't know how he REALLY is. He hides that side of himself. My mom said one day it will come out and she will see him for who he really is.
He thinks nothing of calling one time right after another if you don't answer the phone and will ride by and spy on you to see if you are home or just not answering the phone. My mom did have to threaten to call 911 one night though cause he was on her front porch banging on the windows and the walls and crying and yelling to let him in please. She had to threaten to call 911 before he would leave.
Can you say insane?!
You got it!!! I am so real, it's scary *LOL*
And I never tried to push my upbringing/religion onto anybody ever in life and now I'm not into organized religion but very into G_D! And I would never push my ways down anyone else's gullet.
I think the scary thing about #2 is - sm
not so much that the ad is out there, but that it will probably get a ton of responses. The Internet is a wonderful and very frightening tool.
Vegas scary?
My husband and I visit all the time- he has nights when he goes where he wants and I go where I want- I love the shows, he does not- we split up and OMG, I am a woman all by myself out on the streets of Vegas� I am scaring myself! People are all over the streets day and night- I feel completely safe, probably safer than in my home town. Why scare someone??
scary games
They are so much fun though. I really really like them. I am on a community now online called There.. Kind of like a visit chat community.. almost a game for me.. Meet a lot of nice people.
How scary! Big hugs to you. sm
Take a deep breath, say the Serenity Prayer, Let Go and Let God, make sure you are taking care of yourself by eating and getting the rest you need. That's what Al-Anon has taught me and it has served me well.
This is scary. How could they be so careless? nm
Wow . . . that is shocking and very scary.
Our school district has an exception to the medication policy for children carrying asthma inhalers, where paperwork is completed in advance and kept on file.
Can tell you that Ambien is a little scary
my daughter was prescribed it and she did very bizarre things in her sleep that she has no recollection of - covered the entire bathroom floor with an entire box of tissues very neatly, sat down to go to the bathroom without pulling down her pajamas, walked into other people's rooms and did strange things. Jack Nicholason said he nearly drove off a cliff on Ambien.
Scary! Thanks for sharing because
now I'm going to be on high alert. Thank God you caught it when you did! BTW, which company are you talking about that might have been an inside job? I'm hoping it's not one I have an account with! :0)
Pretty scary, isn't it?
I just don't know how much worse this nation must get before it is worse that Sodom and Gommorah. Those cities must have been wicked beyond compare. Part of me says "Wait just a little longer, Lord" but another, ever increasing part of me says "Come even so Lord Jesus."
OH MY GOSH! how scary.
when i picked up those 2 guys, i was raging mad at my employer and in one of those "i don't care" states of mind. another time when i passed a decent looking guy in a hospital parking lot, i ignored the bad feeling i had, and he tried to kidnap and rape me. so maybe our "senses" don't always clue us in, but when they do, we need to LISTEN!!
I'm a live-and-let-live person but had to draw the line
after I found HUGE holes in the walkway between my house and barn. I thought they were just little mice stealing grain, but then I spotted one and it was a HONKIN RAT! My poor olderly cat was out there with me at the time and saw it, and he hissed at it and ran away!
I asked for advice on what to do at a local agricultural board, because I have other animals and didn't want to use poison and conventional traps weren't working. They advised putting a large pale of water out with some seeds floating in it, figuring the rats would go for the seeds and end up drowning. That was a no-go because the water just froze up solid. I wound up reluctantly going with Decon because I just can't have my house destroyed. I haven't had seen any more rats or evidence of them stealing grain, so I'm guessing they have died. The guy at the grain store promised me the rats would not die in the building and stink the joint up, rather they would crawl off and die outside. I don't know if I believe that, as it is still winter here and decomposition would be holding off until it warms up. We'll see, but at least the destruction has been halted.
Good luck and I too say have no mercy, because you just don't need them destroying hour house or causing a spark chewing wires and burnin' the place down. It is war!
(How un-PC is this emoticon?!)
Can you name 3 meds that don't come with scary waringing?
You think that is scary; read the contract
that the parents had to sign, make sure to read the numbered portion. Now tell me, what type of parent would allow their child to do this? Digusting. I will definitely not be watching this garbage.
They should have responded sooner. How scary!
Yes, those Batman movies sure are scary.
They ARE amazing, aren't they? Definitely scary - (sm)
when you're indoors.... so much banging, rattling, stuff falling, etc. But if you're lucky enough to be outdoors, as I was during the 1989 Loma Prieta quake (7.1 on the Richter), it's totally awe-inspiring. I was getting ready to wash my truck, and was carrying a bucket of soapy water across the yard. Suddenly the trees started shaking, and I thought a sudden breeze had come up on what had been a quiet, muggy day. Then I saw that the barn was swaying back and forth, and realized it was a quake. A few steps further, and it really started rolling. Had to hang onto the side of the truck to remain standing. Giant redwood trees were whipping back and forth so far that the tops of them were almost horizontal. We had a large pasture in front of the property for horses, and there were large waves in the ground, moving up and down with more than a foot and a half of vertical displacement. I couldn't help but laugh... it was pretty funny. Interestingly, all the horses turned and stood facing in exactly the direction of the epicenter. Once it stopped & I could let go of the truck, I ran into the landlord's backyard to look at the pool. The waves were big enough to surf on.
A friend of mine who lived up in the Santa Cruz mountains was driving down a long, steep, straight road when the quake hit, and she actually saw a big wave in the pavement (the primary, or P-wave) coming straight at her. She stopped and rode it out in the truck.
Another, very LUCKY friend, had been driving on I-880, and had just emerged from the covered section of freeway that collapsed when the quake hit, so wasn't caught in that awful disaster. He said it was weird... felt like he had a front flat tire, so he stopped on the side of the freeway to check his tires. As did several hundred other people! Imagine the whole freeway stopping, and everyone looking at their tires.... a 'Chinese fire drill', California-style.
My mom lives directly on top of the epicenter of the Northridge quake of ྚ. It was a very sharp vertical quake, and it literally threw her out of her bed, lengthwise. Good thing, because the bookshelf/headboard part of the bed fell over and landed where her head had been on the pillow.
I lived down there during the 1971 Sylmar quake, and I was trying to stay in my bed while it bucked like a bronco. My sister was in the bathroom hanging onto the sink & screaming. We had a jillion aftershocks from that one, which were more unnerving than the original quake. Every time we had an aftershock, another of my sisters started hyperventilating. That night, my parents were having the floor measured for new carpets. The poor contractor doing the measurements was so rattled by the shocks, not to mention everyone screeching and running out of the house when they hit, that he measured everything wrong, and the carpet they brought didn't fit. So a couple weeks later he had to come back and do it all over again. I was in Jr. College back then, and had a part-time job working at a stable. After the quake, when the sun came up I went up to the stables for work that day, and it was too dangerous to clean stalls with the horse in there during the aftershocks, so I had to take each horse out and put it in a corral while I cleaned the stall. Took me forever! I was up there all alone all day, and wasn't really worried, 'til I sat down on the ground to sharpen a pair of animal clippers. THAT'S when I realized that the ground was continually moving all the time.... jiggling very faintly, sort of like Jello. That's what got me feeling spooked.
Another time, I think in the 80's, when I was at work we had a long, not-that-strong, rolling quake. I was in the basement using the copy-machine at the time. I'd had a migraine that day and had just taken Fiorinal for it, which made me feel a little strange sometimes. While at the copy machine, I was feeling really dizzy and strange, and hearing strange creaking noises. I'm thinking, 'Wow... I don't feel so hot!' The rolling continued, and I felt kind of nauseous. Tried not to look at the light in the copier, which has triggered migraines in me in the past. Noticed lots of people standing in the doorway to the Medical Records dept. and Radiation Oncology, and my foggy brain wondered why they were all taking their break at the same time. Still felt sick, and decided that if I didn't feel better within the hour, that I would go home to bed. Right about then, (with the floor still rolling), someone commented to me on how nonchalantly I was copying away during an earthquake! I was actually relieved to learn that's what the problem was, and not a reaction to the medication! :D
but remember, back then that WAS scary. LOL. sm
I remember going with my friend to a matinee and when the shark came up onto the back of the boat, we both of us pulled our feet up on the seat. LOL.
Scary - you gotta be kidding
Lol - that's the most ridiculous thing I've read thus far. Scary?? Well, I guess most of the men around the world are scary then - ha?
So glad to hear that! They are scary to watch! nm
Labyrinthitis - I've had it sev times - it is scary - you just need (sm)
some seasick med most likely. It is an inner ear infection - doesn't usually cause pain but causes the symptoms you have. don't worry - almost guaranteed that is what it is! See your doc for probably Meclizine and maybe a decongestant, maybe even antibiotics.
that is the scary thing - lets face it -
I have lived well over half my life and reading the obituaries (I have no idea why I do this) I see younger and younger people - 50s, early 60s - dying all the time. What my daughter apparently doesn't realize is that I might not have 10 years left - actually she should - a 52-year-old woman that worked with her father-in-law recently collapsed at work - died later at hospital of AAA - very little symptoms.
Ha ha...that's pretty funny...well, and kind of scary:-) nm
Has this ever happened to anyone - kind of weird/scary
Okay, hope this doesn't sound too weird but just wondering if this has happened to anyone else.
Laying in bed trying to fall asleep (alone - DH in other room) and I hear what sounds like (for lack of better words) a huge tank or bulldozer or train almost racing through my mind, it is so loud almost deafening. My body starts vibrating almost like a throbbing vibrating and I'm paralyzed. I've got my eyes open and can see but I can't move a muscle and when I try to call for DH no sound comes out. This lasts for maybe a few seconds then goes away. Very odd feeling and a little scary. This is about the 4th time in my life it's happened. Just wondered if it's happened to anyone else.
Scary stuff, but I don't recall seeing any nudity
Scary reports on Eladil possible side effects, though. (sm)
From FDA website:
Possible risk of cancer: As noted in the Elidel Cream label and patient Medication Guide, although a link has not been made, rare cases of cancer (for example, skin and lymphoma) have been reported in patients who use Elidel Cream. The manufacturer is conducting studies to examine the risk of cancer. These studies may take many years to complete.
Think you had a large garden or orb-weaving spider there! Scary
In the spirit of Halloween - favorite scary movie?
I'm too chicken to watch scary movies most of the time! I though Sixth Sense was good, but I guessed the ending half way through. Stir of Echoes scared me pretty good. I thought The Ring was horrible until the very end when I just about peed my pants! How about you all?
The first Alien...oowee! that mama monster was something scary!! nm
It was scary. Felt like it lasted FOREVER. Heard
Hilarious/scary Chinese-->English Learning
Since language is "our thing" - and particularly ESL - I thought you'd like to get a head start on what to expect from future Chinese dictators. Get a load of these Chinese-to-English learning blocks (I'll post this as an URL you can paste into your browser since some are reluctant to click on links):
I suggest we practice by forming sentences, such as: "The patient is a construction worker who was operating a navvy when a crustacea flew into the cab. Mistaking it for a darning needle, he swatted at the crustacea and lost control of the navvy, which crashed. Unfortunately, he was not wearing a safety armet at the time and was knocked unconscious..."
Make them live outside? This is so funny! Ours live outside, where they WANT to be. sm
Not all dogs want to be in "indoor" dogs, mind you. They have plenty of space to run around and play, fenced, and if they are brought in during bad weather they whine at the back door to go back out! So before you comment on outside dogs, you really need to get your facts straight. Seriously. Not all dogs are made or want to be inside all of the time.
Aw, we loved it (except for the scary part! LOL). Great dance music! nm
Soooo cute! I have a lab/great dane mix... scary to some 'cause he is so big. But he is a big wus
Are those mini-pins! A while ago I was running with Walter (my dog) and we came across a lady with 2 mini-pins. Walter wants to meet everyone and the lady said they were friendly so we let them sniff, but all of a sudden they were all over Walter with little tiny flashing teeth. Walter yiped like a little baby and skulked away and the lady said "oh my they never do that." Why do they always say that, like it is my big dog's fault?
Well anyway, just this weekend I saw the mini pins in her car at the market when by coincidence I parked next to it. When I opened my door they were up on the dash and leaping at the crack in the window and snarling and barking at me. I know they could not get to me but I cringed and hustled away. They looked really scary! I swear I felt like they could jump up on me and grab on something like my ears or something and not let go.
But I am sure they are sweet... NOT! But it goes to show you never know... they are all animals, after all. And like people all have very distinct personalities, very much formed by their family (the people family, I mean). I could tell the owner of the mini pins was kind of a ---- well you know, not that nice... she left them in the hot car, after all... and they were pretty much a product of their upbringing.
I too actually think pits have some of the sweetest dispositions I have ever met in a dog.
This entire country is scary...surprised people still leave the house.
Where do you live?? I live in Atlanta
and have been to the symphony here and definitely no hats- you can never go wrong with black dress/slacks. I like to dress a little more for this but the rules are definitely not prim and proper here.
I come from the old school, but live and let live - sm
Well, I tried "cohabitating" with a boyfriend when I was 22. We dated for a year, and 3 weeks after we moved in together, he went back to his ex-wife. Never again. I've been married 18 years now to the same guy. Guess I lucked out.
I don't think it's right to do in a biblical sense (even felt that way when I moved in with a guy but my young hormones took over my common sense) but it's sad more people aren't married, they choose to just live together without a great commitment. Then again, as my atty (he lives at the end of our street so I see him often when walking the dogs) always says, his father told him it should be $5,000 for a marriage license and free to get divorced.
As far as the children are concerned, well, I think you should be married before you have children but again, live and let live. I just don't like seeing children have to grow up without the other parent if it can be helped.
The NFL network recently interviewed a former NFL player, Warren Sapp. He was asked why we have so many jerks in the NFL like Terrell Owens, Adam Pacman Jones, etc. He said they all shared a common factor - no father or father figure in their lives growing up. He said to look at players who are humble and don't cause trouble - they are the product of a 2 parent household. It's sad to me because it's commonplace now, not the exception to rule, which I think it should be. I graduated high school in 1985 and even back then, a girl in school who got pregnant got sent away "to live with her aunt for a little while". It was a shame to be pregnant and unmarried but it's a sign of the times.
I sometimes wish I could have grown up in the 50s instead of 70s. :-)
Rotten Tomatoes list the 50 best scary movies. Good list.
You have? Where do you live??? lol
that would be everywhere, not just where I live. nm