just wondering if you could share where you are located...
Posted By: annabanana on 2007-10-16
In Reply to: At my wit's end.... - Really fed up
I know a pain clinic here in my town where the doc routinely treats fibromyalgia and goes to great lengths to find solutions for her patients. If you aren't too far away, you could drive here. E-mail me if you like. Keep your chin up!
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- At my wit's end.... - Really fed up
- just wondering if you could share where you are located... - annabanana
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Dear Wondering-
You already have insight. Your heart and gut are talking to you or you wouldn't be posting this question. You are not in high school anymore. Remember, if he will do it WITH you, he will do it TO you. Do you want to be girlfriend on the side number two? If so, go for it. I would bet if you asked his current girlfriend of 7 years she would have an entirely different take on their level of committment. You are an intelligent woman. You are going through a lonely period in your life. Fill yourself up with friends that are worthy of you. Take another guy pal on your business trip with you and enjoy yourself!
You will be okay. Just take one day at a time. Sometimes that is the best we can do. My daughter became a widow at 29. It was a very difficult road for her. It sounds like your heart is healing and you are "waking up" out of that fog of grief. Bless your heart! You have a good head on your shoulders. That is a wonderful idea about bringing another MT friend with you to the out-of-town meeting. Enjoy yourself! My daughter is engaged to the most wonderful man now. She has been blessed to have two wonderful men love her, although she went through some difficult years. This will happen to you too. Aim high - don't settle for less. If you think you deserve the best, you will attract those kind of people to you. Best wishes!
I was wondering, too.
I could be way off but am wondering if she was
trying to detox herself off methadone and/or other drugs since her ex recently made that accusation. That may explain the *nurse* and the
*paramedic* bodyguard they brought along on the trip, why they left the baby home, and the flu-like symptoms (which they said was a stomach thing - methadone withdrawal can cause severe stomach pains) and if it was a stomach virus, then why cough/cold medicines? Cough medicine is known to be used to ease opiate withdrawal as it has similar properties as opiates. Valium is also frequently used when detoxing. There was also a mention she had fevers of 104-105 and was doing ice baths. Wouldn't most people go to the doctor at that point? How she actually died is still baffling to me but how sad if she truly was trying to straighten out her life. And perhaps we'll never really know for sure.
Here is what I'm wondering
If he really did not have the lowest votes and they changed it. You just never know :)
I have been wondering,,,,
Are chairs everywhere getting smaller or is it my butt getting bigger? Are these places downsizing? Hmmm, would like to know.
I am wondering too....
Thanks! I was wondering what to do...n/m
Just wondering..........
I was just wondering if anyone else was having periods between their regular/normal cycles. This is definitely not the norm for me until now. I have had other symptoms since about 41 but my gyne just gives me some dumb grin, as if it is all in my head. Now, with the unusual bleed, I'm not sure what is going on.
That is what I was wondering.
Sorry, but I couldn't turn my child down for medical help whether I raised him or her myself or not.
Wow! Forgive me, but I cannot even believe you are asking this question and even considering it! Forget trying to be the "cool" mom and do what you KNOW is right!
I was also wondering how she had $$ or if
she had a job. Another card to play, and its tough, but you can just throw it out there, is that if she does not straighten up, for lack of a better word, that you would speak to her employer. She's a minor, remember, 100% minor. So, you could throw out there that if she threatens to run away, you would have no choice but to mention this to her employer, as when she is at work, its their responsibility to be sure she doesn't leave, etc. Or that you would have to meet with her guidance counselor at school, etc. I'm sure she would rather do anything to avoid any sort of other authority interventions. Though that is what she needs as well. Sorry if they don't have guidance counselors - mine are homeschooled. But my guidance counselor in high school really tried to save me many times, while my parents never got involved. They just didn't want to know, though I was slick. I still got straight A's, graduated 2nd in my class, had a great job, etc. But I was running the streets nightly by the age of 14, and lived things I thought were great, but wished I never had a few years later. Its true that kids really want to be kids in the end. Also, I would not let her drive, as you had mentioned. So, dropping her off at work and picking her up - that will be a lesson in humility for her as well, but again, she needs not humility as much as being reminded that she is under YOUR authority and not the boss, and not an adult. As others have said, its tough love, and a hard balancing act. Know that you're not alone. Also know, though, that she is young and inexperienced, and you should be able to "bluff" your way a bit thru some of this hard stuff. I would bluff my way to hoarseness if I knew my kids were doing half the stuff that I did at 16. Please don't forget the big picture, though I know how its tearing your heart and soul to go thru this. Praying, praying, praying for you, too.
thanks I was wondering too!! LOL
so the zinc helps dry out your hair? I used to get highlights for that purpose because my scalp is so oily; i wasn't aware that a dandruff shampoo would dry out your scalp, thanks!
Wondering what you think...
If you saw a banner on a teen's MySpace that said "legalize marijuana" would you assume that the teen smokes pot?
Just wondering if anybody wants
to e-mail each other and get a support group started here. I also want to quit but am so afraid as I have support but not REAL support. Everyone I know is a nonsmoker or a former smoker. The former smokers (who are the worst) expects me to just put the cigarette down and that I should have no problem with quitting. It just takes guts and nerve. No...you guys quit many, many years ago...I am scared, I have no support, I don't drink or take drugs to make up that vice I have. I don't knit or crochet to keep my hands busy, I enjoy my cigarette after my dinner and with coffee in the morning. Without the cigarette, the other enjoyments are nothing. So what do I do?? How bout we start a support group for us?
E-mail me so we can get things started if you would like.
Just wondering where you met him? nm
Just wondering if you have ever had
a conversation with him about just what made him snap when he hit you?
To answer your question, of course there are many marriages where abuse never happens. But maybe the question you should be asking, as you still seem hesitant that you are doing the right thing, is are there any marriages that have survived and even improved after physical abuse has occurred?
Still wondering?
Why couldn't he buy his own condoms? Does he not know how to shop?
Still wondering?
Why couldn't he buy his own condoms? Does he not know how to shop?
Wondering - sm
Is anybody really holding out for this money to go purchase goods? I mean, I wonder because everyone I know says they are going to save every penny of it and still not buy anything they do not absolutely NEED.
Just wondering, have you seen a
psychologist or the and try to work out your difficulties? I do not read the links but someone else might enjoy. Anyone with just an inkling of sense knows that what works for 1 might not work for another. I saw a deceased child 1 time in a morgue from a tonsillectomy, so please!
Just wondering,
do you think you would enjoy listening to Adam as much on the radio or a CD if you could not see him performing? So much of his entertainment is his stage presence, which is understandable since he has been in theater for so long. His range is incredible and I like him but I was just wondering if you think he would translate well to radio.
Would like to share
I'm a Christian... by Maya Angelou
When I say... I am a Christian, I'm not shouting, I'm clean livin'. I'm whispering, I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.
When I say... I'm a Christian, I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble, and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say...I'm a Christian, I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak, and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... I'm a Christian, I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed, and need God to clean up my mess.
When I say... I'm a Christian, I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.
When I say... I'm a Christian, I still feel the sting of pain. I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... I'm a Christian, I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a simple sinner who recieved God's good grace somehow.
Had to share
Okay, actual statement made by my doc tonight. Sometimes, the funniest are the most simple:
The patient could hardly stand up after I got through doing a rectal exam.
No wonder I love this job!!!!
We share the same b-day. :) NM
Just have to share.
I bought a bottle of the electrolyte enhanced water yesterday. I cannot even tell you how much better I feel. I will buy a case tomorrow.
Want to share a pic.
My sister passed away in Nov. She loved the beach so we waited until this summer to spread her ashes there. My sister and I dug a heart in the sand and filled that empty void with her ashes and covered it with green colored popouri, her favorite color and put down candles and then the waves came up and washed the ashes back out to sea. In this picture, hope it shows, (if it does not someone tell me how to get it to show) my sister was taking picture and I leaned down to pick up a trash tie that had washed up there and the shadow looked like the hand was reaching out of the ashes to touch my hand. Freaked my little sister out. Was like a sign but it brought some humor to the situation.
You are right about some PAs so I have to share this with you
My brother used to be a PA and just graduated from medical school this past May. The biggest complaint he got from the higher up was that he spent too much time with the patients. He worked in the ER and was told to treat and street. LOL
can you share
the name with us? Thanks!
Please share!
I figured David was definitely going. Victor will make sure of that. I agree on Skye - he had too much to lose with her. I just wonder if he found out about the connection between Skye and Adam which would mean Adam will be in trouble too. I noticed yesterday it looks like Heather might be getting mixed up in this whole thing with Walter. She's too curious. I have missed a lot the past month or so though.
No, what is this about? Please share!
would you share how you do it?
we have some butternut we grew this summer and decided just tonight we'd use some as a side dish for our big dinner...would appreciate any suggestions. Doesn't need to be fancy!
Well -- I'd probably share it
Man A must be pretty decent to have understood the importance of being to work on time, so I'd probably share it. Of course, if he looked like trailer trash who would only blow it on booze and cigs, I might reconsider that.
Had to share this pic
Now who says all pitbulls are vicious?. Some might be, but this one certainly isn't. This is a my male pitbull, CJ, whose heart is full of nothing but love.
I agree with you! I am wondering though...
am I the only one who thought Jennifer's boobs in that red dress were a little much. I was almost embarrassed for her as it looked like she was going to jiggle out of her top any second!
I was wondering about poisoning.
Sick people out there...
I'm wondering if that whole sequence sm
With Jack and Kate off the island is a "possible alternative future". They have never really showed a future "flash forward" - there have been several times when Charlie remembered the scene where Desmond saw him playing his guitar in the street. If it really happened in some "future" that Desmond experienced after he turned the key in the hatch, how could Charlie remember it?
But it is also possible that only some of the people will choose to leave - Jack and Kate, obviously, and I assume the person she had to get back to "before he misses me" is Sawyer, although that may not be correct. The only one I can think of whose death would cause Jack so much pain is Juliet, and she also wants desperately to get off the island and I'm sure would leave if she got the chance.
I really don't want them to get off the island - I think they are all much happier there than they would be anywhere else. But then, I don't have to put up with the bug bites and ticks and snakes and all that jungle stuff.
Just wondering, where you live
do they also itch the itch???
I was wondering if the 20 was a typo -cause I
IMO - Do not worry about how far it is for him to visit. Just go where you can be the most at ease both financially and emotionally with the changes that are about to happen to you and your children.
How horrible! But now I'm wondering..
In first aid classes, I've learned about dealing with people who have heat stroke. Get them cooled off while waiting for help, etc. What should we do with an animal in such a situation? I would definitely have called the police, as you did. And I'm not questioning that you could have done more. I know you did the right thing. But if I should ever happen upon such a situation, is it a good thing to wet the dog down with water? Or would that be too much of a shock to its system? Does anyone know?
I was wondering the same thing.
I also recieved an e-mail from this company out of the blue.
I was wondering about Playboy, but I
I was wondering about Cape Cod
that sounds beautiful. I wish I could try out a different state that I think I might enjoy for a little while anyway!
Just wondering who thinks
Keira Knightley is pretty? Her face is plastered everywhere, but she always has her lip curled up in a snarl. Anybody else notice that? Does she every smile for pictures?
I'm wondering exactly the same thing! nm
I was wondering why they need references
A skunk smells it's own hole first as the old saying goes.
I'm quite cool, thanks. Just wondering why you had
Just wondering how many of you pet people SM
use pet names or breeds as passwords! I will never run out of animals and past and present pets to use. I just lover remembering all of them any way I can!
What I was wondering, how do you get that dolphin
Wondering about your opinion . . . SM
I just read a story that one of the Charles Manson followers (female) who was involved in the Sharon Tate murder has brain cancer and is asking to be set free, 37 years later. What do you think? She claims of course that she is a changed person. I say she should finish out her sentence regardless. Just wondering about other's opinions.
I've been wondering about that
Do you really get a workout with it? I'm no fitness buff, I do like aerobics (Sweatin 2 the Oldies). Do you sweat with the Wii Fit? Is there a weight limit?