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they are aware of it, not a virus, they fixed it once and are working on it NM

Posted By: anon on 2008-04-28
In Reply to: threat detected by AVG when I come to this site - anybody know why?


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Yes, they know and it's fixed. Not virus some Javascript issue.
Yes ,he has been fixed so
gotta look a little further. Oh I have made him his appointment with the spa for this Friday. Get this, having shampoo and they asked what kind of hair cut I wanted for him. Talk about some poo-poo!!! He is a very, very fur endowed boy and he has mats that I constantly fight with. I was told I could get them out because had to comb the kids hair when they were little and they fussed. I said yes but I could say SHUT UP and they knew what I mean. This baby does not. I hope with this pampering he will get he will be presentable to the ladies.
Same here - military fixed him tho
His pants were hanging down really low and I had asked him a million times to just pull them up a little bit. He wouldn't do it.

Went to the recruiter's office with him and his recruiter met us out in the foyer between all the military offices. Son reached out to shake his hand and the recruiter instead reached over and jerked his pants down. Didn't say one word. Turned around walked into his office.

Son pulled his pants up to where they should have been. The recruiter then comes right back out, says hello, and shakes his hand.

Son never wore his pants like that again and, yes, he still enlisted. :)
Both of my dogs have been fixed sm
but our male still mounts the female (I told my daughter when she was younger they were danceing) and now the female dog mounts the male cat.
Both fixed and he is gay, honest!
He just does not try to mount, goes further than that. He is my youngest son and I still love him although his brother has to run from him sometimes. He is unlike his big brother, very sensitive, coy, tries to keep his weight down (for the other guys, in case he meets some) and I thought maybe seeing about getting him in some decorating classes.
I have no idea - if we knew maybe they could be fixed
Those are two good words. Selfish and nonemphathetic.

With mine I think he got so used to me doing everything that now he doesn't do anything. Try and get him to open the door and accept the pizza from Dominos and hand the delivery guy the money????? One time I ran into the bathroom not thinking the pizza guy would be here so soon. Afterwards he blasted me and said I did it on purpose to make him answer the door. HA HA HA. I don't know what it is about men in general. I do read some posts and some women have what sounds to be wonderful husbands. I guess I'm just "used" to mine and his quirky ways, but it doesn't mean I'm happy. However what are you going to do. I do get tired of the selfishness, interruptions all day long so he can tell me all of the end of the world situations, yelling at me when he feels like it, then when I bring it up he makes me seem like I'm paranoid, etc, etc, etc.

Sure wish we could figure out men and fix them.
I got a fixed-rate mortage through
They kept my note through the life of the loan and didn't parcel it off to some other lender. I also had a decent down payment saved up which helped a lot.

I get a bit of real-estate sticker shock too when I see what friends and family have paid for their homes in other parts of the country.

I purchased my home for $86,000. The original asking price was substantially higher, but it sat on the market for quite a while and they had lowered the asking a few times. I think they were just glad to finally get it sold. I have 1600 sq. ft, 3 bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, dining room, living room, and partial basement. It was built in the mid 70s, so the rooms are not too small like some of the older homes. But it is not as spacious as the open floor designs that are popular today.
The flu is a virus actually.
One strain of the flu is really tricking people, too. It's worse than a cold, but with mine I never got the fever, just the terrible sore throat, cough, loss of voice, chills and body ache that Advil barely touched. But my doc said it was the same flu all her patients had, and they were confused and waiting to come in and ending up with secondary infections. Some stubborn people were even ending up with pneumonia. Thankfully the flu has peaked here and rates are falling in NC.
Does anyone know if there is a virus going around or flu although I did
get a flu shot. 
I have to have a front tooth removed because it cant be fixed anymore and has had all it can have
done to it.  It was damaged when I was young along with the one beside it.  Has anyone had a front tooth removed and instead of an implant had a partial or something put in for 1 tooth.  What do you recommend other than an implant.  I have lost a lot of bone with this tooth so it would be a very long process for an implant.  This tooth has cost me a fortune so far.
Knowing about the virus, I would
say no because it just gives a false security and the virus can hibernate so to speak for months before rearing its ugly head. If negative only for you, probably she would think fine and good, can continue on as nothing happened. I don't think teaching her a lesson by a blood test and surely not 1 so soon. I had read about some signs of the virus and saw a huge lymph node on daughter's neck and I probably knew then even before her landing in the hospital with excruciating headaches and high fevers. They asked her to give consent for testing (she was under 21) and hers came back false-positive for several sticks- finally had the most advanced test done and then showed so really the test never showed a positive ever. You know, your daughter might be of age to say whether or not she would have 1 done- check that out first. It was not left up to me to give my yes or no. You know with all the rules and regulations they have now days, things have changed to what it was- a child under 21- you used to give consent, check this out first before rushing into the office. Let me know what you find out- send me an email if you would like. Good luck.
Which Anti-Virus you are using?
ummm ... there's always a virus going around. nm
It protects becaue the virus is
spread by sexual contact.  If people were monogamous there would be no need for it.  I miss the old days with more morals.
Let us know how you are today, girl! Hopefully just the flu or a virus. nm
I am going to check out this AVG; First I used Norton, then Norton changed and screwed up my computer (years ago) and then I used McAfee which worked well. Then McAfee changed and I got viruses. Then I got some Vaio computers with Norton. Norton was good. Then, Norton was terrible and five viruses later I changed to the one that comes with my internet service and is free which found 11 viruses and Spyware stuff that Norton could not "see". Then that failed and I got some viruses and now I finally got the unintall program for the free one (which took a week to get for some reason) and I am shopping too. What I want is one that works all the time, easy to use, and especially one that has English speaking 24/7/365 help available without 50- 100.00 dollar fees just to ask a question about the software for which I have already paid good money that is not functioning! This AVG, does it have English speaking persons? Do they help you for free or a small fee?
I had mono or Epstein Barr Virus...sm
which ever you want to call it. Epstein Barr Virus causes mono. I had it in 2003 and I was so sick. Believe it or not, I had it for 1-1/2 years. I was diagnosed after doing extensive bloodwork. I was house bound. I couldn't rarely go anywhere. I was so weak I couldn't get out of bed some days. It was the most awful thing I have ever had. And nothing could be done about it. It just had to kind of wear off. I did take a lot of vitamins toward the end of it and they seemed to help.
No Way! Anti-Virus software not going to work.
Malware creators love to target April Fool's Day with their wares, and the latest worm, called Conficker C, could be one of the most damaging attacks we've seen in years.

Conficker first bubbled up in late 2008 and began making headlines in January as known infections topped 9 million computers. Now in its third variant, Conficker C, the worm has grown incredibly complicated, powerful, and virulent... though no one is quite sure exactly what it will do when D-Day arrives.

Thanks in part to a quarter-million-dollar bounty on the head of the writer of the worm, offered by Microsoft, security researchers are aggressively digging into the worm's code as they attempt to engineer a cure or find the writer before the deadline. What's known so far is that on April 1, all infected computers will come under the control of a master machine located somewhere across the web, at which point anything's possible. Will the zombie machines become denial of service attack pawns, steal personal information, wipe hard drives, or simply manifest more traditional malware pop-ups and extortion-like come-ons designed to sell you phony security software? No one knows.

Conficker is clever in the way it hides its tracks because it uses an enormous number of URLs to communicate with HQ. The first version of Conficker used just 250 addresses each day -- which security researchers and ICANN simply bought and/or disabled -- but Conficker C will up the ante to 50,000 addresses a day when it goes active, a number which simply can't be tracked and disabled by hand.

At this point, you should be extra vigilant about protecting your PC: Patch Windows completely through Windows Update and update your anti-malware software as well. Make sure your antivirus software is actually running too, as Conficker may have disabled it.

Microsoft also offers a free online safety scan here, which should be able to detect all Conficker versions:


Fever blisters caused by herpes virus which stays
Be aware
there are companies preying on job seekers.  I have received several spam emails, they look legit, but they want a one time payment fee accompanied by an application, resume, etc.  Google them, then block and delete them from your email account.
not that I am aware of. --sm
I do believe that amazon has it though. or just type in TheSecret.com and it could take you to their website.
and be aware anyone with one of those--sm
Smart Alarmclocks, like me, that the smart clocks are not smart enough to know that the govt had to make yet another d*u*m*b move and change things (and the reason is???)and will not change to daylight savings time on the new date. now these Smart Alarmclocks will change to daylight savings time on the ORIGINAL date and change back on the ORIGINAL date, so we paid extra for something that is totally useless now....I want my money back or change the time back! which I thought was a useless idea in the first place!

had my daily vent. sorry. keep smiling. ks
do be aware though...
After my tubal, OMG...my periods were horrible.  Never had a problem before the tubal, but after...I got severely iron deficient, absolutely no ferritin whatsoever, and had to have IV iron therapy to get back on track, not a fun experience.  Just be aware that this can happen, maybe speak to your doctor about it before you decide to go ahead with the tubal.  Good luck with whatever you choose!
just be aware that--sm
what the temporary denture looks like in hand is nothing like what it looks like in your mouth. You just cannot tell by looking at it how it is going to look on you, or how it will feel. good luck. I hope you are more happy with your outcome than I was/am. :^)
I am very aware
of what you're saying, but at this point, I'll do anything to get my daughter away from this loser. My son did not actually see the records per se, but he is privy to information regarding inmates at the jail. And no, I do not expect my daughter to not have sex again, but if I can help it, it WILL NOT be with this joker. Why am I being made out to be the bad guy here? I'm protecting MY child...she's still a child, only 17, and still living under our roof, with us supporting her. So yes ma'am, I have every right to do whatever it takes to protect her from her own bad judgement.
I'm aware of that
As I noted in the previous post, I did say that the love I felt was for the man he isn't now. There also is a degree of romantic idealism at work here. Hard though it may be to believe, when I was a little slip of a lass, when I dreamed of my future spouse, it was of a dark-haired blue-eyed cowboy, living in the middle of nowhere, with a bunch of horses, and in R, I found that. The first time I laid eyes on him, my heart stopped, and even after being together about 2 years, even after all that had happened, that was still the case.

However, him serving time in jail at this point will, in essence, save me from myself. When his drinking would escalate to where I couldn't cope at all, I have run home and stayed there, shed my tears, etc. He would always contact me, begging me to "come home", saying he understood things needed to change, etc. I'm thinking that after I've sent him to jail, he's not going to be asking me back, and in a year, no matter how much I love him, I will have moved on in my life. To steal a cliche, I'm not one of those people where absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'm not exactly out of site, out of mind, but to maintain the psychological hold that he has, whether it's love or whatever, requires more ongoing attention that he is going to be able to provide from a prison 600 miles away without phone calls (I don't have a landline he can make a collect call to) or even email (I don't think they get those in prison, do they?).
Well aware, still a shock
when you see it laid out in black and white,and it becomes a reality.
I'm well aware of the statistics but

that's all they are.  You cannot make factual claims based on statistics.  I personally know of people with both pancreatic and ovarian cancer.  While the survival rates are grim, there are survivors.  Furthermore, the claim stated that he had 5 weeks to live.  Since when does a doctor stick an expiration tag on someone like that? I've worked for several oncologists and not one patient was ever given an expiration date as exact as that. 

Treatments do work and can shrink the size of someone's cancer, thereby increasing their survival rate and prolonging their life.  Your chance of survival is also based on many factors:  lifestyle, hereditary factors, early detection, methods of prevention, etc.  While many may eventually succumb to the disease, still some do survive.  I would never spread spread rumors with my source being a gossip column.  What does the name tell you? 

I'm well aware of such business ventures.
It is one thing to have legal international business ventures and quite another for our financial institutions to be actively pursuing illegal aliens in this country and offering them financial sanctuary.

Go douse yourself with some of that flea repellent, lol.

sorry...just ask. They're much more aware of music than you think! :) nm
I was not aware this was a test question. SM
I answered honestly. I am sorry it was not to your liking. If you want me to agree with you, okay, your ex is nuts and call the police on him. Whatever.

Just remember one thing, troubled people tend to gravatate toward each other in life. Think about it.
I would say go for it. Just be aware of surroundings and people, but
Some people are just not aware how dangerous
it is. I tried to talk with my sister-in-law about her husband (the half-brother of my husband). She has worked in the medical field. I was so sorry my words not heeded. I have been around him, seen him falling asleep just sitting down, the wreck, even out of town with my husband 1 night my DH told me about his horrible snoring, he is overweight but diabetic too and does not pay much attention to that. You cannot help where they don�t want it.
Being aware of it doesn't mean they would excuse it...SM
Especially with the bee in the bonnet that was obvious based on the follow-up post by OP. There ARE teachers and administrators who go on power trips.
I'm not aware of any standards at public places
And to add to your point about Mexicans, all their dirty business is NOT only under their fingernails. Have you not heard of the gangs they have all over this country...something 13 or another they call themselves. They are viscious, ruthless people, and are going into areas where they think the local law officials won't be on to them. They try to intimidate and scare communities into silence so they can get their garbage drug trade and smuggling stuff going in silence. Our prisons are so full of illegals, they can't hold the legals, but of course, lets not gather them up and deport them back to their wonderful country...lets house and feed them, give their kids a free education better than they're getting there, free healthcare, the list goes on and on. Now, our president wants to make sure they can get SS benefits....for WHAT? In our community, you can go into Wal-Mart late in the evening and our stores are full of young Mexicans, mother, father, and always a baby, maybe 2 or 3, but where do you suppose they were born? The parents can't or won't speak English (since they want to be a loyal US citizen). My daughter teaches a school where the kids abound and their parents are most likely illegal, but until we stop this practice of giving citizenship to an illegal born in this country, this will never change. I'm with Ron Paul on this one....we can't keep a sovereign nation when we allow an invasion of our country. We can't absorb these people into our communities without major negative consequences.
your being heard made her aware of her rudenss
my point is I would like people to be aware that it is common (sm)
so there is not such a stigma about it. I don't think it is as big a deal as people make of it.
Were you at all aware of the 60s and 70s? That's exactly what the bulk of rock stars WERE doing!
that's not my intention. I just wanted to make him aware s/m
of how he was hurting my son's feelings. I do see your point, though. Hubby has never been violent...I will NOT tolerate that. He is just gets frustrated very easily and yells.
Klonopin is a wonderful drug but a benzodiazepam. Be aware of withdrawal.
I was placed on Klonopin during a stressful year when sleep was elusive, leaving me dragging all day.

It worked amazingly. But, there came a time I had to get off of it. I thought I could just stop taking it. Not so. The drug leaving my system placed me in a state that was far worse than the anxiety I took it for. For three months, I had ringing in my ears, was in an agitated state that I likened to listening to fingernails being scraped across a chaulkboard and then having that sound magnified a thousand times.

I watched a show that featured drug addicts in a methadone clinic and one person interviewed said that the worst drug to get off of was "bennies." Worse than heroin and methadone, and I believe him. I also came to realize there are many people hooked on these powerful drugs simply because the withdrawal is so very unpleasant to go through.

I suggest taking it periodically, never more than two weeks in a row. I only wish my doctor would have said that I would become physically addicted to it to the point that medical supervision would be required to stop taking it. Instead, they appeared to think I had developed "drug-seeking behavior" because of my anxious calls to the office when I was experiencing the symptoms.
Please be aware that St. John's wort with any SSRI or MAOI can be dangerous - sm
...unless your physician is aware that you're using it in addition to your Rx meds. (Other things, like 5-HTP, if I'm not mistaken) can have similar potentially dangerous side effects in combination with Rx antidepressants. Just sayin' ....
So sorry about your working but
I was asked if I would, my regular day off but since no small kids and celebrating later in the day anyway, really made no difference this morning. Am also not employee so could have turned them down but I realized years ago that with children you want to be able to spend Christmas morning with them so think most of the time I was off. I read on these posts supposedly you make your own hours not being an employee, right?
And just what exactly is it that you are doing, if you don't mind my asking??? Ever hear of the saying, "the pot calling the kettle black"?
working out
Don't worry so much about what the scale says but go by how your clothes fit.  I've worked out most of my adult life and threw my scale away.  I weigh myself once per week at the gym.  If you continue your working out as you describe, you will find that you will weigh more than you think you should, but you will fit into a smaller size.  For ex, I'm 5ƈ".  In my head I would think my ideal weight should be about 125 but have found my ideal work-out weight is 142 which puts me in a size 10...which is ok with me.  Good luck!
Who's working anyway?

The population of this country is 300 million.

160 million are retired.
That leaves 140 million to do the work.

There are 85 million in school.
Which leaves 55 million to do the work.

Of this there are 35 million employed by the federal government.
Leaving 15 million to do the work.

2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama Bin-Laden.
Which leaves 12.2 million to do the work.

Take from that total the 10.8 million people who work! for state and city governments.
And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.

At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.
Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.

Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.
That leaves just two people to do the work.

You and me.
And there you are,
sitting at your computer, reading jokes.
Nice. Real nice.

Have fun - I''m working......nm
another working here too
going to fireworks tonight though and to a free movie in the morning...getting up early to work, cookout...swim...happy 4th and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Is it only when you are working?
Or does it happen other times? My daughter's friend has some weird thing where she cannot drive because she starts to fall asleep, but it only happens when she is driving. Or maybe your job has just gotten too boring! LOL.
You might be working too much
When you exercise, they always have you alternate days between aerobics and strength training because the muscles you use need a rest between uses. Without the proper rest between, you're not allowing the muscles to recover, which leads to chronic overuse and ultimately, pain.

Ha, just working. I am used
to every time I get up to get a drink or go to the bathromo, I always light a cigarette. That's the part I'm really fighting, but haven't given in. I really have to quit; tired of coughing all night long! Have been smoking for about 25 years adn figure it's way past time!
what's working for me

My biggest problem is that the strands of my hair are very, very fine.  Had a hair stylist tell me that was caused by hollow follicles and poor diet.  (well, I KNOW I eat awful but am trying to at least get in more water and less caffeine now).  I have no idea if she's right or not about the hollow follicle thing, but -- I went to Sally Beauty and found Folicure vitamins for hair.  I'm sure there are plenty of other brands out there.  I figured if it was a root problem it might take a while to see a difference (my hair is about 2 inches past my shoulders).  I have been taking the vitamins for a little over 2 months.  Hair is not thicker yet but seems stronger and healthier in appearance.

I also suffer from dry, brittle, frizzy hair - especially in winter.  The wonderfully helpful lady at Sally Beauty also recommended several months ago Excelsior's Millennia Mudd.  You use it after shampooing instead of conditioner, let it sit for several minutes, and then rinse out.  It has DRASTICALLY improved my hair.  I used it every day (she said this was safe to do) for a couple weeks and really noticed a difference.  Once I felt my hair was improving I cut back to 3-4 times a week now.  It has eliminated my split ends and makes my hair feel incredibly soft.

Lastly, the same hair stylist gave me this recommendation - of course, she was trying to sell me the pricy salon product but I said no and went to Walmart for a product that fit my budget better.  She said to apply a thick, creamy, leave-in conditioner on the "ends" - meaning about half the length of my hair.  Not to the roots as then it would look oily or greasy.  This you leave in and do not rinse out.  I have been using Nexxus Humectress Ultimate Moisturizing Conditioner.  Now, my hair is also naturally curly so if I brush my hair out after drying it still fluffs up considerably (kids say I'm a poodle) BUT, it is not brittle feeling and it not breaking off when I try to comb it.  (I got a free sample of Fruictese -- sp?? -- version of leave-in cream conditioner - it fells kinda sticky or tacky or something.  Did not like it as well.)

Sorry, that was a little long-winded.  This combination seems to be working well for me.  Hope it helps you too.