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to me, the girl definitely looks mixed -

Posted By: Amanda on 2009-06-27
In Reply to: Ok, take a look at all 3 of them - Lynn

In the one picture I saw, the girl is mixed. the boy, I agree that could go either way, but I still say if he says it is his, then its his. Never saw the baby in pictures.

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None for mixed breeds willing to help.nm
Mixed feelings
I had extremely harsh and unforgiving feelings toward ANY sexual misconduct/abuse situation.

Then, one of the young boys in my family was found guilty of such.

It has split and torn my entire family apart.

The agony of loving this young man and despising his act is killing the soul. His parents are especially suffering.

Before I was in this situation, I simply felt we should put them all to death. Now, I'm not sure what to believe.

I do believe he should pay his consequences and I am relieved that the court has to do this terrible job. They can be objective. It is harder when you know the individual.

I want him to suffer the consequences of his actions. I want him to rightfully bear the conviction, the shame, the social retribution for it.

At the same time, I want him saved, rehabilitated, redeemed.

He is mortified of how he will be treated for the rest of his life. I remind him that one reaps what they sow.

I have great sympathy for him, for his victims (this was sexual misconduct, not rape), for all of us in this situation.

I'm not sure why I'm even posting this other than remind everyone: The persons who commit these acts are someone's child, too, regardless of age. Someone loves them, too.
Sorry, got your post mixed up with sm
I read another post where a vet was involved, sorry. I do have experience though with depressed family members (some vets) and my parents would get depressed as well over money, so I know what you're going through. The sad thing is they didn't try to help themselves and I let it weigh heavy on me and like you, I could not enjoy things myself sometimes. I know what you're going through. You have to tell yourself, you didn't cause it and can't change it, as much as you want to. Just keep praying, it does help! Pray that they "get the message."
Mixed drinks.

mixed feelings
I have mixed feelings on this subject. I think a lot of it has to do with the owners but maybe there is something about the breed too - not sure. But yesterday a friend of ours had to shoot his neighbor's pit bull. . The dog was known to be mean and is usually kept inside but it was out and came after our friend's 2y/o grandchild. He got the child inside and when he looked out, the dog was going after another neighbor's child. He got his gun and shot it. . However, I will say, the owner of the pit bull is a known drug dealer and not a very nice person, so that could be why the dog was so aggressive.
Is your pit mixed with boxer?
He looks like my boxer a bit
One year I mixed up all the 4 kid's names
example.. put Debbie's name on Scott's gifts, Scott's name on Mark's gifts, etc. Just let them keep shaking and guessing on the presents.. that were not even their own... It was a real payback for Mom and Dad to see the looks on their faces on Christmas when they recieved their real gifts, with the wrong names on them and they realized they put all that work into guessing and trying to figure out what was in boxes that were not even theirs! LOL
Honestly I have mixed feelings on this.
On one hand...I feel it is your body, you can do what you wish. Who should say what you do with your body. Providing it is willing, agreeing, consenting adults, that should be their choice.

On the other hand...I think some, if not many, who get into prostitution, it is a bad life...they have low self esteem, no respect for themselves...and they are at their lowest and do not know what to do or where to turn. Many times they are so involved with drugs and alcohol, they can not think clearly.

But at the same time...the ones who are "low", are going to do what they can to make money....whether it is prostitution, selling drugs, stealing....illegal or not, they will do it if they are that desperate.

Heck, there are women and men out there selling thier bodies, making good money...or at least money...why not make it legal so you can tax them!

I think I'd add some mixed shredded cheeses & scallions to this. Yum! nm
You are soooooo wrong, mixed marriage
mixed kid. I am saying we should NOT under any circumstances be paying for feet bath just because of their religion. We are not allowed to have anything religious put up, be it a cross, nativity scene at Christmas, the 10 commandments. Why in the crap should they be treated different. Wake up and smell that strong coffee that is brewing and I do not mean Starbucks.
mixed drinks . summer or winter?
Oops - got my name and subject line mixed up above
Guess its time to call it quits. :-) The two are backwards.
Whether full pit or mixed pit, loads of shelters will NOT
let them be adopted out. I was at a shelter the other day, lady came in wanting to retrieve a pit her daughter had taken from her home in a drug bust. The person was told could not let go, it was a pit and the woman said but it is not full and the answer was NO difference, mixed, full they are a danger to society and the people who would adopt know this. The shelter has sign on door (pits have green signs on their individual place) and the sign says no pure or mixed pits adopted out. Don�t you just think maybe these people who have had experience with the breed probably onto something? Naaaa, people just want to keep thinking otherwise. Your life, not mine.
I got a vase of roses and other flowers mixed in ...sm
delivered from the local florist to my house. It was sweet.

Years ago had a mixed breed (1/2 pit) and he was allergic to the carpet! sm
We tried everything and finally had to put in outside. My husband built this beautiful kennel for him. He actually thrived outside! I missed having him to snuggle with, but seeing how his health improved outside it was the best for him.
I love Bell's Seasoning mixed in with mine.

...along with the ol' standby's of mayo, onions, black pepper, and I line my bread with cranberry sauce.

Now I'm really really really hungry!

Early riser...margaritas (mixed drinks)

My son loves fruit juice with vanilla yogurt mixed in, over ice.
That little girl

For those of us who lived through the "British Invasion", or even if you didn't but saw replays of some of the groups singing, you would remember that the teen girls would scream and cry.  Cry.  Yes.  So when I saw that pitiful-looking little girl, I thought she was planted there sort of as a flashback to the British Invasion period.  If that was the reason, it did not work out well.  They should have had a group of them doing that.  As it was, it just made her look like she desperately needs a psychiatrist. 

but did you notice how enthralled she was with Sanjaya?  that's why I think it is millions of little girls that age voting for him.

Just my thoughts.  My other thought is that AI seems to have run its course. 

Go girl!
Go get 'em!!  You sound like you've got a good plan.  I wish you the very best of luck! 
Girl, let me tell you...sm
I know...what's up with her snotty attitude lately? And running for senator, puhleeze! She is so ugly to everyone, including Victor...she best watch it or he'll kick her off her high horse...
you go girl!
You go girl...
Way to go! You are a force to be reckoned with...Congratulations on your victory!  Here's to ya... !(I'm in the ATL area also...hey neighbor!)
I'm with you girl...
My DH loves camping...I told him when he buys a luxury RV, then I'll go~~~maybe~~~ I'm more along the lines of a resort in Key West, now that's a vacation....and ABSOLUTELY NO WORKING...
Me too!...This girl does not...
sleep in an RV, tin can trailer or a tent, let alone on the ground! Hotels all the way for me...don't mind hiking, backpacking, etc...just give me a good room at the end of the day!
I could have been that little girl.
My mom had mental health issues, but back in the 1960s, no one talked about such things. Our house was a horrible mess, and I knew it. I had dirty clothes which were usually old hand-me downs from a cousin. It was really awful growing up. Right up until I was about 13 or so, I used to beg my mother to do "normal" things, like let me have friends over. It was always a disaster. I just didn't understand that she wasn't capable of being like other moms. Eventually, I stopped having friends over, learned to do my own laundry, and worked like crazy in our house to clean and cook. It was a small town, and everyone knew that I had taken on the role of woman-of-the-house. My friends' mothers would invite me over to give me a break and let me be a kid. I eventually stopped even trying to have them at my house. It was torture to even try.

What I'm saying is, let your daughter go to the party. As someone mentioned, you can offer to help. It's very likely that the little girl is painfully aware that her home life is different from her friends. It's not her fault that she lives the way she does. If she's anything like I was, more than anything, she needs friends and to have some normalcy in her life.
that little girl...
I feel for you and what you went through. I have a friend (almost 39 years) who was that girl and my mother encouraged our friendship even though I had doubts - peer pressure. Her mother had mental problems as did her step-father but what a great family. I was in situations and at the age of around 9 I knew it was not "normal" - don't get things in the mind..nothing going on in the family that was perverted!! It was just how they lived but they were such a loving family and I am proud to call Neva my friend as she has been for almost 40 years. I thank my mother that she never judged and still does not (I can be a pain in the ass) and found such a wonderful friend that will be my friend until the day I die. So mom's out there..there may be great friendships that will last for life - don't worry so about things unless need be!!!
Thanks! I owe you, girl!
I'm so proud to show off my new boy.

You go girl!
Man do I hate that phrase but guess it says it in this case.

Why do people always assume we have to be indebted to our parents/children for the rest of our lives. As we get older this is the time we are suppose to take care of ourselves, and for once in our lives think about ourselves. We raised our children, watched them grow from children into adults, put them through school, rooted (sp?) for them at their sports games, supported their ups and downs, watched them proudly at their wedding, or supported them if they decided to be with another person and not marry. We did everything for them. Now when we are at the age of retirement and want to take time for ourselves and think about ourselves for a change we are called selfish and are supposed to feel guilty?????? Give me a break! So who is going to take care of us when we need it? Retirement is the age of "me". That's not a selfish wish, it's what happens in life. Yes we are here to support our kids (emotionally - who are no longer kids), and financially if we can if they need it or if we want to slip them a $20 in their pocket from time to time for no reason, but I'm with the above poster. It's my golden years its now time for me! Life is about growing, knowing who we are, learning about ourselves. Society forces us to follow the bandwagon meaning...your born, you go to school, you graduate and get a job, you get married, have kids, watch your kids grow, retire and take time for yourself. Not once have I ever seen anything talking about getting to know oneselves before going and getting married to another. I do not believe we are born in life just to always take care of other people. We've given enough of ourselves to others. It's now time for me.
You go girl!
I agree with you 100%. Sterotypal stuff doesn't fly well with me either. I am 58 and I also listen to loud rock music, dance when I am cleaning, and read Elle and other more youthful magazines (saying that because they don't usually address my age group!). I say if you want to do it, do it! Feel better yet??
Your little girl - sm
I can't blame you about the bill. That was unconscionable to be so petty about the money. They're lucky their dog wasn't put down and they should know it.

About your daughter - I wouldn't dismiss out of hand getting her a dog. Not right away, of course, but after some time has passed. Let me explain.

I saw my sister attacked by a dog when I was five, and although I wasn't hurt myself, I was terrified for years and years of dogs, to the point where I wouldn't take a walk or ride my bike in an unknown neighborhood. It wasn't until after I was an adult and married and my husband talked me into getting a puppy that I lost my fear of dogs. Taking care of a dog from puppyhood can be the "magic cure" for your daughter's fear as she finds out that most dogs are friendly and loveable.

This also worked for our son, who was nine when we got our first puppy. He was so scared that he actually spent the afternoon in the garage rather than come into the house with Sam (who incidentally was a three month old golden retriever!). Now he owns his own dog and is considering going into veterinary medicine.

Good luck to you and your family. And I pray the owners of the dog that attacked your daughter have an "attack" of conscience and do the right thing by your family.
LOL you go girl!
don't go away mad . . .
You GO Girl
Agree 100% with everything you say & stand for. Send me an e-mail & if you have PayPal I will send you some money for your rescue animals (I have 2 myself) right now.

Don't let ANYONE tell you animals are less important to the universe than children; NFW.
You GO, Girl!
I have been thinking about it a lot lately myself. It is very difficult. I've "quit" a couple of times myself, yet here I am, a smoker still.

I have been meaning to ask, are those of you on this board who were discussing group quitting following through? How's it going? Do you keep in touch/support each other through e-mails? Just curious because I haven't seen any discussion about it since the new year began and wishing you all good luck and success, and same for you XanaX!

(Kicking myself for not joining in with you guys!)
You go girl!!!!

Congrats and have fun!!!

WOOHOO...you go girl (OP)...

She was the white girl with the
kind of "punk" look.  Dark hair, large red highlight in front. 
lol, I definitely don't think the little girl was a *plant*....
but I do agree she may need a psychiatrist! Yikes.
boys or girl
I have 2 of each (yes 4 in all) and I would defitenly say boys right now. My kids are still young so may be my mind will change with age!
I'm no young girl...
I'm a lot older and I think Blake's adorable. To each is own. And by the way, he's as tall as my husband, who by the WA is no creep. LOL.
Way cool; you go girl! : )
Amen girl!

We are NOT all hillbillies, either! 

Is that the one where the girl goes to the inner city...
to live with her dad after her mom dies and she gets involved with the black student and she auditions for Julliard? 
amen, girl!
I'm in Fort Worth - where are you??
I think the 14-year-old girl from
Maryland is just wonderful. Such poise, beauty and a great voice. I also like the cowboy with the rope routine!
she's not a girl anymore though
She's 21 and sadly makes her own decisions. She's too addled to know enough to hire someone to watch over her. Coke gives you a feeling of invincibility. Mom's a mess and so is Dad. She was so darn cute in the Parent Trap too.
OMG, maybe you are that girl that punched me. LOL nm
Well, this girl continued to
do drugs and never got any treatment. I'm sure that has something to do with it killing her! I'm sure she drank alcohol also and who knows what drugs, how often, etc.
You go girl on the laundry....sm
both of our kids know to not even breathe to us that they have dirty clothes as they know how to use the washing machine & dryer and how to use them. It's up to them to do their laundry and clean their bathroom, not me!
....NM ...Material Girl