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nursing school

Posted By: Douglasville, GA on 2008-01-21
In Reply to: Is not WellStar close to you - Nursing

Yes, Wellstar is close to me, well the one in Douglasville, (very, very close) is. Wellstar Cobb is about a 30-minute drive, depending, of course, on what time of day one goes. Kennestone is further, 45 minutes to an hour. They have (or used to have) teaching programs onsite? Do they pay for one to go to school as well?

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Call the school. I had a threat like this in my high school and they cancelled school that day.
Thankfully, because the person making the threats was found with material for home made pipe bombs and quit a bit of ammunition and a shotgun. He was arrested and charged. Never allowed back in the school.

I think it would be safer to call the school and get classes cancelled for a day to investigate versus make a scene in the parking lot, especially if the student with the knife is inside with the knife.

Good luck. If nothing happens, pull your child out of school for a week. See what happens. I know that sounds horrible, but small towns is where this happens most often.
that's too bad - because you missed some really great times if you stopped at around a year - I know that a lot of women stop when they go back to work - but that is not even necessary - your milk stabilizes to meet the child's schedule. Any other questions?
I was in nursing then pre-med.
My vet always says I should be a vet. I just have time for more school right now but maybe when the kids are older. I think this will be a great way to see if I want to go into people and animal medicine. I get to start on Saturday! :-)
There is such a shortage of nurses, I say go for it. Both my SIL and BIL got their nursing degrees in their 40s and say it was the best thing they ever did. They work together as traveling nurses now and have seen the country. Good luck.
Are you really a nursing student?
Public health 101 - THEY ARE CONTAGIOUS!!!!! No, they are not an infectious disease, but all you have to do is stand next to a child with lice, brush up against them, brush up against their jacket, use the same computer headphones, etc., and instantly they have made you head a home now!

Obviously you have never had a child with this, or you would understand how frustrating it is. We bagged all the stuffed animals, steam cleaned mattresses, pillows, furniture, washed EVERYTHING in the house, etc., did all the treatment on my daughter's hair, and we got rid of them. I don't think you understand how much work this is, but we did it willingly to get rid of these pests. However, two weeks later my daughter came home with them AGAIN, because that same child's parents simply washed her hair in NIX, did not pick out the nits, and did not treat anything else in their house. This child was infested with lice, and she was allowed to be in school. The school nurse said there was nothing they could do about it as far as letting parents know because of privacy issues.

Out of 24 kids in her class, 16 of them got lice. The only ones who did not were the boys, because most of them had buzz cuts.

I don't think the OP was critizing or ridiculing the little girl, just stating how frustrated she is at the school system for allowing this to happen. She does not need to be in school where she can spread these to everyone she comes in contact with. I don't think the OP is being a pain in their butts, and I sincerely doubt that a family who is not willing to take care of a problem their child has is going to welcome outside help!

I really hope that you never have to experience this, because it is horrible. Just imagine your child knows (and can feel) that there are hundreds and hundreds of bugs crawling around on their head, making them itch like crazy!! My daughter begged me to make them go away, she could feel them crawling constantly, and it angers me that she should have to be subject to this repeatedly because someone is too lazy to EFFECTIVELY treat their child.

Enough said!
Nursing program
I am 49 years old, have been an MT for 7 years and am thinking of going back to school for an RN degree.  Wonder what my chances of getting into the program are (I know there's always a waiting list, but of course that depends on the school one chooses too; I live in GA), and how long this all might take.....???  I made As and Bs in high school and aced the transcription program at a local 2-year technical college...................any thoughts?  Should I forget about it?  I don't want to be unreasonable, but having thoughts about doing something to make more money.  I have one child who is a senior in college and have 2 boys to put through college eventually, so more money sure would be nice.
nursing homes
The most popular person in a nursing home is a man who still drives. He has all the widows he wants lined up.
I know they have nursing/rehab homes that do this - sm
My mom was to go to one to get her strength back, do rehab, etc. when she was sick 2 years go--unfortunately she died before that could happen though. My dad though had requested I go up every weekend to help him out once my mom was home (4 hours away), which I would have done. In your case I think it is pretty nervy of her family to ask you to take on this huge responsibility. They should either arrange for her to go to a good nursing/rehab home to get the care she needs, or if they want her to stay with you (why can't she stay with any of them?) and hire a 24-hour nursing service to take care of her, then fine. I suspect they do not want to pay for anything (they see you as free labor), and as she has no insurance she cannot foot the bill herself. I'd lay out for them what your day is like (full schedule) and how it would be impossible for you to do your job (and keep it) and take care of your MIL at the same time. You can always see if you can go PT and tell them they have to pay you for the difference you would be losing in pay in order to take care of her properly (if you decide to do it); or you take a leave for 3 months and they pay you your full salary, see what the cheap skates say then. Good luck.
State Nursing Boards
That's terrible!  I'm an LPN as well as an MT.  Here in Colorado there is a State Board of Nursing that licenses all nurses - RNs, LPNs, and CNAs, investigates complaints, etc.  You might try googling the name of your state along with something like "nursing board" and see if there is a similar agency.  Please be careful, and I hope you resolve this situation very soon!
Nursing Patron Saint sm
Does anyone know who the Patron Saint of Nurses is?   When I tried googling it there is more than one.  I want to get my daughter a medal for graduation that she can wear with her cross.  TIA
nursing patron saint
St. Catherine of Siena
I had to place my mom in a nursing home

temporarily when she broke her hip the first time. It was very hard. (I had made a promise to her that I would never put her in one when she got older.) I visited her every day and every day she begged to come home. She didn't realize that it was only temporary. She was in a good home with great PT and activities but she wouldn't join in on any of the activities. In fact, she was almost afraid to walk at all. I would go during her PT and encourage her to keep up because the sooner she could walk with little assistance, the sooner she could come home. The PT team was great, too, always encouraging her, and she did her best.

I found out that they had a hairdresser that came in every week and I paid to get her a haircut and style. After that, she kind of settled in a little bit, but still begged to come home.

Thank heavens, she was only there 2 months. I don't think I could have stood it much longer. Then when it was time to come home, she wanted to bring the furniture with her. LOL They had cherry dressers and headboards. It was almost like a regular bedroom.

Mom's boyfriend was also in a nursing home after suffering a stroke a year after mom died and I went to visit him every day. They were not as good as the one mom was in. They would wheel him into the hall and he sat there for hours. No one came to see if he needed anything. The room was awful, so small and cheap furniture with old iron hospital beds. Reminded me of a regular hospital. Talked to his son and that's all the insurance company would cover for him so he was stuck.

As the other poster said, research the homes as much as possible. Go when the activities and/or PT is taking place and just watch. Talk to the people that live there if possible. Talk to activity director, DON, etc. before deciding. Check the rooms. Watch to see if the CNA's or nurses check on the patients to see if anything is needed. Check to see what happens after private insurance runs out; i.e., where the patients go after that. Mom would have been transferred to the first (MediCare)  floor, but she came home before that.



nursing home decision
I am living this as we speak. My father died in March of 2007. My mother became bedridden in June 2007. I had hospice come in to assist, Home Health and Hospice to be exact, and they are wonderful. They actually have their own private nursing home-type facility in the next town over. With hospice, on an occasional basis and when a bed is available, they offer the caregiver a 5-day respite at their facility. After momma went for the first time she was offered a bed there and I immediately accepted. The facility is very small and only for the 3HC clientele, with only 12 private rooms divided into 2 sides - one side with 6 beds for the terminal clients and one side with 6 beds for "residential" clients. Momma was able to stay on the residential side for 7 months; however, her condition was "stable" and Medicare would no longer pay the fee. Momma came home after that and I have again been her primary caregiver since January of this year. She is contractured, bedridden, and rarely speaks or opens her eyes. I do have a sitter that works during the daytime hours M-F so that I can actually work, run errands when I need to, and get the kids to and from school because otherwise I cannot leave the house at all because momma cannot be left alone.

I feel blessed to have found this line of work not quite 6 years ago. I have a 4-1/2 year old and a 6 year old and momma to care for so working from home has been a lifesaver.

I, too, made the promise to momma that I would not "put" her in a nursing home and I will stand by that. It's all there is left that I can do for her. Not to mention, the fact that she owns a home and has income from my late father's investments, it would cost upwards of $6,000 per month to have her placed in one, and even though the estate could pay for that, I think it's ridiculous for the type of "care" most of the public places provide.

It's a tough decision to make - even tougher if there aren't funds available like there are in our case (thanks to my great daddy) to pay for the sitter to come in and assist. But when the sitter isn't here, the kids and I must be. For the most part they understand, but sometimes they really just want to go somewhere or to the park or to McDonalds and we just can't do it. It's a huge personal sacrifice for your entire family to make to keep a parent at home. The decision isn't always just personal, though. It can be financial, too.

You will make the right decision for whatever your situation is. Whatever you decide to do, just know that your parent respects you enough to make that decision for them and that they love you.

Best of luck to you honey... hugzzzzz
Sounds like my kids...on a school day "we just got home from school!" on a vacation day....sm
But this is our vacation! My husband takes vacation days and leaves town without us...lol! He would never dream of taking a day off to work around the house!
A nursing uniform supply store may know or have them. nm
by this point, it is called "pacifying" not nursing. sm
one of my didn't wean til after that age and it was the comfort that it was providing and her not being able to fall asleep on her own, especially since you specified mornings, naps, and bedtime. you will have to train him to fall asleep on his own without the "pacie". when mine was that old, i ended up telling her mommy had a boo-boo. yep, sounds strange, but i had tried everything and nothing worked. i had to put band-aids on my nipples for about 2 weeks. she would then try to suck beside my boo-boo at first til she eventually weaned herself off it altogether. yep, walked around with what looked like hickies on my boobs for about 2 weeks but boy was it worth it!!!!! also, try what others suggested and get someone else to help out with bedtimes/naptimes til you dry up.
A local nursing home might appreciate a visit.
nursing home - hardest decision ever sm
I had also made those promises to my folks, Dad was kept home on hospice 14 months, he had suffered brain damage from not being found for hours and was awful to all of us but we managed with a hospital bed, hospice and nurses, however, my whole family fell apart, fighting, etc., until he fell so many times and was so sick, we called 911 one night for help and hospice literally threw us out of the program. You are supposed to call them (in my state anyway) and they will sit with you while you watch them take their last breaths. Could not go through with that. Then we had no choice but nursing home, they took every cent they could get their hands on without touching my mom's and he didn't last long there. The key to those places is to research them first as when they send them from the hospital, they put them anywhere there's an opening and some are awful. So research, visit, check for smells, cleanliness, staff, the usual. If it comes to that, always visit at odd hours, with them never knowing when you're going to show up, that keeps them more on their toes. I brought all the laundry home rather than leaving it with them, as they lose it or in the case of valuables, sometimes take them. It's the worst decision in the world to make and the only way you're going to feel good about it is to research, research, and "show up" to check on them. Sometimes they'll talk you into the "assisted living" scenario, and after they clean out the bank book, they put them in a nursing home anyway, so that's a crock. Went through it with my mom as well, and she didn't make it home, I still to this day question myself as to whether my transcription work was worth it, and I have to say, if I had given it up, my kid wouldn't have gone to the college he went to, many other things would have been denied. You are in the "sandwich generation" between what to do with the parent and if you have kids, what is best for them. It's the worst place to be and only you can pray for guidance as to what to do. Bottom line - research carefully and watch for smoke and mirrors, just "show up" and if you don't like it, transfer to another facility. I think everyone who has posted feels your pain. We have enough with listening to it all day; it's tough to walk that walk. Take care, hopefully you will make the right decision. In some states you can have her in a nursing home and if she qualifies, you can also have hospice go in there for special care such as you desire for her comfort. Good luck, know we are all thinking of you.
Hi, Jan; used to be in nursing, still have my books, sleep paralysis....sm
along with hypnagogic hallucinations, cataplexy, and narcolepsy all fall into the same category in Neuro, it is recognized and documented. I will not go into the syndromes here, but if you Google up some of the educational articles from medical web sites, there are tons of information. It is real, and thank your lucky stars that you don't experience anything like this.

Certain drugs CAN do freaky things with your sleep/wake cycles like vivid dreams and such, but it is usually self-limited to the med, and when the med is stopped, the problem goes. I have had some of these syndromes going back to childhood, and have had them documented with sleep study EEGs and such because they were so disturbing, seems to happen in clusters and then go away for years, don't know why. And NO, I am not currently on tranquilizers or sleep meds, I take vitamins and supplements, but someone is not a "whacko" if they need them. I don't mean to preach at ya, here, but feel bad for some of the above posters, they need answers and compassion.
Daughter just passed her state nursing boards. Whoopeee!!!! (sm)
She worked weekends only while she was in school and had 2 children 8 and 5.  Child support was fairly regular to the big tune of $329 a month.  She did get state assistance on daycare for the youngest, her friend owned a mobile home and let her use it for free, just paying lot rent.  We helped with utilities, clothing, and food. Her sister did the babysitting weekends while she worked and helped out while she studied at night.  All in all, it was a combined effort and we are all so proud.  She worked hard to get to the point where she can now buy a nice home and support her children on her own. So proud, just had to brag. 
I had a fellow nursing student way back with a Jamaican patois who
Has anyone here had the painful problem of having to place their parent in a nursing home? SM
My beautiful dad passed away last year.  My mother and father were devoted to one another, my mother always "taken care of" by my father in every way, married 67 great years.  My mom has always had excellent health, but after about 1-1/2 years, she has deteriorated to the point where I do not know her and I am scared, she is frail, not eating, almost unable to walk, struggles to dress herself or do for herself, will not accept a home health aide, we are trying to cook and clean for her at home but it is getting very scary, she just turned 90 and she seems to be failing fast.  I am so sorry this is so long, but it is all so complicated, it is like she gave up the second my dad died.  Anyone go through this yet????
How is the school's fault if Johnny comes to school armed?
And how is the school's fault if off campus people are getting jumped? Everybody wants to blame the schools, but the reason places have gone "zero tolerance" is because every parent whose kid gets popped for an illegal weapon says, "Oh, my little pookie wouldn't do that." Which is exactly what the parents of every perpetrator of school violence has said. At 15, this girl should have been aware that it was verboten and, if they felt that strongly it was necessary, kept it hidden. If she is not capable of thinking that part through, maybe she shouldn't be trusted with pepper spray anyway.
How is this kid in school with chronic infestation? School nurse
Make sure his Will is made out and pray. I've seen too many people like this in my nursing career
We've done that! You can bring pets to my grandma's nursing home on certain days (sm)

You have to go through a little evaluation with your animal, but they have cat days and dog days and you can bring your pets.  Walter is a huge patient sweetie - 120 pounds of shiny black fur and muscle - he is quite young and very solid and built.  Some of the residents love him so much.  He will just slowly walk up to someone he feels might be receptive to him, and when they put their hand out he gets under it and next thing you know he has his big head in their lab and they are slowly petting him, over and over and over.  It is so heartwarming when you are watching.... I mean literally your heart is so full you can feel it in your throat.  I've had to hide my tears every time. 

Sometimes a resident, usually a gentleman, will talk about a dog he used to have with the clearest memory. 

A funny thing happened when Walter was getting some attention from a women in a wheelchair and he leaned against her and I saw her wheelchair was slowly being pushed across the lawn. 

I loved the maya wraps. google them and see. wonderful for nursing cover ups as well so multifunct
Formula is an inferior substitute. Criticizing nursing in public only helps the big formula companie
Take animals to the Nursing Homes and Retirement Homes and Childrens Hospitals. NM
In our school district you can go to any school that you want
but you actually have to pay if you don't live in the District. The private schools here are outrageously priced. You could almost send your child to a community college for the amount they charge.
Hear about your perverted sex life along with the perverted 6 years nursing
heavens no. You act like you hold a title for the biggest tits, the longest nursing animal and the x-rated queen of sex, why would any of us on this board care- I am sure lots could give you a run for your money if you catch my drift. Only a person who is very dissatisfied with their sex life would want to boast about how perfect theirs is. You tell me a lot about what kind of life you actually live and it is rather pitiful. Sorry for your plight.
Job available at school.

Okay, I have been doing this for 8 years.  I think I should be more productive than I am for that much experience.  I only do between 1200 to 1300 lines a day.  I am also just so tired of it.  Today, the hospital's network is very very slow and that certainly doesn't help me and I have to make up the time while my kids are at home which is not very easy...KWIM.  Again, just tired of it.

There is a job opening available at DD. elemetry school about an elementry teacher aide.  It has no specific qualifications just send resume to the superintendent.  Well, I looked online and it seems the basic requirements are HS diploma, good understanding of children, good physical condition.  I match that.  I am a mother of 2, my 5 yo was at the top of her class last year (might be a good qualification for me), I referreed fights etc., supervised dd and her friends on outings, babysat school age kids.

I am just thinking of things that might qualify me for the job.  I have kept this job for 8 years, the job before that was 6 years as a nurses aide at another hospital so longevity might be a plus.  I have never worked anywhere except a hospital.  Well, I did work for an MTSO for a short time, 6 months. 

There is a number I could call.  It is voice mail.  I was going to call and ask exactly what are they looking for so I would know whether or not to bother with it but I am not very good at asking for something I need.  Any suggestions, comments.  TIA. 

I would be livid!  Go through the principal, (complain loudly) on how embarrassed your daughter was, etc. You'll get results I'm sure.   As a last resort, get a doctor's excuse.
I am 56 and working on my third degree.  I love going to school, and I think the older I get, the more it helps keep me sharp.  You might try asking a local college about scolarship opportunities.  Some of them have special programs geared for women.
My take is WHY did the school let a
freshman take a senior course? Advanced or not, she probably does not have the background to be able to keep up with it. My daughter is also a freshman and took Algebra II in 8th grade, so they automatically put her in geometry. There is no way I would have let her take a physics class now.
re: school
I am a mom of two teenage boys and I do not think the school should have been the ones to punish the child since it didn't take place at the school from school computers or on school property. It is the parent's responsibility to reprimand the child when something is done by their child in the home. Since the teacher found out about it, that teacher should have called the parent and should have allowed the parent to take the appropriate action. Teachers should not under any circumstances have the authority to reprimand children at home under their parent's care. Only when something like this happens from school, on school property, from a school computer should the teacher have that authority. I used to work in a public school and there are boundaries as to how far teachers should go. The rest is up to parents!
We met at school

Best friend's boyfriend at that time and I absolutely could not stand him!

Then we ended up kind of *stuck* together when we went out with a group of friends. Somehow we just clicked and from that first night, I knew we were going to be together forever! That night while all the other couples were making out like crazy, he and I just sat on a playground slide and talked. Then at the end of the night, he kissed me on the cheek...I knew right then I was hooked. We've been married 21 years, have 3 children, and are expecting our first grandchild in August!!! Aww, whatta love story

I don't know what everyone's school districts
are like, but I don't have any of these problems. Even at our old house that was in a little more of a low-income area, the school was okay. I noticed a huge difference in the kids and the parents over there though, but I have had no problems with my kids in public school.

They both are testing above average. My daughter is in K and has a sheet she is to work on all month and then turn in, nothing too serious. My son usually does his homework/reading on the bus or spends about 30 minutes at the most completing it when he gets home.

Maybe I am just lucky that they both excel without any pushing from me or the school or I just am in a great school district, although I know we are in the best in Texas. My son does have some anger problems sometimes and a few problems with self-control. We work on this and I think the idea about the martial arts is an excellent one. In fact, we are looking at places to enroll him out here. He is pushing to go back to gymnastics though, so we will see. Honestly, I think any extracurricular activity that is in a nurturing environment is a good idea for every kid.
Public school
I have a granddaughter in the mountains of North Carolina in the fifth grade, who has teachers from you know where..  They should not be in a school setting. One used four letter words and they were not love.  They will not go out with the students at recess, so it is a free for all with three to five grades out there all at once.  There is bullying and if she says anything, the teacher says she is squealing.  I don't think when your knees are bleeding from being knocked down, it is squealing.  The third grade was awful.  They finally got her moved out of there into another class and the teacher was wonderful.  That was about three months before the year was over and that was because they went to the superintendent of schools.  Next year was bad and this year is the worse.  The teacher tells the student she cannot believe the students are that ignorant, loses papers the students turn in and then gives them a zero.  Her mother saved her papers and showed them to the teacher and she had some phony excuse, like she had so many papers to correct.  Teachers are supposed to do that.  The teacher also has a teacher's aide three times a week and there are only 15 students in the class.  She also  calls my granddaughter a liar when she says she turned her papers in.  She says my granddaughter is to lazy to do the work.  My granddaughter loves school, is on the honor roll and would have made the principal's list had the teacher not lost three papers that my granddaughter had turned and gave her the grade she deserved instead of giving her a zero three times.  Don't say go to the school and the principal.  When they go, the teacher acts so nice and after they leave, she picks on my granddaughter and tells her not to go home and tell her parents things that are not true.  The principal does nothing.  They have her on a list for a private school and after paying taxes, no one should have to pay to go to a private school, but that is what you have to do.  I cannot believe that all the parents do not get together and descend on the principal's office.   My granddaughter loves school but not this year because of the teacher.  Cannot wait for the year to be over.  She has been humiliated in front of her classmates and when a classmate tries to stand up for her and tell the teacher she is not talking or doing any of what the teacher says she is doing, she tells the classmates not to try to take any sides.  She is a very loving, sweet, and intelligent girl and what she has to go through every day, makes my skin crawl.  When school is out, I am going to write the principal, the teacher and the superintendent of schools and tell them what I think of their teachers.  If they did away with tenure, maybe the teachers would take their work more seriously.  I never worked for a company that told me if I stayed with them for 10 years, I could not be fired.  Ridiculous.  The principal does not like to report anything is wrong because in the reports they have to send to the state board of education, the more problems the school has, the less money they get, so they do not report anything is wrong.  Report cards were given out Friday and the teacher wrote that she was a very good student, and a pleasure to have her in the class.  Why write that when all you do is pick on her.  To protect herself when things get tough.  Thank you for letting me vent. 
church school

Well, I didn't say the ONLY place to find teachers who care is at a church school, and I certainly don't believe that.  I do think your chances of finding them in a church school are a whole lot higher, however.  I didn't intend to create a religious argument either.  I was genuinely interested in why you would not want your children in a church school. 

Public School
My husband and I have two special needs children and homeschooling was the best thing we could have ever done for them.  My oldest child is learning up a storm and my youngest child is going to start being home-schooled next year.  We both work full-time and we still find time to homeschool.  It does not take as much time as you would think.  There is just you teaching your kids and it goes a lot faster and they learn faster.  We thought we could not homeschool, but we were forced to as the public school did nothing for our son and now nothing for our other child.  You can do more than you think you can if you have to.  Good luck!
Many phases during school
I was gothish for a while myself. Doesn't sound she's been doing it too long if she was asking for different makeup last summer. I dressed goth even longer than I really felt like just because my parents rode my butt about it.
I used to be school room Mom
There is a game where you put items in a paper bag like combs, hair things, rubberbands, paper clips, ect. The child is blindfolded or put the bag of goodies behind the back. Let the child reach into the bag and try to guess what he pulls out without looking. Decorating cupcakes is also fun. Take cupcakes or cookies to school and let the kids be creative. Around Xmas we did gingerbread type houses out of gram crackers and icing. Let them make valentine cards for a parent/friend out of paper and allow them to glue on glitter that sort of thing. Good luck!
Another school rule...
just another reason I am glad I homeschool!

A local school district just informed the students via announcement over the PA system that "Farting" in class can now result in AEP placement! I couldn't believe it so I've questioned some of the kids that go there. All I've questioned say yes, that's what they said.

How stupi*d can you get?
New School Rules
Not every child does this for attention.  If you had read the post -- you do know how to read right?  The original poster stated that her child has a medical condition!  I think it is wrong to punish a child for doing something that a body does naturally especially if it is due to a medical condition!  There are a lot of good teachers out there and a lot of not so good teachers.  There are a lot that need to get back to teaching instead of worrying about this sort of thing.  If you ignore it -- children will not do it because it did not bring about the attention they sought to get.  And if it is due to a medical condition the teacher will have to deal with it!  I have GERD and my stomach makes noises all day long.  Are you going to come after me too? 
New school rules.

My children do not do any of these things to the best of my knowledge.  They do not do it at home because they were taught that it is rude, but if it happens to say excuse me which I believe is the polite thing to do.  I have never heard of them doing this in school either.  However, I do believe that if a child has a medical problem he/she can politely say excuse me and should not be punished.  I'm not saying it is proper behavior -- just that if it happens the child can say excuse me.  At my daughter's school not all of the teachers allow children to leave the classroom during class to use the bathroom. I don't agree with that either.  I guess that makes me a monster.

Anyone who has just finished school
would be more apt to pass the CMT test.  However, to say that would eliminate "toilet errors" is not the way I see it.  Someone with a lot of years experience in this field is just as good as a CMT if not better.  Passing a test and putting initials after your name means nothing when it comes to work ethic, discipline, and experience.  I just think if you have 9 years of experience, you are going to be just as attractive as someone with a CMT.  It seems to me companies or physicians seek well-rounded MTs that have experience in quite a few specialties as opposed to having CMT after your name.  I am not so sure physicians are aware of this testing process, but the Nationals seem to have bitten on it, but I'm not so sure it gets you any more money.  I've read posts where it does not gain you anything more than something else to put on the resume.  If you want to become more attractive, then I'd say branch out into more specialties or may be even take a business course to expand your knowledge.  CMT, in my opinion, is a waste of money especially when you have verbatim accounts and the client is always right, no matter what "the books" or for that matter AAMT has to say about the way it should be done.  Just another opinion. 
My Dad was from the old school of thought
He did not believe in spending a lot of money at Christmas.  He always said "it is the thought that counts".  He would wrap up little gifts for myself, my brothers and our spouses.  One year, I got a box of Smith's cough drops and TUMS.  My sister-in-law got a bar of soap.  My husband got a deck of cards (used from Atlantic City).  We joked about how silly this seemed, but when my Dad passed away we sure missed those cough drops, cards, TUMS, etc.  I think it was his way of adding a little humor to the holiday and to show us he cared.  Usually a gift is given from the heart.  There will come a time when the gifts (or gifter) is no longer there to give.  That is when you will truly "appreciate" those gifts. 
Our school system already has a
dress code in place, no belly shirts, shorts and jeans have to be a certain length, no huge baggy jeans on boys, etc. I know for a fact this is being in enforced in most of the schools becuase not only do I transcribe, I also substitute. My niece's parents were called over shorts that were to short. My son also had to change into his gym shirt because he was wearing a (green) T-shirt from Octoberfest with a beer mug (in all white) on it. That was my fault, I stupidly did not think anything of it but would not have let him wear it had I realized what it was advertising. My kids and so many other do follow the rules. I don't think they should be penalized for the few that don't. We live in a small town so we don't have many of the same problems that bigger cities have. At the first of 3 forums the other night, the auditorium was packed and not a single person spoke in favor of this. I would like to know how this will improve our education system.
Well, as an ex-school bus driver...
Shut Up and Hold On!
A teacher at my son's school...
on the radio! Isn't that AWESOME...especially since teachers are highly underpaid...just wanted to share...