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it is me :)

Posted By: Emily Ayn on 2008-10-11
In Reply to: Thanks you! I wanted to say that you are a very pretty - SM

that is so nice of you! some days i feel so lost and just something so kind can make me smile. Thank you, that is very sweet.

I am off to bed, was checking the board before I left cause I have lots to do this weekend, there is an "Italian festival" going on down town and I hope to take the weekend off (that never happens)... so anyways it is bedtime so I can give them kissies as they love to inch their way onto the bed and I always seem to give in.... I was going to leave you another pic, but then I figured that was a bit crazy and overboard... i just love showing them off, but at least i am aware of this and can admit it!! haha

Hope your weekend is fabulous!

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